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进行单温阶加温和连续加温两种方式的模拟实验,前相当于封闭体系,后相当于开放体系。对比两的油气产率,并探讨两与自然界烃源岩生排烃过程之间的关系。实验结果表明,总气体产率和烃气产率开放体系均低于封闭体系;排出油量和总生油率开放体系均大于封闭体系。自然界烃源岩的生排烃过程可能是介于封闭体系和开放体系之间的一种状况。  相似文献   

原油在热裂解过程中会生成大量的轻烃(C6~C13),这些轻烃组分的性质介于气体和液体之间,易挥发,在常温下不以单独的气相或者液相存在,因而往往难以收集完全。本次工作先进行原油裂解生烃动力学模拟实验,在每个温度点都采用了两根黄金管作为平行样,其中一根黄金管按照传统液态烃收集方法,先在线测试完气态烃,然后用液氮冷冻1个跟真空系统相连的细胞瓶来收集轻烃,随后将黄金管剪开并投入加入了正戊烷的细胞瓶中,使两部分液态烃合并。另一根黄金管采用液氮直接冷冻收集的方法,即先用液氮充分冷冻黄金管,然后再快速剪破并浸入正戊烷中,以尽可能地减少轻烃组分的挥发。通过对比这两种收集方法获得的液态烃组分(C6~C13和C14+)定量数据,揭示液态烃组分在组成和产率上的差异。在此基础上,借助PVTsim相态模拟软件,将这两种收集方法获得的数据进行油气相态数值模拟,以研究两种收集方法导致的相行为差异。研究结果表明,液氮直接冷冻收集方法能更有效地收集轻烃组分,获得的轻烃产率明显高于传统液态烃收集方法。当R  相似文献   

利用广泛应用的高压釜和Rock Eval热解实验技术,对松辽盆地3个有机质样品同时进行了密闭条件下的加水恒温热解实验和开放条件下的恒速升温热解实验。利用后一实验数据所标定得到的化学动力学模型计算了与高压釜相同实验条件下的有机质产油、产气率。结果表明,在线计量的恒速升温Rock Eval实验方法由于不损失C6—C13的轻质烃组分,在计量液态油的产量方面较需要抽提、恒重的高压釜实验方法更为准确。因此为解决热模拟实验中难以计量、但对成烃评价有重要意义的C6—C13组分的计量问题提供了一条有效的途经。这可能也表明,先由实验数据建立有关的化学动力学模型,之后由它来进一步计算有机质的成烃率,不仅是可行的,而且应该更为准确。  相似文献   

流速率存在径向变化及两种方法的测定原理不同导致的.  相似文献   

A Comparison of Methods for the Stochastic Simulation of Rock Fractures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Methods reported in the literature for rock fracture simulations include approaches based on stochastic geometry, multiple-point statistics and a combination of geostatistics for fracture density and object-based modelling for fracture geometries. The advantages and disadvantages of each of these approaches are discussed with examples. By way of review, the authors begin with the geostatistical indicator simulation method, based on the truncated–Gaussian algorithm; this is followed by multiple-point statistical simulation and then the stochastic geometry approach, which is based on marked point process simulation. A new approach, based on pluriGaussian structural simulation, is then introduced. The new approach incorporates in the simulation the spatial correlation between different sets of fractures, which in general, is very difficult, if not impossible, to accomplish in the three methods reviewed. Each simulation method is summarised together with detailed simulation procedures for each. A published two-dimensional fracture dataset is used as a means of assessing the performance of each simulation method and of demonstrating the concepts discussed in the text.  相似文献   

证据权模型作为一种数据综合方法已被广泛应用于矿产资源定量预测与评价。在模糊证据权基础上,发展了基于地质单元思想的矢量证据图层构建和数据综合方法,并通过实例作具体阐述:它以矿点缓冲区图层作为训练图层,以各证据变量图层在空间上的叠置所形成的唯一地质单元作为评价对象,统一计算各个证据变量的证据权重,进而基于地质单元进行证据综合和后验概率成图。与基于栅格(或规则格网)的模型不同,基于矢量证据权模型以具有明确地质内涵的地质单元(而非规则网格单元)为预测单元,易于解释,并且消除了边界误差;相比基于规则格网划分所得到的成矿单元,以矿床(点)缓冲区作为训练对象,提高了已知矿点的代表性。实例表明:若预测单元大小为初始栅格大小整数倍,各缓冲等级平均面积计算误差为0.26%,否则面积平均误差达到6%;即使在预测单元大小为初始栅格大小整数倍情况下,矿点平均计算误差也达到4.78%。因此,基于地质单元思想的证据权预测单元划分方法在精度上优于基于栅格或规则格网方法。  相似文献   

Two methods are compared for estimating the shape parameters of Pareto field-size (or pool-size) distributions for petroleum resource assessment. Both methods assume mature exploration in which most of the larger fields have been discovered. Both methods use the sizes of larger discovered fields to estimate the numbers and sizes of smaller fields: (1) the tail-truncated method uses a plot of field size versus size rank, and (2) the log–geometric method uses data binned in field-size classes and the ratios of adjacent bin counts. Simulation experiments were conducted using discovered oil and gas pool-size distributions from four petroleum systems in Alberta, Canada and using Pareto distributions generated by Monte Carlo simulation. The estimates of the shape parameters of the Pareto distributions, calculated by both the tail-truncated and log–geometric methods, generally stabilize where discovered pool numbers are greater than 100. However, with fewer than 100 discoveries, these estimates can vary greatly with each new discovery. The estimated shape parameters of the tail-truncated method are more stable and larger than those of the log–geometric method where the number of discovered pools is more than 100. Both methods, however, tend to underestimate the shape parameter. Monte Carlo simulation was also used to create sequences of discovered pool sizes by sampling from a Pareto distribution with a discovery process model using a defined exploration efficiency (in order to show how biased the sampling was in favor of larger fields being discovered first). A higher (more biased) exploration efficiency gives better estimates of the Pareto shape parameters.  相似文献   

基于两种插值算法的三维地质建模对比   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
三维地质建模过程中,插值算法对模型准确性具有显著影响。为评价不同插值算法对三维建模准确性的影响,本文选取反距离权重插值法和自然邻域插值法开展对比研究。通过理论分析和案例研究,从统计学原理、插值误差和可视化效果等三方面进行了对比分析。结果表明:反距离权重插值法在建模中精度较高,适应面更广。与自然邻域插值法相比,反距离权重插值法更加适用于地层缺失严重的层位,能够更好地保留地层缺失的特征;同时,反距离权重插值法能够更好地处理断层构造,对于地层的错断起伏情况表现效果更好;反距离权重插值法在沉积地层中误差更小,与实际情况更接近。  相似文献   

罗来芬 《探矿工程》2004,31(10):20-23
介绍了土的固结试验快速方法及其数据校正,并结合工程实际对土的固结试验快速法压缩系数a′1-2与常规法压缩系数a1-2进行了对比分析。  相似文献   

比例因子一直是影响相对重力测量精度的重要因素之一.根据不同方法标定相对重力仪比例因子,对相对重力测量数据进行计算,其结果精度存在一定的不同.利用CG6型相对重力仪比例因子的两种标定结果(重力长基线标定值和测区重力基准点之间标定值),对2019年和2020年中国大陆构造环境监测网络西藏测区相对重力联测数据进行处理,并对结果精度进行比对分析.结果 表明,采用在测区重力基准点间标定比例因子计算的成果精度,优于在重力长基线标定比例因子计算的成果精度.  相似文献   

在选定的试验区内同时分两序和三序进行施工,以确定帷幕灌浆两序施工的合理性,并与三序施工进行工效及成果对比。  相似文献   

We compared the performance of sequential Gaussian simulation (sGs) and Markov-Bayes simulation (MBs) using relatively small samples taken from synthetic datasets. A moderate correlation (approximately r = 0.70) existed between a continuous primary variable and a continuous secondary variable. Given the small sample sizes, our objective was to determine whether MBs, with its ability to incorporate the secondary information, would prove superior to SgS. A split-split-plot computer experiment was conducted to compare the two simulation methods over a variety of primary and secondary sample sizes as well as spatial correlations. Using average mean square prediction error as a measure of local performance, sGs and MBs were roughly equivalent for random fields with short ranges (2 m). As range increased (15 m) the average mean square prediction error for sGs was less than or equal to that for MBs, even when number of noncollocated secondary observations was twice the number of collocated observations. Median variance within nonoverlapping subregions was used as a measure of the local heterogeneity or surface texture of the image. In most situations sGs images more faithfully reflected the true local heterogeneity, while MBs was more erratic, sometimes oversmoothing and sometimes undersmoothing.  相似文献   

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