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The Swiss radiation protection regulation requires approval of external and internal dosimetry laboratories. The Swiss Personal Dosimetry Ordinance specifies the terms of approval, the survey methods and the standard interpretation to assess the committed effective dose. Specific information is given for 25 radionuclides concerning metabolism, methods of measurement, survey interval and interpretation of the results. On successful completion of a technical audit by an external expert, the dosimetry service of PSI was approved for internal dosimetry by the Swiss authorities by 1 January 2001. The scope of approval includes five different measuring methods for 30 radionuclides.  相似文献   

A new generation of realistic, image-based anthropomorphic phantoms has been developed based on the reference masses and organ definitions given in the International Commission on Radiological Protection Publication 89. Specific absorbed fractions for internal radiation sources have been calculated for photon and electron sources for many body organs. Values are similar to those from the previous generation of 'stylized' (mathematical equation-based) models, but some differences are seen, particularly at low particle or photon energies, due to the more realistic organ geometries, with organs generally being closer together, and with some touching and overlapping. Extension of this work, to use these phantoms in Monte Carlo radiation transport simulation codes with external radiation sources, is an important area of investigation that should be undertaken.  相似文献   

Data related to radium induced bone sarcomas in humans are used as a method of defining target cells on bone surfaces and in the bone marrow. The differential distribution of radiation induced bone sarcoma types, with a high ratio of non-bone producing, mainly fibroblastic tumours, challenges the ICRP concept that the bone lining cells are target cells. Multipotential mesenchymal stem cells are located within the range of alpha particles and are the most likely target cells for the fibroblastic type of bone sarcoma. The histogenesis of bone sarcomas after irradiation with alpha emitters shows that their final histopathology is not dependent on a single target cell. Each target cell has a microenvironment, which has to be regarded as a synergistic morpho-functional tissue unit. For this the concept of 'histion', a term used in general pathology, is proposed. Interactions between target cells that have been hit by alpha particles, leading to lethal, mutational or transformation events with all components of a 'histion', will prove critical to understanding the pathogenesis of both deterministic and stochastic late effects.  相似文献   

After Lithuania regained independence, the legal basis for existing radiation protection was modified radically according to the IAEA, ICRP recommendations and the requirements of legislation of the European Community. The legal basis for internal dosimetry and a functioning system of assessment of exposure to intake of radionuclides have been created in the Radiation Protection Centre (regulatory authority in radiation protection). Direct and indirect measurements of concentrations of radionuclides are used for the assessment of internal doses of workers and the public.  相似文献   

Various radionuclides are used in nuclear medicine in different diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Recently, interest has grown in therapeutic agents for some interesting applications in nuclear medicine. Internal dose models and methods in use for many years are well established, and can give radiation doses to stylised models representing reference individuals. Kinetic analyses need to be carefully planned, and dose conversion factors that are most similar to the subject in question should be chosen, which can then be tailored somewhat to be more patient-specific. Internal dose calculations, however, are currently not relevant in patient management in internal emitter therapy, as they are not sufficiently accurate or detailed to guide clinical decision-making, and as calculated doses have historically not been well correlated with observed effects on tissues. Great strides are being made at many centres regarding the use of patient image data to construct individualised voxel-based models for more detailed and patient-specific dose calculations, and new findings are encouraging regarding improvement of internal dose models to provide better correlations of dose and effect. These recent advances make it likely that the relevance will soon change to be more similar to that of external beam treatment planning.  相似文献   

AIDE (Activity and Internal Dose Estimates) is a software for calculating activities in compartments and committed doses due to occupational exposures, and for performing intake and dose estimates using bioassay data. It has been continuously developed and tested for more than 20 years. Its calculation core has been applied in several situations, like performing all dose estimates due to (137)Cs intakes, which occurred during the Goiania accident in 1987; performing quality assurance of the ICRP Task Group on Dose Calculations regarding calculations of activities in compartments and generation of dose coefficients for adults due to intakes by inhalation, ingestion and injection of several radionuclides; and producing the tables of activities in compartments and dose coefficients using the NCRP Wound Model for the NCRP report. It provides several capabilities like performing calculations using modified Human Respiratory Tract Model parameters for the mechanical transport, blood absorption and partitions of deposit in the AI region. The existing systemic models can also be modified or new ones can be entered. All estimate procedures are in accordance with the methods presented in the ICRP-78 Publication, in the IAEA Safety Reports Series no. 37 and in the IDEAS Project Guidelines 2006.  相似文献   

The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) has published dose coefficients for the ingestion or inhalation of radionuclides in a series of reports covering intakes by workers and members of the public, including children and pregnant or lactating women. The calculation of these coefficients divides naturally into two distinct parts-the biokinetic and dosimetric. This paper describes in detail the methods used to solve the biokinetic problem in the generation of dose coefficients on behalf of the ICRP, as implemented in the Health Protection Agency's internal dosimetry code PLEIADES. A summary of the dosimetric treatment is included.  相似文献   

A laboratory intercomparison for internal dose assessment from a variety of intake scenarios is described. This is the first UK intercomparison using the revised ICRP Human Respiratory Tract and biokinetic models. Four United Kingdom laboratories participated and six cases were assessed. Overall, the agreement in internal dose assessments between laboratories was considered satisfactory with 79% of the assessed committed effective doses, e(50), for cases within a band of +/- 40% of the median value. The range (highest/lowest) in e(50) estimated by the laboratories was smallest (1.2) for a case involving inhalation of 137Cs. The range was greatest (6.0) for a case involving a wound with, and possible inhalation of, 238Pu, 239Pu and 241Am; the variation between laboratories in assessment of intakes could not be considered to be satisfactory in this case. Judgements on the most appropriate data to use in estimating intakes, choice of parameter values for use with the ICRP models and allowing for the effects of treatment with DTPA were important sources of variability between laboratories.  相似文献   

In order to ensure that a facility is in compliance with the occupational exposure requirements established by regulatory authorities, the measurements and dose assessments specified in the individual monitoring programme need to be reliable. There are two important questions that shall be addressed here: one is how the licensed facilities can demonstrate to their workers and regulatory bodies compliance with the regulatory limits and the reliability of the results of the individual monitoring programmes; the other concerns the mechanisms used to demonstrate to a facility in another country the reliability of the measurement results of an individual monitoring bioassay programme. The accreditation of the bioassay laboratory, according to ISO/IEC 17025, shall be the basic requirement for obtaining the authorisation granted by the national regulatory authority. For the second question, such confidence can be achieved through International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC).  相似文献   

The radiation doses received by individuals from radionuclides which enter the human body cannot be measured directly but must be inferred. In these calculations, several measurable quantities (such as the internal whole body burden or urine daily excretion) and quantities derived from models are employed. The Radiation Protection Quantities for internal dosimetry are, in principle, the same as for external dosimetry with the addition of quantities taking into account that the doses in the body are protracted. Other parameters are also necessary for the dose assessment, such as the SAFs (Specific Absorbed Fractions). All these quantities are calculated using Monte Carlo codes and complex anthropomorphic phantoms. Monte Carlo codes are also widely employed as useful tools during the calibration procedure for in vivo measurements. This paper summarises the role played by Monte Carlo modelling in these fields.  相似文献   

In 1997, a collaboration between British Nuclear Fuels plc (BNFL), Westlakes Research Institute and NRPB started, with the aim of producing IMBA (Integrated Modules for Bioassay Analysis), a suite of software modules that implement the new ICRP models for estimation of intakes and doses. This was partly in response to new UK regulations, and partly due to the requirement for a unified approach in estimating intakes and doses from bioassay measurements within the UK. Over the past 5 years, the IMBA modules have been developed further, have gone through extensive quality assurance, and are now used for routine dose assessment by approved dosimetry services throughout the UK. More recently, interest in the IMBA methodology has been shown by the United States Department of Energy (USDOE), and in 2001 an ambitious project to develop a software package (IMBA Expert USDOE Edition) which would meet the requirements of all of the major USDOE sites began. Interest in IMBA Expert is now being expressed in many other countries. The aim of this paper is to outline the origin and evolution of the IMBA modules (the past); to describe the full capabilities of the current IMBA Expert system (the present) and to indicate possible future directions in terms of capabilities and availability (the future).  相似文献   

The problem of choosing a prior distribution for the Bayesian interpretation of measurements (specifically internal dosimetry measurements) is considered using a theoretical analysis and by examining historical tritium and plutonium urine bioassay data from Los Alamos. Two models for the prior probability distribution are proposed: (1) the log-normal distribution, when there is some additional information to determine the scale of the true result, and (2) the 'alpha' distribution (a simplified variant of the gamma distribution) when there is not. These models have been incorporated into version 3 of the Bayesian internal dosimetry code in use at Los Alamos (downloadable from our web site). Plutonium internal dosimetry at Los Alamos is now being done using prior probability distribution parameters determined self-consistently from population averages of Los Alamos data.  相似文献   

In the Japan Atomic Energy Agency, several studies have been conducted on the use of voxel models for internal dosimetry. Absorbed fractions (AFs) and S values have been evaluated for preclinical assessments of radiopharmaceuticals using human voxel models and a mouse voxel model. Computational calibration of in vivo measurement system has been also made using Japanese and Caucasian voxel models. In addition, for radiation protection of the environment, AFs have been evaluated using a frog voxel model. Each study was performed by using Monte Carlo simulations. Consequently, it was concluded that these data of Monte Carlo simulations and voxel models could adequately reproduce measurement results. Voxel models were found to be a significant tool for internal dosimetry since the models are anatomically realistic. This fact indicates that several studies on correction of the in vivo measurement efficiency for the variability of human subjects and interspecies scaling of organ doses will succeed.  相似文献   

The overall aim of the concerted action RBDATA-EULEP is to provide information to improve the assessments of intakes of radionuclides and of the resulting doses. This involves a review of the behaviour of radionuclides following intake, and the transfer of expertise on methodology by organising small training workshops. The main activity is the development of an electronic database, effectively an annotated bibliography, but the electronic format used facilitates extension, updating and information retrieval. It consists of linked tables of references and experiments, with details and comments on the materials, procedures and results. By June 2002 it contained information on 524 inhalation, 282 ingestion and 164 injection experiments from 391 references. It will be extended, and Internet access provided. Prospective users include groups developing standards for internal dosimetry, scientists conducting research on radionuclide biokinetics and health physicists assessing the consequences of accidental intakes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this communication is to describe briefly the computer programs developed to generate the MCNP input file corresponding to any segmented tomographic data and its application to the calibration procedures for in vivo internal dosimetry. The method has been applied to the determination of 241Am in bone by measurement in skull and knee using MCNP voxel models of a real human head and knee based on the tomographic Voxelman and Arms Down phantoms developed by Zubal et al. at Yale University.  相似文献   

Under the auspices of the Regional Coordination Agreement for Latin America, representatives of the eight member states have participated in a project to improve radiological protection for workers exposed to unsealed sources of radiation. The design of the project was based on information obtained from a questionnaire circulated among the participants, from which the initial status of internal dosimetry services in each country was characterised. The objective of the project is to harmonize internal dosimetry procedures, with reference to International Atomic Energy Agency recommendations. After the implementation of new procedures and personnel training, four intercomparison exercises were carried out: measurement of iodine in thyroid phantoms, measurement of gamma emitters in urine samples, measurement of beta emitters in urine samples and internal dose assessments. This project has resulted in important improvements in internal dosimetry services in the region.  相似文献   

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