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华中地区2030年前气温和降水量变化预估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 根据区域气候模式对华中地区1961-1990年和2001-2030年的逐月平均气温和降水量的模拟值(0.5°×0.5°经纬度格点,A2情景),以1961-1990年为基准,计算并分析了该区域未来30 a(2001-2030年)的年、季平均气温和降水量的变化趋势。对气温变化而言,未来30 a华中地区年平均气温呈上升趋势,平均升温0.3℃,东部增温大于西部;春、夏季平均气温上升,分别为0.1~1.3℃、0.8~2.2℃;秋季北部地区气温下降,南部地区气温升高;冬季平均气温下降0.0~1.0℃。就降水而言,未来30 a华中地区年平均降水量大部分地区呈减少趋势,空间分布有南增北减的特点;春、夏、冬季平均降水量大部分地区减少,冬季平均降水量的减幅要大于春、夏季;秋季大部分地区平均降水量增加。  相似文献   

随着全球气候变化的加剧,极端天气气候事件对相关人群健康的影响越发凸显。气温是气候变化的主要指标之一,也是影响人体健康关键的气象因素,呼吸和循环系统疾病作为主要的气象敏感性疾病,受气温的影响显著。本文通过梳理国内外气温对呼吸、循环系统疾病影响及未来随气候变化的风险预估等相关研究,探明了气温对诱发呼吸、循环系统疾病乃至死亡的共性和差异;适宜温度有利于降低呼吸、循环系统疾病的发病率,这为气候趋利的候鸟式旅居康养提供了理论依据。未来中国高温天气发生频次增加和强度增强,对老年人群及呼吸、循环系统疾病患者将产生更大影响。因此,候鸟式夏季避暑康养、有效降低其发病风险就显得更为重要。  相似文献   

任永建  万素琴  肖莺  刘敏  孙善磊 《气象学报》2012,70(5):1098-1106
利用WCRP的耦合模式比较计划-阶段3的多模式数据(CMIP3数据),模拟分析基于A2、A1B、B1排放情景下华中区域2011-2100年平均气温的可能变化,结果表明,模式模拟的结果可较好地反映出气温线性变化趋势.模拟冬季增温速率略高于夏季,但夏季增温速率与观测序列呈相反变化趋势;总体能模拟出华中区域气温线性趋势的空间分布特征,但模拟数值偏高.3种情景下21世纪末华中区域平均气温的增幅(相对于1961-1990年)分别为3.7、3.4、2.0℃.21世纪中叶前夏季增幅大于冬季,21世纪末冬季增幅大于夏季;两个时间段内春、秋季基本一致.  相似文献   

未来20年中国气温变化预估   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
利用大约40余个气候模式和模式集合,考虑多种人类排放情景,预估到2025年前相对于1961-1990年中国的气温变化。只考虑未来人类排放增加多模式集成预估结果表明,中国年平均气温自2006到2025年的20 a期间将继续变暖0.55 ℃,至2010年年平均气温平均变暖大约为1.08 ℃(平均变暖范围为 0.73-1.54 ℃),至2020年年平均变暖约为1.43 ℃(平均变暖范围为1.10-2.09 ℃),至2025年平均变暖约为1.39 ℃(平均变暖范围为0.94-2.19 ℃)。 对1990-2005年已经出现观测事实的近16 a气候模式预估结果进行检验表明,多模式考虑多种排放情景集成,一致预估出这16 a的明显变暖趋势,但是变暖幅度略低于实际观测值。经检测证实,对2006-2025年中国气温的预估具有一定的可信度。需要指出的是,目前的预估没有考虑未来的自然变化,只考虑人类排放继续增加的影响。  相似文献   

利用泰勒图客观地评估了贵州省在参照时段1986—2005年8个CMIP5模式试验结果对气温的模拟能力,并采用在等权重系数条件下的集合平均结果计算了贵州省21世纪不同阶段不同情景下未来极端气温指数.研究表明:8个模式的集合平均的模拟效果能较好地模拟用于计算极端气温指数的基础数据,包括日平均气温、日最低气温和日最高气温.根据集合平均的结果,不同RCPs排放情景下21世纪贵州省相对于基准期大于25℃的高温日数(SU)、最低气温的最低值(TNN)和生长季长度(GSL)均表现为增加的趋势,而小于0℃的霜冻日数(FD)则呈现减少的趋势,排放越高,增加或减少的趋势越明显.RCP8.5、RCP4.5和RCP2.6情景下2006—2099年贵州省极端气温指数相对于1986—2005年SU、TNN、FD和GSL的变化速率分别为8.06~1.30 d/(10 a)、0.49~0.07℃/(10 a)、-4.99~-0.97 d/(10 a)和3.33~0.04 d/(10 a).  相似文献   

本文基于第五次耦合模式比较计划的23个全球气候模式所提供的最高气温与最低气温在RCP4.5情景下的逐日格点资料,根据模式对5个极端气温指数的模拟能力,使用秩加权方法研究了中国未来极端气温变化的概率预估及其不确定性。结果表明,21世纪中期(2046—2065年)中国区域平均最高气温和平均最低气温的增加幅度相对于历史时期(1986—2005年)可能超过2.0℃(概率>66%),增加的大值区主要位于青藏高原南部。暖夜指数在中国大部分地区增加超过15%,西南和东南部沿海是增加的大值区,增幅超过20%。霜冻日数在全国范围内减少,减少的大值区位于青藏高原周围,减少日数超过了20 d。热浪指数在整个中国区域可能增加10 d以上,大值区位于西藏西南部,可达30 d。不确定性的结果表明,除热浪指数的可信度较低外,其余指数都有较高的可信度。到21世纪末期(2081—2100年),中国区域极端气温增加幅度超过前期,平均最高气温和平均最低气温很可能增加超过2.0℃(概率>90%),大值区除中国西部地区外,还扩展到了东北和青藏高原西南地区。中国大部分地区的暖夜指数增加超过15%,西南和南部沿海可能超过25%。大部分地区的霜冻日数减少20 d,青藏高原周围减少超过40 d。热浪指数在中国范围内增加20 d,青藏高原西南部增加40 d以上。除霜冻指数的信噪比略比21世纪中期大外,其余指数的信噪比与中期基本一致。  相似文献   

基于8 km气温栅格数据、全球模式(BCC_ CSM1.1)驱动区域模式RegCM4得到的RCP8.5和RCP4.5情景数据,采用时段对比分析、线性趋势分析等方法,研究了内蒙古地区气温变化特征及未来演变趋势。结果表明:从1981年到2010年,内蒙古地区气温显著上升,平均升速为0.49 ℃·10a-1,且最高气温升速略高于最低气温升速;升温幅度阶段性明显,全区1980s至1990s平均气温上升0.65 ℃,而1990s至21世纪初仅增温0.30 ℃;三大草原间年均气温年代际变化规律一致,但总体上草甸草原升温速率最小,而荒漠草原升温速率最大。与基准时段(1981—2010年)相比,全区年平均气温RCP4.5情景下在2020s、2030s和2040s分别增加0.92 ℃、1.27 ℃和1.78 ℃,而RCP8.5情景下分别增加1.39 ℃、1.56 ℃和2.07 ℃,RCP4.5与 RCP8.5情景下典型草原增温幅度均最为突出。  相似文献   

石家庄降水量和气温变化特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用石家庄1955--2001年的降水和气温资料,对石家庄近47a的气候变化及特征进行分析、趋势分析结果显示:年气温呈上升趋势,其中最低气温与冬季气温的上升趋势比较明显;年降水趋势倾向不明显。利用墨西哥帽小波对四季、年的降水距平和温度距平进行小波变换,结果显示:四季、年的降水、温度距平呈现出不同的周期变化;夏季降水距平的信号震荡特征与年降水距平的信号震荡特征比较相似,冬季温度距平正中心强度为四季之首:  相似文献   

基于RegCM4区域气候模式、CMIP5全球气候模式数据集和中国东北地区162个气象站气温观测资料,采用偏差分析和相关分析评估了RegCM4和CMIP5对东北地区气温的模拟能力,预估了RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP8.5排放情景下东北地区未来气温的变化.结果表明:区域模式和全球模式均能较好地再现气温时空变化特征,模...  相似文献   

基于参加国际耦合模式比较计划第5阶段(CMIP5)的29个全球气候模式开展的历史气候模拟和3种典型浓度路径(RCP2.6、RCP4.5、 RCP8.5)下21世纪气候预估的结果,分析了单个模式和多模式集合平均(MME)的21世纪全球与中国年平均地表气温(ASAT)变化特征及2℃升温阈值的出现时间。多模式集合平均的结果显示:全球和中国年平均地表气温均将继续升高,21世纪末的升温幅度随着辐射强迫的增大而增大。RCP2.6情景下,年平均地表气温增幅先升高后降低,全球(中国)年平均地表气温在2056年(2049年)达到升温峰值,21世纪末升温1.74℃(2.12℃);RCP4.5情景下,年平均地表气温在21世纪前半叶逐渐升高,之后升温趋势减缓,21世纪后期趋于平稳,21世纪末全球(中国)年平均地表气温增幅为2.60℃(3.39℃);RCP8.5情景下,21世纪年平均地表气温快速升高,21世纪末全球(中国)年平均地表气温增幅为4.75℃(6.55℃)。全球平均的年平均地表气温增幅,在RCP2.6情景下没有超过2℃,RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下分别在2047和2038年达到2℃。RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下中国年平均地表气温增幅连续5 a不低于2℃的时间分别在2032、2033和2027年,明显早于全球平均。任一典型浓度路径情景下,达到2℃升温的时间,北半球同纬度地区早于南半球,同半球高纬度地区早于低纬度地区,同纬度地区陆地早于海洋。3种不同典型浓度路径情景下21世纪全球和中国年平均地表气温将继续升高这一结果是可信的,RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下全球和中国年平均地表气温增幅超过2℃的结果模式之间有较高的一致性。多模式预估的全球和中国年平均地表气温升幅和不同幅度升温的出现时间均存在一定的不确定性,预估结果的不确定性随预估时间的延长而增大;相同情景下,中国年平均地表气温预估的不确定性大于全球。  相似文献   

CMIP6 Evaluation and Projection of Temperature and Precipitation over China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article evaluates the performance of 20 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6(CMIP6)models in simulating temperature and precipitation over China through comparisons with gridded observation data for the period of 1995–2014,with a focus on spatial patterns and interannual variability.The evaluations show that the CMIP6 models perform well in reproducing the climatological spatial distribution of temperature and precipitation,with better performance for temperature than for precipitation.Their interannual variability can also be reasonably captured by most models,however,poor performance is noted regarding the interannual variability of winter precipitation.Based on the comprehensive performance for the above two factors,the“highest-ranked”models are selected as an ensemble(BMME).The BMME outperforms the ensemble of all models(AMME)in simulating annual and winter temperature and precipitation,particularly for those subregions with complex terrain but it shows little improvement for summer temperature and precipitation.The AMME and BMME projections indicate annual increases for both temperature and precipitation across China by the end of the 21st century,with larger increases under the scenario of the Shared Socioeconomic Pathway 5/Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5(SSP585)than under scenario of the Shared Socioeconomic Pathway 2/Representative Concentration Pathway 4.5(SSP245).The greatest increases of annual temperature are projected for higher latitudes and higher elevations and the largest percentage-based increases in annual precipitation are projected to occur in northern and western China,especially under SSP585.However,the BMME,which generally performs better in these regions,projects lower changes in annual temperature and larger variations in annual precipitation when compared to the AMME projections.  相似文献   

This paper reports a comprehensive study on the observed and projected spatiotemporal changes in mean and extreme climate over the arid region of northwestern China, based on gridded observation data and CMIP5 simulations under the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios. The observational results reveal an increase in annual mean temperature since 1961, largely attributable to the increase in minimum temperature. The annual mean precipitation also exhibits a significant increasing tendency. The precipitation amount in the most recent decade was greater than in any preceding decade since 1961. Seasonally,the greatest increase in temperature and precipitation appears in winter and in summer, respectively. Widespread significant changes in temperature-related extremes are consistent with warming, with decreases in cold extremes and increases in warm extremes. The warming of the coldest night is greater than that of the warmest day, and changes in cold and warm nights are more evident than for cold and warm days. Extreme precipitation and wet days exhibit an increasing trend, and the maximum number of consecutive dry days shows a tendency toward shorter duration. Multi-model ensemble mean projections indicate an overall continual increase in temperature and precipitation during the 21 st century. Decreases in cold extremes, increases in warm extremes, intensification of extreme precipitation, increases in wet days, and decreases in consecutive dry days, are expected under both emissions scenarios, with larger changes corresponding to stronger radiative forcing.  相似文献   

利用CMIP5(Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5)数据集中的全球模式IPSL-CM5A-LR及其嵌套的区域气候模式WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting),分别评估了模式对1981~2000中国华东区域极端降水指标的模拟能力,并讨论了RCP8.5排放情景下21世纪中期(2041~2060年)中国华东极端降水指标的变化特征。相比驱动场全球气候模式,WRF模式更好地再现了各个极端指数空间分布及各子区域降水年周期变化。在模拟区域气候特点方面,WRF模拟结果有所改进,并在弥补全球模式对小雨日过多模拟的缺陷起到了明显的作用。21世纪中期,华东区域的降水将呈现明显的极端化趋势。WRF模拟结果显示年总降雨量、年大雨日数、平均日降雨强度在华东大部分区域的增幅在20%以上;年极端降雨天数、连续5 d最大降水量的增幅在华东北部部分区域分别超过了50%和35%,同时最长续干旱日在华东区域全面增加;且变化显著的格点主要位于增加幅度较大的区域。未来华东区域会出现强降水事件和干旱事件同时增加的情况,降水呈现明显的极端化趋势,且华东北部极端化强于华东南部。  相似文献   

The characteristics and possible causes of changes in persistent precipitation(PP) and non-persistent precipitation(NPP) over South China during flood season are investigated using daily precipitation data from 63 stations in South China and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data from 1961 to 2010. This investigation is performed using the Kendall's tau linear trend analysis, correlation analysis, abrupt climate change analysis, wavelet analysis, and composite analysis techniques. The results indicate that PP dominates total precipitation over South China throughout the year. The amounts of PP and NPP during flood season vary primarily on a 2–5-yr oscillation. This oscillation is more prominent during the early flood season(EFS; April–June). NPP has increased significantly over the past 50 years while PP has increased slightly during the whole flood season. These trends are mainly due to a significant increase in NPP during the EFS and a weak increase in PP during the late flood season(LFS; July–September). The contribution of EFS NPP to total flood season precipitation has increased significantly while the contribution of EFS PP has declined. The relative contributions of both types of precipitation during LFS have not changed significantly. The increase in EFS NPP over South China is likely related to the combined efects of a stronger supply of cold air from the north and a weaker supply of warm, moist air from the south. The increase in NPP amount may also be partially attributable to a reduction in the stability of the atmosphere over South China.  相似文献   

中国气候变化的检测及预估   总被引:44,自引:4,他引:44  
对近5a来中国科学家在气候变化的检测及预估等方面的研究工作及主要成果进行了总结:采用最新的器测时期资料和代用温度资料对中国地区近50a、100a的温度和降水变化规律进行再分析,初步重建了中国过去1000a的地表温度序列;对20世纪中国气候变化进行了检测,分析了中国气候变化的原因;预估了中国21世纪气候变化。结果表明:近百年中国气候变化的主要特征与全球气候变化的趋势一致。中国近百年增暖的幅度为0.5~0.8℃,比全球同期增温略高。近50a中国平均气温升高以北方为主,升温速率达0.8℃/10a,远大于北半球平均的升温速率。中国雨型的年代际变化明显,西北西部从20世纪80年代中降水明显增多,以新疆最为显著。中国东部则由70年代末以前的北涝南旱型转为以后的南涝北旱型。气候变暖后,中国的极端天气和气候事件的发生频率和强度也出现了变化。  相似文献   

We review here proxy records of temperatare and precipitation in China during the Holocene,especially the last two millennia.The quality of proxy data,methodology of reconstruction,and uncertainties in reconstruction were emphasized in comparing different temperatare and precipitation reconstruction and clarilying temporal and spatial patterns of temperature and precipitation during the Holocene.The Holocene climate was generally warm and wet.The warmest period occurred in 9.6-6.2 cal ka BP,whereas a period of maximum monsoon precipitation started at about 11.0 cal ka BP and lasted until about 8.O-5.0 cal ka BP.There were a series of millennial-scale cold or dry events superimposed on the general trend of climate changes.During past two millennia,a warming trend in the 20th century was clearly detected,but the warming magnitude was smaller than the maximum level of the Medieval Warm Period and the Middle Holocene.Cold conditions occurred over the whole of China during the Little Ice Age (AD 1400-AD 1900),but the warming of the Medieval Warm Period(AD 900-AD 1300)was not distinct in China,especially west China.The spatial pattern of precipitation showed significant regional differences in China,especially east China.The modern warm period has lasted 20、years from 1987 to 2006.Bi-decadal oscillation in precipitation variability was apparent over China during the 20th century. Solar activity and volcanic eruptions both were major forcings governing the climate variability during the last millennium.  相似文献   


Trends in indices based on daily temperature and precipitation are examined for two periods: 1948–2016 for all stations in Canada and 1900–2016 for stations in the south of Canada. These indices, a number of which reflect extreme events, are considered to be impact relevant. The results show changes consistent with warming, with larger trends associated with cold temperatures. The number of summer days (when daily maximum temperature >25°C) has increased at most locations south of 65°N, and the number of hot days (daily maximum temperature >30°C) and hot nights (daily minimum temperature >22°C) have increased at a few stations in the most southerly regions. Very warm temperatures in both summer and winter (represented by the 95th percentile of their daily maximum and minimum temperatures, respectively) have increased across the country, with stronger trends in winter. Warming is more pronounced for cold temperatures. The frost-free season has become longer with fewer frost days, consecutive frost days, and ice days. Very cold temperatures in both winter and summer (represented by the 5th percentile of their daily maximum and minimum temperatures, respectively) have increased substantially across the country, again with stronger trends in the winter. Changes in other temperature indices are consistent with warming. The growing season is now longer, and the number of growing degree-days has increased. The number of heating degree-days has decreased across the country, while the number of cooling degree-days has increased at many stations south of 55°N. The frequency of annual and spring freeze–thaw days shows an increase in the interior provinces and a decrease in the remainder of the country. Changes in precipitation indices are less spatially coherent. An increase in the number of days with rainfall and heavy rainfall is found at several locations in the south. A decrease in the number of days with snowfall and heavy snowfall is observed in the western provinces, while an increase is found in the north. There is no evidence of significant changes in the annual highest 1-day rainfall and 1-day snowfall. The maximum number of consecutive dry days has decreased, mainly in the south.  相似文献   

Using the high-quality observed meteorological data, changes of the thermal conditions and precipitation over the North China Plain from 1961 to 2009 were examined. Trends of accumulated temperature and negative temperature, growing season duration, as well as seasonal and annual rainfalls at 48 stations were analyzed. The results show that the accumulated temperature increased significantly by 348.5℃ day due to global warming during 1961-2009 while the absolute accumulated negative temperature decreased apparently by 175.3℃ day. The start of growing season displayed a significant negative trend of -14.3 days during 1961- 2009, but the end of growing season delayed insignificantly by 6.7 days. As a result, the length of growing season increased by 21.0 days. The annual and autumn rainfalls decreased slightly while summer rainfall and summer rainy days decreased significantly. In contrast, spring rainfall increased slightly without significant trends. All the results indicate that the thermal conditions were improved to benefit the crop growth over the North China Plain during 1961-2009, and the decreasing annual and summer rainfalls had no direct negative impact on the crop growth. But the decreasing summer rainfall was likely to influence the water resources in North China, especially the underground water, reservoir water, as well as river runoff, which would have influenced the irrigation of agriculture.  相似文献   

利用河南省1957-2005年逐日降水,最高、最低和日平均气温资料,分析了近50 a河南省极端天气事件的变化趋势。结果表明:1957-2005年河南省暴雨日数、极端降水事件和严重干燥事件发生频率都在增加,但其线性趋势并不显著;暴雨和极端降水的变化趋势呈明显的南北差异;异常高温事件增加而异常低温事件减少,暖冬的趋势比较显著;高温日数和低温日数都显著减少,其变化趋势的空间分布具有很好的一致性。  相似文献   

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