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A selective and sensitive HPLC method was developed for the determination of U-39968E in rat plasma. The assay involved solid-phase extraction of the analyte and the internal standard and precolumn derivatization with cyclohexane-1,3-dione reagent before injection on to the HPLC column. The samples were chromatographed on a Spherisorb S5 CN column (25 cm x 4.6 mm i.d.) with a mobile phase containing acetonitrile-trifluoroacetic acid-water (17:0.2:83, v/v/v) at a flow rate of 1.5 ml min-1. The column eluent was monitored by flourescence detection with excitation at 272 nm and emission at 320 nm. The assay is linear over the range 4-759 ng ml-1. The relative standard deviation at the limit of quantification, 4 ng ml-1, was 7.1%. This method was successfully applied to the determination of U-89968E in rat plasma during pharmacokinetic studies.  相似文献   

Middiaphyseal 2.5-cm segmental defects in the right femurs of 12 sheep were stabilized with stainless steel plates and implanted with (1) 2 mg recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein 2 and poly[D,L-(lactide-co-glycolide)] bioerodible polymer with autologous blood (n = 7), (2) 4 mg recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein 2 and poly[D,L-(lactide-co-glycolide)] and blood (n = 3), or (3) poly[D,L-(lactide-co-glycolide)] and blood only (n = 2). Bone healing was evaluated for 1 year using clinical, radiographic, gross pathologic, and histologic techniques. Union occurred in three sheep in Group 1, two in Group 2, and none in Group 3. In the animals that healed, new bone first was visible radiographically between Weeks 2 and 6 after implantation; new bone mineral content equaled that of the intact femur not surgically treated by Week 16; recanalization of the medullary cavity approached completion at Week 52; and at necropsy the surgical treated femurs were rigidly healed, the poly[D,L-(lactide-co-glycolide)] was resorbed completely, and woven and lamellar bone bridged the defect site. In two Group 1 sheep euthanized at Weeks 2 and 6, polymer particles were permeated by occasional multinucleated giant cells. Some plasma cells, lymphocytes, and neutrophils were present locally. The poly[D,L-(lactide-co-glycolide)] tended to fragment during surgical implantation. Despite these observations, the recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein 2/poly[D,L-(lactide-co-glycolide)] implant was able to heal large segmental bone defects in this demanding model.  相似文献   

Articular cartilage has a limited capacity for repair. We investigated the effect of rhBMP-2 (recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2) on the healing of full-thickness osteochondral defects in adult New Zealand White rabbits. A single defect, three millimeters wide by three millimeters deep, was created in the trochlear groove of the right femur in eighty-nine rabbits. The defect was either left empty, filled with a plain collagen sponge, or filled with a collagen sponge impregnated with five micrograms of rhBMP-2. The animals were killed at four, eight, or twenty-four weeks, and the repair tissue was examined histologically and evaluated with use of a grading scale. The defects also were examined immunohistochemically for the presence of type-II collagen at four and eight weeks. The rate of bone repair was evaluated with fluorescent labeling of bone at two and four weeks and with use of fluorescence microscopy at eight weeks. Treatment with rhBMP-2 greatly accelerated the formation of new subchondral bone and improved the histological appearance of the overlying articular surface. At twenty-four weeks, the thickness of the repair cartilage was 70 per cent that of the normal adjacent cartilage and a new tidemark usually had formed between the repair cartilage and the underlying subchondral bone. The average total scores on the histological grading scale were significantly better (p < 0.01) for the defects treated with rhBMP-2 than for the untreated defects (those left empty or filled with a plain collagen sponge) at all time-points. Immunostaining with an antibody against type-II collagen showed the diffuse presence of this cartilage-specific collagen throughout the repair cartilage in the treated defects. The untreated defects demonstrated minimum staining with this antibody.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), a member of the transforming growth factor superfamily, is one of the most potent growth factors that stimulate osteoblast differentiation and bone formation. We investigated the effects of recombinant human BMP-2 (rhBMP-2) on osteoblast differentiation and matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) production in human bone cells (HBC) isolated from mandibulae of 3 adult patients. rhBMP-2 at concentrations over 50 ng/ml significantly stimulated alkaline phosphatase activity and parathyroid hormone (PTH)-dependent 3', 5'-cyclic adenosine monophosphate accumulation, which are early markers of osteoblast differentiation, in HBCs. rhBMP-2 (500 ng/ml) also enhanced the level of PTH/PTH related-peptide receptor mRNA expression in HBCs. Although neither HBCs untreated nor treated with rhBMP-2 produced measurable amounts of osteocalcin, which is a marker of more mature osteoblasts, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D3] induced ostocalcin mRNA expression and its protein synthesis in these cells. rhBMP-2 inhibited 1,25(OH)2D3-induced osteocalcin synthesis in HBCs at both the mRNA and protein level. rhBMP-2 also significantly suppressed MMP-1 production and MMP-1 mRNA expression at concentrations over 500 ng/ml. These results suggest that rhBMP-2 exerts anabolic effects on human osteoblastic cells derived from mandibulae by stimulation of osteoblast differentiation and down-regulation of MMP-1 synthesis.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid in excess produces bone loss in vivo. Consistent with this, it reduces the stimulatory effect of transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) on collagen synthesis in osteoblast-enriched cultures in vitro, where it also suppresses TGF-beta binding to its type I receptors. Analogous studies with bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) show directly opposite results. These findings prompted us to assess the effect of glucocorticoid on BMP-2 activity in cultured bone cells, and whether either agent had a dominant influence on TGF-beta binding or function. BMP-2 activity was retained in part in osteoblast-enriched cultures pre-treated or co-treated with cortisol, and was fully evident when glucocorticoid exposure followed BMP-2 treatment. In addition, BMP-2 suppressed the effects of cortisol on TGF-beta activity, on TGF-beta binding, and on gene promoter activity directed by a glucocorticoid sensitive transfection construct. While BMP-2 also alters the function of less-differentiated bone cells, it only minimally prevented cortisol activity in these cultures. Our studies indicate that BMP-2 can oppose certain effects by cortisol on differentiated osteoblasts, and may reveal useful ways to diminish glucocorticoid-dependent bone wasting.  相似文献   

Rheumatoid arthritis(RA) is a chronic, deforming and destructive arthritis of unknown etiology. For the medical treatment of RA, NSAID has been the first choice of drug. Recently it has been known that early use of DMARD may result in clinical remission. Understanding of the pivotal role of cytokines and adhesion molecules for the rheumatoid joint destruction enabled us to target these cytokines and molecules as therapeutic measures. Monoclonal antibodies were produced against the cytokines and adhesion molecules such as IL-1, IL-6, IL-6R, TNF-alpha, as well as CD4 molecules. Clinical use of these monoclonal antibodies was found to be effective for rheumatoid arthritis. However these therapeutic measures have several disadvantages such as transient efficacy and side effect.  相似文献   

Murine Leydig (TM3) and Sertoli (TM4) cell lines were studied as nonprofessional antigen-presenting cells using the antigen model of human choriogonadotropin (hCG alpha/beta) and specific T-cell hybridomas. Both cell lines were treated with IFN-gamma to induce I-A(d) and I-E(d) molecules expression. Only the TM3 cell line, which expressed MHC-class II molecules upon IFN-gamma stimulation, was able to uptake, process, and present the human choriogonadotropin beta subunit to related T-cell hybridomas. Interestingly, the TM3 cell line was incapable of presenting the human choriogonadotropin alpha subunit, the presentation of which, by classical APC, is highly efficient. Using T-cell hybridomas directed against the immunogenic regions of hCG alpha/beta previously described in BALB/c mice, we showed that the TM3 cell line generated a narrower peptide repertoire than classical APC (i.e., B cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells). This experimental system suggests that Leydig cells could initiate, in vivo, an autoimmune process directed against gonadal tissues. In particular, such a mechanism has been evoked in experimental autoimmune orchitis.  相似文献   

Skeletal metastases are common in advanced prostate cancer, causing considerable morbidity, and they are usually osteoblastic in nature with no clear explanation for this phenomenon. Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) induce bone formation in vivo, and preliminary work showed a possible association between BMPs and prostatic skeletal metastases; differential expression favors BMP-6 as a potential new marker and mediator of osteosclerotic deposit formation. We investigated BMP-6 mRNA and protein expression by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry in malignant and benign prostates from 40 men. BMP-6 mRNA expression was detected exclusively in malignant epithelial cells in 20 of 21 patients (95%) with metastases and in 2 of 11 patients (18%) with localized cancer, and it was absent in 8 benign samples. Immunostaining for BMP-6 was predominantly cytoplasmic and was present in all primary tumors with established metastases and in 4 of 11 (36%) organ-confined cancers. In benign prostatic hyperplasia, basal cells and areas of basal cell hyperplasia were positive for BMP-6 by immunohistochemistry. The results suggest a close association between BMP-6 expression in primary malignant prostatic tissue and skeletal metastases. BMP-6 may be responsible, in part, for the osteoblastic changes in metastatic lesions secondary to prostate cancer.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop objective assessment instruments for use in psychomotor skill training and to test the instruments for interobserver reliability. Two checklist style instruments, one for suturing and one for endotracheal intubation, were developed through a process of review of standard texts, consultation with local experts and field testing. Following development they were used by paired examiners in an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) setting to test the instruments for interobserver reliability. A total of 88 final year medical students were recruited from the five Ontario medical schools to participate as examinees. The checklists worked well within the practical constraints of a 10 minute OSCE station and demonstrated a high level of interobserver reliability with Kappa scores of 0.65 for the suturing checklist and 0.71 for the intubation checklist Furthermore, the Kappa scores for individual checklist items served to identify items which demonstrated poor interobserver reliability and thus highlighted them for review.  相似文献   

Although intensive studies have been directed at understanding osteoblastic differentiation, the molecular mechanisms are still unclear. In this study, we describe a cDNA that encodes a sulfate transporter that was cloned as a gene induced in osteoblast precursor cells in association with osteoblastic differentiation. Based on the fact that bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) induces osteoblastic phenotypes in immature mouse fibroblastic C3H10T1/2 cells, we performed a subtraction hybridization between BMP-2-treated and untreated cells, and have isolated one clone (designated as st-ob for sulfate transporter in osteoblast) induced by BMP-2 that is constantly expressed in osteoblastic cells. The deduced amino acid sequence and proposed structure of st-ob are mostly identical to those of the human diastrophic dysplasia sulfate transporter gene product (DTDST). St-ob mRNA was abundantly expressed in the thymus, testis, calvaria and osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells, whereas its expression was faint in C3H10T1/2 cells. Expression of st-ob in C3H10T1/2 cells was increased by transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1), retinoic acid and dexamethasone as well as BMP-2. Furthermore, BMP-2 increased sulfate incorporation in C3H10T1/2 cells about twice as high as the baseline level. Osteoblasts actively take up sulfate to synthesize proteoglycans, which are one of the major components of the extracellular matrix of bone and cartilage. The present study demonstrates that st-ob induced during osteoblastic differentiation is an important phenotype of osteoblasts for characterizing their function.  相似文献   

Classical and artificial xenodiagnostic techniques made with Dipetalogaster maximus of first stage were performed simultaneously in 57 patients with chronic T. cruzi infection (22 male and 35 female patients, aged 7-80 years). With the exception of two patients with megaoesophagus, all had two previous positive serological reaction and a further test was done at the time of the examination. The patients came from the outpatient department of the university hospital or were resident in Mambaí, Goiás. Of the 57 patients, 24 (42%) had a positive xenodiagnoses. Of a total of 114 tests performed, 36(32%) were positive. Comparing the two xenodiagnostic techniques, no significant advantage was apparent statistically (p = 0.42), but the artificial technique has advantages because the blood is offered for triatomines through a device while in the classical technique, the triatomines suck through the patient's skin.  相似文献   

During 1996, representatives from two professional organizations--American School Health Association and National Association of School Nurses--met collaboratively to identify and rank order key questions regarding contemporary research needs in school nursing services. This article summarizes existing literature and proposes areas for research. Recommendations are offered for nurses, school health program administrators, educators of school nurses, professional organizations, and others who plan and provide health care for school-aged youth.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of mannitol, sorbitol, methyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside, lactose, trehalose, and cellobiose on the stability and structure of the pharmaceutical protein recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) in the lyophilized state. All excipients afforded significant protection of the protein against aggregation, particularly at levels to potentially satisfy water-binding sites on the protein in the dried state (i.e., 131:1 excipient-to-protein molar ratio). At higher excipient-to-protein ratios, X-ray diffraction studies showed that mannitol and sorbitol were prone to crystallization and afforded somewhat less stabilization than at lower ratios where the excipient remained in the amorphous, protein-containing phase. The secondary structure of rhGH was determined using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. rhGH exhibited a decrease in alpha-helix and increase in beta-sheet structures upon drying. Addition of excipient stabilized the secondary structure upon lyophilization to a varying extent depending on the formulation. Samples with a significant degree of structural conservation, as indicated by the alpha-helix content, generally exhibited reduced aggregation. In addition, prevention of protein-protein interactions (indicated by reduced beta-sheet formation) also tended to result in lower rates of aggregation. Therefore, in addition to preserving the protein structure, bulk additives that do not crystallize easily and remain amorphous in the solid state can be used to increase protein-protein distance and thus prevent aggregation.  相似文献   

Fifteen patients with posttraumatic shortened atrophic femoral nonunions were treated with one-stage lengthening. The alloimplant was composed of allogeneic antigen extracted autolyzed human bone perfused with partially purified human cortical bone morphogenetic protein associated with noncollagenous protein and used as graft. The composite was lyophilized and sterilized with ethylene oxide. All 15 nonunions were atrophic diaphyseal and were lengthened through intercalary segmental defects bridged with the human bone morphogenetic protein composite alloimplants stabilized to the medial femoral cortex through plate osteosynthesis and lag screw fixation. One lengthened proximal femur had fatigue failure of the plate and was treated successfully by exchange plating. The average increase in length was 2.8 cm (range, 1.5-5 cm) and an average percentage increase in length of 8% (range, 4%-132%) of the residual shortened femur. The human bone morphogenetic protein composite produced an immediate reactive bone formation in the host bone and progressive remodeling of the donor recipient interfaces. There were no infections, allergic reactions, clinical rejection of the human bone morphogenetic protein composite alloimplants, or evidence of malignant disease. One-stage femoral lengthening augmented with human bone morphogenetic protein composite graft bridged the intercalary defect, remodeled the atrophic host bone and restored bone continuity within 1 to 2 years. Human bone morphogenetic protein composite alloimplants are a substitute of autogeneic bone graft and offer an alternative to iliac crest bone without the associated morbidity.  相似文献   

WT1 was isolated as a tumor suppressor gene of Wilms tumor. However, high expression of WT1 correlates with poor prognosis in acute leukemia. In addition suppression of WT1 expression by WT1 anti-sense oligonucleotide inhibits proliferation of leukemia cells, suggesting that WT1 is important for their proliferation. To further elucidate the biological significance of WT1 in leukemic cell growth, we overexpressed exogenous WT1 in murine M1 myeloblastic leukemia cells using the isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactoside (IPTG)-controlled expression system. We found that induction of one splicing variant of WT1 [WT1-17AA(+)-KTS(-)] in M1 cells induces cell cycle arrest and apoptotic cell death. These results suggest that the role of WT1 is different depending on the type of leukemia cell in which it is expressed.  相似文献   

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