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跨模态哈希检索以其较高的检索效率和较低的存储成本,在跨模态检索领域受到了广泛的关注.现有的跨模态哈希大多直接从多模态数据中学习哈希码,不能充分利用数据的语义信息,因此无法保证数据低维特征在模态间的分布一致性,解决这个问题的关键之一是要准确地度量多模态数据之间的相似度.为此,提出一种基于对抗投影学习的哈希(adversa...  相似文献   

为了解决跨模态检索算法检索准确率较低、训练时间较长等问题,文中提出联合哈希特征和分类器学习的跨模态检索算法(HFCL).采用统一的哈希码描述语义相同的不同模态数据.在训练阶段,利用标签信息学习具有鉴别性的哈希码.第二阶段基于生成的鉴别性哈希码,采用核逻辑回归学习各模态的哈希函数.在测试阶段,给定任意一个模态查询样本,利用学习的哈希函数生成哈希特征,从数据库中检索与之语义相关的另一模态数据.在3个公开数据集上的实验验证HFCL的有效性.  相似文献   

随着深度神经网络的兴起,多模态学习受到广泛关注.跨模态检索是多模态学习的重要分支,其目的在于挖掘不同模态样本之间的关系,即通过一种模态样本来检索具有近似语义的另一种模态样本.近年来,跨模态检索逐渐成为国内外学术界研究的前沿和热点,是信息检索领域未来发展的重要方向.首先,聚焦于深度学习跨模态图文检索研究的最新进展,对基于...  相似文献   

One of the most promising new technologies for widespread application is image annotation and retrieval. Nevertheless, this task is very difficult to accomplish as target images differ significantly in appearance and belong to a wide variety of categories. In this paper, we propose a new image annotation and retrieval method for miscellaneous weakly labeled images, by combining higher-order local auto-correlation (HLAC) features and a framework of probabilistic canonical correlation analysis. The distance between images can be defined in the intrinsic space for annotation using conceptual learning of images and their labels. Because this intrinsic space is highly compressed compared to the image feature space, our method achieves both faster and more accurate image annotation and retrieval. The HLAC features are powerful global features with additive and position invariant properties. These properties work well with images, which have an arbitrary number of objects at arbitrary locations. The proposed method is shown to outperform existing methods using a standard benchmark dataset.  相似文献   

基于图像中物体之间的空间关系的图像检索往往受困于待处理的图像中物体种类和空间位置难以自动准确地获取。文中基于物体识别算法的输出,提出一种对物体空间关系的三元组表示法,给出基于这种表示方法对图像索引、相似度计算和检索排序的方法及允许用户使用查询词和空间关系表达查询需求的二维输入界面,并实现原型系统。这种表示法具有良好的鲁棒性,可容忍物体识别算法一定程度的误差,将物体识别得到的置信度加入三元组表示法置信度计算和排序算法中,减少物体识别结果误差对检索性能的影响。在原型系统上的实验表明,该系统在实验中对包含物体位置关系的检索给出更准确的结果,在NDCG@m、MAP、F@m上均优于现有系统。  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Object detection from infrared (IR) images recently attracted attention of researches. There are several techniques that can be performed on images in order to...  相似文献   

This paper presents a symbolic formalism for modeling and retrieving video data via the moving objects contained in the video images. The model integrates the representations of individual moving objects in a scene with the time-varying relationships between them by incorporating both the notions of object tracks and temporal sequences of PIRs (projection interval relationships). The model is supported by a set of operations which form the basis of a moving object algebra. This algebra allows one to retrieve scenes and information from scenes by specifying both spatial and temporal properties of the objects involved. It also provides operations to create new scenes from existing ones. A prototype implementation is described which allows queries to be specified either via an animation sketch or using the moving object algebra.  相似文献   

An approach to the recovery of trajectories of objects in a dynamic scene from stereo images is proposed. The approach is based on the use of a point representation of objects, visual odometry, and a set of algorithms that produce point models of objects and calculate their trajectories using matched 3D point clouds. Results of numerical experiments for synthetic scenes are discussed.  相似文献   

朱文球  刘强 《计算机工程》2007,33(2):171-173
提出一种基于AdaBoost的人脸性别分类方法,从一张低分辨率灰度人脸图像中辨认出一个人的性别。将启发式搜索算法融于AdaBoost算法框架中,从而发现新的可用于更好分类的特征。利用该方法进行人脸性别分类方面的实验,当使用少于500个像素比较时,正确识别率达到了93%以上,这与迄今已公布的最佳的分类器支持向量机(SVM)的正确识别率相当,但速度却快得多。  相似文献   

Programming and Computer Software - A modified approach to recovering the trajectories of dynamic objects in a scene from stereo images is proposed. This approach is based on the use of an extended...  相似文献   

针对背景模糊的灰度图像中目标物体往往难以分离出来的问题,文章采用基于区域生长的形态学分水岭算法获得模糊图像中的物体边界,然后针对分水岭变换后所获得的子区域的灰度值参数及所处位置特性,将每个子区域类比成3D地图表面的一块平原,采用类似山地斜坡平滑的思想将子区域逐渐合并,最终将目标从灰度图像中分离出来。实验表明该算法能准确的将较为模糊的灰度图像中的目标和背景分离。  相似文献   

为直观地分析左心室在心脏收缩期的形变情况,提出一种左心事力学形态分析方法.首先利用带标记线的心脏核磁共振图像数据针对左心室建立系数可变的物理可形变模型,并在所建模型的基础上,利用心脏收缩期各个时刻的左心室轮廓点数据恢复三维外形;然后利用心脏收缩期各相邻时刻的标记点数据计算左心室模型外力;最后将模型外力转换为收缩应力分量、切向应力分量和拉伸应力分量,并将各个应力分量用彩色云图显示.实验结果表明,文中方法能直观、有效地反映左心室内外表面在整个心脏收缩期的应力分布及形变趋势,获取的力学形态变化云图将成为重要的医学诊断依据.  相似文献   

Collision of interests of two parties is typical for search processes. Optimization of a search process provides determination of the best strategies (policies) for both sides depending on their knowledge. Then, since dedicated resources for the search process are usually limited, the problem of optimal distribution of search resources, i.e., purpose assignment problem, arises as well.  相似文献   

Song  Yuqing  Wang  Wei  Zhang  Aidong 《World Wide Web》2003,6(2):209-231
Although a variety of techniques have been developed for content-based image retrieval (CBIR), automatic image retrieval by semantics still remains a challenging problem. We propose a novel approach for semantics-based image annotation and retrieval. Our approach is based on the monotonic tree model. The branches of the monotonic tree of an image, termed as structural elements, are classified and clustered based on their low level features such as color, spatial location, coarseness, and shape. Each cluster corresponds to some semantic feature. The category keywords indicating the semantic features are automatically annotated to the images. Based on the semantic features extracted from images, high-level (semantics-based) querying and browsing of images can be achieved. We apply our scheme to analyze scenery features. Experiments show that semantic features, such as sky, building, trees, water wave, placid water, and ground, can be effectively retrieved and located in images.  相似文献   

分割带标记线核磁共振(tagged MR)图像是左心室运动重建的前提.由于标记线的加载破坏了左心室的轮廓边缘和区域灰度一致性,再加上乳突肌的存在,使带标记线核磁共振图像的左心室内外轮廓分割变得相当困难.在变分框架下,将纹理分类信息与形状统计先验知识引入Mumford-Shah模型中,提出了一种改进的分割带标记线核磁共振图像的左心室内外轮廓的方法.该方法基于支持向量机对S滤波器组提取的纹理特征的分类结果,构造了一种新的图像能量表示;针对乳突肌及边缘断裂现象,引入形状统计先验信息来约束曲线的演化.因为分割过程利用了有监督学习策略,较好地克服了标记线对左心室区域灰度的影响,提高了分割精度.实验结果表明,该方法较以往方法具有更高的分割精度和更好的稳定性.  相似文献   

针对当前基于文本检索方法的图像目标对象匹配技术无法适应海量图像数据库检索的问题,本文提出一种有效可行的海量图像数据库的检索方法,并给出了该系统的构建框架。用户通过在图像中选择一块区域作为检索的目标对象提交给系统,它将从图像数据库中检索出包含有相同或相似目标对象的图像,将其排序后返回给用户。实验表明,本文提出的方法具有检索准确率高、响应时间短等特点,是一种有效的海量图像数据库检索方法。  相似文献   

随着国内外光谱巡天计划的发展,人们已经获得了海量的光谱数据。如何利用机器学习方法对海量光谱数据进行系统地分析和处理,是天文学研究中一项非常重要的研究内容。本文提出了一种能够在天体光谱数据库中高效地进行稀有光谱检索的PU学习(PU Learning)方法。在给定少量的稀有天体光谱的条件下,如何在庞大的光谱数据库中系统地搜索与给定稀有光谱同类型的光谱是天文数据挖掘中的一个常见的问题。现有的大多数方法都是基于二分类来解决此类问题,但是当给定的稀有光谱样本数目非常有限时,利用二分类来解决此类问题往往会导致搜索结果的完备性比较差。事实上,基于排序的方法更加适合于解决此类问题。在调研了许多可以用于稀有天体光谱检索的方法后,我们建立了一种新的非常高效的稀有光谱检索方法,称作BaggingTopPush。BaggingTopPush方法主要使用了二部排序(Bipartite Ranking)和引导聚合(Bagging)技术。  相似文献   

基于内容特征的图像数据库检索技术及实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着图像数据库容量的增大,迫切的需要提高对数据库内图像进行检索的准确率和效率,基于图像内容特征的检索技术发展是一个重要的提高检索效率的途径。本文在分析了基于内容特征的图像检索技术基础上,针对多维索引技术发展及图像数据库的特点,提出了一种新的改进NB-Tree的基于颜色特征的图像检索技术,通过引入新的信息特征矢量,实现了检索效率的提高,并给出了一个具体的实例验证了技术的正确性。  相似文献   

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