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Experiments on water-rock interaction were carried out on wall-rock samples fromtheMobin gold deposit,Southwest Hunan,China ,with the aim of determining the optimum physical and chemical conditions for the mobilization of gold in solution.Results indicate that gold is most easily mobilized from the wall rock-tuffaceous slate of the Mobin Deposit.Mobi-lization is optimized if fluids are neutral to slightly alkaline and contain both chlorine and sul-phur ions at the concentration and composition of about[0.25M(NH4)2 1M NaCl].The amount of gold leached from the tuffaceous slate increases with temperature although the effect decreases above about 200℃.  相似文献   

In the aquatic system, heavy metals always exist in a number of physico-chemical forms: particulate (Cp), soluble which consists of labile (MALI) and bound (inorganic MAb and organic MLb). The environmental behaviors of a metal are critically dependent on these forms. In this paper, the forms of heavy metals in waters from the Changjiang River source to mainstream and lakes were determined by ASV method. The main results are as follows: 1. The total contents (Ct) of Zn, Pb, Cu and Cd in the source were 4.0, 1.88, 1.28 and 0.07 (g/L) respectively, while Ct (g/L) in the mainstem were in the order of Zn (20.1) > Cu (14.9) > Pb (6.73) > Cd (0.15). Ct (g/L) in Dianchi Lake were Zn (7.2) > Pb (0.72) > Cu (0.53) > Cd (0.05), and in Poyang Lake were Zn (12.5) > Pb (4.2) > Cu (3.4) > Cd (0.05), and in Poyang Lake were Zn (12.5) > Pb (4.2) > Cu (3.4) > Cd (0.05). However, most of them were presented as Cp. Their dissolved contents (Cs, /L) were lower. 2. The distribution of soluble forms was related to the type of metal and to environmental variables. In general, Zn and Cd have a tendency to be present in MALi, Pb in MAb and Cu in MLb.  相似文献   

Attenuation of photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) measured using a light meter, was related to Secchi disk, horizontal black disk and horizontal sighting ranges observed in a coastal lagoon of the Southern California Current System. Vertical attenuation coefficient (KPAR) was calculated from radiometric PAR profiles. Vertical (ZD) and horizontal (HS) sighting ranges were measured with white (Secchi depth or ZSD, HS W ) and black (Z BD, HS B ) targets. Empirical power models for the KPAR-ZSD (KPAR=1.47 ZSD −1.13), KPAR-Z BD (KPAR=0.98 Z BD −1.26), KPAR-HS W (KPAR=1.22 HS W −1.14) and KPAR-HS B (KPAR=0.73 HS B −1.07) relationships were developed. The parameters of these models may not apply to other water bodies because their values depend on the range of water reflectance in each case, as reported in the literature. This is the first contribution reporting KPAR-HS empirical relations in an estuarine environment but their application may be limited to this coastal lagoon. While this approach may be universal, more data are needed to explore the variability of the parameters between different water bodies.  相似文献   

Gully erosion is a very serious problem in the black soil region of northeast China. Gully filling is often adopted for controlling gully erosion by local farmers and thus causes more serious soil erosion. In this study an ephemeral gully (EG, 74 m) and a classical gully (CG, 52 m) connected at the gully’s headcut were selected as the study site. Two comparisons were made to explore the effects of gully erosion and the subsequent gully filling on soil depth and soybean yield: (1) soil depth between 81 sample points in the study site and 11 reference points along the same slope with the gully; (2) soybean yield between 81 sample points in the study site and 30 baseline locations near the study site. The results indicated that gully erosion caused the reduction of soil depth and soybean yield. Although filling gullies with soil from adjacent areas seemed to be an expedient way to remediate the gullies, it resulted in substantial soybean yield reduction. Gully erosion reduced the soil depth and soybean yield in 74.4 and 83.9 % of the study site, respectively. The soybean yield reduction ratio was 34.5 % for the whole study site and 2.6 % for the black soil region. Soil depth was the most important soil property indicator to reduce yield. Every 1 cm decrease in soil depth in the areas adjacent to gullies due to infilling activities resulted in a 2 % decrease in yield. More significant was the deposition of sediment from gully erosion, which completely eliminated soybean yield. Currently, effective soil and water conservation measures are not known and adopted by local farmers extensively. In the future, once some measures for preventing soil erosion, in particular gully erosion, were proved effective, these technologies should be disseminated among local farmers.  相似文献   

The formation of ore-bearing granites in the Yenshanian movement in southeast China and the geochemical characteristics of some RE-bearing granites have been studied through multivariate statistical analysis and physicochemical approach. The main conclusions have Been drawn as follows: (1) The granites are believed to be products of anatexis of the crustal materials. The formation temperature of granitic magma is estimated at about 600°C and the crystallization temperatures range from 600° to 500°C. The temperature of Li-, Fand H2O-rich residual magma in the latest stage of magmatism is probably below 500°C. (2) A rock series from early lepidomelane-granite through protolithionite-and zinnwalditegranite to lithioniteor lepidolite-granite is considered as a result of actual crystallization. (3) The mineral paragenesis and fades zonation of granite plutons are mainly controlled by Ph2o, μNa2O and μK2O in the magma. (4) During the magmatic evolution the ore-forming elements (REE, Nb, Ta, etc.) are variable in geochemistry. REEs, similar to mafic components, were highly concentrated at the early stage of the magmatic evolution and deposited under favourable conditions in the zinnwaldite-and protolithionite-granites; Nb and Ta have a preference for felsic and volatile components, thus are mainly concentrated at later stages of the magmatic evolution. Nb ore deposits are formed in the lithionite and lepidolite granites, for Ta is intimately associated with Na2O, Li2O, F and H2O.  相似文献   

经过10余年的资源勘查和多学科的综合研究,已基本查明滇东北(昭通市)早石炭世无烟煤的分布、煤质特征及主要利用方向。与国内外其他地区、其他时代的无烟煤比较,本区无烟煤内在矿物质含量极低、有机组分中主要成分为无结构镜质体,有机质中C、H元素高达97%,H/C原子比为0.5。结合X衍射分析(XRD)和高分辨透射电镜(HRTEM)研究结果,该区无烟煤有机质的化学组成与分子构型与沥青中间相炭微球(MCMB)类似。一系列实验表明,经选别制备的超低灰无烟煤是多种中、高端新型炭材料和炭素的优质原料。有序而保护性地开发利用该区资源,对我国经济建设和社会发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The Liaoning Province in the northeastern part of the North China Craton(NCC) hosts several tremolite jade(nephrite) deposits. Here we investigate the Sangpiyu tremolite jade deposit where the relationship between abundant graphite inclusions within the jade remains enigmatic. We employ petrography, electron probe microanalysis, X-ray-diffraction, and Raman spectroscopy to characterize the tremolite jade and its inclusion minerals. The Sangpiyu jade is predominately composed of tremolite with minor calcite, dolomite, serpentine, titanite, zoisite, allanite, chlorite,apatite, chromite and graphite. Raman spectroscopy of graphite inclusions shows that the D1/G intensity ratio ranges from 0.78 to 0.88 in deep green samples and from 0.05 to 0.23 in dark green samples. The ranges of D1/(D1 + G) integral area ratio for these types are from 0.0548 to 0.3037 and 0.5528 to 0.7355 respectively. The formation temperature of graphite inclusions in the dark green tremolite jade is computed as 549.8 ℃, whereas that for the deep green sample is about343.2 ℃. Our results suggest that the jade formation occurred in a multi-stage process through the action of hydrothermal fluids and metamorphism possibly in a subduction-related setting at moderate to high temperatures.  相似文献   

To provide a basis for tracing changes in vegetation and tree cover density, we studied the phytoliths of 129 common temperate plant species, and extracted the phytoliths from 75 surface soil samples from sites in grassland, forest−grassland ecotone and forest habitats in northeast China. From the analysis of shapes and morphological parameters of the plant samples, we developed a reference data set of herbaceous and woody phytoliths, and subsequently identified 21 herbaceous and 13 woody phytolith types in the surface soil samples. To test the reliability of soil phytolith analysis for distinguishing forest, grassland and the forest−grassland ecotone, we used principal components analysis (PCA) and discriminant analysis (DA) to summarize the soil phytolith assemblage characteristics of the different ecosystems. The results show that the grassland and forest samples are characterized by abundant herbaceous and woody phytoliths, respectively; and that forest−grassland ecotone habitats are characterized by low abundances of blocky polyhedral, multifaceted epidermal and sclereid phytoliths. In general, the surface soil phytolith assemblages can reliably differentiate samples from forest, grassland and the forest−grassland ecotone, with up to 92% of the samples classified correctly. We also tested the reliability of phytolith indices (W/G (1), W/G (2), W/G (3)) for discriminating different vegetation types in our study area, and found that W/G (2) was the most reliable index and corresponded well with the species inventory data. The W/G values for grassland ranged from 0 to 0.3, from 0.3 to 0.6 for the forest−grassland ecotone, and exceeded 0.6 for forest. We conclude that our study provides reliable analogues for phytolith assemblages from palaeoecological contexts, which can be used to reconstruct shifts in forest−grassland ecotones and vegetation succession in temperate areas.  相似文献   

A device incorporating microprocessor control and flow-through sampling permits high-speed measurements of chlorophyll a, and physical and chemical variables in aquatic systems. Continuous sampling of chlorophyll a, conductivity, temperature, salinity, incident photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), underwater PAR, and pH facilitates multiple correlations and mapping of variables at both small and large spatial scales. The instrument is portable and can be installed in a small boat for “rapid response” sampling of large areas. The low-voltage DC power requirement and shallow draft make the device especially suitable for work in shallow coastal areas, tidal creeks, bayous, and physically complex aquatic landscapes where larger vessels cannot be operated. Examples of applications of the instrument are discussed. In Fourleague Bay, Louisiana, a shallow estuary on the Gulf of Mexico, we were able to detect horizontal chlorophyll a structure and transient fronts map spatial variations on the scale of a few meters to several kilometers, and follow movements of chlorophyll features through the estuary. These patterns were often not apparent when sampled at discrete stations.  相似文献   

The rare-earth elements (REEs) are a series of elements including lanthanides with atomic numbers from 57 to 71, as well as Y with an atomic number of 39. The REEs are commonly used as geochemical tracers in the study of many geologic processes because of their unique and chemically coherent behavior. The main purpose of this research is to understand the effect of water-particle interaction on trace metal transport, the distribution and chemical species of the REEs in water through case studies on geochemical behavior of the REEs in the Chaohu and Longgan lakes, eastern China. Concentrations of the dissolved REEs were detected by ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry). Before ICP-MS measurement, REEs were concentrated from water samples by using solvent extraction and back extraction with a mixture 65% HDEHP (2-etheylhexyl hydrogen phosphate) and 35% H2MEHP (2-ehtylhexyl dihydrogen phosphate). The results showed that the average concentrations of dissolved REEs in summer are higher than in winter for Chaohu Lake: they were 162.6 ng/kg and 86.5 ng/kg, respectively. On the country, the REE contents of winter samples were higher than those of summer water samples for Longganhu Lake: they were 111.1 ng/kg and 44.0 ng/kg, respectively. The contents of suspended particulate matter and pH are the two important factors controlling the concentrations of dissolved REE in the lakes. The contents of the REEs decrease with increasing pH in the Longgan and Chaohu lakes. The suspended particulate matter shows different sorption/desorption toward the dissolved REEs in the two water bodies. Most lake water samples have a fiat NASC-normalized REE pattern, and the others have heavy REE-enrichment patterns relative to NASC, which may imply that the dissolved REEs were mainly present in the form of fine colloids in the Chaohu and Longgan lakes.  相似文献   

Due to the unique chemical properties that are similar but still progressively change, the rare earth elements (REEs) are useful tracers of various geochemical processes in the lithosphere and hydrosphere. However, despite many studies of REE geochemistry in the ocean, the aqueous geochemistry of REEs in lake waters has been poorly documented. In the present study, two special karst lakes are chosen as case studies to investigate the distributions of dissolved REEs in lake water. Although the two lakes, Hongfeng and Aha, are both alkaline and have high pH from 7.9 to 8.7 and high carbonate concentrations, the Aha Lake has been more severely affected by acidic mining drainage with high Fe, Mn and SO42 concentrations. In the present study, the concentrations of dissolved rare-earth elements in lake waters were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The result shows that the concentrations of dissolved REEs in the studied alkaline karst lakes, as compared to the concentrations of REEs in seawater, are much lower than the other investigated terrestrial surface waters in previous studies. The key factor controlling dissolved REE distributions is pH value which is negatively correlated with REE concentrations. Due to high concentration of carbonate ion and alkaline character of water chemistry, the shale (PAAS) normalized patterns of dissolved REEs show marked HREE enrichment in all water samples. This is primarily the result of the preferential formation of stronger carbonate complexes with the HREEs. In alkaline or intermediate waters, REE-carbonate complexes are the dominant and typical species, which account for about more than 90% of the total dissolved REEs.  相似文献   

巧家松梁铅锌矿床位于小江深断裂和巧家-莲峰大断裂所夹持的"三角地带",矿体产于灯影组中、上段中-厚层硅质白云岩、硅质条带白云岩中。矿体产出严格受构造的控制,F5、F6断裂分别控制着①、②号矿体。矿石矿物简单,主要为闪锌矿、方铅矿和黄铁矿,脉石矿物以白云石为主,次为方解石、石英。文章分析了松梁铅锌矿床的成矿地质特征,认为铅锌成矿的潜力较大,矿床的深部及外围找矿前景良好。在此基础上,总结了成矿预测的标志:上震旦统灯影组强蚀变白云岩、硅质白云岩作为地层岩性标志;NW向压扭性断裂带及其光滑断面是构造标志;白云石化、方解石化等中、低温热液蚀变是地表重要的找矿标志;构造地球化学异常和低电阻、高极化率分别是深部找矿的地球化学和地球物理标志。  相似文献   

通化地区古元古代晚期花岗质岩浆作用与地壳演化   总被引:10,自引:10,他引:10  
广泛出露于华北板块东部辽吉地区的古元古代变质杂岩,多年来一直被认为是古老的陆内裂谷作用的产物,我们通过详细的野外地质调查工作发现,该变质杂岩中以往所划定的混合岩实际是不同变质程度和变形特征的岩浆成因花岗岩岩体,其岩石类型除典型的片麻状角闪正长花岗岩(俗称“条痕状花岗岩”或“辽吉花岗岩”)外,另有片麻状石英闪长岩、巨斑状黑云母二长花岗岩、巨斑状一环斑状舍石榴石花岗岩和角闪辉石正长岩等、,应用SHRIMP技术,本文对片麻状石英闪长岩和巨斑状一环斑状含石榴石花岗岩进行了结石U—Pb同位素年龄测定,结果显示它们的侵位时代为1872~1850Ma,与巨癍状黑云母二长花岗岩和角闪辉石正长杂岩侵位时代相近,岩石学一地球化学特征显示片麻状石英闪长岩是“Ⅰ”型花岗岩,具有岛弧型花岗岩地球化学特征;而巨斑状一环斑状含石榴石花岗岩(局部具有球斑状结构)属“S”型花岗岩结合区内与花岗岩形成同时发生的变质作用P—T特征,这种I-、S-和A-型花岗岩的同时产出,反映他们可能形成于造山后构造背景,结合朝鲜狼林一中国辽南和龙岗太古宙陆块的结晶基底差别,可以认定华北板块在太古宙末期并非仅由东、西部陆块组成,在东部陆块至少还存在朝鲜狼林-辽南-胶东联合陆块和龙岗-鲁西-五准陆块两个微陆块,这两个微陆块大约在1.90Ga左右发生拼合,然后它们再于1.85Ga左右与西部地块拼合  相似文献   

 Yungui Plateau lakes in southwestern China are economically important, although few have been studied previously. Water and sediments of 24 lakes throughout Yunnan Province were sampled in October 1994. We describe the chemical and physical characteristics of Yunnan lakes, and address effects of regional geology and human influences on water quality and sediment type. Water quality differs between deep Yunnan lakes of tectonic origin and shallow solution basins. Shallow lakes generally have higher nutrient concentrations and appear to be more susceptible to riparian disturbance than deeper lakes. Shallow lakes with high macrophyte standing crops, nevertheless, exhibit nutrient-poor waters. Principal ions Ca2+, Mg2+, and HCO3 reflect regional carbonate geology, except in Cheng Hai, which is a sodium bicarbonate lake. Specific conductance and δ18O are positively correlated, indicating that evaporation concentrates both solutes and 18O. Large, shallow lakes in southeastern Yunnan exhibit 18O-enriched waters because of substantial evaporation, whereas small, deep lakes are 18O-depleted. Lake waters are 18O-depleted in small, shallow basins that receive substantial rainwater input relative to their small volumes. 18O enrichment in Cheng Hai suggests that a recent 5-m water-level decline in this lake was caused by increased evaporation or diversion of freshwater inflow. Yunnan watersheds have undergone substantial deforestation, agricultural cultivation, soil erosion, and industrialization. Limnetic nutrient concentrations indicate that human activities have affected water quality. Organic matter content is low in sediments because of increased non-carbonate, clastic sediment yield from watersheds. Environmental policies are needed to balance ecological contraints with economic activities that impact water quality. Received: 1 July 1996 / Accepted: 2 October 1996  相似文献   

根据中国东部浅水湖泊受人类活动影响较严重的情况,将季节分解的非参数局部线性回归模型、频率分析和几何分块自助法有机结合,提出了一种基于非参数方法的湖泊参照状态确定的新方法。该方法首先将季节分解模型用于湖泊营养盐及其响应物的观测值,选取出适合用于推断参照状态的时间段;其次使用频率分析法分析此时间段内的观测值,并给出湖泊总氮、总磷和叶绿素a的参照状态值;最后用几何分块自助法给出各自的置信区间。该方法能有效克服前人提出方法的缺点。以太湖为例,采用该方法推断了参照状态浓度,总氮为0.78mg/L,总磷为0.030mg/L,叶绿素a为2.63μg/L;给出相应的95%置信区间分别为0.57~0.83mg/L、0.025~0.046mg/L和1.86~2.65μg/L。该方法也可适用受人类活动影响较大的中国东部其他浅水湖泊。  相似文献   

通过东北1:150万、1:250万地质编图,系统梳理总结了东北地区花岗岩类时空格局。东北地区的花岗岩类岩石分布广泛,活动时代漫长,从太古宙直到新生代呈多幕式展现。收集、梳理了394件前中生代花岗岩类同位素测年数据,锆石年龄总体上出现3350 Ma,3150 Ma,2550~2450 Ma,2200 Ma,1800 Ma,950 Ma,800 Ma,500 Ma和300 Ma九个明显高峰值和大于3600 Ma,2900~2700 Ma,2400~2250 Ma,2100~1900 Ma,1700~1500 Ma,1400~1300 Ma,和1150~950 Ma 7个空白年龄段,年龄数据的高峰值恰好与研究区基底形成、陆壳生长、超大陆汇聚及分离、地块俯冲、碰撞、拼贴等主要构造事件时间点吻合,反映了研究区构造演化历史。在时空分布上,太古宙花岗岩类主要分布于华北古陆区的辽东鞍山、本溪、清原,辽西建平、锦州,辽南大连和吉南地区;加里东期花岗岩类集中分布在额尔古纳、佳木斯、张广才岭、大兴安岭北端,但在华北古陆上较少;华力西期花岗岩类分布在额尔古纳、大兴安岭主脊、张广才岭—小兴安岭、延边-绥芬河及沿索伦—西拉木伦—长春—延吉一线两侧。  相似文献   

The Chinese salt lake mega-region is controlled by an arid and semi-arid climate, and modern salt lakes are mainly distributed within areas with mean annual precipitation <500 mm. According to their geomorphological features, structural conditions, and material composition, salt lakes in China can be broadly divided into four regions. The degrees of exploitation and utilization of these salt lakes differ because these four regions have experienced different climatic changes and structural activities and have had their own characteristics of salt lake evolution since the beginning of the Quaternary. The salt lakes in these regions have different scales, economic value, and technical conditions for traffic. Among others, Jarantai (Jartai) Salt Lake and Yuncheng Salt Lake are better in terms of comprehensive utilization and environmental protection, and the potash salt lakes represented by Qarhan are most important in terms of exploitation. At present, there exist many environmental problems in the salt lake regions of China, especially in remote, small and medium-sized basins, where abusive or wasteful mining, low recovery, and mining of a single saline mineral have caused impoverishment and large quantities of byproducts. Furthermore, climatic environmental factors can also cause significant changes of salt lake environment. Since 1987, against the background of global warming, the climate in the northwest salt lake region has turned warm and wet, and lakes have exhibited a tendency for expansion and rise, whereas in the east of the region, the climate has remained in a warm dry stage, lake levels have dropped, and salt lakes have become desertified. With the implementation of the strategy of building an environmentally friendly society in China, increasing attention is being paid to eco-environmental protection. It is suggested that experience and advanced techniques in terms of comprehensive utilization, overall development, and environmental protection of salt lakes at home and abroad be further developed to strengthen observation and monitoring of environmental changes of salt lakes and build an environmentally friendly, great salt lake industry.  相似文献   

The areal extent of permafrost in China has been reduced by about 18.6 % during the last 30 years. Due to the combined influences of climate warming and human activities, permafrost has been degrading extensively, with marked spatiotemporal variability. Distribution and thermal regimes of permafrost and seasonal freeze-thaw processes are closely related to groundwater dynamics. Permafrost degradation and changes in frost action have extensively affected cold-regions hydrogeology. Progress on some research programs on groundwater and permafrost in two regions of China are summarized. On the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and in mountainous northwest China, permafrost is particularly sensitive to climate change, and the permafrost hydrogeologic environment is vulnerable due to the arid climate, lower soil-moisture content, and sparse vegetative coverage, although anthropogenic activities have limited impact. In northeast China, permafrost is thermally more stable due to the moist climate and more organic soils, but the presence or preservation of permafrost is largely dependent on favorable surface coverage. Extensive and increasing human activities in some regions have considerably accelerated the degradation of permafrost, further complicating groundwater dynamics. In summary, permafrost degradation has markedly changed the cold-regions hydrogeology in China, and has led to a series of hydrological, ecological, and environmental problems of wide concern.  相似文献   

In this study, the vegetation dynamics in Heilongjiang province and their relationships with climate variability were assessed using normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and meteorological datasets from 1981 to 2003. The conclusions from our results are as follows: (1) After 1981, vegetation cover, as indicated by the NDVI, exhibited an insignificant increasing tendency. However, the inter-annual variations of the NDVI showed apparent spatial differentiations. (2) The inter-annual changes of the NDVI were different from season to season. The spring and autumn NDVI values increased, while the summer and winter NDVI decreased. (3) The annual NDVI was significantly correlated with precipitation. Thus, as compared to temperature, precipitation was the dominant climatic factor affecting the vegetation dynamics in Heilongjiang province. (4) The trend in the NDVI showed a marked homogeneity corresponding to regional and seasonal variations in climate. Additionally, land use changes also play an important role in influencing the NDVI trends over some regions. All of these findings will enrich our knowledge of the natural forces that impact the stability of boreal ecosystems and provide a scientific basis for the environmental management in Heilongjiang province in response to climate change and human activities.  相似文献   

中国玛珥湖及其研究意义   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
随着全球变化研究的深入,科学家们认识到古气候变化除轨道尺度的冰期/间冰期旋回之外还存在年代际-千年尺度的高频变化和突变事件。要认知这些变化,古气候记录的时间分辨率要达到"年-年代际"。因此,寻求时间跨度长、连续性好、信息丰富的高分辨率记录是过去全球变化研究面临的主要任务之一。玛珥湖为火山射汽喷发形成的封闭湖泊,由于其独特的形成机制及水文背景,使其能够提供数万年乃至几十万年连续稳定的沉积记录,是高分辨率古气候、古环境变化研究的重要对象。中国玛珥湖得天独厚,从热带到寒温带均有分布,为系统研究中国不同气候区各种时间尺度古气候变化规律提供了理想材料。本文基于中国玛珥湖的分布及沉积特征,探讨玛珥湖沉积记录能够为古全球变化研究做出怎样的贡献,解决什么科学问题,具体包括以下三个方面的内容:(1)在轨道尺度上,精确定位现代气候在地质历史中的位置是未来最具挑战性的科学问题之一。我国热带地区玛珥湖沉积物跨越了至少4个冰期-间冰期旋回,能够为理解冰期驱动机制、下一次冰期来临、高低纬关联等关键科学问题提供多学科数据;(2)千年尺度古气候变化,其成因可能源于不同的动力学机制,是气候系统对各种外部和内部驱动因子响应的结果,因此千年震荡可能存在明显的时空差异。集成不同气候带的玛珥湖沉积记录将为理解千年震荡规律及其驱动因子做出贡献;(3)年-年代际气候变化是预测未来气候变化的基础,PAGES、IPCC以及PAGES-Asia 2K均将过去2千年来气候变化作为预测未来几十年至百年尺度上重大全球变化的背景,并为此构建全球数据体系,玛珥湖沉积特别是纹层沉积记录能够填补某些地区高分辨率数据的空白。  相似文献   

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