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Decision making is a critical component of a new drug development process. Based on results from an early clinical trial such as a proof of concept trial, the sponsor can decide whether to continue, stop, or defer the development of the drug. To simplify and harmonize the decision‐making process, decision criteria have been proposed in the literature. One of them is to exam the location of a confidence bar relative to the target value and lower reference value of the treatment effect. In this research, we modify an existing approach by moving some of the “stop” decision to “consider” decision so that the chance of directly terminating the development of a potentially valuable drug can be reduced. As Bayesian analysis has certain flexibilities and can borrow historical information through an inferential prior, we apply the Bayesian analysis to the trial planning and decision making. Via a design prior, we can also calculate the probabilities of various decision outcomes in relationship with the sample size and the other parameters to help the study design. An example and a series of computations are used to illustrate the applications, assess the operating characteristics, and compare the performances of different approaches.  相似文献   

Missing data in clinical trials is a well‐known problem, and the classical statistical methods used can be overly simple. This case study shows how well‐established missing data theory can be applied to efficacy data collected in a long‐term open‐label trial with a discontinuation rate of almost 50%. Satisfaction with treatment in chronically constipated patients was the efficacy measure assessed at baseline and every 3 months postbaseline. The improvement in treatment satisfaction from baseline was originally analyzed with a paired t‐test ignoring missing data and discarding the correlation structure of the longitudinal data. As the original analysis started from missing completely at random assumptions regarding the missing data process, the satisfaction data were re‐examined, and several missing at random (MAR) and missing not at random (MNAR) techniques resulted in adjusted estimate for the improvement in satisfaction over 12 months. Throughout the different sensitivity analyses, the effect sizes remained significant and clinically relevant. Thus, even for an open‐label trial design, sensitivity analysis, with different assumptions for the nature of dropouts (MAR or MNAR) and with different classes of models (selection, pattern‐mixture, or multiple imputation models), has been found useful and provides evidence towards the robustness of the original analyses; additional sensitivity analyses could be undertaken to further qualify robustness. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Various methodologies proposed for some inference problems associated with two‐arm trails are known to suffer from difficulties, as documented in Senn (2001). We propose an alternative Bayesian approach to these problems that deals with these difficulties through providing an explicit measure of statistical evidence and the strength of this evidence. Bayesian methods are often criticized for their intrinsic subjectivity. We show how these concerns can be dealt with through assessing the bias induced by a prior model checking and checking for prior‐data conflict. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The QT interval is regarded as an important biomarker for the assessment of arrhythmia liability, and evidence of QT prolongation has led to the withdrawal and relabeling of numerous compounds. Traditional methods of assessing QT prolongation correct the QT interval for the length of the RR interval (which varies inversely with heart‐rate) in a variety of ways. These methods often disagree with each other and do not take into account changes in autonomic state. Correcting the QT interval for RR reduces a bivariate observation (RR, QT) to a univariate observation (QTc). The development of automatic electrocardiogram (ECG) signal acquisition systems has made it possible to collect continuous (so called ‘beat‐to‐beat’) ECG data. ECG data collected prior to administration of a compound allow us to define a region for (RR, QT) values that encompasses typical activity. Such reference regions are used in clinical applications to define the ‘normal’ region of clinical or laboratory measurements. This paper motivates the need for reference regions of (RR, QT) values from beat‐to‐beat ECG data, and describes a way of constructing these. We introduce a measure of agreement between two reference regions that points to the reliability of 12‐lead digital Holter data. We discuss the use of reference regions in establishing baselines for ECG parameters to assist in the evaluation of cardiac risk and illustrate using data from two methodological studies. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In clinical trials, missing data commonly arise through nonadherence to the randomized treatment or to study procedure. For trials in which recurrent event endpoints are of interests, conventional analyses using the proportional intensity model or the count model assume that the data are missing at random, which cannot be tested using the observed data alone. Thus, sensitivity analyses are recommended. We implement the control‐based multiple imputation as sensitivity analyses for the recurrent event data. We model the recurrent event using a piecewise exponential proportional intensity model with frailty and sample the parameters from the posterior distribution. We impute the number of events after dropped out and correct the variance estimation using a bootstrap procedure. We apply the method to an application of sitagliptin study.  相似文献   

The Simon's two‐stage design is the most commonly applied among multi‐stage designs in phase IIA clinical trials. It combines the sample sizes at the two stages in order to minimize either the expected or the maximum sample size. When the uncertainty about pre‐trial beliefs on the expected or desired response rate is high, a Bayesian alternative should be considered since it allows to deal with the entire distribution of the parameter of interest in a more natural way. In this setting, a crucial issue is how to construct a distribution from the available summaries to use as a clinical prior in a Bayesian design. In this work, we explore the Bayesian counterparts of the Simon's two‐stage design based on the predictive version of the single threshold design. This design requires specifying two prior distributions: the analysis prior, which is used to compute the posterior probabilities, and the design prior, which is employed to obtain the prior predictive distribution. While the usual approach is to build beta priors for carrying out a conjugate analysis, we derived both the analysis and the design distributions through linear combinations of B‐splines. The motivating example is the planning of the phase IIA two‐stage trial on anti‐HER2 DNA vaccine in breast cancer, where initial beliefs formed from elicited experts' opinions and historical data showed a high level of uncertainty. In a sample size determination problem, the impact of different priors is evaluated.  相似文献   

Evidence‐based quantitative methodologies have been proposed to inform decision‐making in drug development, such as metrics to make go/no‐go decisions or predictions of success, identified with statistical significance of future clinical trials. While these methodologies appropriately address some critical questions on the potential of a drug, they either consider the past evidence without predicting the outcome of the future trials or focus only on efficacy, failing to account for the multifaceted aspects of a successful drug development. As quantitative benefit‐risk assessments could enhance decision‐making, we propose a more comprehensive approach using a composite definition of success based not only on the statistical significance of the treatment effect on the primary endpoint but also on its clinical relevance and on a favorable benefit‐risk balance in the next pivotal studies. For one drug, we can thus study several development strategies before starting the pivotal trials by comparing their predictive probability of success. The predictions are based on the available evidence from the previous trials, to which new hypotheses on the future development could be added. The resulting predictive probability of composite success provides a useful summary to support the discussions of the decision‐makers. We present a fictive, but realistic, example in major depressive disorder inspired by a real decision‐making case.  相似文献   

In this paper, a simulation study is conducted to systematically investigate the impact of different types of missing data on six different statistical analyses: four different likelihood‐based linear mixed effects models and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) using two different data sets, in non‐inferiority trial settings for the analysis of longitudinal continuous data. ANCOVA is valid when the missing data are completely at random. Likelihood‐based linear mixed effects model approaches are valid when the missing data are at random. Pattern‐mixture model (PMM) was developed to incorporate non‐random missing mechanism. Our simulations suggest that two linear mixed effects models using unstructured covariance matrix for within‐subject correlation with no random effects or first‐order autoregressive covariance matrix for within‐subject correlation with random coefficient effects provide well control of type 1 error (T1E) rate when the missing data are completely at random or at random. ANCOVA using last observation carried forward imputed data set is the worst method in terms of bias and T1E rate. PMM does not show much improvement on controlling T1E rate compared with other linear mixed effects models when the missing data are not at random but is markedly inferior when the missing data are at random. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two‐stage designs are widely used to determine whether a clinical trial should be terminated early. In such trials, a maximum likelihood estimate is often adopted to describe the difference in efficacy between the experimental and reference treatments; however, this method is known to display conditional bias. To reduce such bias, a conditional mean‐adjusted estimator (CMAE) has been proposed, although the remaining bias may be nonnegligible when a trial is stopped for efficacy at the interim analysis. We propose a new estimator for adjusting the conditional bias of the treatment effect by extending the idea of the CMAE. This estimator is calculated by weighting the maximum likelihood estimate obtained at the interim analysis and the effect size prespecified when calculating the sample size. We evaluate the performance of the proposed estimator through analytical and simulation studies in various settings in which a trial is stopped for efficacy or futility at the interim analysis. We find that the conditional bias of the proposed estimator is smaller than that of the CMAE when the information time at the interim analysis is small. In addition, the mean‐squared error of the proposed estimator is also smaller than that of the CMAE. In conclusion, we recommend the use of the proposed estimator for trials that are terminated early for efficacy or futility.  相似文献   

Matched case–control designs are commonly used in epidemiological studies for estimating the effect of exposure variables on the risk of a disease by controlling the effect of confounding variables. Due to retrospective nature of the study, information on a covariate could be missing for some subjects. A straightforward application of the conditional logistic likelihood for analyzing matched case–control data with the partially missing covariate may yield inefficient estimators of the parameters. A robust method has been proposed to handle this problem using an estimated conditional score approach when the missingness mechanism does not depend on the disease status. Within the conditional logistic likelihood framework, an empirical procedure is used to estimate the odds of the disease for the subjects with missing covariate values. The asymptotic distribution and the asymptotic variance of the estimator when the matching variables and the completely observed covariates are categorical. The finite sample performance of the proposed estimator is assessed through a simulation study. Finally, the proposed method has been applied to analyze two matched case–control studies. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 38: 680–697; 2010 © 2010 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

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