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在半连续铸造过程中施加超声,成功制备了φ1250 mm 2219铝合金铸锭.利用光学显微镜、扫描电镜、能谱仪及直读光谱仪等仪器对铸锭的组织与成分分布进行检测与分析,探究超声对铸锭组织与偏析的内在作用机制.研究结果表明:超声振动引起的空化和声流效应能明显均匀组织结构,细化晶粒,尤其是心部晶粒细化率达到39.6%.超声促进铸锭晶间第二相呈枝丫状断续分布,晶内析出物点状弥散分布.同时,超声有效减小近表面负偏析,降低边部与心部之间的溶质浓度差异,弱化整个横截面的浓度波动,从而改善宏观偏析.  相似文献   

借助氢含量检测、金相组织观察、力学性能测试和拉伸断口形貌观察等检测和分析方法,研究Ar/CCl_4联合净化对2219铝合金铸锭的组织与力学性能的影响,并与用固态RFI型精炼剂(简称RFI精炼剂)精炼的合金进行对比,同时,揭示精炼介质对夹杂物和氢的作用机制。结果表明:相对于用Ar/RFI联合精炼,采用Ar/CCl_4联合精炼2219铝合金熔体具有更高的除氢效率,并可有效抑制铸锭中缩松、气孔和夹杂的产生,Ar/RFI联合精炼和Ar/CCl_4联合精炼的除氢率分别为8.57%和17.67%;连续2次采用相同介质精炼时,Ar/CCl_4精炼的二次除氢率(15.4%)比Ar/RFI精炼的二次除氢率(8.57%)高;采用1次Ar/RFI联合精炼+2次Ar/CCl_4联合精炼时铸锭的抗拉强度和伸长率分别达到205.69 MPa和14.5%。此外,相对于1次Ar/RFI联合精炼+1次Ar/CCl_4联合精炼,合金经一次Ar/RFI联合精炼+2次Ar/CCl_4联合精炼后的抗拉强度提高21.63 MPa,伸长率提高4.04%,合金的断裂行为由脆性断裂向韧性断裂转变。  相似文献   

In order to obtain basic understanding of microstructure evolution in laser-surface-alloyed layers, aluminum was surface alloyed on a pure nickel substrate using a CO2 laser. By varying the laser scanning speed, the composition of the surface layers can be systematically varied. The Ni content in the layer increases with increase in scanning speed. Detailed cross-sectional transmission electron microscopic study reveals complexities in solidification behavior with increased nickel content. It is shown that ordered B2 phase forms over a wide range of composition with subsequent precipitation of Ni2Al, an ordered ω phase in the B2 matrix, during solid-state cooling. For nickel-rich alloys associated with higher laser scan speed, the fcc γ phase is invariably the first phase to grow from the liquid with solute trapping. The phase reorders in the solid state to yield γ′ Ni3Al. The phase competes with β AlNi, which forms massively from the liquid. The β AlNi transforms martensitically to a 3R structure during cooling in solid state. The results can be rationalized in terms of a metastable phase diagram proposed earlier. However, the results are at variance with earlier studies of laser processing of nickel-rich alloys.  相似文献   

Analytic scaling formulas of complete constitutional generality for forced velocity cells and dendrites were in earlier research perfected forin situ steady-state solidification conditions involving binary organic alloys. As a further test, these were used, given the velocity and gradient control parameters, to predict the primary and secondary dendrite arm spacings of unidirectionally cooled Al-Cu alloys for which a large data set is available. Numerical methods were employed to determine the control parameters that exist under unsteady-state ingot solidification conditions according to the Scheil formulation. Primary and secondary arm spacings, corrected empirically for ripening, that by and large agree with the Al-Cu experimental data were obtained, demonstrating that the formulas are adequate for the prediction of dendrite scales in steady and unsteady-state conditions. The predictions have been incorporated into a computer program that displays the time-dependent columnar microstructure and mushy zone in an ingot cross section of an oriented single crystal together with the thermal and liquid-solid distributions.  相似文献   

结合多年来的实践经验,对沈阳、抚顺两家生产的20Kg铝锭堆垛机进行分析,通过重新设计拉锭机构和升降机构,改进了堆垛机的使用性能,设计出一套适合于16.5Kg铝锭生产的堆垛机,其成功使用大大减轻了职工的劳动强度,有利于铝锭的成品包装和运输,促进了设备技术进步.同时本文也提出了热铝合金锭堆垛机的适用范围和以后的改进方向.  相似文献   

铝锭国际标准草案介绍与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
各主要国家和ISO铝锭标准牌号介绍,国际标准草ISO/CD内容介绍与分析,对我国铝业界的几点建议。  相似文献   

Aluminum of 99.999 pct purity was deformed in torsion at 644 K and an equivalent uniaxial strain rate of 5.04 × 10−4 s−1 to various steady-state strains up to 16.33. The subgrain size and density of dislocations not associated with subgrain boundaries remained fixed throughout the wide steady-state strain range. The subgrain boundaries, however, underwent two important changes. At the onset of steady state (ε ~0.2) all of the subgrain boundaries had relatively small misorientation angles averaging about 0.5 deg. With increased strain, however, an increasing fraction of the subgrain facets were high-angle boundaries. At strains greater than about four nearly a third of the boundaries were high-angle. In specimens with both types of boundaries, the high-angle boundaries have misorientation angles (θ) greater than 10 deg, while θ for low-angle boundaries is nearly always less than 3 deg. Only rarely do subgrain boundaries have misorientation angles between 3 deg and 10 deg. In aluminum, the increased high-angle boundary area at larger strains originates from the extension of the initial boundaries through the mechanism, recently introduced by others, of “geometric dynamic recrystallization” in aluminum. The average misorientation across low-angle boundaries initially increases during steady state but eventually reaches a maximum value of about 1.2 deg at ε ≃ 1.2. Since the flow stress stays nearly constant, the dramatic changes in the character of the subgrain boundaries that are observed during steady state suggest that the details of the boundaries arenot an important consideration in the rate-controlling process for creep.  相似文献   

A comprehensive three-dimensional (3-D) mathematical model based upon the ABAQUS software has been developed for the computation of the thermomechanical state of the solidifying strand during direct chill (DC) casting of rolling sheet ingots and during subsequent cooling. Based upon a finiteelement formulation, the model determines the temperature distribution, the stresses, and the associated deformations in the metal. For that purpose, the thermomechanical properties of the alloy have been measured up to the coherency temperature using creep and indentation tests. The thermophysical properties as well as the boundary conditions associated with the lateral water spray have been determined using inverse modeling. The predicted ingot distortions, mainly, “butt curl,” “butt swell,” and lateral faces pull-in, are compared with experimental measurements performed during solidification and after complete cooling of the ingot. Particular emphasis is placed on the nonuniform contraction of the lateral faces. The influence of the mold shape and the contributions to this contraction are assessed as a function of the casting conditions.  相似文献   

采用分级淬火方法测定2219铝合金的时间-温度-电导率(TTT)曲线。利用EDS和TEM等分析手段并结合Avrami方程,研究2219铝合金在等温过程中的组织变化和相变动力学。结果表明:合金TTT曲线的鼻尖温度为440℃,淬火敏感温度区间为300~480℃;等温保温时,过饱和固溶体分解析出第二相粒子,在440℃附近,第二相(主要为θ平衡相)的析出速率达到最高;鼻尖温度的高相变驱动力和较快的扩散速率是θ相析出和长大的主要原因,建议在淬火敏感区间应加快淬火冷却速率避免粗大平衡相的析出,而高于淬火敏感区间温度时可适当降低冷却速率减小热应力的影响。  相似文献   

The effects of homogenization at 17 to 36 K above the eutectic temperature on relative porosity in an aluminum alloy 2014 ingot with relatively low hydrogen content (0.03 to 0.06 cm3/100 g) have been investigated. The supereutectic homogenization increased relative porosity in the ingot by two orders of magnitude despite the low-hydrogen content. This is attributed primarily to the combined effects of increased nucleation of new pores and growth of “secondary” pores in the ingot and to the nonequilibrium melting of eutectic phases. The thermal treatment also caused growth of pre-existing shrinkage pores. These results are explained by considering the behavior of hydrogen during solidification and subsequent thermal treatments of aluminum alloy ingots.  相似文献   

分别采用T6、T73和RRA 3种时效制度对超声铸造Al-7.8Zn-1.6Mg-1.8Cu-0.12Zr铝合金热轧板进行时效处理,研究时效制度对材料的组织、力学性能与耐腐蚀性能的影响,并与未经超声熔体处理的合金热轧板进行对比。结果表明:对于超声铸造Al-7.8Zn-1.6Mg-1.8Cu-0.12Zr铝合金的热轧板,与T6时效态合金相比,T73时效态合金的抗腐蚀性能较好,但强度显著降低,RRA状态的合金强度与T6态合金相当,抗腐蚀性能显著提高;相对于未经超声熔体处理的合金,在超声波的空化、声流和机械振动效应的作用下,铸态合金的合金元素固溶度以及基体空位浓度都增加,在其组织遗传效应的影响下,采用相同时效工艺处理后合金中析出相的分布更加均匀但出现部分粗化现象,均匀分布的细小析出相对合金的强度有积极影响,粗化的析出相对合金的强度不利,但能提高合金的耐腐蚀性能。  相似文献   

苏爱萍  海兰 《冶金分析》2012,32(11):67-71
建立了石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定锡锭中痕量铝的方法,确定了样品分解方式和石墨炉原子吸收光谱测定铝的最佳条件。以盐酸-过氧化氢(V(盐酸)∶V(过氧化氢)= 2.5∶1.5)分解样品,在16 g/L柠檬酸、0.12 mol/L盐酸介质中,以4 g/L硝酸钙为基体改进剂进行铝的测定。结果表明:在选定的酸度介质中,不需要挥锡,锡不会水解,样品溶液保持清亮时间长;硝酸钙提高了测铝的灵敏度,并增强了抗氯化物干扰的能力;样品中锡及共存元素不干扰测定。该方法的检出限为2.96 μg/L,线性范围为0~100 μg/L,相关系数r≥0.998 0。方法用于锡锭中铝的测定,相对标准偏差为6.6%,回收率在100%~119%之间,样品测定值与标准加入法及ICP-AES法测定值相符。  相似文献   

The effect of aluminum additions on the microstructure and the phase composition of an Ni-25 at % V alloy is studied. It is shown that the introduction of aluminum into Ni-V alloys decreases their maximum possible high-temperature strength, since an ordering-separation phase transition occurs in the Ni-Al diffusion couple at temperatures slightly higher than 1200°C with the formation of quasi-liquid aluminum atom clusters in the solid solution lattice.  相似文献   

对铸态合金进行了均匀化处理、挤压、固溶处理和时效处理,通过分析合金的化学成分,观察合金在不同状态的显微组织及析出相透射电镜(TEM)形貌,测试合金在热处理后的硬度和拉伸性能,研究了向7056铝合金中加入质量分数0. 2%的Sc对合金组织和性能的影响.实验结果表明,Sc元素的加入可以明显细化组织晶粒,铸态晶粒由100~500μm下降到50μm左右; Sc元素的加入对合金的塑性有大幅度提高,时效处理后,合金的断后伸长率从10. 82%增加到了13. 60%;但屈服强度却由668 MPa下降到657 MPa.通过综合计算晶粒大小、析出相强化等因素,详细分析了Sc元素加入引起7056铝合金峰时效态屈服强度下降的原因.理论计算显示,向合金中加入质量分数0. 2%的Sc元素时,峰时效处理后,合金的强度值会下降12. 005MPa,与试验值11 MPa接近.研究得到7056铝合金最佳的单级时效制度为120℃+16 h,峰值硬度和强度为195. 2 HV和714MPa,此时合金中主要强化相为圆盘状和短棒状的MgZn2相,大小约为4~6 nm,同时存在球状的Al3Zr相,大小约为20 nm.  相似文献   

对铸态合金进行了均匀化处理、挤压、固溶处理和时效处理,通过分析合金的化学成分,观察合金在不同状态的显微组织及析出相透射电镜(TEM)形貌,测试合金在热处理后的硬度和拉伸性能,研究了向7056铝合金中加入质量分数0.2%的Sc对合金组织和性能的影响.实验结果表明,Sc元素的加入可以明显细化组织晶粒,铸态晶粒由100~500 μm下降到50 μm左右;Sc元素的加入对合金的塑性有大幅度提高,时效处理后,合金的断后伸长率从10.82%增加到了13.60%;但屈服强度却由668 MPa下降到657 MPa.通过综合计算晶粒大小、析出相强化等因素,详细分析了Sc元素加入引起7056铝合金峰时效态屈服强度下降的原因.理论计算显示,向合金中加入质量分数0.2%的Sc元素时,峰时效处理后,合金的强度值会下降12.005 MPa,与试验值11 MPa接近.研究得到7056铝合金最佳的单级时效制度为120℃+16 h,峰值硬度和强度为195.2 HV和714 MPa,此时合金中主要强化相为圆盘状和短棒状的MgZn2相,大小约为4~6 nm,同时存在球状的Al3Zr相,大小约为20 nm.   相似文献   

This article presents the results of a study of the microstructure and strength of open-cell 6101 aluminum alloy fans with three different levels of pore size (measured in pores per inch (PPI)). The macrostructures and microstructures of open-cell foam struts are characterized using a combination of optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The compositions of the individual phases are also determined via energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The variations in strut microhardness are then measured using Vickers microindentation techniques. Following the measurement of the mechanical properties of foams, a modified model is used to estimate the relative density from measured strut dimensions. The mechanisms of compressive deformation are then elucidated before presenting a discussion on unit-cell modeling, strut plastic deformation, and the relationships between strut microstructure and microhardness.  相似文献   

在直径为650 mm的铝合金热顶半连续铸造过程中施加双源超声振动系统, 研究3种超声辐射杆浸入深度对铸锭宏观凝固组织的影响.基于铝合金铸锭凝固组织形貌的检测结果以及ANSYS等有限元软件对铸造过程中声场的仿真结果, 深入探讨了超声辐射杆在不同的施振深度下对铝合金铸锭凝固组织细化机制的影响.结果表明: 随着超声辐射杆施振深度的增加, 铸锭截面组织整体进一步细化, 晶粒形状由发达的枝晶变为等轴枝晶; 由于超声辐射杆端面以及柱面存在几个固定位置处振动波峰, 在铝熔体中不同的超声施振深度下存在不同的超声空化范围, 进而导致凝固组织的细化机制也不同.   相似文献   

The rheological behavior and microstructure of semi-solid aluminum alloys were studied using a novel apparatus, the drop-forge viscometer (DFV). The viscometer determines force from the second-derivative-of-displacement data with respect to time and permits calculations of viscosities at shear rates in excess of 1000 s−1. Alternatively, the DFV can be operated like a conventional parallel-plate viscometer, attaining shear rates as low as 10−5 s−1. Rapid compression experiments (in the DFV) result in first rapidly increasing, then decreasing, shear rates. In a typical experiment, the viscosity decreased from about 100 to 1 Pa·s as the shear rate increased from approximately 200 to 1300 s−1 in less than 4 ms. The viscosity later increased to about 10 Pa·s as the shear rate decreased from 1300 to 30 s−1 over 2 ms. The minimum viscosity obtained depended on the maximum shear rate, not the duration of shear. The dual observed phenomena of (1) a very rapid drop of viscosity with increasing shear rate followed by (2) a relatively slow increase of viscosity with decreasing shear rate thereafter have potential significance for future machine and process design. For example, it should be possible to form higher fraction solid slurries than is now feasible by applying vigorous shear to semi-solid slurries just before the metal is introduced to the die entrance. The DFV was used to calculate viscosity as a function of shear rate for samples produced by the commercial strain-induced, melt-activated (SIMA) and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) methods, as well as the recently developed Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) method. Isothermal experiments were conducted between fraction solid of 0.44 and 0.67 for the various alloys (corresponding to a temperature range of 579 °C to 611 °C). The viscosity of the commercial semi-solid Al-Si alloys A357 and A356 produced by the various methods was similar. Separation of liquid and solid phases was not observed in rapid compression experiments shorter than 10 ms, either visually or with energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) characterization. At low compression velocities, segregation was observed and increased with increasing amounts of strain. The maximum fraction solid compressed at high and low shear rates were 0.67 and 0.69, respectively.  相似文献   

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