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通过对广东省湛江市雷州半岛桉树(Eucalyptus urophylla S.T.Blake)人工林的树液流通量、环境因子、土壤蒸发、林冠截留和林分特性相关指标一年多的连续观测,以及通过一个理论公式对日蒸散量的计算,得出了如下结论:(1)土壤特性及由此决定的土壤水势对树液流通量,以及树液流通量密度(SFD)与气温的关系有一定影响;(2)林冠层的VPD(空气饱和差)对SFD有显著影响;(3)由测定和计算得来的蒸散量在河头和纪家分别有5.26%和6.14%的偏差,可以认为这两种方法有较好的一致性;(4)河头和纪家的林分蒸腾量占总蒸散量百分比分别为62.2%和51.3%;(5)树种单位叶面积水平上的SFD是评价该树种水分利用的重要指标.  相似文献   

华南桉树人工林树液流通量及蒸散作用(英文)   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过对广东省湛江市雷州半岛桉树(Eucalyptus urophylla S.T.Blake)人工林的树液流通量、环境因子、土壤蒸发、林冠截留和林分特性相关指标一年多的连续观测,以及通过一个理论公式对日蒸散量的计算,得出了如下结论:(1)土壤特性及由此决定的土壤水势对树液流通量,以及树液流通量密度(SFD)与气温的关系有一定影响;(2)林冠层的VPD(空气饱和差)对SFD有显著影响;(3)由测定和计算得来的蒸散量在河头和纪家分别有5.26%和6.14%的偏差,可以认为这两种方法有较好的一致性;(4)河头和纪家的林分蒸腾量占总蒸散量百分比分别为62.2%和51.3%;(5)树种单位叶面积水平上的SFD是评价该树种水分利用的重要指标。  相似文献   

树液流动密度(SFD)随边材径向深度的变化对于准确估测流经边材的树液通量是非常重要的,后者又制约着Heat Pulse的应用精度.但迄今为止,只有很少的研究估计了由于SFD随径向的梯度变化而带来的误差,SFD沿树干径向分布规律的获得往往依靠对少数几棵树的观测资料.基于在广东雷州半岛对两块3~4年生桉树(Eucalyptus urophylla S.T. Blake)人工林1年的Heat Pulse观测,探讨了对来自39株立木大量观测资料的综合处理方法,发现这两个样地(纪家和河头)的林分中SFD随边材径向深度的变化可以用如下回归方程来描述:纪家: y=3.667 5x3-7.295 5x2+3.682 6x+0.567 4 (R2=0.939 1, n=80, P=0.01)河头: y=5.006 2x3-9.116 1x2+4.454 4x+0.463 4 (R2=0.806 9, n=72, P=0.01)式中:y--某一树液感应器所测得的SFD与不同深度的4个感应器所测得的SFD的平均值之比;x-某一树液感应器在边材中的深度与边材厚度之比.从形成层到心材,SFD最初有所增加,随后持续减小,但由于树木年龄很小,最大的SFD只比最小的SFD大0.33~0.36倍.  相似文献   

桉树人工林树液流动密度随边材径向深度的变化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
树液流动密度 (SFD)随边材径向深度的变化对于准确估测流经边材的树液通量是非常重要的 ,后者又制约着HeatPulse的应用精度。但迄今为止 ,只有很少的研究估计了由于SFD随径向的梯度变化而带来的误差 ,SFD沿树干径向分布规律的获得往往依靠对少数几棵树的观测资料。基于在广东雷州半岛对两块 3~ 4年生桉树 (Euca lyptusurophyllaS .T .Blake)人工林 1年的HeatPulse观测 ,探讨了对来自 39株立木大量观测资料的综合处理方法 ,发现这两个样地 (纪家和河头 )的林分中SFD随边材径向深度的变化可以用如下回归方程来描述 :纪家 :y =3.6 6 75x3 - 7.2 95 5x2 3.6 82 6x 0 .5 6 74 (R2 =0 .9391,n =80 ,P =0 .0 1)河头 :y =5 .0 0 6 2x3 - 9.116 1x2 4.4 5 4 4x 0 .4 6 34(R2 =0 .80 6 9,n =72 ,P =0 .0 1)式中 :y———某一树液感应器所测得的SFD与不同深度的 4个感应器所测得的SFD的平均值之比 ;x—某一树液感应器在边材中的深度与边材厚度之比。从形成层到心材 ,SFD最初有所增加 ,随后持续减小 ,但由于树木年龄很小 ,最大的SFD只比最小的SFD大 0 .33~ 0 .36倍。  相似文献   

南宁市桉树人工林土壤有机碳密度与地形因子的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
桉树人工林土壤有机碳密度与地形因子的关系还不明确,且当前的研究较少地关注复合地形因子,对两者的线性和非线性关系强度的对比研究也较少。以南宁市高峰林场中的桉树人工林地为研究区,采用条件拉丁超立方抽样法布设采样点,通过建立数字高程模型提取和计算得到地形因子的指标;采用线性回归和回归树分别建立桉树人工林土壤有机碳密度-地形因子的线性和非线性回归模型。结果表明:研究区土壤表层、0—50 cm和全剖面的土壤有机碳密度均值分别为2.8、7.7、10.9 kg/m2,属于中等水平;仅坡度在0.05显著性水平上与表层和全剖面土壤有机碳密度显著相关,总体而言,简单地形因子与土壤有机碳密度的相关性普遍好于复合地形因子;随着土壤层次厚度的增加,线性和非线性回归模型对土壤有机碳密度空间变异解释能力都提升;回归模型对土壤有机碳密度空间变异的解释能力大小顺序为:回归树全变量多元线性回归逐步线性回归,因此,桉树人工林土壤有机碳密度与地形因子之间的非线性关系比线性关系强。  相似文献   

采用空间代替时间法和典型抽样法,以四川省威远县桉树(Eucalyptus robusta)人工林为研究对象,综合分析其林下植被物种组成及重要值、灌木层和草本层地上、地下和全株生物量以及物种多样性指数(Shannon-Wiener多样性指数H、Simpson优势度指数H′、丰富度指数D和Pielou均匀度指数JSW),探究林下植被的物种多样性和生物量在5个不同林龄(4,5,6,7,8年生)下的动态变化及二者之间的相关性。结果表明:调查到植物共有210种,隶属79科151属,草本层物种数多于灌木层。草本层的五节芒(Miscanthus floridulus)、芒萁(Dicranop?teris pedata)和灌木层的野牡丹(Melastoma malabathricum)、戟叶悬钩子(Rubus hastifolius)在不同林龄下都占据主要优势地位。随着林龄的增大,郁闭度加大,灌木层的D、H和H′值均表现为先增后减的规律;草本层D、H和H′值均呈先增后减再增再减的双峰趋势。草本层各生物量呈先增后减再增的变化趋势;灌木层各生物量呈先增后减的变化趋势。物种多样性与生物量呈显著正相关,草本层的D、H指数是影响生物量的直接因子。桉树人工林林下植被物种分布、组成、物种多样性和生物量对林龄变化的响应不同,表现为不同的动态特征规律,相关结果为我国西南地区桉树林管理提供了数据支撑。  相似文献   

施氮对桉树人工林生长季土壤温室气体通量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李睿达  张凯  苏丹  逯非  万五星  王效科  郑华 《生态学报》2015,35(18):5931-5939
施肥是维持短期轮伐人工林生产量的重要手段,为了提高肥料利用效率,缓释氮肥逐渐成为广泛采用的氮肥种类。评估缓释肥施用对人工林生长季土壤温室气体通量的影响对于全面评估人工林施肥的环境效应具有重要意义。以我国南方广泛种植的桉树林为对象,采用野外控制实验研究了4种施氮处理(对照CK:0 kg/hm2;低氮L:84.2 kg/hm2;中氮M:166.8 kg/hm2;高氮H:333.7 kg/hm2)对土壤-大气界面3种温室气体(CO2、N2O和CH4)通量的影响,结果表明:(1)4种施氮水平下CO2排放通量、N2O排放通量和CH4吸收通量分别为276.84—342.84 mg m-2h-1、17.64—375.34μg m-2h-1和29.65—39.70μg m-2h-1;施氮显著促进了N2O的排放(P0.01),高氮处理显著增加CO2排放和显著减少CH4吸收(P0.05),且CO2排放通量与CH4吸收通量随着施氮量的增加分别呈现增加和减少的趋势;(2)生长季CO2和N2O排放呈现显著正相关(P0.01),CO2排放和CH4吸收呈现显著负相关(P0.05),N2O排放和CH4吸收呈现显著负相关(P0.01);(3)土壤温度和土壤水分是影响CO2、N2O排放通量和CH4吸收通量的主要环境因素。结果表明:施用缓释肥显著增加了桉树林生长季土壤N2O排放量,且高氮处理还显著促进CO2排放和显著抑制CH4吸收,上述研究结果可为人工林缓释肥对土壤温室气体通量评估提供参数。  相似文献   

为探讨桉树不同林龄土壤微生物活性的响应特征,该研究采用时空互代法,选择广西北部低山丘陵地区1~5年生桉树人工林为研究对象,分析了土壤微生物、酶活性在不同土层和季节的变化规律。结果表明:(1)土壤微生物和酶活性在土层中有明显的垂直分布特征,均随土层加深而趋于降低,且各土层间差异显著。(2)细菌、放线菌数量随季节的大小顺序为秋季>夏季>春季>冬季,真菌的变化规律为春季>夏季>秋季>冬季,而酶活性随季节变化表现为夏季、秋季活性较高,春季、冬季活性较低。(3)细菌、真菌、脲酶、过氧化氢酶随林龄增大表现出先减小后增大的趋势,放线菌则呈现先减小后增大再减小的趋势,而蔗糖酶、酸性磷酸酶随林龄的增大趋于增大。(4)林地土壤中三大类群微生物与四种土壤酶之间存在极显著正相关关系,说明土壤微生物与土壤酶活性相互影响,两者之间关系密切,共同影响土壤的质量。综上可知,不同土层土壤微生物和酶活性的季节响应特征差异较大,总体在冬季最低,主要与气温、水分条件、凋落物养分的归还等有关。不同季节、土层、林龄之间的交互作用对土壤微生物和酶活性有显著影响。  相似文献   

桉树人工林林下植被、地面覆盖物与土壤物理性质的关系   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
对儋州市东成镇的7个不同类型的桉树(Eucalyptussp.)人工林和一个马占相思林(Acaciamangium)林下的土壤含水量、土壤温度、土壤容重、土壤坚实度(硬度)以及土壤的机械组成等5个土壤物理指标进行研究。结果表明,有林下植被的桉树人工林地的土壤含水量比无林下植被的桉树人工林地的高出11.2~62.9 g.kg-1;同一样地内,有枯枝落叶覆盖物的土壤含水量平均比没有枯枝落叶覆盖物的土壤含水量高27.6~38.2 g.kg-1;有林下植被的桉树人工林地土壤温度比无林下植被的桉树人工林地和空旷弃荒地低,但却比无林下植被、树冠大、荫蔽度大的马占相思林地的高。有林下植被的桉树人工林地的土壤硬度要比无林下植被的桉树人工林地、马占相思林地和空旷弃荒地的小5.49~18.76 kg.cm-3。林下植被覆盖率高的桉树人工林地,其容重比有林下植被的桉树人工林地、无林下植被的桉树人工林地、马占相思林地、牧草实验地样地小0.33~0.48 g.cm-3。这说明桉树人工林下植被和枯枝落叶是影响土壤含水量、土壤硬度、土壤温度、土壤容重等土壤物理性质的重要因子。因此,为了有效改善桉树林的立地条件以及能更好地经营桉树人工林,在...  相似文献   

林分密度对桉树人工林群落结构和物种多样性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用典型样地法,以四川新津县普兴镇桉树(Eucalyptus robusta)人工林为研究对象,设置5种不同林分密度(A.625株·hm~(-2);B.750株·hm~(-2);C.875株·hm~(-2);D.1 000株·hm~(-2);E.1 125株·hm~(-2))样地各3个,对不同林分密度人工林群落结构和物种多样进行分析,探讨确定桉树人工林的合理栽植密度,为维持桉树人工林群落结构稳定、增加物种多样性提供依据。结果表明:(1)研究区桉树人工林群落共记录到96种植物,隶属于51科79属;在各个林分密度的群落中,植物科属种数量变化规律均为:草本层灌木层乔木层;当密度为1 000株·hm~(-2)时,乔木层物种数最高(6种);当密度为750、875株·hm~(-2)时,灌木层群落物种数最高(17种);在林分密度625株·hm~(-2)下,草本层物种数最高(32种)。(2)桉树人工林群落各层次的丰富度指数D值、Shannnon-Wiener指数H值、Simpson指数H′、Pielou均匀度指数Jsw)值均表现为:草本层灌木层乔木层;乔木层的D值和H′值在875株·hm~(-2)密度下最大,H值在625株·hm~(-2)密度下最大,Jsw)值在750株·hm~(-2)密度下最大;灌、草层各指数分别均在密度750、625株·hm~(-2)时有最大值。(3)从群落结构上看,5种林分密度的群落径级结构均呈单峰型分布,乔木个体多分布在中径级(7.0≤d23.0cm);高度级结构与径级结构对林分密度的响应不一致,密度A、B、C和D、E的个体分别集中在高度级Ⅱ~Ⅴ(6.0≤h18.0m)、Ⅲ~Ⅴ(9.0≤h18.0m)、Ⅱ~Ⅲ(6.0≤h12.0m)和Ⅳ~Ⅴ(12.0≤h18.0 m)。(4)各层次优势种不同,乔木层中桉树是绝对优势树种,各密度林分中构树(Broussonetia papyrifera)的重要值基本仅次于桉树;灌木层中,桉树幼苗只在密度E出现,构树在各密度下优势地位显著,在密度B~D中,均有八角枫(Alangium chinense)和女贞(Ligustrum lucidum)存在,并在密度B下八角枫(0.118 4)和女贞(0.183 2)长势较好,具有较大的更新潜力;青蒿(Artemisia carvifolia)和荩草(Arthraxon hispidus)作为草本层的优势种在5种林分密度下都有生长。研究认为,林分密度750株·hm~(-2)(密度B)是新津桉树人工林的最适林分密度,该密度更有利于该地区桉树人工林群落结构和物种多样性的稳定可持续发展。  相似文献   

在全球变化的影响下, 中国亚热带地区近几十年降水格局发生了急剧变化。这种变化对亚热带常绿阔叶林植物的生长和森林水分平衡的影响尚不清楚。为此, 该研究从植物整树蒸腾角度出发, 通过在天然次生林中进行人工隔除降雨模拟降水格局变化, 研究降水变化对植物水分利用的影响。试验于2012年9月至2014年12月在广东鹤山森林生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站内的常绿阔叶林内进行, 通过林下搭建遮雨棚, 截留干季(10月至次年3月)的降雨, 并在湿季(次年4至9月)等量返还到样地中, 在保证总降水量不变的前提下模拟干季更干、湿季更湿(DD)的降雨格局变化。在此期间对样地内的木荷(Schima superba)与火力楠(Michelia macclurei)树干液流特征进行连续监测。运用独立样本t检验对对照组(AC)两个树种间的平均最大液流通量密度(¯JS)差异性进行分析, 并将DD处理下两个树种的¯JS与AC进行对比, 来检验隔除降雨对森林蒸腾的效应。结果表明: 当光合有效辐射(PAR)大于1 100 μmol·m -2·s -1时, 对照样地火力楠和木荷的¯JS分别为(49.5 ± 1.7)和(43.6 ± 2.0) mL∙m -2∙s -1, 且前者表现出对光合有效辐射(PAR)更强的敏感性。截留降雨处理开始后(2012-10), 两个树种DD与AC处理的¯JS比值(DD:AC)均先减小后增加, 其中木荷的比值从处理前的0.74下降到了第1次截留降雨处理期(2012-10至2013-03)的0.68, 增加到了第2次截留降雨处理期(2013-10至2014-03)的0.93以及第3次截留降雨处理期(2014-10至2014-11)的1.04; 火力楠则从处理前的1.00下降到了第1次截留降雨处理期的0.94, 在第2次截留降雨处理期增长到1.06, 变化幅度小于木荷。此外, 在第3次截留降雨处理期, 木荷在相同的水汽压亏缺及PAR下能够保持更高的¯JS。这些结果表明, 短期干旱事件会促使森林蒸腾急剧下降, 然而在长期干旱下, 植物会通过提高¯JS来弥补干旱带来的损失, 而木荷由于具有较大的¯JS可塑性, 从而使其在干旱条件下维持更高的水分传输速率。  相似文献   

降水格局变化是全球气候变化的重要特征之一,未来气候变化下,较为频繁和严峻的干旱将威胁地球中纬度部分地区的森林,但森林植被如何响应季节性干旱胁迫及其机制尚不清楚。北亚热带-暖温带过渡区分布着以锐齿栎(Quercus aliena var.acuteserrata)为优势树种的落叶阔叶林,研究其水分蒸腾代谢过程对干旱的响应是评估气候变化对过渡区天然落叶阔叶林生态系统水碳影响的关键科学问题。在典型的锐齿栎天然林中通过开展模拟穿透雨减少大型野外实验,采用Granier热扩散式探针技术监测锐齿栎树干液流密度的动态变化,研究了不同径级锐齿栎树干液流密度对模拟干旱的响应规律。结果表明:(1)穿透雨减少对树干液流密度的影响呈现季节变异。在7月份,林内穿透雨减少显著降低了锐齿栎的树干液流密度,但生长季后期的10月份林内穿透雨减少反而使锐齿栎树干液流密度显著升高。(2)不同径级的锐齿栎树干液流密度在生长季内对干旱有不同的响应,特别是小径级的树干液流密度与其他径级有较多的不同。小径级的锐齿栎树干液流密度在5、7月份表现为减雨样地显著小于对照样地,在9、10月份则表现为减雨样地显著大于对照样地。中径级的锐齿栎树干液流密度在5、10月份表现为减雨样地显著大于对照样地,在7月份则表现为减雨样地极显著小于对照样地。大径级的锐齿栎树干液流密度在6、7月份表现为减雨样地显著小于对照样地,在10月份则表现为减雨样地显著大于对照样地。  相似文献   

Jon Molinero  Jesus Pozo 《Hydrobiologia》2004,528(1-3):143-165
Litterfall inputs, benthic storage and the transport of coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) were studied in two headwater streams, one flowing through a mixed deciduous forest and one through a plantation of Eucalyptus globulus. Vertical and lateral traps, transported CPOM and benthic CPOM were sampled monthly to biweekly and sorted into four categories: leaves, twigs and bark, fruits and flowers and debris. The litterfall inputs were about 20% lower at the eucalyptus site but this reduction was unevenly distributed among the litter categories. The reduction of the nitrogen and phosphorus inputs was larger (50%) than that of CPOM because of the low nutrient concentration of the CPOM at the eucalyptus site. Transported CPOM was also lower at the eucalyptus site. Although total CPOM inputs to the stream were reduced in the eucalyptus plantation, benthic storage of CPOM was 50% higher due to (1) high inputs of CPOM and low discharge during summer, (2) more twig and bark inputs, (3) eucalyptus leaves being retained more efficiently in the stream than deciduous leaves (4) a lower discharge, which may in part be attributable to eucalyptus-induced changes in the hydrological cycle. Increased retention balanced lower nitrogen and phosphorus content of CPOM, so benthic storage of nitrogen and phosphorus was similar at both sites. This work demonstrates that the timing, quality and quantity of inputs and benthic storage of CPOM in streams changes substantially because of the substitution of natural deciduous forest with eucalyptus plantation. Maintenance of buffer strips of natural vegetation may be the best way to protect ecological functioning of small, forested streams.  相似文献   

Under the government of China's environmental program known as Returning Farmland To Forests (RFTF), about 28 million hectares of farmland have been converted to tree plantation. This has led to a large accumulation of biomass carbon, but less is known about underground carbon‐related processes. One permanent plot (25 years of observation) and four chronosequence plot series comprising 159 plots of larch (Larix gmelinii) plantations in northeastern China were studied. Both methods found significant soil organic carbon (SOC) accumulation (96.4 g C m?2 yr?1) and bulk density decrease (5.7 mg cm?3 yr?1) in the surface soil layer (0–20 cm), but no consistent changes in deeper layers, indicating that larch planting under the RFTF program can increase SOC storage and improve the physical properties of surface soil. Nitrogen depletion (4.1–4.3 g m?2 yr?1), soil acidification (0.007–0.022 pH units yr?1) and carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio increase (0.16–0.46 per year) were observed in lessive soil, whereas no significant changes were found in typical dark‐brown forest soil. This SOC accumulation rate (96.4 g m?2 yr?1) can take 39% of the total carbon sink capacity [net ecosystem exchange (NEE)] of larch forests in this region and the total soil carbon sequestration could be 87 Tg carbon within 20 years of plantation by approximating all larch plantations in northeastern China (4.5 Mha), showing the importance of soil carbon accumulation in the ecosystem carbon balance. By comparison with the rates of these processes in agricultural use, the RFTF program of reversing land use for agriculture will rehabilitate SOC, soil fertility and bulk density slowly (< 69% of the depletion rate in agricultural use), so that a much longer duration is needed to rehabilitate the underground function of soil via the RFTF program. Global forest plantations on abandoned farmland or function to protecting farmland are of steady growth and our findings may be important for understanding their underground carbon processes.  相似文献   

Concurrent measurements of heat pulse velocity and ultrasound acoustic emission were performed on the trunks of adult Quercus petraea plants under different water stress conditions. On the trunk section of the plants the wood density was measured non-destructively using a mobile computer tomograph which measures the attenuation of a collimated beam of radiation which traverses the trunk. By scanning the trunk in different directions, it is possible to map wood density in the section. As wood density is strictly correlated with water content, this method allows evaluation of the water content in the trunk section and the water conditions in the different parts of the section. The computer-tomograph technique is non-invasive and is not influenced by climatic fluctuations. A close agreement was found between wood density and heat pulse velocity; the relationship between these two parameters and ultrasound acoustic emission is discussed. Trunks of sessile oak appear well suited as water storage reservoirs playing an important role in tree survival during extended periods of low soil water availability, especially in the context of global climatic change. Here the computer-tomograph methodology is described and suggestions arc made for further research development.  相似文献   

Hakumat Rai 《Hydrobiologia》1995,308(1):51-59
The effect of photon flux density (PFD) on the partitioning of photosynthetically fixed 14CO2-C into major intracellular end products was investigated for three species of freshwater planktonic algae (Nitzschia palea, Monoraphidium minutum and Synechococcus elongatus belonging to three different classes. This study was designed to investigate the phenomenon of polysaccharide synthesis associated with the saturation of protein synthesis and to test if this process is common to all three phytoplankton species. Protein synthesis was saturated at low PFD in all three species of algae studied. However, fixed carbon was differentially stored, namely in lipids in Nitzschia palea (Bacillariophyceae), in polysaccharides in Monoraphidium minutum (Chlorophyceae), and in low molecular weight metabolites (LMW) in Synechococcus elongatus (Cyanophyceae). The results of this transient state study indicate that the metabolic pathways of algae can easily be controlled by different irradiance. Furthermore, it appears that the difference in the patterns of synthesis is taxonomy dependent.  相似文献   

As an important species in the Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau, the roles played by plateau pikas in grassland degradation and protection are controversial. The behavior characteristics and population density of this species are important in answering this question, but these traits have not been fully elucidated to date. Camera‐capture methods have been used widely in recent years to characterize or calculate population density with the advantage of simple operation and nonintrusive investigation. However, establishing the relationship between actual population density and monitoring data with the condition that individual identification is not possible is a major challenge for this method. In this study, a model composed of a behavioral module and a burrow system module is proposed and applied to simulate the moving path of each individual pika. Based on Monte Carlo method, the model is used to develop the relationship between population density and recorded capture number, which is compared with the results derived from the random encounter model (REM) based on field observations. The simulated results mixed with the calculated density based on observation data could reach R 2 = 0.98 using linear fitting, with proper parameter settings. A novel index named activity intensity of pikas per population density is also proposed, providing information on both the ecological physical characteristics and monitoring space. The influence of different parameters on this index, mainly the pika number per burrow system, pika activity time outside the burrow, and activity intensity, is discussed. The proposed methodology can be applied to different scenarios in further studies when behavioral characteristics of pikas change for such reasons as climate change and vegetation degradation.  相似文献   

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