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Brown  D.S.  Priest  E.R. 《Solar physics》1999,190(1-2):25-33
It is important to understand the complex topology of the magnetic field in the solar corona in order to be able to comprehend the mechanisms which give rise to phenomena such as coronal loop structures and x-ray bright points. A key feature of the magnetic topology is a separator. A magnetic separator is a field line which connects two magnetic null points, places where the magnetic field becomes zero. A stable magnetic separator is important as it is the intersection of two separatrix surfaces. These surfaces divide the magnetic field lines into regions of different connectivity, so a separator usually borders four regions of field-line connectivity. This work examines the topological behaviour of separators that appear in a magnetic field produced by a system of magnetic sources lying in a plane (the photosphere). The questions of how separators arise and are destroyed, the topological conditions for which they exist, how they interact and their relevance to the coronal magnetic field are addressed.  相似文献   

在太阳活动区的物理研究中,特别是在二维动力学光谱分析中,迫切需要相应活动区的磁图资料。本文介绍了在太阳光谱仪的入射狭缝后安装一种新型偏振器进行活动区二维磁场观测的新方法。这种方法不仅能获得日面上任一点的磁场强度,且可快速获得活动区的纵向场磁图。除此之外,还可利用多条谱线的同时观测,获得有关磁力线管结构等方面的资料。  相似文献   

Recent magnetic modeling efforts have shown substantial misalignment between theoretical models and observed coronal loop morphology as observed by STEREO/EUVI, regardless of the type of model used. Both potential field and non-linear force-free field (NLFFF) models yielded overall misalignment angles of 20??C?40 degrees, depending on the complexity of the active region (Sandman et al., Solar Phys. 259, 1, 2009; DeRosa et al., Astrophys. J. 696, 1780, 2009) We demonstrate that with new, alternative forward-fitting techniques, we can achieve a significant reduction in the misalignment angles compared with potential field source surface (PFSS) models and NLFFF models. Fitting a series of submerged dipoles to the field directions of stereoscopically triangulated loops in four active regions (30 April, 9 May, 19 May, and 11 December 2007), we find that 3??C?5 dipoles per active region yield misalignment angles of ???11°??C?18°, a factor of two smaller than those given by previously established extrapolation methods. We investigate the spatial and temporal variation of misalignment angles with subsets of loops for each active region, as well as loops observed prior to and following a flare and filament eruption, and find that the spatial variation of median misalignment angles within an active region (up to 75%) exceeds the temporal variation associated with the flare (up to 40%). We also examine estimates of the stereoscopic error of our analysis. The corrected values yield a residual misalignment of 7°??C?13°, which is attributed to the non-potentiality due to currents in the active regions.  相似文献   

A New Method for Polar Field Interpolation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The photospheric magnetic field in the Sun’s polar region is not well observed compared to the low-latitude regions. Data are periodically missing due to the Sun’s tilt angle, and the noise level is high due to the projection effect on the line-of-sight (LOS) measurement. However, the large-scale characteristics of the polar magnetic field data are known to be important for global modeling. This report describes a new method for interpolating the photospheric field in polar regions that has been tested on MDI synoptic maps (1996 – 2009). This technique, based on a two-dimensional spatial/temporal interpolation and a simple version of the flux transport model, uses a multi-year series of well-observed, smoothed north (south) pole observations from each September (March) to interpolate for missing pixels at any time of interest. It is refined by using a spatial smoothing scheme to seamlessly incorporate this filled-in data into the original observation starting from lower latitudes. For recent observations, an extrapolated polar field correction is required. Scaling the average flux density from the prior observations of slightly lower latitudes is found to be a good proxy of the future polar field. This new method has several advantages over some existing methods. It is demonstrated to improve the results of global models such as the Wang–Sheeley–Arge (WSA) model and MHD simulation, especially during the sunspot minimum phase.  相似文献   

At the confluence of four regions of different magnetic connectivity lies a distinct topological candidate for coronal heating, namely the magnetic separator. In this study, a method for tracing separator curves is developed and the statistical properties of separators in coronal fields are subsequently explored by analysing a model field with an exponential source distribution, similar to that studied by Schrijver and Title (2002). Magnetic fields based on data from an observed sequence of MDI magnetograms are also considered as a case study. The picture that emerges is one in which there are many more magnetic separators than previously thought, since many separators arise from each null point. For an exponential source distribution, an average of 10.1±0.13 separators per null are found, of which 1.04±0.04 multiply link pairs of nulls (i.e., there is more than one separator linking such pairs of nulls). For the observed sequence of magnetograms, these figures are 7.63±0.2 and 0.99± 0.059, respectively. The results obtained here show that separators have a tendency to group together into trunks about a null. In the case of prone nulls, these trunks lie either normal to the photospheric surface or on it. It is also established that pairs of coronal nulls are frequently interconnected, suggesting that they may have been created by purely coronal bifurcations.  相似文献   

本文分析了现有几种常用的确定太阳磁场横向分量方位角的方法,如势场法,Krall法、吴-艾法和"方位角连续"法,作者认为这些方法各有不同的适用范围,其中任何一种方法都不能单独确定太阳横向磁场。在此分析的基础上,提出了确定太阳横向磁场方位角的综合方法。该法的要点是:用势场法和Krall法分别处理同一磁场观测资料,比较这两种方法所得到的横场分布图,找出它们的相同区域和有差别区域。从相同区域出发,利用"无力因子相近"假定,可以推断有差异区域的横场方位角。本文提供的应用实例初步显示了综合方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Following is an account of the incidents relevant to the discovery of several new meteorites, in particular a small stony specimen (an aerolite) weighing about 4 pounds, found recently on a farm in the northern part of Cowley County, Kansas.  相似文献   

Solar wind propagation from the point of measurement to an arbitrary target in the heliosphere is an important input for heliospheric, planetary and cometary studies. In this paper a new kinematic propagation method, the magnetic lasso method is presented. Compared to the simple ballistic approach our method is based on reconstructing the ideal Parker spiral connecting the target with the Sun by testing a previously defined range of heliographic longitudes. The model takes into account the eventual evolution of stream–stream interactions and handles these with a simple model based on the dynamic pressure difference between the two streams. Special emphasis is given to input data cleaning by handling interplanetary coronal mass ejection events as data gaps due to their different propagation characteristics. The solar wind bulk velocity is considered radial and constant. Density and radial magnetic field are propagated by correcting with the inverse square of the radial distance. The model has the advantage that it can be coded easily and fitted to the problem; it is flexible in selecting and handling input data and requires little running time.  相似文献   

新型氢脉泽磁屏蔽的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为使磁场在氢脉泽储存泡处的影响降到最小,对一种新型氢脉泽进行了磁屏蔽设计。给出了该新型氢脉泽磁屏蔽的相关理论计算、设计,包括对屏蔽体缝孔的设计考虑,通过仿真和实验验证了该磁屏蔽设计的可行性。  相似文献   

The model of Hidalgo (J. Geophys. Res. 108(A8):1320, 2003) has meant one more step in the understanding of the magnetic cloud events. We have modified a physical assumption over the y-components of the current density, have developed an algorithm which is able to resolve the elliptic integrals and have incorporated constrains over the parameters. This article is a new contribution for the improvement of the fitting procedure.  相似文献   

Carcedo  L.  Brown  D.S.  Hood  A.W.  Neukirch  T.  Wiegelmann  T. 《Solar physics》2003,218(1-2):29-40
Many authors use magnetic-field models to extrapolate the field in the solar corona from magnetic data in the photosphere. The accuracy of such extrapolations is usually judged qualitatively by eye, where a less judgemental quantitative approach would be more desirable. In this paper, a robust method for obtaining the best fit between a theoretical magnetic field and intensity observations of coronal loops on the solar disk will be presented. The method will be applied to Yohkoh data using a linear force-free field as an illustration. Any other theoretical model for the magnetic field can be used, provided there is enough freedom in the model to optimize the fit.  相似文献   

Moon  Y.-J.  Yun  H.S.  Lee  S.W.  Kim  J.-H.  Choe  G.S.  Park  Y.D.  Ai  G.  Zhang  H.Q.  Fang  C. 《Solar physics》1999,184(2):323-338
In this paper we introduce a measure of magnetic field discontinuity, MAD, defined as Maximum Angular Difference between two adjacent magnetic field vectors. To examine the characteristics of the MAD, we have considered several active region models having a quadrupolar field configuration and computed MADs over these active regions by approximating the 3-D magnetic fields as an ensemble of charge potential fields or linear force-free fields. The computed MAD fields are studied in comparison with other flare activity indicators such as separators. It is found that (1) the region of high level MAD corresponds well with the separator, or practically the intersection of the separator with the plane of measurement, (2) it singles out local discontinuities of magnetic fields, and (3) the MAD can also be a measure of the evolutionary status of an active region.An observational test has been made for 2-D MADs, using the Yohkoh SXT observation of a flare in AR 6919 and the vector magnetogram taken at the Mees Solar Observatory during this flare activity. The high level contours of 2-D MAD are found to trace well the observed soft X-ray bright points, which indicates that the MAD could serve as a good flare activity indicator.  相似文献   

The minimum dissipative rate (MDR) method for deriving a coronal non-force-free magnetic field solution is partially evaluated. These magnetic field solutions employ a combination of three linear (constant-α) force-free-field solutions with one being a potential field (i.e., α=0). The particular case of the solutions where the other two α’s are of equal magnitude but of opposite sign is examined. This is motivated by studying the SOLIS (Synoptic Optical Long-term Investigation of the Sun (SOLIS), a National Solar Observatory facility) vector magnetograms of AR 10987, which show a global α value consistent with an α=0 value as evaluated by (×B) z /B z over the region. Typical of the current state of the observing technology, there is no definitive twist for input into the general MDR method. This suggests that the special α case, of two α’s with equal magnitudes and opposite signs, is appropriate given the data. Only for an extensively twisted active region does a dominant, nonzero α normally emerge from a distribution of local values. For a special set of conditions, is it found that (i) the resulting magnetic field is a vertically inflated magnetic field resulting from the electric currents being parallel to the photosphere, similar to the results of Gary and Alexander (Solar Phys. 186:123, 1999), and (ii) for α≈(α max /2), the Lorentz force per unit volume normalized by the square of the magnetic field is on the order of 1.4×10−10 cm−1. The Lorentz force (F L) is a factor of ten higher than that of the magnetic force d(B 2/8π)/dz, a component of F L. The calculated photospheric electric current densities are an order of magnitude smaller than the maximum observed in all active regions. Hence both the Lorentz force density and the generated electric current density seem to be physically consistent with possible solar dynamics. The results imply that the field could be inflated with an overpressure along the neutral line. However, the implementation of this or any other extrapolation method using the electric current density as a lower boundary condition must be done cautiously, with the current magnetography.  相似文献   

The propagation of axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic waves near the equatorial plane of the crust of a neutron star that is in a transverse magnetic field is considered. These waves are excited by a spatially limited excitation in the form of a transverse magnetic field applied to the inner boundary of the neutron star's crust. The magnetic fields and electric currents excited at the stellar surface by this wave beam are determined.  相似文献   

Spencer  John  Buie  Marc  Young  Leslie  Guo  Yanping  Stern  Alan 《Earth, Moon, and Planets》2003,92(1-4):483-491
Development of the New Horizons mission to Pluto and the Kuiper Belt is now fully funded by NASA (Stern and Spencer, this volume). If all goes well, New Horizons will be launched in January 2006, followed by a Jupiter gravity assist in 2007, with Pluto arrival expected in either 2015 or 2016, depending on the launch vehicle chosen. A backup launch date of early 2007, without a Jupiter flyby, would give a Pluto arrival in 2019 or 2020. In either case, a flyby of at least one Kuiper Belt object (KBO) is planned following the Pluto encounter, sometime before the spacecraft reaches a heliocentric distance of 50 AU, in 2021 or 2023 for the 2006 launch, and 2027 or 2029 for the 2007 launch. However, none of the almost 1000 currently-known KBOs will pass close enough to the spacecraft trajectory to be targeted by New Horizons, so the KBO flyby depends on finding a suitable target among the estimated 500,000 KBOs larger than 40 km in diameter. This paper discusses the issues involved in finding one or more KBO targets for New Horizons. The New Horizons team plans its own searches for mission KBOs but will welcome other U.S, or international team who wish to become involved in exchange for mission participation at the KBO.  相似文献   

Schmidt  Joachim M. 《Solar physics》2000,197(1):135-148
Three sympathetic flares were observed with the Solar Magnetic Field Telescope (SMFT) at the Huairou Solar Observing Station of Beijing Astronomical Observatory on 29 August, and 1 September 1990. Each set of sympathetic flares had three ribbons. Two ribbons appeared in active region NOAA 6233 and one ribbon occurred in NOAA 6240 embedded in a single polarity area. Photospheric vector magnetograms were simultaneously obtained from both regions as well. We use a new numerical technique to reconstruct the chromospheric and coronal magnetic fields by making use of the observed vector magnetic fields in the photosphere as boundary conditions. Magnetic field loops linking both regions were identified from the reconstructed 3-D fields. The analysis of chromospheric filtergrams and reconstructed 3-D magnetic fields indicates that interaction between a sheared lower loop in the active region NOAA 6233 and a higher loop linking the two regions resulted in sympathetic flares. The analysis of the time delay between flare ribbons in NOAA 6233 and 6240 indicates that heat conduction along the higher loop from the primary energy release site is responsible for the sympathetic flaring in NOAA 6240. The events reported in this paper represent only one alternative as the cause of sympathetic flaring in which energy transport along coronal interconnecting loops plays the major role, and no in-situ energy release is required.  相似文献   

A New Method of Identifying 3D Null Points in Solar Vector Magnetic Fields   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Employing the Poincare index of isolated null-points in a vector field, we worked out a mathematical method of searching for 3D null-points in coronal magnetic fields. After introducing the relevant differential topology, we test the method by using the analytical model of Brown & Priest. The location of null-point identified by our method coincides precisely with the analytical solution. Finally we apply the method to the 3D coronal magnetic fields reconstructed from an observed MDI magnetogram of a super-active region (NOAA 10488). We find that the 3D null-point seems to be a key element in the magnetic topology associated with flare occurrence.  相似文献   

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