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International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy - In order to calculate the minimum sterilization process conditions to obtain the generally accepted sterility level (less than 1·10?6...  相似文献   

Psychiatric aspects of female sterilization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Physicians should consider the individual patient when prescribing a method of contraception. They must be aware of the psychiatric sequelae of each method of contraception and must prescribe the method which best suits each patient. Premorbid personality, social background, religious beliefs, and emotional and intellectual make-up of the patient must be c onsidered when prescribing a contraceptive method.  相似文献   

2017年上海市食品药品包装材料测试所作为协作单位承担了委托自国家药典委员会的药品医疗器械审批制度改革有关药品标准研究子课题——灭菌法(课题编号:ZG2017-4-03)中湿热灭菌部分的研究任务。通过调阅和分析国外法规文献,对灭菌器使用厂家进行调研,并利用决策树和FMEA风险评估工具进行研究,以及在厂家范围进行问卷调查,最后形成灭菌法湿热灭菌部分的修订稿。该修订稿已实现与国际上其他通用标准初步接轨,并为无菌药品和医疗器械等生产企业的无菌保障工作起到切实可行的指导作用。  相似文献   

Biological indicators are recognized as an important component in the validation and routine monitoring of moist heat (steam) sterilization processes. Due to the need to allow for the recovery and outgrowth of test organisms that may have been sub-lethally injured, between 2-5 days of incubation are typically required before the outcome of sterilization processing can be reliably interpreted. Rapid readout biological indicators that incorporate the response of a heat resistant enzyme provide a means for assessing the efficacy of moist heat sterilization within hours of processing. This study describes the qualification of the 3M Attest 1292 Rapid Readout Biological Indicator with moist heat sterilization according to the procedures described in the PDA Technical Report No. 33, "Evaluation, Validation and Implementation of New Microbiological Testing Methods".  相似文献   

目的 通过多指标正交试验优选覆盆子生药粉最佳湿热灭菌工艺,对比不同灭菌方式对覆盆子生药粉的灭菌效果及质量的影响。方法 以山柰酚3-O-芸香糖苷、鞣花酸的含量和灭菌率的综合评分为指标,采用层次分析(AHP)法、指标重复性相关(CRITIC)法和AHP-CRITIC混合加权法确定各指标权重系数,结合正交试验筛选覆盆子湿热灭菌工艺中灭菌时间、灭菌温度和物料厚度,优化覆盆子灭菌工艺参数;通过微生物限度检测,生药粉椴树苷鉴别,水分、总灰分、酸不溶灰分、浸出物、山柰酚3-O-芸香糖苷和糅花酸含量检测,指纹图谱检测,对比采用湿热灭菌、辐照灭菌、干热灭菌和乙醇灭菌法对覆盆子生药灭菌效果和质量的影响。结果 AHP-CRITIC混合加权法较AHP法和CRITIC法更为科学、合理,按照其确定的权重系数进行综合评价确定的覆盆子最佳湿热灭菌工艺条件为灭菌时间15 min、灭菌温度115℃、物料厚度5 mm;各灭菌样品的微生物限度检查等均符合药典规定,与未灭菌生药粉相比,山柰酚3-O-芸香糖苷经乙醇灭菌与干热灭菌后含量降低,糅花酸经干热灭菌后含量增加;指纹图谱结果显示,干热灭菌与未灭菌相比相似度较低,辐照灭菌、湿热灭菌与未灭菌相比相似度较高。结论 湿热灭菌法与其他灭菌方法相比,可在较低温度、更短时间得到符合规定的覆盆子生药粉,且优选得到的灭菌工艺稳定可行、重复性好。  相似文献   

Table olives are a traditional component of the Mediterranean diet and are largely consumed in the world. There are different trade treatments that originate different types of olives. The aim of the present work was to proceed to the microbiological characterization of table olives commercialized in the Portuguese market, with respect to their microbiological safety. The microbiological characterization was made in the olive pulp and packing brine of thirty-five table olives samples of different types and trade treatments, namely natural olives Cv. Galega (NOG), natural turning colour olives (NTCO), green olives (GO), black ripe olives (BO) and natural olives purchased in the traditional market and obtained from traditional producers (NOt). Simultaneously it was verified specific legislation of the table olives in what it concerns to labeling rules, pH values and the identification of isolated yeasts. In general, table olives consumed showed acceptable security with exception of four NOt samples that presented Staphylococcus aureus. In a considerable number of samples high number of microorganisms indicators of contaminations were observed that reveals the need of optimization the hygienic procedures during production process to improve the quality and safety of table olives. During the work seven yeasts were isolated from olive pulp and brine.  相似文献   

In a study carried out in two hospitals in South Africa the authors identified 20 children suffering from hepatic veno-occlusive disease thought to be caused by the administration of traditional remedies. The predominant clinical presentation was ascites of various degrees and hepatomegaly. There was a high morbidity and mortality in the young infants, and in those cases who survived and were followed up the clinical pattern was one of progression to cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Pyrrolizidine alkaloid poisoning is one of the causes of the veno-occlusive disease. Therefore there is a need for objective confirmation of this. In four of our cases an on-admission urine specimen was available and in all of these a simple colorimetric screening test confirmed the presence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids. The other cases were admitted from peripheral hospitals and clinics and urine was not obtained until after 72 h, a time at which the levels of pyrrolizidines in urine were below the limit of sensitivity of the screening test. The screening method is helpful for the detection of acute ingestion of pyrrolizidines in large amounts, but is not sufficiently sensitive for the detection of chronic ingestion of smaller amounts. Nevertheless, in those patients who have hepatomegaly and ascites a positive finding of pyrrolizidines is important and may remove the necessity for expensive and invasive investigative measures.  相似文献   

目的检测在生物制药和医疗行业中用脉动真空湿热灭菌法去除内毒素验证效果的可靠性。方法首先应做脉动真空灭菌器的性能确认(PQ)其中包括:空载保压试验、狄克(b-d)试验、满载热穿透试验、微生物挑战试验,确认灭菌器性能合格后再将被灭菌物品和内毒素指示剂按着满载热穿透试验的装载方式共同放入灭菌器腔室内进行132℃、55min、脉动±65kPa灭菌程序和132℃、75min、脉动±65kPa灭菌程序的监测。结果用凝胶法限量检查:132℃、55min、±65kPa程序灭菌后的内毒素指示剂按内毒素检查法均出现凝集反应呈阳性,判定为不合格;检测132℃、75min、脉动±65kPa灭菌程序的内毒素指示剂按内毒素检查法无凝集反应呈阴性,做五遍均为阴性,判定为合格。结论用脉动真空高压蒸汽灭菌法进行132℃、75min、脉动±65kPa灭菌程序来去除内毒素,符合中国药典三部(2015版)关于内毒素的检测规定(不小于1000单位的细菌内毒素至少下降3个对数单位),可做进一步的探讨和验证。  相似文献   

High-temperature short-time (HTST) sterilization with a continuous-flow sterilizer, developed for this study, was evaluated. The evaluation was performed with respect to (a) the chemical degradation of two heat-sensitive drugs in HTST range (140-160 degrees C) and (b) the microbiological effect of HTST sterilization. Degradation kinetics of two heat-sensitive drugs showed that a high peak temperature sterilization process resulted in less chemical degradation for the same microbiological effect than a low peak temperature process. Both drugs investigated could be sterilized with acceptable degradation at HTST conditions. For the evaluation of the microbiological effect, Bacillus stearothermophilus ATCC 7953 spores were used as indicator bacteria. Indicator spore kinetics (D(T), z value, k, and E(a)), were determined in the HTST range. A comparison between the Bigelow model (z value concept) and the Arrhenius model, used to describe the temperature coefficient of the microbial inactivation, demonstrated that the Bigelow model is more accurate in prediction of D(T) values in the HTST range. The temperature coefficient decreased with increasing temperature. The influence of Ca(2+) ions and pH value on the heat resistance of the indicator spores, which is known under typical sterilization conditions, did not change under HTST conditions.  相似文献   

目的:探讨建立高效率、低成本的应急药品储备和供应的新型管理模式。方法:比较我国应急药品、基本药物及医疗保险药品的储备和供应管理特点,分析三者嵌合的衔接方式。结果:274种应急药品,占国家基本药物品种的比例为21.54%,基本医疗保险药品品种的比例为8.42%;应急药品的储备和供应能嵌合入国家基本药物和基本医疗保险药品现行的模式中,主要通过共用中标的药品生产企业或经营企业来实现。国家通过事先与这些中标的医药企业签订合同,来储备、供应和配送应急药品,促进应急药品储备和供应的广覆盖和多元化。结论:应急药品应优先被列入基本药物及基本医疗保险药品的储备和供应目录,国家应采取措施,促进有效嵌合模式的实现。  相似文献   

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