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目的 探讨药物分袋及服药提醒闹钟对老年糖尿病患者血糖控制、服药依从性的影响.方法 选取100例老年糖尿病患者,根据随机数字表法分为对照组与观察组,各50例,对照组进行常规用药指导,观察组通过药物分袋及服药提醒闹钟进行用药指导.结果 指导用药前,两组患者药物依从性评定量表(MARS)以及空腹状态下血浆血糖(FBG)、用餐...  相似文献   

目的调查沈阳兴工街道社区初诊高血压患者服药依从性现况。方法选择近期沈阳兴工街道新检出高血压患者115例为调查对象,后者分别接受了"高血压药物治疗情况调查表"和"Morisy高血压患者服药依从性问卷"调查,并与93例确诊1年以上高血压患者对照。结果初诊高血压患者"Morisy高血压患者服药依从性问卷"中各项问题得分及依从性总分分均明显高于确诊1年以上高血压患者(P均<0.01~0.05)。结论沈阳兴工街道初诊高血压患者服药依从性总体情况较好。  相似文献   

目的:探讨服药流程改进在提高心血管内科住院患者服药依从性中的作用.方法:摘取2015年1~6月在我院心血管内科病区住院的180例患者进行观察,改进服药流程,对患者实行用药管理,比较患者对口服药物的知晓率和服药依从性.结果:通过改进心血管内科住院患者的服药流程,患者对口服药物知识的知晓率从改进前的84.44%提高到改进后的95.97%,有明显差异,有统计学意义(P<0.01);患者的服药依从性从改进前的86.11%提高到改进后的98.33%,有明显差异,有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论:通过改进服药流程,除了能提升患者对于各种用药知识整体知晓度,还能提升依从性,提升药物应用效果,有利于病情的康复,值得推广.  相似文献   

目的调查口服药品说明书中关于服药时间与服药方法的标注情况,探讨如何保证患者正确使用药物。方法收集我院361份口服西药说明书,按有无标注服药时间进行统计;46种缓控释及肠溶制剂按有无标注服药方法进行统计。结果 361份药品说明书中,标注服药时间的143份,占全部品种的39.61%;46种缓控释及肠溶制剂中,标注服药方法的30种,占全部品种的65.22%。结论为保证患者正确使用药物,应规范药品说明书的书写,同时药师应善于归纳总结,做好用药指导,保证患者的用药安全、有效。  相似文献   

袁滨  胡明新  屠娇 《实用药物与临床》2006,9(3):202-202,F0003
目的通过对消化性溃疡患者服药依从性的调查,了解并分析患者服药依从性的影响因素及其改进办法,达到提高临床医疗质量的目的。方法选择80例经电子纤维胃镜确诊的消化性溃疡患者进行问卷调查与分析。结果患者的服药依从性与其受教育程度、对疾病的认知水平、获取健康知识的能力以及医务人员对患者进行健康教育的方式等有关。结论改进健康教育的方式,倡导个性化的教育举措,加强用药监督与管理,可以增进患者的服药依从性。  相似文献   

高血压患者服药依从性与坚持服药自我效能相关性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘一建  刘宇洲 《医药导报》2009,28(4):526-527
目的 研究高血压患者服药依从性与坚持服药自我效能的相关性. 方法 通过事先拟定好的调查问卷,对松江6个社区里242例正在服药治疗的高血压患者进行调查,采用相关分析探讨服药依从性与坚持服药自我效能的相关性. 结果 社区高血压患者药物治疗依从性佳者124例(51.2%). 秩相关分析结果显示:患者坚持服药自我效能越高,服药依从性越好. 结论 高血压患者坚持服药的自我效能是服药依从性的一个重要影响因素,提高患者服药的自我效能是高血压患者管理的关键.  相似文献   

精神病患者常常不承认自己有病,因而拒绝服药,或偷偷吐药、藏药;有的患者觉得自己病已好了,无需再服药而擅自减药或停药,影响治疗效果。有的患者则误服或有意吞服大量药物而造成急性药物中毒,以致危及生命。因此,精神病患者服药时的护理,应引起家属足够的重视。  相似文献   

目的查与分析精神患者服药依从性。方法对就诊于我院的292例出院精神患者及家属用问卷调查方式进行调查,对结果根据依从性的判定标准将其划分为完全依从、部分依从、不依从三组并进行分析比较。结果完全依从占26.7%,部分依从占33.6%,不依从占39.7%。随着时间的延长,服药依从性也会逐渐下降。结论提高临床疗效,从根本上减轻患者及家庭的经济负担及精神压力。  相似文献   

口服药物是治疗精神病的主要方法,但因精神病患者病情的特殊性,服药依从性差,不利于病情的康复。本文回顾总结了多年来对患者在服药过程中的护理经验,通过对患者有针对性地进行有效的护理干预.在提高患者服药的依从性,保证疗效方面都取得很好的效果。  相似文献   

老年慢性病患者服药依从性的调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨老年慢性病患者服药依从性的影响因素及对策。方法采用自行设计的老年慢性病患者服药依从性调查问卷对64例老年慢性病患者进行一对一调查。结果发现住院2次以上的老年慢性病患者,家居服药依从性明显提高,影响依从性与自认病情好转、经济负担、缺少亲人支持和疾病相关知识、药物不良反应等有关。结论针对导致老年慢性病患者服药依从性差的原因,采取相应的护理对策,提高了患者的用药依从性。  相似文献   

手机处方集药品供应动态查询系统的研发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:确保医、药、护工作人员随时随地掌握医院药品信息,提高医疗质量和药学服务水平。方法:结合医院药品处方集,充分利用医院局域网平台,采用嵌入式应用软件技术研发手机处方集药品供应动态查询系统。结果:该系统涉及药品涵盖院内所有品种,数据获取可定时更新,药物信息查询便捷,系统安全性考虑全面。结论:该系统开拓了高效快捷查询药品信息、掌握药品供应动态变化的新方式。  相似文献   

药物重整是药物治疗管理的一个重要部分,也是精准用药门诊的工作重点。专业药师运用专业知识为患者重整并优化药物治疗方案,开展用药教育并进行随访。本文主要分析3例在精准用药门诊实践中临床药师开展以药物重整为重点的药物治疗管理的案例。  相似文献   

目的:了解癌痛患者对于癌痛药物治疗管理手机应用程序的需求情况、影响因素和期望,为进一步开发该程序提供依据。方法:采用整群抽样的方法抽取湖北省7家医院癌痛患者,通过问卷调查收集数据。利用SPSS 24.0软件进行数据分析,了解其人口社会学特征及对癌痛药物治疗管理手机应用的需求情况,运用卡方检验寻找影响软件安装意愿的因素。结果:收到有效问卷372份,其中84.1%的患者使用智能手机,手机使用经验平均得分为(47.1±23.7)分;80.1%的患者愿意在手机中安装癌痛药物治疗管理软件,并且多数希望该软件能绑定微信;是否使用智能手机、每日操作智能手机时间、文化程度、手机使用经验等因素对于该患者的软件安装意愿产生显著影响(P<0.05);癌痛患者对于生活建议、用药提醒和在线交流的期望值较高。在软件外观方面,患者较为看重"简洁易操作"、"字体大、清楚"等方面。结论:开发癌痛药物治疗管理手机应用程序具有较好的人群基础,在以患者为中心开发软件功能和外观的同时,也需要结合医学专业的主导性,使医患双方都能在软件的应用中实现药物治疗管理的提升。  相似文献   

BackgroundMedication discrepancies directly impact patient safety and can adversely impact quality of care and resource utilization at transitions of care.ObjectivesTo develop a common nomenclature and taxonomy for classifying and reporting medication discrepancies and to assess the content validity and reliability of the taxonomy.MethodsThe taxonomy was developed following a multi-stage process. The content of the taxonomy was then assessed using expert opinion through a two-round modified Delphi process. The expert panel comprised 10 experts who were selected based on pre-defined selection criteria. Six experienced pharmacists were then invited to classify medication discrepancies from a number of fictitious cases (adapted from authentic cases) using the taxonomy.ResultsThe medication discrepancy taxonomy (MedTax) comprises 12 main types and 28 sub-types of discrepancies. A set of operational instructions and definitions to aid the use of the taxonomy was formulated. The overall Average content validity index (Ave-CVI) was 0.93 and interrater reliability was 0.67 (multirater κfree), indicating substantial agreement. An excellent internal consistency of the taxonomy was established (Kuder–Richardson Formula 20 (KR-20) = 0.92).ConclusionsA content valid and reliable taxonomy for classifying medication discrepancies was developed. The MedTax may be used to classify medication discrepancies identified following medication reconciliation services. The clear and consistent reporting of medication discrepancies arising from medication reconciliation services may be of value to policy makers, healthcare professionals and researchers, when evaluating such services. The MedTax was designed to fill an essential void in global endeavors to reinforce standardization of medication reconciliation practices and to improve medication safety across transitions of care.  相似文献   

Mobile phones are being used extensively throughout the world, with more than four billion accounts existing in 2009. This technology applies electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range. Health effects of this radiation have been subject of debate for a long time, both within the scientific community and within the general public. This study investigated the effect of mobile phone use on genomic instability of the human oral cavity's mucosa cells. 131 Individuals donated buccal mucosa cells extracted by slightly scraping the oral cavity with a cotton swab. Every participant filled out a questionnaire about mobile phone use including duration of weekly use, overall period of exposure and headset usage. 13 Individuals did not use mobile phones at all, 85 reported using the mobile phone for three hours per week or less, and 33 reported use of more than three hours per week. Additionally, information on age, gender, body weight, smoking status, medication and nutrition was retrieved. For staining of the cells a procedure using α-tubulin-antibody and chromomycin A3 was applied. Micronuclei and other markers were evaluated in 1000 cells per individual at the microscope. A second scorer counted another 1000 cells, resulting in 2000 analyzed cells per individual. Mobile phone use did not lead to a significantly increased frequency of micronuclei.  相似文献   

目的:了解厦门市5个社区居民用药知识、态度、行为(KAP)现状,探讨其影响因素。方法:采用方便抽样的方法,通过微信问卷星和线下纸质问卷2种行式,对厦门5个社区的常住居民(年龄≥19岁)进行问卷调查。采用单因素方差分析、多重线性回归分析居民用药的知识、态度、行为的影响因素。结果:共回收502份调查问卷,纳入分析496份。居民用药的知识、态度、行为平均得分分别为(111.3±20.1)、(28.3±7.9)、(90.0±11.5);得分率分别为79.5%、51.5%、75.0%,用药知识和用药行为得分达到中等水平,用药态度得分较低。多重线性回归分析的结果显示,性别(P=0.029),受教育程度(P<0.001),工作状况(P=0.023),职业(P=0.043),是居民用药知识的影响因素;年龄(P=0.017)是居民用药态度的影响因素,随着年龄的增长,用药态度得分越高;性别(P<0.001)是居民用药行为的影响因素,男性用药行为的得分低于女性。结论:厦门市社区居民用药知识、用药行为总体良好,提示用药教育科普宣传需要重点关注特殊人群(男性、低教育水平、老年人),并区分不同人群的职业特点进行合理用药健康教育。  相似文献   

The mobile APP for medication guidance related to pharmacogenomic is developed to solve various practical problems, such as inconvenient reading of English database, slow updating of paper reference books and lack of shortcut for access. We extracted the medication guidance information related to the pharmacogenomic from ‘Dosing Guidelines’ (http://www.pharmgkb.com), ´Table of Pharmacogenomic Biomarkers in Drug Labeling´ (http://www.fda.gov/drugs/scienceresearch) and relevant authoritative books. SQLite was used to build the medication guidance information database. We designed and implemented a mobile APP for medication guidance by JavaScript programming language. The APP contained 197 drugs that have been extensively studied and have high levels of evidence. It covered 25 categories, such as anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs, general antitumor, immunosuppressant drugs, targeted antitumor drugs, antipsychotic drugs, antiepileptic drugs, and proton pump inhibitors and so on. Users can obtain clinical significance and guidance information related to the genotype of the drug by entering the pinyin initials of the generic name of the drug. The mobile APP for medication guidance related to pharmacogenomic based on APICloud could provide practical and convenient pharmaceutical information service for clinical use.  相似文献   



To find the pattern of self medication in three common illnesses (diarrhea, sore throat, common cold) in nonmedical staff of a tertiary care teaching hospital and to study the effect of IEC.

Materials and Methods:

This was a cross sectional study carried out in 100 randomly selected nonmedical staff members. Participants were interviewed by a semi structured questionnaire to obtain information about practice of self medication in the three illnesses. In the second phase participants were educated about proper self medication using Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) intervention. In post test the same information was obtained from the participants using the same questionnaire. Pre and post intervention data was compared to see whether intervention has resulted in any change in the pattern of self medication.


For all the three diseases the use of medicines including anti microbials did not decrease significantly after intervention. During post test significantly more number of participants were aware about warning symptoms of the disease and precautions to be taken in children and pregnant women. Even during pre intervention many participants were aware about non-pharmacological measures to be adopted in the treatment of these diseases which increased after intervention, though not significantly.


It is possible to improve self medication practices for the treatment of common illnesses if appropriate IEC intervention is adopted. This requires that all related stakeholders should intensify efforts to educate the general public and ensure appropriate use of OTC medicines.  相似文献   

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