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Aim To investigate phylogeographic relationships, genetic connectivity and potential colonization routes for Hawaii’s endemic butterflyfishes (family Chaetodontidae). Location The Hawaiian Archipelago (central Pacific Ocean). Methods Molecular genetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA from three species of endemic Hawaiian butterflyfishes (Chaetodon multicinctus, n = 280; Chaetodon miliaris, n = 408; Chaetodon fremblii, n = 358) sampled from across the Hawaiian Archipelago was used in a suite of population genetic analyses to examine population histories and calculate coalescence times. We review a recent phylogenetic hypothesis for the Chaetodontidae and optimize ancestral distributions to nodes as a means of inferring colonization pathways to Hawaii. Results We found no evidence for population subdivisions across their ranges for any of the three endemic Hawaiian butterflyfish species (ΦST ≈ 0; P > 0.05 in each case). Coalescence analyses revealed that C. multicinctus, C. miliaris and C. fremblii date to genetic bottlenecks of c. 12 ka (95% confidence interval of τ, 0–46,732 years ago), c. 74 ka (95% confidence interval of τ, 62,918–105,699 years ago) and c. 301 ka (95% confidence interval of τ, 88,981–478,495 years ago), respectively. We found that the West Pacific appears to be the ancestral source for two of three independent colonization events to Hawaii (leading to the speciation of C. miliaris and C. fremblii). The third colonization of Hawaii (leading to the divergence of C. multicinctus) is ambiguous, but may have involved island‐hopping from the South Pacific via the Line Islands. Main conclusions Our results are consistent with the growing body of data indicating that ecological specialists may be more susceptible to severe population bottlenecks during large‐scale climatic variation on evolutionary time‐scales. The isolation of the Hawaiian Archipelago presents challenges for colonization by even the most highly dispersive marine organisms, and routes of colonization by endemic butterflyfishes show a variable pattern, indicating that there may be several pathways, both spatially and temporally, for marine fauna to colonize Hawaii. Hawaiian endemic butterflyfishes appear to represent genetically homogeneous populations across the archipelago.  相似文献   

Aim Speciation processes on islands are still poorly understood. Previous studies based on the analysis of distribution data from checklists found that the flora of the Azores archipelago differs from other island floras in the exceptionally low number of radiations and the low number of single‐island endemics. The general mechanism(s) responsible for these apparently unique patterns remained unclear. One possible explanation for the distinctiveness of the Azorean endemic flora is the lack of a consistent and critical taxonomic framework for the floras of the Atlantic archipelagos. In this study, molecular variation within a range of Azorean endemic plant lineages was analysed to determine whether inadequacies in the current taxonomy of endemics might be an explanation for the unusual diversity patterns observed in the endemic flora of the Azores. Location Azores archipelago. Method Sixty‐nine populations of eight endemic species or subspecies belonging to five genetic lineages were sampled from all Azorean islands but one. Nuclear and plastid DNA regions were sequenced, and relationships among internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region ribotypes established using statistical parsimony. Results Molecular diversity patterns differ from current taxonomic groupings, with all lineages comprising previously overlooked genetic entities. Main conclusions Recognition as distinct taxa of the genetically distinct entities discovered in this study would drastically change the diversity patterns and make them more similar to those of other Atlantic archipelagos. The results serve to highlight that current knowledge of endemic diversity on oceanic islands may be far from complete, even in relatively well‐known groups such as angiosperms. This limitation is rarely considered in macroecological and evolutionary studies that make use of data from taxonomic checklists to draw inferences about oceanic island biogeographic processes.  相似文献   

The gradual loss of diversity and the establishment of clines in allele frequencies associated with range expansions are patterns observed in many species, including humans. These patterns can result from a series of founder events occurring as populations colonize previously unoccupied areas. We develop a model of an expanding population and, using a branching process approximation, show that spatial gradients reflect different amounts of genetic drift experienced by different subpopulations. We then use this model to measure the net average strength of the founder effect, and we demonstrate that the predictions from the branching process model fit simulation results well. We further show that estimates of the effective founder size are robust to potential confounding factors such as migration between subpopulations. We apply our method to data from Arabidopsis thaliana. We find that the average founder effect is approximately three times larger in the Americas than in Europe, possibly indicating that a more recent, rapid expansion occurred.  相似文献   

Vicariance biogeography emerged several decades ago from the fusion of cladistics and plate tectonics, and quickly came to dominate historical biogeography. The field has since been largely constrained by the notion that only processes of vicariance and not dispersal offer testable patterns and refutable hypotheses, dispersal being a random process essentially adding only noise to a vicariant system. A consequence of this thinking seems to have been a focus on the biogeography of continents and continental islands, considering the biogeography of oceanic islands less worthy of scientific attention because, being dependent on stochastic dispersal, it was uninteresting. However, the importance of dispersal is increasingly being recognized, and here we stress its fundamental role in the generation of biodiversity on oceanic islands that have been created in situ , never connected to larger land masses. Historical dispersal patterns resulting in modern distributions, once considered unknowable, are now being revealed in many plant and animal taxa, in large part through the analysis of polymorphic molecular markers. We emphasize the profound evolutionary insights that oceanic island biodiversity has provided, and the fact that, although small in area, oceanic islands harbour disproportionately high biodiversity and numbers of endemic taxa. We further stress the importance of continuing research on mechanisms generating oceanic island biodiversity, especially detection of general, non-random patterns of dispersal, and hence the need to acknowledge oceanic dispersal as significant and worthy of research.  相似文献   

Aim This article reviews the history of seaweed collections in Southeast Alaska from the early Russian explorers to contemporary efforts. It summarizes other studies of Southeast Alaskan seaweeds from a biogeographical perspective, and compares the known seaweed flora near three population centres (Ketchikan, Sitka and Juneau) with those of other regions within Alaska, and with nearby regions. Location For this article, Southeast Alaska includes all inside and outside waters of the Alexander Archipelago from Dixon Entrance (54°40′ N, 133°00′ W) to Icy Point (58°23′10″ N, 137°04′20″ W). Methods The literature on seaweeds occurring in Southeast Alaska is reviewed from a biogeographical perspective, and herbarium records for Southeast Alaska from the Alaska Seaweed Database project are used to provide an overview of the biogeography of the area. Records for the population centres of Ketchikan, Sitka and Juneau are compared with records from other areas within Alaska and with nearby regions to determine floristic similarities. Results Southeast Alaska has the most diverse seaweed flora of any region of Alaska. A list of species known to occur in Southeast Alaska is appended (in Supplementary Material) and includes their reported occurrences in three population centres (Juneau, Ketchikan and Sitka). Recognition of at least three distinct biogeographical areas associated with these three centres is supported by a comparison of their floras with those of other regions in the North Pacific. A close relationship of some species with conspecifics in the north‐west Atlantic is also noted. In contrast, ecological, physiological and genetic differentiation of Southeast Alaskan seaweeds from conspecifics in Washington State or even from different areas of Southeast Alaska are documented. A ShoreZone coastal habitat system, which is being implemented to inventory and map the entire shoreline of Southeast Alaska, is defining new biogeographical units called ‘bioareas’ on the basis of the distribution of canopy kelps and lower intertidal algal assemblages. Main conclusions Southeast Alaska has the most diverse seaweed flora of any region of Alaska. This is a reflection of its extensive coastline, with varied past and present environmental conditions. Different parts of Southeast Alaska show similarities to different areas outside Southeast Alaska. Despite this, much remains to be learned about the biogeography of seaweeds in Southeast Alaska, and many questions remain to be answered.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of gecarcinucoid freshwater crabs were investigated, based on morphology of the male second gonopod. In addition, a comparison of sequences from the mitochondrial large subunit rRNA gene helped to resolve the phylogeny of this group and relationships to other Old World freshwater crabs. As a result, we recognise two sister groups within the Gecarcinucoidea, the African Deckeniidae and the Asian Gecarcinucidae. Deckeniidae includes three monophyletic clades, the Deckeniinae in East Africa and on the Seychelles, the West African Globonautinae and the Malagasy Hydrothelphusinae. Gecarcinucidae comprises two sister groups, the Gecarcinucinae with representatives in Sri Lanka, India and southeast Asia, and the Parathelphusinae in India, southeast Asia, the Sundaic Islands and Australia. Interpretation of our phylogenetic results leads us to propose a new biogeographic hypothesis for the Gecarcinucoidea. Most likely, the gecarcinucoid freshwater crabs have an African origin; their distribution can be explained by successive events of dispersal. This model can be correlated with palaeogeographical and palaeoclimatological data for the Cenozoic, suggesting a gecarcinucoid dispersal to Asia via the “Lemurian Stepping-Stones”, a chain of islands in the West-Indian Ocean that were emergent in times of low sea levels during the Oligocene.  相似文献   

Galleguillos  R.  Troncoso  L.  Oyarzún  C.  Astorga  M.  Peñaloza  M. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,420(1):49-54
The genetic structure of Chilean hake Merluccius gayi gayi, was analyzed using starch gel protein electrophoresis. Samples were collected from four localities along the coast off Chile. A total of 1500 specimens sampled from Coquimbo, San Antonio, Talcahuano and Puerto Montt were used in the study. Genetic information was obtained for six allozyme loci Pgi-1, Pgi-2, Pgm, Idh-1, Idh-2 and Aat. The results of the analysis showed no significant allelic differences among samples from various localities, with an average FST value of 0.007 for all loci and samples. A heterogeneity test for all loci and specimens from the four localities showed only two significant values. Thus, Chilean hake populations along the coast of Chile appear to be genetically homogeneous.  相似文献   

Understanding the phylogeography of a species requires not only elucidating patterns of genetic structure among populations, but also identifying the possible evolutionary events creating that structure. The use of a single phylogeographic test or analysis, however, usually provides a picture of genetic structure without revealing the possible underlying evolutionary causes. We used current analytical techniques in a sequential approach to examine genetic structure and its underlying causes in the bogus yucca moth Prodoxus decipiens (Lepidoptera: Prodoxidae). Both historical biogeography and recent human transplantations of the moth's host plants provided a priori expectations of the pattern of genetic structure and its underlying causes. We evaluated these expectations by using a progression of phylogenetic, demographic, and population genetic analyses of mtDNA sequence data from 476 individuals distributed across 25 populations that encompassed the range of P. decipiens. The combination of these analyses revealed that much of the genetic structure has evolved more recently than suggested by historical biogeography, has been influenced by changes in demography, and can be best explained by long distance dispersal and isolation by distance. We suggest that performing a suite of analyses that focus on different temporal scales may be an effective approach to investigating the patterns and causes of genetic structure within species.  相似文献   

Recent papers have promoted the view that model‐based methods in general, and those based on Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) in particular, are flawed in a number of ways, and are therefore inappropriate for the analysis of phylogeographic data. These papers further argue that Nested Clade Phylogeographic Analysis (NCPA) offers the best approach in statistical phylogeography. In order to remove the confusion and misconceptions introduced by these papers, we justify and explain the reasoning behind model‐based inference. We argue that ABC is a statistically valid approach, alongside other computational statistical techniques that have been successfully used to infer parameters and compare models in population genetics. We also examine the NCPA method and highlight numerous deficiencies, either when used with single or multiple loci. We further show that the ages of clades are carelessly used to infer ages of demographic events, that these ages are estimated under a simple model of panmixia and population stationarity but are then used under different and unspecified models to test hypotheses, a usage the invalidates these testing procedures. We conclude by encouraging researchers to study and use model‐based inference in population genetics.  相似文献   

Kelp aquaculture is globally developing steadily as human food source, along with other applications. One of the newer crop species is Saccharina latissima, a northern hemisphere kelp inhabiting temperate to arctic rocky shores. To protect and document its natural genetic variation at the onset of this novel aquaculture, as well as increase knowledge on its taxonomy and phylogeography, we collected new genetic data, both nuclear and mitochondrial, and combined it with previous knowledge to estimate genetic connectivity and infer colonization history. Isolation‐with‐migration coalescent analyses demonstrate that gene flow among the sampled locations is virtually nonexistent. An updated scenario for the origin and colonization history of S. latissima is developed as follows: We propose that the species (or species complex) originated in the northwest Pacific, crossed to the northeast Pacific in the Miocene, and then crossed the Bering Strait after its opening ~5.5 Ma into the Arctic and northeast Atlantic. It subsequently crossed the Atlantic from east to west. During the Pleistocene, it was compressed in the south with evidence for northern refugia in Europe. Postglacial recolonization led to secondary contact in the Canadian Arctic. Saccharina cichorioides is shown to probably belong to the S. latissima species complex and to derive from ancestral populations in the Asian North Pacific. Our novel approach of comparing inferred gene flow based on coalescent analysis versus Wright's island model suggests that equilibrium levels of differentiation have not yet been reached in Europe and, hence, that genetic differentiation is expected to increase further if populations are left undisturbed.  相似文献   

Abstract Nine novel microsatellite markers are presented for Aphelinus mali, a parasitoid of the woolly apple aphid Eriosoma lanigerum. Loci were characterized for 28 individuals from a single orchard in central Chile. Seven loci were polymorphic within A. mali (3–6 alleles per locus; observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.04 to 0.57) and are therefore useful for population genetic studies within this species.  相似文献   

Karyotypic differences have been used for delimiting populations or species, although whether these mutations provide strong barriers to gene flow between populations and promote speciation remains contentious. In this study, we assessed whether 11 chromosomal races of Australian morabine grasshoppers ( Vandiemenella viatica species group) represent genetically distinct populations by analyses of cytological and allozyme (35 loci) data and DNA sequences of the elongation factor-1 alpha ( EF -1α), anonymous Mvia11 , and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I ( COI ) loci. While the Vandiemenella chromosomal taxa generally represent genetically distinct units, a substantial portion of the total genetic variation in our samples was not explained by the chromosomal variation. Mantel tests indicated that Vandiemenella populations were spatially structured and have maintained gene flow at a local scale within each of the taxa. The group was subdivided into 13 genetic clusters; four chromosomal taxa comprised single exclusive clusters, while others comprised more than one cluster or clusters shared with other taxa. Boundaries of these cryptic population subdivisions correspond with several biogeographical barriers, such as straits, gulfs, the Murray River, and an ancient mega-lake, Lake Bungunnia. The viatica species group was previously proposed to have diversified without major geographical separation based on the stasipatric speciation model; however, the present study suggests the involvement of allopatric fragmentation. Given extensive nonmonophyly of chromosomal taxa and incomplete barriers to gene flow among taxa, all Vandiemenella chromosomal taxa and genetically distinct populations within chromosomal taxa, except Vandiemenella pichirichi , should be regarded as populations of one species: Vandiemenella viatica .  相似文献   

It has recently become practicable to estimate the effective sizes (N(e) ) of multiple populations within species. Such efforts are valuable for estimating N(e) in evolutionary modeling and conservation planning. We used microsatellite loci to estimate N(e) of 90 populations of four ranid frog species (20-26 populations per species, mean n per population = 29). Our objectives were to determine typical values of N(e) for populations of each species, compare N(e) estimates among the species, and test for correlations between several geographic variables and N(e) within species. We used single-sample linkage disequilibrium (LD), approximate Bayesian computation (ABC), and sibship assignment (SA) methods to estimate contemporary N(e) for each population. Three of the species-Rana pretiosa, R. luteiventris, and R. cascadae- have consistently small effective population sizes (<50). N(e) in Lithobates pipiens spans a wider range, with some values in the hundreds or thousands. There is a strong east-to-west trend of decreasing N(e) in L. pipiens. The smaller effective sizes of western populations of this species may be related to habitat fragmentation and population bottlenecking.  相似文献   

Aim The present‐day population structure of a species reflects the influence of population history as well as contemporary processes. Little is known about the mechanisms that have shaped the geographical distribution of genetic diversity in marine species present on the south‐eastern Pacific (SEP) coast. Here we provide the first comprehensive phylogeographical study of a species distributed along the SEP coast by analysing the endemic and emblematic muricid gastropod Concholepas concholepas. Location The study localities were distributed along the SEP coast ranging from Matarani (11° S) to Puerto Eden (49° S), crossing three major biogeographical provinces: Peruvian Province, Intermediate Area and Magellanic Province. Methods A total of 337 specimens of C. concholepas were collected from 14 localities in the three biogeographical provinces/areas. Mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene partial sequences (658 bp) were obtained and analysed using coalescence‐based methods to infer molecular diversity and phylogeographical patterns. Results Across the 337 individuals, we found a large diversity, with a total of 179 haplotypes at the COI gene fragment. Although a slight decrease in gene diversity was observed from north to south, an analysis of molecular variance did not reveal any significant spatial population differentiation from Peru to the tip of Chile, not even across the recognized biogeographical boundaries at 30° S and 42° S. In addition, a star‐like haplotype network suggested the past occurrence of a rapid demographic and geographical expansion over the total range examined. Calculations of the onset of this expansion suggest that it might be due to climatic conditions during the period of the marine isotope stage 11 (MIS 11, 400,000 years ago), the longer and warmer interglacial episode during the Pleistocene epoch. Main conclusions Our phylogeographical analyses indicate that in the recent past C. concholepas mitochondrial DNA lineages underwent a sudden population expansion event. In addition, our data do not support the hypothesis of concordance between biogeographical barriers and phylogeographical breaks along the SEP coast. These two results are in accordance with the paradigm of high larval dispersal ability in marine species with an extended pelagic larval phase.  相似文献   

Aim The Lusitanian limpet, Patella rustica Linnaeus, 1758, is a rocky shore intertidal mollusc found throughout the Mediterranean and the north‐east Atlantic from Mauritania to southern France. A 280‐km gap in its distribution in the Iberian north‐west was first reported in the early 20th century. Between 2002 and 2005 this gap was bridged, and unusual climatic and hydrographic events that occurred in the late 1990s are hypothesized to have facilitated transport and settlement of colonizers from the southern edge of the gap. In the present work we used genetic data to investigate differentiation between the edges of the former gap, to determine the origin of colonizers and to assess patterns of connectivity across the historical and newly colonized region. Location Atlantic coast of Iberia (Portugal and north‐west Spain) and Biarritz. Methods The genetic variation of 12 sites, sampled between 2004 and 2006, was assessed through the analysis of five microsatellites (n = 412) and of a 650‐bp fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene (COI; n = 163). F‐statistics were used to investigate differentiation and patterns of gene flow across the distribution of P. rustica, from southern Portugal to Biarritz. The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mismatch distribution was analysed and the mutation–drift equilibrium tested to investigate putative demographic changes. Results Levels of differentiation were low and generally non‐significant. Comparisons between regions of the historical distribution were all non‐significant. For microsatellites, low yet significant genetic differentiation was observed when all three regions were included. Levels of genetic diversity of newly founded populations were similar to those observed within the historical range. Evidence of demographic changes was detected with mtDNA and microsatellites. Main conclusions The studied region is inhabited by a single population, suggesting that the gap in the distribution of P. rustica was not an effective barrier to gene flow. If it has ever prevented gene flow, it did not last enough time for genetic differentiation to occur. On the other hand, the main currents flowing along the Atlantic coast of Iberia could have been responsible for maintaining connectivity through occasional larval transport across a considerable stretch of inhospitable habitat.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that species with low population sizes have lower genetic diversities than larger populations and vice versa. However, this would not be the case for long‐lived species with long generation times, and which populations have declined due to anthropogenic effects, such as the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus). This species was intensively decimated globally to near extinction during the 20th century. Along the Chilean coast, it is estimated that at least 4288 blue whales were hunted from an apparently pre‐exploitation population size (k) of a maximum of 6200 individuals (Southeastern Pacific). Thus, here, we describe the mtDNA (control region) and nDNA (microsatellites) diversities of the Chilean blue whale aggregation site in order to verify the expectation of low genetic diversity in small populations. We then compare our findings with other blue whale aggregations in the Southern Hemisphere. Interestingly, although the estimated population size is small compared with the pre‐whaling era, there is still considerable genetic diversity, even after the population crash, both in mitochondrial (N = 46) and nuclear (N = 52) markers (Hd = 0.890 and Ho = 0.692, respectively). Our results suggest that this diversity could be a consequence of the long generation times and the relatively short period of time elapsed since the end of whaling, which has been observed in other heavily‐exploited whale populations. The genetic variability of blue whales on their southern Chile feeding grounds was similar to that found in other Southern Hemisphere blue whale feeding grounds. Our phylogenetic analysis of mtDNA haplotypes does not show extensive differentiation of populations among Southern Hemisphere blue whale feeding grounds. The present study suggests that although levels of genetic diversity are frequently used as estimators of population health, these parameters depend on the biology of the species and should be taken into account in a monitoring framework study to obtain a more complete picture of the conservation status of a population.  相似文献   



The abyssal Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ), Pacific Ocean, is an area of commercial importance owing to the growing interest in mining high-grade polymetallic nodules at the seafloor for battery metals. Research into the spatial patterns of faunal diversity, composition, and population connectivity is needed to better understand the ecological impacts of potential resource extraction. Here, a DNA taxonomy approach is used to investigate regional-scale patterns of taxonomic and phylogenetic alpha and beta diversity, and genetic connectivity, of the dominant macrofaunal group (annelids) across a 6 million km2 region of the abyssal seafloor.


The abyssal seafloor (3932–5055 m depth) of the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, equatorial Pacific Ocean.


We used a combination of new and published barcode data to study 1866 polychaete specimens using molecular species delimitation. Both phylogenetic and taxonomic alpha and beta diversity metrics were used to analyse spatial patterns of biodiversity. Connectivity analyses were based on haplotype distributions for a subset of the studied taxa.


DNA taxonomy identified 291–314 polychaete species from the COI and 16S datasets respectively. Taxonomic and phylogenetic beta diversity between sites were relatively high and mostly explained by lineage turnover. Over half of pairwise comparisons were more phylogenetically distinct than expected based on their taxonomic diversity. Connectivity analyses in abundant, broadly distributed taxa suggest an absence of genetic structuring driven by geographical location.

Main Conclusions

Species diversity in abyssal Pacific polychaetes is high relative to other deep-sea regions. Results suggest that environmental filtering, where the environment selects against certain species, may play a significant role in regulating spatial patterns of biodiversity in the CCZ. A core group of widespread species have diverse haplotypes but are well connected over broad distances. Our data suggest that the high environmental and faunal heterogeneity of the CCZ should be considered in future policy decisions.  相似文献   

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