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提出了一种新的并行Java程序异常处理的监护模型。该模型针对并行Java程序异步信息传递方式进行异常处理。当并行Java程序的某个线程出现异常时,该线程的监护模块把检测到的异常情况的信息传递到其它线程的监护模块,每个线程根据当前事项与异常事项的向量时钟关系,对当前事项进行回滚或停止操作,以达到对并行Java程序的保护。过去一些并行程序的监护方案是在信息交换的基础上把并行程序结构化为许多原子行为,把多个并行异常当作单个异常进行处理,具有较大的局限性。提出的监护模型是从全局上对并行Java程序的异常情况进行处理,并指导每个线程根据自身情况作出相应反映。实验证明提出的新的并行Java程序监护模型具有较强的实际操作性,并能有效地保护并行Java程序。  相似文献   

原子性保证并行程序中的多线程以正确方式交互,大多主流的编程语言都没有提供确保原子性的内部机制.为了提高测试程序原子性的效率与准确性,提出了一种自动检测并行程序中违反原子性错误的算法.基于状态转换,建立了原子性的形式化定义.在此基础上,利用线程锁设计了具体的算法模型以及实现中需注意的细节,同时给出自动修正错误的设计思路和建议.结合常用的基准数据结构,对模型和算法进行了实验,实验结果表明了该算法的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   

Program mutation is a fault-based technique for measuring the effectiveness of test cases that, although powerful, is computationally expensive. The principal expense of mutation is that many faulty versions of the program under test, called mutants, must be created and repeatedly executed. This paper describes a tool, called JavaMut, that implements 26 traditional and object-oriented mutation operators for supporting mutation analysis of Java programs. The current version of that tool is based on syntactic analysis and reflection for implementing mutation operators. JavaMut is interactive; it provides a graphical user interface to make mutation analysis faster and less painful. Thanks to such automated tools, mutation analysis should be achieved within reasonable costs.  相似文献   

D. K. Arvind   《Parallel Computing》1992,18(12):1381-1392
PMD is a framework for the detection of communication-related errors in concurrent programs using post-mortem analysis. It employs a static analysis of the source code to build a model of the program, which is dynamically enhanced with crucial run-time information from a dedicated hardware monitor. The notion of Region of Channel Usage (RCU) is introduced for detecting these errors efficiently. PMD is sufficiently general-purpose to handle a variety of concurrent programming languages, such as Occam2 and Joyce.  相似文献   

A well‐known problem in the verification of concurrent systems based on model checking is state explosion: concurrent systems are often represented by automata with a prohibitive number of states. A reduction technique to reduce state explosion in deadlock checking is presented. The method is based on an automatic syntactic simplification of a calculus of communicating systems (CCS) specification, which keeps the parts of the program structure that may lead to a deadlock and deletes the other parts. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于Java多线程的并发机制的研究和实现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对高可靠性、高质量的Java并行多任务程序设计,分析了Java多线程机制的原理及其实现技术,研究了程序并发过程中的同步机制和交互通信机制,比较了基于操作系统级和基于Java多线程级并发机制的实现结构,总结了并发程序中死锁预防的一些编程规则和策略。所构造的一个具有完全意义上的并发同步的框架实例有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

Wellings  A. J.  Puschner  P. 《Real-Time Systems》2003,24(3):319-359
The goal of this paper is to evaluate the real-time specification for Java proposal by performing several case studies. These case studies include: an extensible general resource controller; atomic action support infrastructure; unbounded and imprecise computations. They have been used previously by the Ada community to evaluate the efficacy of the Ada concurrency and real-time models. Our results indicate that the Real-Time Specification for Java is expressive enough to cope with the demands of real-time concurrent programming. If it can be implemented efficiently, it will provide an alternative to Ada 95 for programming real-time systems.  相似文献   

This article presents an algorithm for detecting deadlocks in concurrent finite-state systems without incurring most of the state explosion due to the modeling of concurrency by interleaving. For systems that have a high level of concurrency, our algorithm can be much more efficient than the classical exploration of the whole state space. Finally, we show that our algorithm can also be used for verifying arbitrary safety properties.  相似文献   

针对数据竞争检测过程中的误报和漏报问题,提出一种静态数据竞争检测方法。首先,使用控制流分析自动构造线程内和线程间函数调用图;然后,收集线程内变量访问事件信息,定义竞争产生条件并分析检测出所有可能的竞争;其次,为了提高检测的准确率,进行别名变量和别名锁的分析降低漏报和误报;最后,通过控制流分析来抽象访问事件之间的时序关系,并结合程序切片技术对访问事件的发生序关系进行判断,以此避免因忽略线程交互带来的误报。依据该方法,使用Java语言在Soot软件分析框架下实现了一个数据竞争检测工具。在实验中,对JGF和IBM Contest基准测试套件中的raytracer和airline等程序进行数据竞争检测,并与目前已有的数据竞争检测算法和工具(HB算法和RVPredict)进行对比。实验结果表明,与HB算法和RVPredict工具相比,该方法检测到的数据竞争总数分别增加了81%和16%,数据竞争检测的准确率分别提升了约14%和19%,有效地避免了数据竞争检测中的漏报和误报现象。  相似文献   

Java通过“同步”机制为多线程面向对象程序设计避免“相干性”破坏数据一致性提供了一种可行的手段,但这种手段若使用不当,则会造成死锁。针对Java同步机制提出Java多线程程序死锁潜在可能性分析的一种方法,进一步描述了该方法中使用的CHD/LCSD图的构造算法及实现。  相似文献   

The Java programming language has a low‐level concurrency model which is hard to use and does not blend well with inheritance. JAC is an extension of Java that introduces a higher level of concurrency, hiding threads and separating thread synchronization from application logic in a declarative fashion. The emphasis is on limiting the differences between sequential and concurrent code, thus furthering code reuse, and on avoiding inheritance anomalies. This is achieved by taking a middle road between concurrent code on the one hand and complete separation of sequential application logic from concurrency mechanisms on the other. An extensive comparison with related approaches is given for motivating our design decisions. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Reachability testing is an approach to verifying concurrent programs. During reachability testing, every partially ordered synchronization sequence of a program with a given input is exercised exactly once. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of a distributed reachability testing algorithm for a cluster of workstations. This algorithm allows different test sequences to be exercised concurrently by different workstations without any synchronization, and without any duplication of sequences among workstations. Dynamic load balancing is performed using a work‐stealing scheme. A novel aspect of this scheme is that work‐stealing requests progress in rounds. This round‐based structure identifies overloaded workstations to target for work stealing. Empirical studies show good speedup for four benchmark Java programs and one Lotos specification. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Slicing concurrent Java programs using Indus and Kaveri   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Program slicing is a program analysis and transformation technique that has been successfully used in a wide range of applications including program comprehension, debugging, maintenance, testing, and verification. However, there are only few fully featured implementations of program slicing that are available for industrial applications or academic research. In particular, very little tool support exists for slicing programs written in modern object-oriented languages such as Java, C#, or C++. In this paper, we present Indus—a robust framework for analyzing and slicing concurrent Java programs, and Kaveri—a feature-rich Eclipse-based GUI front end for Indus slicing. For Indus, we describe the underlying tool architecture, analysis components, and program dependence capabilities required for slicing. In addition, we present a collection of advanced features useful for effective slicing of Java programs including calling-context sensitive slicing, scoped slicing, control slicing, and chopping. For Kaveri, we discuss the design goals and basic capabilities of the graphical facilities integrated into a Java development environment to present the slicing information. This paper is an extended version of a tool demonstration paper presented at the International Conference on Fundamental Aspects of Software Engineering (FASE 2005). Thus, the paper highlights tool capabilities and engineering issues and refers the reader to other papers for technical details. This work was supported in part by the US Army Research Office (DAAD190110564), by DARPA/IXO’s PCES program (AFRL Contract F33615-00-C-3044), by NSF (CCR-0306607) by Lockheed Martin, and and by Intel Corporation.  相似文献   

The JR concurrent programming language extends Java with a richer concurrency model, by adding several new types and statements. JR provides dynamic remote virtual machine creation, dynamic remote object creation, remote method invocation, dynamic process creation, rendezvous, asynchronous message passing, semaphores, concurrent invocation, and shared variables. This paper presents RJ, a package for Java that provides JR‐like features. The paper gives an overview of RJ and its key features; describes the implications of RJ's design, including how RJ provides additional, useful flexibility; discusses the implementation of RJ; and gives qualitative and quantitative evaluations of our work with respect to feasibility and usability, experimentation, migration, and performance. RJ has been successful in meeting these goals and in providing insight into the trade‐offs between using a concurrent programming language versus using the equivalent concurrent package. Our work has yielded a few surprises in dealing with some concurrent programming language features, in understanding the run‐time performances of JR versus RJ programs, and in obtaining some additional, useful flexibility for concurrent programming applications. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Jason Gait 《Software》1986,16(3):225-233
This paper reports on an experimental study of the probe effect, defined as an alteration in the frequency of run-time computational errors observed when delays are introduced into concurrent programs. If the concurrent program being studied has no synchronization errors, then there is no probe effect. In the presence of synchronization errors, the frequency of observable output errors for a sample experimental program starts at a high value for small delays, oscillates rapidly as the delay is increased, and apparently settles at zero errors for larger values of delay. Thus, for sufficiently large delays, the probe effect can almost completely mask synchronization errors in concurrent programs. For sufficiently large concurrent process sets, even small values of embedded delay may mask synchronization errors, provided side effects in shared memory are not included in the observation.  相似文献   

Programmers can no longer rely solely on micro‐architectural and technology improvements to have their programs running faster. In today's multicore chips, parallel code needs to be explicitly written to extract any benefits from the extra available processing power. A recently proposed technique to parallelize general‐purpose programs' loops at the binary level, called decoupled software pipeline (DSWP), has shown good performance numbers only under the assumption of a fast hardware intercore communication queue. In this paper, we propose Java‐DSWP, a source‐level DSWP‐based parallelization technique that is much simpler than original DSWP and can be used to effectively parallelize Java applications. In addition, we propose and evaluate a software intercore communication scheme that enables code parallelized through Java‐DSWP to be executed in commodity machines, thus not requiring a hardware intercore communication queue to be efficient, as DSWP does. We analyze three memory communication queue implementations and show experimental results that reveal an average 48% speedup on some SPCjvm2008 benchmarks. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

SugarCubes is a set of Java classes used to implement dynamic, reactive, event-based, parallel systems. SugarCubes can be seen as a low-level basis upon which more complex reactive formalisms can be implemented. It also provides a convenient framework for prototyping experimental extensions to various reactive formalisms. SugarCubes is freely available on the Web. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Increasing demand for computationally efficient algorithms and processors has turned the attention of researchers toward parallel and concurrent solutions. Because the frequency of contemporary processors cannot be tweaked infinitely, the only hopes for squeezing more performance from computers are parallel processing and parallel computation. The important part of every parallel solution is concurrent data structures, which allow multithread programming environments to be taken advantage of. In this article, a new concurrent dynamic set structure is proposed. It is based on the van Emde Boas trees concept, where on every node of a tree, an array of the node's children is stored. The structure is equipped with a simple but effective locking algorithm, which allows it to be used concurrently by any number of threads. The presented algorithm idea is accompanied by an experimental implementation written in JAVA 6. Preliminary tests prove that, especially for moderately larger data sets with a predominance of read operations, the concurrent van Emde Boas array proposed in this article may be a viable alternative for other structures providing a similar functionality. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, a partially distributed deadlock detection algorithm [PDDDA] with multiple outstanding requests is presented for use in distributed database systems. This algorithm allows a process to request many resources simultaneously and uses a central controller for detecting multisite deadlocks. The detection of local deadlocks and the maintenance of local deadlock information are performed at each of the local sites. This partially distributed algorithm alleviates the problem of congestion at the central controller in a centralized algorithm and needs fewer messages and smaller storage space than a fully decentralized algorithm. A set of criteria for comparing deadlock detection algorithms are also given and then used to compare PDDDA with a fully decentralized algorithm proposed by Isloor and Marsland.Research reported herein was supported by US Army CECOM, Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey, under Contract No. DAAB07-83-K-K542. The views, opinions, and/or findings contained in this paper are those of the authors and should not be construed as an official Deportment of the Army position, policy or decision.  相似文献   

Concurrency constructs are widely used when developing complex software such as real-time, networking and multithreaded client–server applications. Consequently, testing a program, which includes concurrency constructs is a very elaborate and complex process. In this work, we first identify the different classes of synchronization anomalies that may occur in concurrent Java programs. We then consider testing concurrent Java programs against synchronization anomalies using dynamic data flow analysis techniques. Moreover, we show how the data flow analysis technique can be extended to detect such anomalies.  相似文献   

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