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以卫星云图的热带气旋云系为研究对象,基于Canny边缘检测、Contour轮廓提取等方法,研究了通过图像的形状特征和范围大小对热带气旋云系进行自动识别,得到了较好的效果。这种方法有助于提高热带气旋云系识别的自动化程度,实现热带气旋的自动跟踪,从而为热带气旋的预报提供了便利。  相似文献   

海南岛海草床群落种间关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据2009年对海南岛13个区域野外192个样方的调查数据,本文主要采用X2检验、Ochiai (1957)指数和Spearman秩相关系数,并结合分析样地综合环境研究了10种海草种间关联和相关关系.结果表明,在海草群落种间关系的研究过程中,种对间呈负相关联结的数量明显大于正相关数量,总体上呈现负联结趋势,海南岛海草群落尚未达到稳定状态,物种的组成还会发生变化,仍处于发展演替之中,较容易受外界因素干扰而发生波动.根据分析结果将10个海草种划分成2个生态种组,分为喜生淤泥种组的羽叶二药和贝克喜盐以及以海神草、泰莱藻为主相互联结的非喜生淤泥种种组.生态种组内的物种利用资源方式和生态位很相似,而组间具有明显的差异.生态种组的划分能为海草的保护与修复提供理论依据.  相似文献   

The solar light field within the ocean from the sea surface to the bottom of the mesopelagic zone was simulated with a radiative transfer model that accounts for the presence of inelastic radiative processes associated with Raman scattering by water molecules, fluorescence of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), and fluorescence of chlorophyll-a contained in phytoplankton. The simulation results provide a comprehensive characterization of the ambient light field and apparent optical properties (AOPs) across the entire visible spectral range within the depth range 200–1000 m of the entire mesopelagic zone for varying chlorophyll-a concentration and seawater optical properties in the mixed surface layer of the ocean. With increasing depth in the mesopelagic zone, the solar irradiance is reduced by ~9–10 orders of magnitude and exhibits a major spectral maximum in the blue, typically centered around a light wavelength of 475 nm. In the green and red spectral regions, the light levels are significantly lower but still important owing to local generation of photons via inelastic processes, mostly Raman scattering and to a lesser extent CDOM fluorescence. The Raman scattering produces a distinct secondary maximum in irradiance spectra centered around 565 nm. Comparisons of our results with light produced by the radioactive decay of the unstable potassium isotope contained in sea salt (40K) indicates that the solar irradiance dominates over the 40K-produced irradiance within the majority of the mesopelagic zone for most scenarios considered in our simulations. The angular distribution of radiance indicates the dominance of downward propagation of light in the blue and approach to uniform distribution in the red throughout the mesopelagic zone. Below the approximate depth range 400–500 m, the shape of the angular distribution is nearly invariant with increasing depth in the green and red and varies weakly in the blue. The AOPs at any light wavelength also assume nearly constant values within the deeper portion of the mesopelagic zone. These results indicate that the mesopelagic light field reaches a nearly-asymptotic regime at depths exceeding ~400–500 m.  相似文献   

The availability of an equation to evaluate the influence of multiple scattering in the single scattering process corresponding to a layer of arbitrary optical thickness was established. In order to confirm the validity of this equation, the radiance distribution in this layer was computed using a plane–parallel layer model based on the successive order of scattering method. The relative errors in a radiance distribution computed were evaluated as a function of optical thickness by the derived equation. It was shown that this equation provides a theoretical background for determining layer thickness using the plane–parallel layer model.  相似文献   

基于卫星数据改进计算白冠覆盖率的模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文基于白冠覆盖率的历史研究,总结了计算白冠覆盖率的参数化方案和海浪破碎统计模型,并分析比较其优缺点。通过结合基于卫星数据的参数化公式,利用最优拟合的方法,得到不同限制条件下模型中的系数Cenn。通过分析考虑海浪破碎条件,确定了适用于一般海浪状况的系数值。通过比较白冠覆盖率的卫星数据和原始模型的模拟结果,可知改进后模型的结果更合理,同时与历史研究结论相符。文中还分析了从1998年到2008年十年平均的全球白冠覆盖率的季节性分布特征。在中高纬度海域,全年白冠覆盖率的值最大,而在低纬度和赤道海域,白冠覆盖率小于0.5%,全球白冠覆盖率的平均值大约为1% ~3%。北半球中高纬度海域的白冠覆盖率的季节性变化显著大于南半球。  相似文献   

基于海洋一号C(HY-1C)卫星海岸带成像仪(CZI)遥感影像,提出了一种基于最优特征集的支持向量机海冰分类方法。分别提取CZI影像的光谱特征和纹理特征,采用基于距离可分性的判据进行特征选择,得到最优特征集,以最优特征集作为支持向量机分类器输入,分别对3期辽东湾海域CZI影像开展海冰分类实验和结果分析。结果表明:本文方法得到的海冰分类结果精度优于仅利用光谱特征或纹理特征的海冰分类精度;基于本文方法的3期影像的海冰分类精度均较高,2020年12月19日、2021年1月10日与2021年1月16日的海冰分类总体精度分别为93.67%、91.75%、84.89%,均在80%以上;利用海冰分类结果图估算海冰面积,发现3期辽东湾海冰面积依次增大,最大约为11 998.98 km2。  相似文献   

为探究华南沿海海草床大型底栖动物群落特征、地区差异及其与海草群落间的关系,2020年在华南沿海12个海草床区域开展了大型底栖动物调查。共布设33个调查断面99个站位,在主要群落参数的基础上,运用相关性分析和聚类分析、nMDS排序、相似性百分比分析等群落生态学统计方法分析了底栖动物群落特征及其与海草群落的关系。共鉴定出大型底栖动物9大门类199种,其中,软体动物种类最多,占总种类数的39.7%。各区域底栖动物的平均栖息密度为155.7 ind/m2,青葛—龙湾(琼海)的平均栖息密度最低,珍珠湾(防城港)的平均栖息密度最高;平均生物量为118.36 g/m2,最低值出现在义丰溪(汕头),最高值出现在珍珠湾。各区域底栖动物的优势种以潮间带泥沙滩常见腹足类、双壳类和多毛类为主;底栖动物的种类多样性指数(H′)平均值为1.12,最低值出现在唐家湾(珠海),最高值出现在铁山港(北海);各调查区域底栖动物主要群落参数大致呈现“北部湾>海南沿岸>珠江口及粤东”的规律。华南沿海海草床分布区大型底栖动物群落的区域性特征较为明显,地理位置相近的海草床底...  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONHY - 1satellitewillbelaunchedtoanaltitudeof 870kmtogetherwithmeteorologysatel liteFY - 1 .Inordertogetashortrepeatperiod ,orbittransferwillbemadeandfinallythesatellitewillmoveandoperateinanearsun synchronousandnear polarorbitatanaltitudeof798km .Thei…  相似文献   

通过盖州滩潮沟的“资源2”号高分辨率遥感卫星影像与TM影像等多源信息融合,同时采用形态分维的结果,获取了盖州滩潮沟的图形及逆信息树特征,并以此建立了计算模式.量化计算了盖州滩南、北部潮沟发育特征,它反映了两者间的分异度;采样监督分类分出盖州滩高、中、低潮滩分布及其相应面积以及盖州滩的贝类生境区影像特征与滩涂分布的相关性.对盖州滩的工程实施问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

张天龙  过杰 《海洋科学》2021,45(5):103-112
SAR(synthetic aperture radar)图像溢油暗斑准确识别对海上溢油应急工作具有重要的意义。为减少SAR图像特征提取、特征选择过程中人为因素对溢油检测精度的影响,本文将Faster R-CNN卷积神经网络模型引入SAR图像溢油检测并进行了改进。针对溢油暗斑形状多样及SAR图像背景复杂的特点,选用结构一致且实用性强的VGG16卷积网络获取图像特征,并使用软化非极大值抑制算法(Soft-NMS)进行优化。同时基于相同的数据集,提取常用的SAR图像几何特征、灰度特征和纹理特征,构建反向传播(backpropagation,BP)人工神经网络溢油检测方法并与Faster R-CNN方法进行对比。实验结果表明,基于改进Faster-RCNN模型的溢油检测方法溢油检测率达到0.78,且溢油检测虚警率低于0.25,相比BP人工神经网络溢油检测方法样本识别率、溢油检测率分别提高了4%和5%,溢油虚警率降低了5%。  相似文献   

The fractal characteristics of tidal creeks in the Gaizhou Beach are analyzed based on high-resolution images fusion of Landsat TM and ERS-2, and then the graphic models and characteristics of converse information tree of tidal creeks in the Gaizhou Beach are established. A calculation model is established based on the above results, and at the same time, quantitative calculation of the evolution characteristics and the diversity between the northern and the southern parts of the Gaizhou Beach is carried out. By the supervised classification of these images, distribution and areas of high tidal flats, middle tidal flats and low tidal flats in the Gaizhou Beach are studied quantitatively, and image charactistics of seashell habitats in the Gaizhou Beach and the correlation between mudflat distribution and seashell habitats are studied. At last, the engineering problems in the Gaizhou Beach are discussed.  相似文献   

海岸带区域水陆相接,盐业和水产养殖业发展迅速。本文基于国产高空间分辨率卫星遥感影像,对海岸带盐田和水产养殖区进行了全面的分析,总结了盐田和水产养殖区地物的颜色、色调、大小、形状、纹理、位置等遥感影像图谱特征,以期为盐田和水产养殖区遥感监测提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Automated mapping of the intertidal beach bathymetry from video images   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a fully automated procedure to derive the intertidal beach bathymetry on a daily basis from video images of low-sloping beaches that are characterised by the intermittent emergence of intertidal bars. Bathymetry data are obtained by automated and repeated mapping of shorelines from video time exposure images for different (tidal) water levels (Aarninkhof, S.G.J., Turner, I.L., Dronkers, T.D.T., Caljouw, M., Nipius, L., 2003. A video-based technique for mapping intertidal beach bathymetry. Coastal Engineering 49, 275–289; Plant, N.G. and Holman, R.A., 1997. Intertidal beach profile estimation using video images. Marine Geology 140, 1–24.). The developed procedure handles intelligent selection of a shoreline search area and unsupervised quality control of the obtained bathymetry data. The automatically retrieved beach bathymetries compare very well to bathymetries derived from the original manual mapping procedure and to ground truth data points (DGPS).  相似文献   

何飞  陈杰  蒋昌波  赵静 《海洋学报》2018,40(5):24-36
海草所形成的植物消波体系能有效防止岸线的侵蚀。利用Sánchez-González等的实验数据分析了波浪非线性对海草消波特性的影响。研究结果表明,相对水深和波陡对海草床的波能衰减系数影响依赖于海草淹没度。相对波高一定时,拖曳力系数随相对水深的增大而增大。对给定的相对水深,拖曳力系数随波陡的增大而减小。波浪非线性对于规则波和非规则波海草消波特性的影响并不一致。用无量纲参数(邱卡数、雷诺数、厄塞尔数)表达拖曳力系数的效果取决于拖曳力系数与无量纲参数的关系中是否充分考虑波浪非线性对拖曳力系数的影响。  相似文献   

Seagrass beds occur in various morphological forms, ranging from small patches to continuous meadows. The endemic Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica forms dense and extensive stands that occur in several different morphotypes, including reticulate (seagrass interspersed with a different habitat type, such as bare sand) and continuous beds. This study, undertaken in the Maltese Islands, examined whether reticulate and continuous P. oceanica beds, located adjacent to each other and at similar depths, had different within-bed architectural characteristics. Five commonly used architectural measures (shoot density, number of leaves per shoot, mean leaf length, mean leaf width and shoot biomass) were measured from P. oceanica shoots collected from the two bed types at three different spatial scales: (1) tens of metres (‘small’ scale); (2) hundreds of metres (‘medium’ scale); and (3) kilometres (‘large’ scale). Results of 2-factor ANOVA (factor 1=bed type; factor 2=sampling locality) carried out at the three spatial scales indicated significant differences between the two bed types in shoot density (P<0.01) and leaf length (P<0.05) at the small scale, and in leaf number (P<0.05) at the large scale. Significant interactions were also apparent for shoot density (at the large scale) and for shoot biomass (at the medium scale). However, the results obtained did not indicate consistent architectural differences between the two P. oceanica bed types over the spatial scales considered. Spatial variations in within-bed architectural characteristics observed were therefore thought to be attributable mainly to the influence of local environmental factors. The findings are discussed with reference to the conservation and management of P. oceanica habitat.  相似文献   

Three completing methods were introduced in this paper. The data were completed from 1983 to 1988 at the KL and PTC stations. The completed data were called original data. The completing methods were the transfer function with fixed-parameters then built the Transfer Function (TF) model between the two stations. The TF model was used to estimate the wave data of the future. The difference of the estimated data and the original data were conferred in this paper. Two types of forecasting differences were discussed here: (1) the input data year increases from 1 to 6 years, and the difference of the estimated data and the original data were then compared. (2) Use one-year data as the input series to forecast the data of the next five years, and then compare the differences of the estimated data and the original data. After comparing the differences we can know the results. The mean value and the standard deviation of the differences decrease and go more stable as the quantity of the input data year increases. The mean value and the standard deviation of the differences increase and go more unstable as the quantity of the forecasted data year increases. This model can be used to forecast the wave data.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the detection and identification of icebergs in the Russian Arctic Seas from the use of high- and medium-resolution radar and optical images from EROS-B, Radarsat-1, Radarsat-2, SPOT-4 and SPOT-5 Earth observation satellites. In July–September of 2011–2013, the SCANEX Research and Development Center, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Atomflot, and other partner organizations provided operational satellite monitoring of icebergs in the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea. More than 130 highly detailed optical and radar images were received and processed. The Vilkitsky Strait—one of the narrowest and most dangerous places within the Northern Sea Route—was chosen as an experimental polygon. As a result, iceberg location in the strait during the 2011–2013 navigation periods was analyzed, as were the iceberg size, area, drift direction, and height.  相似文献   

海水表面温度是研究气候变化的重要参数,具有巨大的研究意义.在近海海域进行研究时对分辨率具有较高的要求.在珠江口区域,利用LANDSAT 8影像热红外波段,结合美国中等分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)的近红外水汽二级产品MOD05,运用Jiménez-Mu1oz提出的单通道法,优化了部分参数,建立海表温度的反演流程.为了确定可行性,将与LANDSAT 8影像同一日期的MODIS海表温度产品MOD28作为实验的对照组,利用实测数据对比验证2组数据的质量.结果表明,反演结果时空分布规律与MOD28趋近一致,均呈现为夏季西高东低而冬季西低东高,全年温度变化接近准正弦曲线,并且反演结果精度更优,具有良好的应用前景.  相似文献   

获取高分辨率的风场数据和气压场数据是精确模拟台风浪的基础,采用经验公式构建台风风场和气压场对海浪模式进行驱动,无法反映台风影响下海气动力过程,难以提供高精度的风场、气压场数据。本文基于中尺度大气模式WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting model)和第三代海浪模式SWAN(Simulating WAves Nearshore model),构建了南中国海地区大气—海浪实时双向耦合模式,针对超强台风"威马逊"进行数值模拟。将数值模拟结果与现场观测结果及卫星高度计观测结果进行对比验证,验证结果表明,本文建立的WRF-SWAN耦合模式在对台风"威马逊"影响下的南中国海台风浪的模拟中展现出较高的模拟精度,揭示了台风风场分布和台风浪分布在空间上的"右偏性"不对称分布特征及其形成机制。基于WRF和SWAN建立的大气-海浪实时双向耦合模式能够准确模拟台风动力过程以及台风浪的时空分布特征,可以推广用于南中国海地区台风浪的模拟分析。  相似文献   

采用2005年采集的SPORT5卫星遥感影像和2015年采集的GF-1卫星遥感影像,分别对2006-2014年之间营口月亮湾海岸空间整治项目实施前后的海岸景观格局进行监测,在此基础上构建了沙滩面积系数、适宜游乐水域指数、主体功能度指数、景观多样性系数、景观变化指数等评估指标,评估了营口月亮湾海岸空间整治效果。结果表明:营口月亮湾沙滩养护工程实施后沙滩面积大幅增加,沙滩面积系数为2.44,适宜游泳嬉水娱乐区面积略有增加,适宜游乐区指数为1.10。海岸空间整理工程实施使月亮湾海岸游乐功能分区明显,月亮湖公园、高尔夫休闲区、山海广场区、农业生态旅游度假区和滨海嬉水观光区主体功能度指数分别达到0.89、0.76、0.68、0.65和0.77。海岸景观美化工程整体改变了海岸景观格局,使各功能分区海岸景观多样性提高,海岸景观格局更为优化,总体景观多样性系数达到1.13,景观变化指数达到0.30。  相似文献   

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