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It was found that advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF)+thin disk model calculations can reproduce the observed spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of two low- luminosity active galactic nuclei (AGNs), provided they are accreting at ~ 0.01 - 0.03 Eddington rates and the thin disks are truncated to ADAFs at~ 100Rs (Rs is the Schwarzschild radius) for M81 and NGC 4579 (Quataert et al. 1999). However, the black hole masses adopted in their work are about one order of magnitude lower than recent measurements on these two sources. Adopting the well estimated black hole masses, our ADAF+thin disk model calculations can reproduce the observed SEDs of these two low- luminosity AGNs, if the black hole is accreting at 2.5 × 10-4 Eddington rates with the thin disk truncated at Rtr = 120Rs for M81 ((m) = 3.3 × 10-3 and Rtr = 80Rs are required for NGC 4579). The transition zones with temperature from the thin disk with 104 - 105 to~109 - 1010 K in the ADAF will inevitably emit thermal X-ray lines, which provides a useful diagnosis of their physical properties. The observed widths of the thermal X-ray iron lines at(~)6.8 keV are consistent with Doppler broadening by Keplerian motion of the gases in the transition zones at~100Rs. We use the structure of the transition zone between the ADAF and the thin disk derived by assuming the turbulent diffusive heat mechanism to calculate their thermal X-ray line emission with the standard software package Astrophysical Plasma Emission Code (APEC). Comparing them with the equivalent widths of the observed thermal X-ray iron lines in these two sources, we find that the turbulent diffusive heat mechanism seems to be unable to reproduce the ob- served thermal X-ray line emission. The test of the evaporation model for the accretion mode transition with the observed thermal X-ray line emission is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The α turbulent viscosity formalism for accretion discs must be interpreted as a mean field theory, modelling a steady state only on spatial or time-scales greater than those of the turbulence. The extent of the scale separation determines the relative precision error (RPE) of the predicted luminosity L ν. Turbulence and the use of α implies that (1) field line stretching gives a magnetic pressure  α2/6 of the total pressure generally, and a one-to-one relation between α and the pressure ratio for thin discs, and (2) large turbulent scales in advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs) predict a lower L ν precision than thin discs for a given observation duration and central mass. The allowed variability (or RPE) at frequency ν increases with the size of the contributing region. For X-ray binary ADAFs, the RPE ∼ 5 per cent at R  ≤ 1000 Schwarzchild radii ( R s) for averages over  1000 s. However, current data for galaxies like NGC 4258 and M87 give RPEs in L ν of 50–100 per cent even at R  ≤ 100  R S. More data are required, but systematic deviations from ADAF predictions are more significant than random deviations, and may constrain properties of the turbulence, the accretion mode, the assumption of a steady state or the accretion rate.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2007,12(6):471-478
A model of magnetic coupling (MC) of a rotating black hole (BH) with advection-dominated accretion flow (MCADAF) is proposed. It turns out that MCADAF provides a natural explanation for the transition radius between ADAF and SSD, and could be used to interpret the highest luminosity of GX 339-4 in hard-state. A very steep emissivity index can be produced in the innermost part of the MCADAF, which is consistent with the recent XMM-Newton observations of the nearby bright Seyfert 1 galaxy MCG-6-30-15 and with two X-ray binaries (XRBs): XTE J1655-500 and GX 339-4. In addition, we estimate the BH spins in Seyfert 1 galaxy MCG-6-30-15 and in the two XRBs based on this model.  相似文献   

We show that recently published assertions that advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs) require the presence of strong winds are unfounded because they assume that low radiative efficiency in flows accreting at low rates on to black holes implies vanishing radial energy and angular momentum fluxes through the flow (which is also formulated in terms of the 'Bernoulli function' being positive). This, however, is a property only of self-similar solutions which are an inadequate representation of global accretion flows. We recall general properties of accretion flows on to black holes and show that such, necessarily transonic, flows may have either d positive or negative Bernoulli function depending on the flow viscosity. Flows with low viscosities ( α ≲0.1 in the α -viscosity model) have a negative Bernoulli function. Without exception, all 2D and 1D numerical models of low-viscosity flows constructed to date experience no significant outflows. At high viscosities the presence of outflows depends on the assumed viscosity, on the equation of state and on the outer boundary condition. The positive sign of the Bernoulli function invoked in this context is irrelevant to the presence of outflows. As an illustration, we recall 2D numerical models with moderate viscosity that have positive values of the Bernoulli function and experience no outflows. ADAFs, therefore, do not differ from this point of view from thin Keplerian discs: they may have, but they do not have to have, strong winds.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2000,44(7-9):443-445
To explain the broad-band spectral energy distributions (SED) of Seyfert nuclei and QSOs, we study the emission spectrum emerging from a vertical disk–corona structure composed of a two-temperature plasma by solving hydrostatic equilibrium and radiative transfer self-consistently. Our model can nicely reproduce the soft X-ray excess with α (Lννα) of about 1.5 and the hard tail extending to ∼50 keV with α∼0.5. The different spectral slopes (α∼1.5 below 2 keV and ∼0.5 above) are the results of different emission mechanisms: unsaturated Comptonization in the former and a combination of Comptonization, bremsstrahlung, and reflection of the coronal radiation at the disk–corona boundary in the latter.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2002,46(2-7):231-233
We present the results of the study of the orientation of the accretion disk relative to the host galaxy disk in Seyfert galaxies. We used a sample selected by a mostly isotropic property, the flux at 60 μm, with radio and optical data homogeneously observed and analyzed, to avoid selection effects. We found that the observed i and δ values, galaxy inclination and difference between the position angle of the jet and the galaxy major axis, respectively, are consistent with a random β-distribution, the angle between the jet and the galaxy plane axis. We also found that the previously suggested Zone of Avoidance disappears and was probably due to a selection effect. We suggest several explanations for the misalignment of the accretion disk relative to the galaxy disk.  相似文献   

We show that a fundamental choice between various models of an accretion disk around a black hole can be made based on the spectral wavelength distribution of the polarization. This conclusion is based on the possibility of comparing the observed spectral distribution of the polarization with its theoretical values obtained in various accretion disk models. The expected power-law wavelength (frequency) dependences of the polarization for various accretion disk models known in the literature are presented in the table.  相似文献   

Our goal is to study the regime of disk accretion in which almost all of the angular momentum and energy is carried away by the wind outflowing from the disk in numerical experiments. For this type of accretion the kinetic energy flux in the outflowing wind can exceed considerably the bolometric luminosity of the accretion disk, what is observed in the plasma flow from galactic nuclei in a number of cases. In this paper we consider the nonrelativistic case of an outflow from a cold Keplerian disk. All of the conclusions derived previously for such a system in the self-similar approximation are shown to be correct. The numerical results agree well with the analytical predictions. The inclination angle of the magnetic field lines in the disk is less than 60°, which ensures a free wind outflow from the disk, while the energy flux per wind particle is greater than the particle rotation energy in its Keplerian orbit by several orders of magnitude, provided that the ratio r A/r ? 1, where r A is the Alfvénic radius and r is the radius of the Keplerian orbit. In this case, the particle kinetic energy reaches half the maximum possible energy in the simulation region. The magnetic field collimates the outflowing wind near the rotation axis and decollimates appreciably the wind outflowing from the outer disk periphery.  相似文献   

A.G.W. Cameron 《Icarus》1985,62(2):319-327
According to the single-impact hypothesis for forming the Moon, the angular momentum needed for the present Earth-Moon system can be imparted to the proto-Earth by a collision with a body having one-tenth of the mass or more. The collision must vaporize a large amount of rock which must stay in the form of vapor after expanding in density by a factor of several, so that pressure gradients can accelerate significant amounts of the matter into orbital motion about the proto-Earth. A successful theory must put considerably more than a lunar mass into orbit, having considerably more angular momentum than is needed to assemble a lunar mass in orbit at 3 Earth radii. Such a collision has been simulated by a particular form of a particle-in-cell representation of hydrodynamics and 78 cases have been run representing variations in a variety of parameters. A significant fraction of the cases were successful in creating a satisfactory prelunar accretion disk. A fairly common characteristic of these cases was the presence of an excess velocity in the collision (above that of a parabolic orbit), implying that the projectile involved in the collision existed in an Earth-crossing orbit of significant ellipticity. A majority of the mass of the prelunar accretion disk is contributed by the projectile.  相似文献   

We analyse conditions of the innermost portion of an accretion disk and establish a set of equations for this region. A stable innermost region may exist, which can probably explain the observed UV and X-ray spectra, avoiding the unstable emission. We then discuss the detailed radial structure of a disk around a black hole for typical AGN parameters and obtain different kinds of- relationships for different regions of a disk. On the basis of this, we discuss the stability. A new type of cycle is present, which we call a double S shaped cycle. In this cycle, the extent of accretion rate variability is much larger than that in dwarf nova cycles. This probably solves the problem of violent variability of AGN. In the meantime, the very high accretion rate at the hottest state in limit cycles in the unstable region may provide continuous injection of matter to the jet and power the relativistic motion of the jet.  相似文献   

The two-dimensional structure of a thin accretion disk in the vicinity of a Schwarzschild black hole after passing a marginally stable orbit (r< 3r g is discussed in terms of the Grad-Shafranov hydrodynamic equation. The accretion disk is shown to be sharply compressed as the sonic surface is approached, so the mass flow here is no longer radial. As a result, the dynamic forces ρ[(v ?)v] θ , which are equal in magnitude to the pressure gradient ? θ P on the sonic surface, become significant in vertical balance. Therefore, the disk thickness in the supersonic region (and, in particular, near the black-hole horizon) may be assumed to be determined not by the pressure gradient but by the shape of ballistic trajectories.  相似文献   

The theory of viscous accretion disks developed by Lynden-Bell and Pringle has been applied to the evolution of the primitive solar nebula. The additional physical input needed to determine the structure of the disk is described. A series of calculations was carried out using a steady flow approximation to explore the effects on the disk properties of variations in such parameters as the angular momentum and accretion rate of the infalling material from a collapsing interstellar cloud fragment. The more detailed evolutionary calculations involved five cases with various combinations of parameters. It was concluded that the late stages of evolution of the disks would be dominated by the effects of mass loss from the expansion of a hot disk corona into space, and the effects of this were included in the evolutionary calculations. A new theory of comet formation is formulated upon these results. The most important result is the conclusion, which appears to be inescapable, that the primitive solar accretion disk was repeatedly unstable against axisymmetric perturbations, in which rings would form and collapse upon themselves, with the subsequent formation of giant gaseous protoplanets.  相似文献   

Spectra of accretion disks in dwarf novae and some novalike stars have been computed. Many simplifications to the general model of the nature of a cataclysmic variable are needed to make the system numerically tractable. The necessity, justification, and implications of such simplifications are discussed together with the influences of some system parameters on the disk radiation.Paper presented at the IAU Colloquium No. 93 on Cataclysmic Variables. Recent Multi-Frequency Observations and Theoretical Developments, held at Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg, F.R.G., 16–19 June, 1986.  相似文献   

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