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Although local knowledge is a crucial source of information for fishery development, its generally unsystematic presentation and nebulous content makes use by policy makers or managers difficult. Based on field data obtained using Participatory Rural Appraisal at Bang Saphan Bay, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province, Thailand, we attempt to show here how local knowledge can be effectively systematized, analyzed and displayed visually using a Geographical Information System (GIS) for use in fisheries management. PRA data on location fished, time of fishing, techniques and technology used and species targeted were obtained from local fishers then mapped using Arcview (3.1). In this way local fisheries knowledge can be converted into geo-spatial data form via GIS, and the succinct results used easily to guide fishery management and planning, especially by offering directions for rights-based fisheries and co-management.  相似文献   

进入21世纪以后,我国近海渔业面临新的发展和挑战,国际海洋法律制度的变革及邻国家海洋权益意识加强,赋与海洋捕捞业以更高的理念:可持续发展。我国应加强和完善相应发展。我国应加强和完善相应的法律法规,并更多地参与国际合作,为渔业发展寻求更广阔的途径。  相似文献   

The Great Belt, the Øresund and the Little Belt connect the central Baltic Sea and the Kattegat. A fixed station was moored in the contraction area in the Little Belt during the period 18–28 July 1995, measuring temperature, salinity and current in two levels, while discharge was measured by the RVDana. The composite Froude number calculated at the fixed station shows that the two layer flow through this area was most often supercritical. The discharges were satisfactorily related to the currents measured at the fixed station, and time-series of transports through the Little Belt were established. When compared to the transports through the Øresund the water transport ratio (Øresund:Little Belt) was found to be 4·4, while the salt transport ratio was found to be 3·0. The resistance of the Little Belt, when considering the differences in sea level from Gedser to Hornbæk, was 1839×10−12 s2 m−5. On the basis of water level and surface salinity measurements made during the period 1931–76, a net discharge of 2300 m3 s−1and a net salt transport of 36 tonnes s−1through the Little Belt from the central Baltic Sea were found.  相似文献   

平台基观测系统在我国海洋观测的领域中已经有了较广泛的推广应用,实现无人值守观测的必要条件之一是可靠的系统供电,日渐成熟的太阳能光伏供电技术可以解决这一难题。"怪潮"自动观测系统的观测要素多样化,其中集成有风速、风向、气温、相对湿度、气压、降水、潮位、表层水温、盐度、水质、海流等多项海洋环境要素。基于IEEE802.11n的微波通信技术可以将现场数据实时发送至岸站数据中心。通过合理的方案设计和有效的现场实施,该系统可以在无人值守的条件下长期稳定运行。  相似文献   

针对海洋水色反演进行人工光谱采集时所存在的采集不连续、数据量少、覆盖海域面积小等问题,研究完成了一种基于太阳角度的全自动海洋光谱采集控制系统。该系统利用数据采集接收模块接收的位置、时间、角度信息进行太阳角度的精准计算,依据得到的太阳角度实时自动调整仪器观测平面的位置和光纤探头的指向角度,并根据光谱采集要求自动控制光纤探头转动,实现对天空光下行辐亮度、参考板上行辐亮度和海水上行辐亮度的采集,实现了海洋光谱采集的全自动控制。仿真分析了中国近海海域太阳方位角的变化情况,得到了中国近海海域太阳方位角的变化规律,保证了仪器观测平面位置调整的时效性和准确性。  相似文献   

塔形马蹄螺人工促熟及催产的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进行了塔形马蹄螺(Trochus pyramis Born)的人工促熟及催产实验。结果表明,塔形马蹄螺的生物学最小型为:雄性个体壳高1.33cm,雌性个体壳高1.42cm。塔形马蹄螺人工促熟的适宜温度为26~28℃,用叉珊藻(Jania arborescens Yendo)为饵料促熟塔形马蹄螺的效果较好。经促熟的实验贝采用降温阴干的方法进行催产效果较好,实验贝的催产率最高可达95%左右。  相似文献   

试论我国海洋生物多样性保护的法律制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在漫长的岁月里,生物不断受到环境变化的挑战,尤其是近年来人类活动大大增加了环境变化的强度、速度,造成了难以恢复或无法逆转的后果。据科学家观察统计,目前物种丧失速度比自然灭绝速度要快1000~10000倍;物种的灭绝速度比形成速度快达100万倍。虽然不同学者估计的数字不同,然而无可争辩的是,生物多样性目前正以前所未有的高速度在丧失,尤以发展中国家的潮湿热带为甚。生物多样性,可以影响一个国家、一个地区,乃至全球的发展和经济的繁荣。因此,它引起了国际社会的关注,成为全球环境问题的热点。海洋占地球总面积…  相似文献   

基于"北斗"卫星导航系统的长报文通信协议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"北斗"卫星导航系统已经广泛应用在海洋、气象、水利和农业等领域中,利用短报文方式传输各类观测数据。文中介绍了一个基于"北斗"卫星导航系统的长报文通信协议,很好地解决了利用"北斗"卫星导航系统长报文传输时存在的数据丢包问题。  相似文献   

基于“点-轴系统”理论的大连市海洋旅游发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
"点-轴系统"是最有效的国土开发模式,对区域内海洋旅游资源开发同样具有重要的现实指导意义.以"点-轴系统"理论为基础,在分析大连市海洋旅游资源概况的基础上,提出大连海洋旅游的空间发展结构模式为1个中心、3个增长极、4个发展点、2 条重点发展轴、2条发展拓展轴.形成"点"、"轴"、"面"相结合的4个海洋旅游板块的空间结构体系,实现海洋旅游一体化及其可持续发展.  相似文献   

Demersal fish data from 9 deep-sea surveys in the North Atlantic were examined to assess (1) the coherence and continuity of zones around the ocean basin, and (2) the persistence of structured communities over more than just a local scale. The 63 cruises took 96,779 specimens and 325 species in 692 benthic trawl hauls between 204 and 5345m depth. Measures of similarity and overlap applied to this faunal data did not produce patterns other than those reflecting the occurrence of two widespread and abundant species - Synaphobranchus kaupi at slope depths and Nematonurus armatus on the rise. Communities defined within a survey area by commonly-used analytical procedures cannot be identified from place to place over broader areas, and the concept along with its implication should be abandoned.  相似文献   

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