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The author outlines the significance of herd health programs and the manner in which they are explained, and developed with clients.

Reproductive problems account for a major part of the herd health program, but also included are nutrition, preventive vaccination programs, calf management, mastitis surveillance, feet and leg problems, worming, dehorning, castration, record keeping and identification.

The differential diagnoses of reproductive problems are discussed in detail and specific treatments are outlined. The prognosis of various conditions in relationship to treatment is emphasized.


穴位注射是针刺和药物结合、中医与西医相结合的一种新型疗法.在穴位注射药液,通过针刺及药物对穴位的双重作用来调整机体的机能和改变病理状态,从而达到治疗疾病的目的.在犬病临床上多用于治疗常见病、多发病和少数传染病等多种疾病.该法操作简单,用药量少,疗效显著.论文根据临床实践对穴位注射疗法的作用机理、操作方法和临床相关病例的治疗情况进行了概述.  相似文献   

The recent advances in the nutrition of companion animals has resulted in a longer possible life-span for dogs and cats and an improvement in their quality of life. Numerous studies about geriatric animals show that an aging dog or cat requires a specific nutritional formulation that considers the metabolic changes associated with age. A correct diet plays an important role in the treatment of some chronic pathologies in aging animals, particularly those for which the aging process modifies the organ function. A correct diet can provide therapeutic support to the administration of drugs that can sometimes compromise organ function. In the present study, we identify key aspects of the clinical nutrition during chronic renal disorders of dogs and cats, diseases with an elevated incidence and a major cause of mortality in geriatric animals. The aim of nutritional treatment for dogs and cats affected by chronic renal disorders is to improve the quality and length of life, assuring an adequate amount of energy and slowing the progression of renal failure. To improve treatment efficacy it is necessary to prepare different dietary rations during the various stages of disease, on the basis of clinical signs and laboratory data.  相似文献   


The recent advances in the nutrition of companion animals has resulted in a longer possible life-span for dogs and cats and an improvement in their quality of life. Numerous studies about geriatric animals show that an aging dog or cat requires a specific nutritional formulation that considers the metabolic changes associated with age. A correct diet plays an important role in the treatment of some chronic pathologies in aging animals, particularly those for which the aging process modifies the organ function. A correct diet can provide therapeutic support to the administration of drugs that can sometimes compromise organ function. In the present study, we identify key aspects of the clinical nutrition during chronic renal disorders of dogs and cats, diseases with an elevated incidence and a major cause of mortality in geriatric animals. The aim of nutritional treatment for dogs and cats affected by chronic renal disorders is to improve the quality and length of life, assuring an adequate amount of energy and slowing the progression of renal failure. To improve treatment efficacy it is necessary to prepare different dietary rations during the various stages of disease, on the basis of clinical signs and laboratory data.


中国宠物犬饲养存在的问题及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国宠物犬饲养存在着交易市场不规范,宠物医院、美容保健院良莠不齐,缺乏检疫、免疫接种,容易传播疾病和污染环境等问题。建议政府管理部门加强监管,倡导市民文明、规范养犬,以便于宠物犬行业在我国的健康发展。  相似文献   

唐芳索 《中国动物保健》2011,13(3):70-71,78
受手术影响,犬的机体、功能状态会发生一系列的变化,饮食等功能也受到不同程度的影响。因此,对采取手术治疗的病犬,手术完成后,并不等于  相似文献   

Abstract— Defects in thermal regulatory mechanisms of the new-born dog are described with particular reference to the relative absence of true chemical regulation of body temperature during the first 2–3 days of life. This deficiency is partly compensated by the ability to absorb heat from external sources. Some of the clinical signs of health of the day-old puppy are given together with signs of progressive hypothermia which can develop under natural conditions.  相似文献   

The clinical results of 39 consecutive ear ablations (in 28 dogs and three cats) performed over a 15-year period were reviewed. Indications for ear canal ablation included hyperplastic tissue stenosis of the horizontal ear canal (23), failed lateral ear resections (13), and horizontal ear canal neoplasms (3). Ear ablation was successful in alleviating persistent signs of otitis in eight of 15 dogs with horizontal ear canal stenosis due to hyperplastic tissue, seven of 10 dogs with unsuccessful lateral ear resections, and two of five animals (three cats and two dogs) with horizontal ear canal neoplasms (follow-up time periods greater than 5 months). Surgical complications occurred following 82% of the ablations; wound infections (41%) and facial nerve damage (36%) were most common. Local wound and antibiotic therapy successfully treated prolonged drainage following ablation in five of nine dogs. Bulla osteotomy and drainage were successful in the treatment of three dogs (four ears) that were unresponsive to medical therapy with postoperative ear fistula following ablation, one of two dogs with prolonged ear drainage following ablation for failed lateral ear resection, and one dog with recurrence of signs of inner ear disease following ablation (follow-up period, 1 month to 4 years; mean, 3.4 years). Facial nerve damage caused by ablation was transient in nine of 14 ears, with most deficits returning to normal within 2 weeks.  相似文献   

犬黑色素瘤比较常见,以皮肤色素深的老年犬多发。通过对1例患恶性黑色素瘤松狮犬的跟踪观察和治疗,就其临床症状、病理诊断做了较为详细的研究,以期为该病在小动物临床中的诊疗提供依据。  相似文献   

Abstract— —Clinical and pathological observations on an 8-year-old male Alsatian dog suffering from a brain tumour are described. The symptoms included running to and fro, whining, salivation, hiding in dark corners, a swollen blood-shot right eye, paresis of the hind legs, ataxia, anorexia, and holding of the head to the left side. At necropsy a tumour measuring 1 cm in dia. was found in the posterior part of the left olfactory tract. There was a moderate unilateral hydrocephalus of the left lateral ventricle and a tear through the septum pellucidum. Microscopically the tumour was diagnosed as astrocytoma. Résumé— —Observation clinique et pathologique concernant un chien alsacien âgé de 8 ans présentant une tumeur cérébrale. Symptomes: l'animal est agité, gémit, salive, se cache dans l'obscurité; l'oeil droit est enflé, injecté de sang; parésie des membres postérieurs, ataxie, anorexie; le chien tient la tite penchée vers la gauche. La nécropsie a révélé une tumeur d'un diamètre de I cm, située dans la partie postérieure de l'appareil olfactif gauche; ont été constatées en outre une hydrocéphalie modérée du ventricule latéral gauche et une lésion du septum pellucidum. L'analyse microscopique a permis de diagnostiquer un astrocytome. Zusammenfassung— —Klinische und pathologische Beobachtungen an einem 8 jährigen Schäferhundrüden, der an einem Gehirntumor litt, werden beschrieben. Zu den Symptomen gehörten Hin- und Herlaufen, Wimmern, Speichelfluss, Verstecken in dunklen Ecken, ein geschwollenes, blutunterlaufenes rechtes Auge, Lähmung der Hinterbeine, Ataxie, Anorexie und Schief haltung des Kopfes nach der linken Seite. Die Sektion ergab einen Tumor von 1 cm Durchmesser im hinteren Teil des linken Olfaktoriustraktes. Es bestand ein rnässiger einseitiger Hydrocephalus des linken Seitenventrikels und eine Zerreissung des Septum pellucidum. Mikroskopisch wurde der Tumor als Astrozytom diagnostiziert.  相似文献   

This study evaluated postoperative sequelae following a sternotomy closed with transsternal and parasternal sutures in nine dogs. Wound complications noted within 30 days suggested excessive intraoperative trauma to bone or surrounding soft tissues. Radiographic evaluation at the end of this period demonstrated a significant lack of osseous bridging between the sternal halves in eight of nine dogs. There was frequent wire breakage, suggesting instability of the sternal halves and considerable midline inaccuracy when splitting the sternum. Postoperative pain was minimal. This technique is suitable for use in dogs provided that swaged-on needles and sufficient transsternal wires are used, the sternebrae are carefully split on the midline, and the wires are carefully twisted to assure a tight closure.  相似文献   

Abstract— —A routine of clinical examination is given. The clinical signs obtained by this examination which would suggest heart disease in the dog are discussed. Having diagnosed heart disease, the diagnosis is refined further to consider the specific heart diseases which are clinically separable. Résumé— —Une routine d'examens cliniques est présentée. Les signes cliniques obtenus par cet examen et qui suggèreraient des maladies de coeur chez le chien sont discutés. Ayant diagnostiqué une maladie de coeur, la diagnose va plus loin et considère les maladies spécifiques du coeur qui sont cliniquement séparables. Zusammenfassung— —Darstellung eines Routineverfahrens bei klinischen Untersuchungen. Die durch diese Untersuchungen vorgefundenen Anzeichen, welche Herzfehler bei Hunden andeuten könnten, werden besprochen. Nach diagnostiziertem Herzfehler wird die Diagnose zur Berücksichtigung spezifisher Herzfehler, die klinisch separierbar sind, ausgebaut.  相似文献   

Renal allograft transplantation was performed as treatment for terminal renal failure in six veterinary patients. Three patients failed to survive the postsurgical period, one patient died due to acute allograft rejection, one patient died subsequent to complications of previous parenteral hyperalimentation and infection, and one patient was euthanatized due to the inability of the clients to maintain the effort necessary to manage a transplant recipient. Further clinical studies are necessary to determine if renal transplantation with cyclosporine (cyclosporin A)/prednisolone immunosuppression has the potential to provide practical treatment of terminal renal disease in clinical veterinary medicine. Pharmacologic and immunologic monitoring of transplant recipients with individualized immunosuppression is imperative. Careful surveillance is necessary to identify and eliminate nosocomial sources of infection. Candidates for transplantation cannot be critically ill or malnourished prior to surgery, and pet owners must be prepared for the financial and time commitments associated with caring for a renal allograft recipient.  相似文献   

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