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Strain localization is closely associated with the stress–strain behaviour of an interphase system subject to quasi‐static direct interface shear, especially after peak stress state is reached. This behaviour is important because it is closely related to deformations experienced by geotechnical composite structures. This paper presents a study using two‐dimensional discrete element method (DEM) simulations on the strain localization of an idealized interphase system composed of densely packed spherical particles in contact with rough manufactured surfaces. The manufactured surface is made up of regular or irregular triangular asperities with varying slopes. A new simple method of strain calculation is used in this study to generate strain field inside a simulated direct interface shear box. This method accounts for particle rotation and captures strain localization features at high resolution. Results show that strain localization begins with the onset of non‐linear stress–strain behaviour. A distinct but discontinuous shear band emerges above the rough surface just before the peak stress state, which becomes more expansive and coherent with post‐peak strain softening. It is found that the shear bands developed by surfaces with smaller roughness are much thinner than those developed by surfaces with greater roughness. The maximum thickness of the intense shear zone is observed to be about 8–10 median particle diameters. The shear band orientations, which are mainly dominated by the rough boundary surface, are parallel with the zero extension direction, which are horizontally oriented. Published in 2007 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For research on granular materials, establishing a method to calculate continuum strain from particle displacements is necessary for understanding the material behaviour at macro-level and developing continuum constitutive models. Existing methods are generally based on constructing a mesh or background grid to calculate strain from particle motions. These methods offer rigorous ways to measure strain for granular materials; however, they suffer from several problems such as mesh distortion and lacking grid-to-particle strain mapping procedure, which hinders their capability of calculating strain accumulation during large deformation processes of granular media. To address this issue, this study proposes a new strain calculation method for discrete element simulations of granular materials. This method describes a particle assembly as an equivalent continuum system of material points, each of which corresponds to a particle centre and represents a continuous region with its initial volume/area presumably equal to the volume/area of Voronoi cells generated in accordance with the particle assembly configuration. Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) interpolation functions are then employed to calculate strain for these material points. This SPH-based method does not require any mesh or background grid for computation, leading to advantages in calculating strain accumulation under large deformation. Simulations of granular materials in both uniform and heterogeneous gradations were carried out, and strain results obtained by the proposed method indicate good agreements with analytical and numerical solutions. This demonstrates its potential for strain calculations in discrete element simulations of granular materials involving large deformations and/or large displacements.  相似文献   

颗粒材料数值样本的坐标排序生成技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
楚锡华 《岩土力学》2011,32(9):2852-2855
颗粒材料离散颗粒模型的数值模拟结果与颗粒材料的数值样本密切相关,随着离散单元在颗粒材料数值模拟领域的广泛应用,颗粒材料的数值样本生成技术日益受到重视。基于RSA模型研究如何使随机生成的颗粒材料更密实,对均匀颗粒而言亦即如何在指定区域内生成更多的颗粒,讨论了4类修正方案,并建议了一种基于坐标排序的样本生成技术。研究表明,在传统的颗粒体随机生成技术基础上,通过对随机生成的x坐标序列或y坐标序列进行排序,可使生成的颗粒材料数值样本更密实。  相似文献   

The paper offers an analytical determination of the hydraulic properties of an unsaturated soil with reference to its retention curve, which describes the relationship between the volumetric water content and capillarity through matric suction. The analysis combines a particulate approach focused on the physics at the pore scale, including microstructural aspects, with a probabilistic approach where the void space and grain size are considered as random variables. In the end, the soil water characteristic curve of an unsaturated granular medium along a drying path can be derived analytically based on the sole information of particle size distribution. The analysis hinges on the tessellation of a wet granular system into an assemblage of tetrahedral unit cells revealing a pore network upon which capillary physics are computed with respect to pore throat invasion by a non-wetting fluid with evolving pendular capillary bridges. The crux of the paper is to pass from particle size probability distribution to a matching void space distribution to eventually reveal key information such as void cell and solid volume statistics. Making reasonable statistically based assumptions to render calculations tractable, the water retention curve can be readily constructed. Model predictions compare quite favourably with experimental data available for actual soils, especially in the high saturation range. Having a sound scientific basis, the model can be made amenable to address a variety of soils with a wider range of particle sizes.  相似文献   

In this paper, a lattice-type model to simulate the micro-mechanical behaviour of particulate/granular media is presented. In this numerical model, a particulate assembly is simulated as a lattice/truss. Nodes located at contacts between a particle and its neighbours are linked by bars to each other. Each particle is represented by a lattice within its microstructure and particle interact through load transfer at the nodes. Constraints are prescribed at the nodes to describe active, deactivated and reactivated contacts. When a particulate assembly develops into a mechanism (deformation with zero incremental load), further deformation is simulated through a framework that describes the kinematics of the particles (sliding, rolling and rotation of particles). This framework is formed by introducing nodes at the particle centroids and linking them with bars. Bars-linking particles with a non-sliding contact are assigned large stiffnesses relative to bars linking particles with a sliding contact. Numerical tests are conducted on two-dimensional assemblies of disks, arranged as very loose and very dense packing under simple shear loading conditions. The results concord with the results of numerical tests conducted using the discrete element method and with photoelastic experiments. Additionally, the model is applied to study the effects of initial imperfections caused by particles with low elastic modulus. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

吴祁新  杨仲轩 《岩土力学》2020,41(3):915-922
砂土的力学响应具有显著的增量非线性特征,这与离散颗粒的微观结构,即组构特性密不可分。采用应变响应包络可以较好地获得材料在不同加载方向上的增量力学响应。在物理试验中无法同时获得同一试样在不同加载方向下的宏、微观响应,故采用离散元方法,对具有不同应力历史、不同应力状态和不同级配的试样在Rendulic平面上的增量力学响应进行了系统研究和分析。离散元模拟结果表明,传统的塑性理论不能很好地描述具有复杂应力历史试样的增量力学响应,而基于颗粒间接触法向的组构增量与剪应变之间在多种不同的工况条件下均具有较强的线性相关性。当砂土的相对密实度相同时,该线性系数主要与围压的大小有关,对颗粒级配、应力历史以及应力比的变化均不敏感。由于组构的大小可以较好地量化砂土的内结构各向异性程度,进而表征应力历史的作用。上述模拟结果为在本构建模中引入组构演化机制,综合反映外荷载和内结构各向异性对砂土增量本构关系的影响提供了较好的微观物理依据。  相似文献   

陈龙  楚锡华  张明龙  徐远杰 《岩土力学》2013,34(11):3306-3314
基于CLoE与Gudehus-Bauer亚塑性模型数值模拟了平面应变条件下Hostun砂的应变局部化现象。从侧向压力和初始缺陷两个方面对比研究了两种模型所预测应变局部化的产生及演化模式。结果表明:(1)两种模型均能反映Hostun砂刚度随着侧向压力提高而增大的现象。(2)相比Gudehus-Bauer亚塑性模型,CLoE亚塑性模型所得出的应变局部化形态与试验结果更加一致。(3)CLoE亚塑性模型能够反映随着荷载增加,砂的体积先膨胀后缩小的特点。(4)相比Gudehus-Bauer亚塑性模型,CLoE亚塑性模型所得到的应变-应力曲线能够更明显地反映应变局部化带中单元的软化现象。(5)CLoE亚塑性模型能够更好地模拟由初始缺陷导致的不均匀应变。总的来说,所得的数值结果表明,CLoE亚塑性模型能够较好地模拟侧向压力和初始缺陷对应变局部化的影响,在模拟应变局部化现象方面较Gudehus-Bauer更有优势。然而,现有CLoE亚塑性模型无法考虑孔隙比,也未包含颗粒材料内尺度变量,有待进一步完善。  相似文献   

This paper presents a numerical evaluation of three non‐coaxial kinematic models by performing Distinct Element Method (DEM) simple shear tests on specimens composed of elliptical particles with different aspect ratios of 1.4 and 1.7. The models evaluated are the double‐shearing model, the double‐sliding free‐rotating model and the double slip and rotation rate model (DSR2 model). Two modes of monotonic and cyclic simple shear tests were simulated to evaluate the role played by the inherent anisotropy of the specimens. The main findings are supported by all the DEM simple shear tests, irrespective of particle shape, specimen density or shear mode. The evaluation demonstrates that the assumption in the double‐shearing model is inconsistent with the DEM results and that the energy dissipation requirements in the double‐sliding free‐rotating model appear to be too restrictive to describe the kinematic flow of elliptical particle systems. In contrast, the predictions made by the DSR2 model agree reasonably well with the DEM data, which demonstrates that the DSR2 model can effectively predict the non‐coaxial kinematic behavior of elliptical particle systems. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The direct simple shear (DSS) device is one of the commonly used laboratory element testing tools to characterize the shear behaviour of soil. The interpretation of results from an element test requires understanding of the degree of stress and strain non-uniformities in a given test specimen. So far, studies on stress and strain non-uniformities in the DSS test have been conducted using direct boundary measurements of stresses in laboratory specimens supported by a continuum based analytical approach. Discrete element modelling now provides a means of modelling the soil behaviour in a realistic manner using a particulate approach. Accordingly, the performance of a DSS specimen was modelled using discrete element modelling with emphasis on assessing stress and strain non-uniformities in the specimen during shearing. The approach allowed for the numerical determination of stresses not only at the boundaries, but also within the DSS specimen. It was shown that mobilised stress ratio distribution throughout the shearing phase for the majority of specimen volume at locations near the central planes parallel and perpendicular to the direction of shearing is fairly uniform. Finally, it was noted that the potential for particle slippage at locations near the specimen centre can result in non-uniform shear strain distributions.  相似文献   

刘洋  李爽 《岩土力学》2018,39(6):2237-248
基于离散单元法对不同密实度理想散粒体进行了双轴剪切试验的宏微观数值模拟,通过网格剖分将Voronoi多边形表征的loop单元作为散粒介质细观力学结构的基本单元,模拟了剪切过程中不同类型loop单元数量、几何形态和力学特征的演化过程,并重点分析了临界状态时散粒介质的细观力学结构特征。模拟结果显示,初始密实度不同的试样在向临界状态发展的过程中,高阶单元与低阶单元的发展规律完全不同,不同初始密实度试样中同阶loop单元的发展规律也不相同,但同阶loop单元的数量比例、几何形态、颗粒接触力及单元内滑动率最终均达到了各自的临界状态。从细观角度分析,散体介质的临界状态是高阶和低阶loop单元在荷载作用下相互转化的结果,是所有loop单元物理力学状态的综合平均与外在表现,临界状态时不同阶数的loop单元处于一个动态平衡状态,宏观上表现为常剪应力和常体积下剪切变形的不断发展。数值模拟结果也表明,loop细观结构单元包含了丰富的信息,其数量、几何形态、受力特征及接触稳定性的发展与散粒体的强度、剪胀以及临界状态的发展密切相关,可以将其作为散粒介质细观尺度的分析单元。  相似文献   

It has been known that classical continuum mechanics laws fail to describe strain localization in granular materials due to the mathematical ill‐posedness and mesh dependency. Therefore, a non‐local theory with internal length scales is needed to overcome such problems. The micropolar and high‐order gradient theories can be considered as good examples to characterize the strain localization in granular materials. The fact that internal length scales are needed requires micromechanical models or laws; however, the classical constitutive models can be enhanced through the stress invariants to incorporate the Micropolar effects. In this paper, Lade's single hardening model is enhanced to account for the couple stress and Cosserat rotation and the internal length scales are incorporated accordingly. The enhanced Lade's model and its material properties are discussed in detail; then the finite element formulations in the Updated Lagrangian Frame (UL) are used. The finite element formulations were implemented into a user element subroutine for ABAQUS (UEL) and the solution method is discussed in the companion paper. The model was found to predict the strain localization in granular materials with low dependency on the finite element mesh size. The shear band was found to reflect on a certain angle when it hit a rigid boundary. Applications for the model on plane strain specimens tested in the laboratory are discussed in the companion paper. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) has been used to study the effects of permeability and tortuosity on flow through saturated particulate media and identify the relationships between permeability and tortuosity with other parameters such as particles diameter, grain specific surface, and porosity. LBM is a simple kinematic model that can incorporate the essential physics of microscopic and mesoscopic processes involved in flow through granular soils. The obtained results indicate that the 2D LB model, due to its inherent theoretical advantages, is capable of demonstrating that the porosity and specific surface are the most influential parameters in determining the intrinsic permeability of granular media. The obtained results show that particles' size diameter has a two‐fold effect on the coefficient of permeability: one is through specific surface and the other is by tortuosity factor. Numerical study also reveals that tortuosity of granular soils decreases almost linearly with increasing the porosity. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The mechanical behavior of granular materials is characterized by strong nonlinearity and irreversibility. These properties have been differently described by a variety of constitutive models. To test any constitutive model, experimental data relative to the nature of the incremental stress–strain response of the material is desirable. However, this type of laboratory data is scarce because of being expensive and difficult to obtain. The discrete element method has been used several times as an alternative to obtain incremental responses of granular materials. Crushable grains add one extra source of irreversibility to granular materials. Crushability has been variously incorporated into different constitutive models. Again, it will be helpful to obtain incremental responses of crushable granular materials to test these models, but the experimental difficulties are increased. Making use of a recently introduced crushing model for discrete element simulation, this paper presents a new procedure to obtain incremental responses in discrete analogs of granular crushable materials. The parallel probe approach, previously used for uncrushable discrete analogs, is here extended to account for the presence of crushable grains. The contribution of grain crushing to the incremental irreversible strain is identified and separately measured. Robustness of the proposed method is examined in detail, paying particular attention to aspects such as dynamic instability or crushing localization. The proposed procedure is later applied to map incremental responses of a discrete analog of Fontainebleau sand on the triaxial plane. The effect of stress ratio and granular state on plastic flow characteristics is highlighted. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Multi‐scale investigations aided by the discrete element method (DEM) play a vital role for current state‐of‐the‐art research on the elementary behaviour of granular materials. Similar to laboratory tests, there are three important aspects to be considered carefully, which are the proper stress/strain definition and measurement, the application of target loading paths and the designed experiment setup, to be addressed in the present paper. Considering the volume sensitive characteristics of granular materials, in the proposed technique, the deformation of the tested specimen is controlled and measured by deformation gradient tensor involving both the undeformed configuration and the current configuration. Definitions of Biot strain and Cauchy stress are adopted. The expressions of them in terms of contact forces and particle displacements, respectively, are derived. The boundary of the tested specimen consists of rigid massless planar units. It is suggested that the representative element uses a convex polyhedral (polygonal) shape to minimize possible boundary arching effects. General loading paths are described by directly specifying the changes in the stress/strain invariants or directions. Loading can be applied in the strain‐controlled mode by specifying the translations and rotations of the boundary units, or in the stress‐controlled mode by using a servo‐control mechanism, or in the combination of the two methods to realize mixed boundary conditions. Taking the simulation results as the natural consequences originated from a complex system, virtual experiments provide particle‐scale information database to conduct multi‐scale investigations for better understanding in granular material behaviours and possible development of the constitutive theories provided the qualitative similarity between the simulation results from virtual experiments and observations on real material behaviour. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Experimental observations clearly show that the relative humidity (hr) conditions influence significantly the creep behavior of cement‐based materials, indicating that the water present within these materials plays a crucial role. This work presents a creep model for hardened cement pastes (HCP), based on a multiscale homogenization approach. It takes into account both free and adsorbed water contained in the porosity and investigates their effects on the HCP macroscopic creep behavior. The calcium silicate hydrate phase is assumed to be linear viscoelastic, and the Mori–Tanaka scheme is applied in the Laplace–Carson space to the composite formed of porosity, calcium silicate hydrate, and the other main hydrated compounds (which behavior is linearly elastic) by making use of the correspondence principle. With this model, estimations of the evolution of the macroscopic creep behavior of HCP submitted to constant external loading are examined under different hr and compared with available experimental data. Finally, a method for implementing the model in a finite element code is proposed, and simulations of standard creep tests are performed to assess its validity. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The stress and strain-rate fields in a glacier or other type of rock with known rheological properties can be calculated by using a numerical solution technique. Calculations are based on force-balance equations and the constitutive relation for polar ice, and do not involve any mathematical approximations. The geometry is prescribed. Basal velocities also are prescribed, either by specifying their values or by relying on a sliding relation. All other quantities are determined numerically.  相似文献   

Understanding the extent to which discrete element method (DEM) simulations can capture the critical state characteristics of granular materials is important to legitimize the use of DEM in geomechanics. This paper documents a DEM study that considered the sensitivity of the critical state response characteristics to the coefficient of interparticle friction (μ) using samples with gradings that are representative of a real soil. Most of the features that are typically associated with sand behaviour at the critical state were seen to emerge from the DEM simulation data. An important deviation occurs when high μ values (μ ≥ 0.5) are used, as has been the case in a number of prior DEM studies. While there is a systematic variation in the critical state behaviour with μ for μ < 0.5, when μ ≥ 0.5, the behaviour at the critical state seems to be insensitive to further increases in μ. In contrast to observations of conventional soil response, when μ ≥ 0.5, the void ratio at the critical state initially increases with increasing mean effective stress (p′). Analysis of the DEM data and use of simple models of isolated force chains enabled some key observations. When ‘floating’ particles that do not transmit stress are eliminated from the void ratio calculation, the void ratio at the critical state decreases consistently with increasing p′. There is a transition from sliding to rolling behaviour at the contact points as μ increases. Beyond a limiting value of μ, further increases in μ do not increase the buckling resistance of individual strong force chains. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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