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介绍了微小型静电泵工作原理,分析了上腔充压的静电泵阀腔的形状与结构、所加激励电压、可动薄膜面积与厚度对泵的压力、流量、受力和变形的影响,提出了一套完整的数据图标和表格,例如激励敏感膜片的绕度及相应鼓起的体积、膜上所承担压力及其所受的径向应力与泵的半径和膜厚的关系图、表,以便选用.  相似文献   

分别详细介绍了微型泵、大流量泵和串接双泵的设计原理及方法,给出了不同状态下参数计算的详细步骤,并绘制出系列图和表格直接应用于微型泵、大流量泵及串接双泵设计.另外还讨论了用不锈钢代替钛作为激励膜的处理方案,描述了串接双泵抽液和出液状态,并阐述了串接双泵的提压原理.因为静电泵的上腔高度明显影响泵膜的抽压力,所以本设计的意义在于如何给上腔充压,泵膜将向下鼓起,可防止碰壁短路现象.特别是膜鼓起量比较大的大容量泵.全文阐述的理论和提供的图、表为微型泵、大流量泵和串接双泵的参数设计提供了实际数据,为静电泵设计者提供示例,以作比较参考.  相似文献   

对微型静电泵的阀门设计进行理论分析和计算.以球塞型阀门为重点,讨论了入水阀和出水阀的区别,给出了阀门套在开启状态下,流量与球塞上下面间的压力差、阀门套面积之间的关系式,以及不同内径泵的阀门套最小半径与流量和压力差的关系式,由阀门套半径、流速计算了雷诺系数并核对了所选流量系数;研究了球塞施加于蛛网的作用力,进行了蛛网的强度核验,并讨论了网丝直径的选用等.  相似文献   

设计了一套由静电泵及压力机械阀组成的人工心脏系统,探讨了以体外静电泵及单向最低压力机械阀替代心脏的二尖瓣和三尖瓣、主动脉瓣和肺动脉瓣,完成体外循环心脏手术的可行性,介绍了静电泵及压力阀的工作原理,提供了泵阀系统与体内动静脉的连接方案,完成了在极值血压状态下的泵阀相关参数的计算,该系统具有与心脏相应器官的血压变化的数值一致性的特点,将会有好的应用前景.  相似文献   

以碟型阀门为对象,利用阀门流量与碟阀开角的相对指数关系,基于流体力学关于流量与压力差、阀门管道面积、流量系数间的关系,在压力差、阀门管道面积不变的条件下,建立了流量系数与开角的指数关系。从而得到阀门实际流量与碟阀开角、压力差、阀门管道面积的具体数值关系,以设计岀碟型阀套的合适的最小半径。将血液静电泵的设计原则应用于碟型阀门设计,选用不同的流量系数计算并绘制出不同阀门半径、碟阀开角与压力差的关系图。如何选择合理的阀门半径是本文研究目的所在,以保证阀门打开时,血流畅通无阻。再由碟阀半径、开角、流速,计算了雷诺系数并核对了所选流量系数;还研究了因阀门的快启导致血流施加于碟阀上的冲击力,进行了碟阀及其把柄的强度核验。  相似文献   

阐述移动双工电台天线的选择、螺旋天线的原理、设计、给出主要分析、计算和相关数据.  相似文献   

在办公室,家庭和卫生系统中,经常要用体积小、功耗低、便于携带的冷藏设备或制冷设备。本文就是针对这些特殊要求提出,实现小型制冷器的设计,所设计的小型制冷器具有体积小,重量轻,无机械转动等独特的优点。本系统由温度传感器感受制冷器内温度,并把温度的变化传递给中央控制芯片单片机AT89C52,由芯片控制制冷系统使冰箱内温度达到显示屏上的设定值,使用者只需根据需要利用小按键设定不同的温度即可,达到预定的制冷效果。  相似文献   

此前,我们做了一个基于图像系统色调剂(译者注:现在通常称为墨粉。)的介绍,以及部件的可靠性和打印过程中墨粉与部件相互作用的一些内容。这个系列的第二部分将针对更常见的显影系统,说明墨粉如何带电、转印和显影。  相似文献   

(2015年7月1日颁布;2019年4月30日第1次修订)为弘扬良好学术风气,保护知识产权,营造良好健康的科研环境,维护本刊的学术质量和名誉,《小型微型计算机系统》对所有投稿进行录用后及发表前多次严格的学术不端检测,一经查实,一律实时退稿或撤销录用,同时做严肃处理.1.学术不端论文的认定标准:1)剽窃、抄袭、侵吞他人学术成果;2)篡改他人研究成果.  相似文献   

(2015年7月1日颁布;2019年4月30日第1次修订)为弘扬良好学术风气,保护知识产权,营造良好健康的科研环境,维护本刊的学术质量和名誉,《小型微型计算机系统》对所有投稿进行录用后及发表前多次严格的学术不端检测,一经查实,一律实时退稿或撤销录用,同时做严肃处理.1.学术不端论文的认定标准:1)剽窃、抄袭、侵吞他人学术成果;2)篡改他人研究成果;3)伪造或者篡改数据、文献、注释或者捏造事实.  相似文献   

Zhang  Yu  Wang  Wen 《Microsystem Technologies》2011,17(10):1683-1696

We analytically predict the performance of electrostatic actuators for diaphragm micro gas pumps by combining energy minimization and the analytical solution for membrane deformation under uniform pressure. The tangential strain of the membrane is considered in the calculation of membrane deflection. Models for both single- and double-cavity pumps are established to define the restriction of the upper cavity on the membrane during actuation. The shape lines of the membrane in a double-cavity structure are demonstrated under different voltages. The influence of dielectric thickness and cavity geometry on pumping consequence is also discussed. In accordance with other simulation results on diaphragm displacement and chamber pressure rise, an electrostatic diaphragm micro gas pump with a relatively thin dielectric layer and a cavity of comparatively small depth and radius suitably generates high pressure rise. Furthermore, a double-cavity structure enhances pressure rise for the restriction of the upper cavity on the membrane during deformation.


Yu Zhang  Wen Wang 《Microsystem Technologies》2011,17(10-11):1683-1696
We analytically predict the performance of electrostatic actuators for diaphragm micro gas pumps by combining energy minimization and the analytical solution for membrane deformation under uniform pressure. The tangential strain of the membrane is considered in the calculation of membrane deflection. Models for both single- and double-cavity pumps are established to define the restriction of the upper cavity on the membrane during actuation. The shape lines of the membrane in a double-cavity structure are demonstrated under different voltages. The influence of dielectric thickness and cavity geometry on pumping consequence is also discussed. In accordance with other simulation results on diaphragm displacement and chamber pressure rise, an electrostatic diaphragm micro gas pump with a relatively thin dielectric layer and a cavity of comparatively small depth and radius suitably generates high pressure rise. Furthermore, a double-cavity structure enhances pressure rise for the restriction of the upper cavity on the membrane during deformation.  相似文献   

A distributed electrostatic micro actuator (DEMA) has been proposed. The actuator has many small driving units which consist of two wave-like insulated electrodes. Both ends of insulated electrodes are connected to each other, and the driving unit has narrow gap for deformation caused by electrostatic forces. The driving units have large area of electrodes and are distributed in series and in parallel. So, a strong electrostatic force can be obtained, and the deformation and the generated force of the actuator would be large. Macro model of the DEMA was fabricated with polyimide films, and the deformation of the actuator was measured. When the applied voltage was 200 V, the deformation ratio was 36%. A micro actuator was fabricated by use of photolithography and electroplating. The displacement of 28 μm was observed when applied voltage was 160 V. Experimental results of the micro actuator were compared with the results simulated by finite element method (FEM) analysis  相似文献   

运用梁的横向振动特性分析了梁振动频率与平行板电容形成的静电刚度的关系,并以此设计了静电刚度式谐振微加速度计。在加速度作用下,检测质量产生的惯性力使电容器极板发生位移来改变电容结构的间隙大小,从而使谐振频率发生变化,通过检测频率变化量来测量输入加速度的大小。根据加速度计的工作原理说明检测过程中梁的机械刚度保持不变,只与产生静电刚度的电容间隙变化相关,减小了检测信号对机械误差与残余应力的依赖性。运用加工参数进行理论计算得出加速度计的灵敏度为21.17Hz/gn,在CoventorWare2005中进行仿真表明:加速度计的固有频率为23.94kHz,灵敏度约为20Hz/gn,与理论设计值相近。  相似文献   

提出并设计了一种用于硅基氮化镓(GaN)可调微镜的静电梳齿型微驱动器.利用有限元软件建立了该器件的几何结构模型,对器件的结构进行了仿真优化.此外,采用微机电系统(MEMS)加工工艺,制作出了用于硅基氮化镓可调微镜的梳齿型微驱动器,并对其驱动特性进行测试.测试结果表明:所制作的微驱动器的位移随着电压的变化呈二次方关系,与仿真结果基本一致.当加载驱动电压为200 V时,微驱动器的驱动位移可达到1.08 μm.  相似文献   

In this paper, the fabrication process and mounting of a micro centrifugal force pump based on a synchronous motor is presented. The pump unit as well as the electromagnetic drive unit is fully integrated and mainly realized by means of micro fabrication technologies including UV-depth lithography and electroplating. Furthermore, one specialty is the application of polymer magnets which allow a miniaturization of the toothed rotor down to 2 mm. The presented pump reveals a promising basic concept for other micro rotary pumps like spiral, impeller, or gear pumps.  相似文献   

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