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采用反式-1,4-丁二烯-异戊二烯共聚橡胶(简称反式丁戊橡胶,TBIR)改性航空轮胎侧胶[天然橡胶(NR)/顺丁橡胶(BR)(质量比80/20)],研究了NR/BR/TBIR混炼胶的结晶行为、力学性能、硫化特性及硫化胶的物理机械性能、动态力学性能和填料分散性.结果表明,相比NR/BR并用胶,结晶性TBIR的并用赋予NR/BR/TBIR混炼胶较高的格林强度和杨氏模量.NR/BR/TBIR混炼胶工艺正硫化时间延长,交联密度提高.TBIR用量范围内,NR/BR/TBIR硫化胶300%定伸应力提高7%,耐屈挠疲劳性能提高35%~50%,滚动阻力降低.m(NR)/m(BR)/m(TBIR)为80/10/10硫化胶具有更好的综合力学性能及耐热氧老化性能.随着硫化时间的延长,NR/BR/TBIR(80/10/10)硫化胶较NR/BR(80/20)硫化胶100%定伸应力提高18%以上,NR/BR体系的耐屈挠疲劳性降低近60%,而NR/BR/TBIR(80/10/10)体系仍能保持原来的50%;反映滚动阻力的60℃损耗因子降低8%~14%,反映抗湿滑性的0℃损耗因子保持不变.填料分散度得到改善,填料聚集体尺寸降低.NR/BR/TBIR(80/10/10)硫化胶具有更好的耐长时间硫化的特性.  相似文献   

氯丁橡胶(CR)作为极性合成橡胶具有优异的阻燃性、耐热性、耐候性及耐化学品性,但存在加工性能差、耐疲劳性能不理想等问题.而采用新型反式-1,4-丁二烯-异戊二烯共聚橡胶(TBIR)改性CR,可大幅度提高材料的综合性能,特别是耐疲劳性能显著改善.基于CR与TBIR的极性有较大差异且硫化体系及硫化机理不同,本文采用母炼胶共...  相似文献   

采用高反式-1,4-丁二烯-异戊二烯共聚橡胶(TBIR)对丁腈橡胶(NBR)进行改性, 制备了高耐磨、 低生热输送轮用白炭黑填充的NBR/TBIR橡胶纳米复合材料. 研究了NBR/TBIR橡胶纳米复合材料的交联密度、 物理力学性能及填料分散性, 探讨了材料的结构对性能的影响. 研究结果表明, 与纯NBR相比, NBR/TBIR橡胶纳米复合材料的硫化速率和交联密度随TBIR用量的增加而增大; 在保持NBR硫化胶基本力学性能、 耐老化性能和耐溶剂性能基本不变的前提下, TBIR的加入使NBR/TBIR硫化胶的耐磨性提高15%, 动态压缩生热降低5%, 动态压缩永久变形降低22%, 白炭黑分散水平提高; 与丁腈橡胶/顺丁橡胶[NBR/BR(80/20), 质量份数比]硫化胶相比, NBR/TBIR(80/20, 质量份数比)硫化胶具有更低的动态压缩生热和动态压缩永久变形及更好的填料分散性.  相似文献   

研究了三种丁二烯结构单元含量和门尼粘度不同的反式丁戊橡胶(TBIR)改性天然橡胶/稀土顺丁橡胶(NR/Nd-BR)并用高性能缺气保用轮胎胎侧支撑胶的结构与性能.结果 表明,相比NR/Nd-BR(50/50)并用混炼胶,NR/Nd-BR/TBIR(45/45/10)并用混炼胶的Payne效应明显降低,填料网络结构明显削弱...  相似文献   

以氯丁橡胶(CR)为基体材料, 将新型反式-1,4-丁二烯-异戊二烯共聚橡胶(TBIR)引入传统CR减振基体中, 探讨TBIR在减振材料中的应用前景. 研究发现, 随着TBIR用量的增加, CR/TBIR混炼胶的强度及模量明显提升; CR/TBIR硫化胶的拉伸强度、 撕裂强度、 压缩永久变形、 动静刚度比及耐疲劳性能均得到改善, 特别是一级疲劳寿命提高了50%~400%(未填充体系)及40%~180%(填充体系), 六级疲劳寿命提高了60%~500%(未填充体系)及30%~120%(填充体系). 与未填充CR/TBIR硫化胶相比, 填充CR/TBIR硫化胶由于炭黑补强作用及填料-聚合物相互作用的引入, 屈挠疲劳寿命、 撕裂强度及拉伸性能均显著提高. 与填充CR硫化胶相比, 填充CR/TBIR质量比为90/10的并用胶能够在保持硫化胶的损耗因子基本不变的基础上, 实现综合性能的平衡提升.  相似文献   

对天然橡胶复合材料进行了不同时间下的热氧加速老化实验并分析其老化机理.采用红外测试研究天然橡胶在热氧老化过程中可能的基团变化规律,同时对不同老化时间下的红外结果进行二维相关分析,发现老化产物的生成速率依次为酯过氧化物醚;核磁交联密度测试表明总交联密度(XLD)与网链分子量(Mc)及横向弛豫时间(T2)有很好的对应关系,XLD随着老化时间的增加而增加,即天然橡胶热氧老化过程中交联反应占主导地位;示差扫描量热(DSC)测试发现,随着老化时间的增加,玻璃化转变温度(Tg)升高,玻璃化转变区变宽,表明交联反应占主导地位,与核磁交联密度测试结果一致.通过对天然橡胶进行压缩应力松弛实验,采用修正的标准线性固态模型(SLS模型)进行拟合分析,发现在短时热氧老化过程中,老化以氧化和交联反应为主,与核磁交联密度及DSC实验结果一致.  相似文献   

环氧化天然橡胶凝胶溶胶的热老化性能;红外差谱  相似文献   

研究了含对甲氧基苯氧羰基偶氮苯基团的甲基丙烯酸酯单体及其与含对甲氧基苯氧羰基苯基团的甲基丙烯酸酯单体的共聚物的氯仿溶液、二甲基甲酰胺溶液和共聚物薄膜在紫外光诱导下的光异构化及热回复异构化行为。结果表明,它们在紫外光诱导下均能发生先致变色现象,且介质对其光致变色行为起决定作用。  相似文献   

研究了反式异戊橡胶合金(TPIR)的结晶性能、加工性能和力学性能及在轿车胎面胶溶聚丁苯橡胶/顺丁橡胶(SSBR/BR)中的应用.研究结果表明,与无定形SSBR和BR相比,TPIR生胶具有常温可结晶性,因此TPIR具有较高的格林强度.毛细管挤出行为研究结果表明,TPIR具有优异的挤出性能,挤出物外观光滑,挤出涨大比小.与SSBR/BR混炼胶相比,用TPIR改性后的SSBR/BR/TPIR混炼胶的格林强度与100%定伸应力随TPIR含量的增加而提高.经150℃硫化反应后制备的SSBR/BR/TPIR硫化胶物理机械性能优异:不仅耐湿滑性能、耐磨耗性能及压缩强度较对比胶提高,其伸张疲劳性能较对比胶提高4倍以上.透射电子显微镜(TEM)及填料分散仪表征结果表明,与SSBR/BR硫化胶相比,SSBR/BR/TPIR硫化胶的填料聚集体平均尺寸降低2μm,填料分散性显著改善.表明TPIR是一种应用于高性能轿车胎面胶的理想胶料.  相似文献   

研究了高反式-1,4-丁二烯-异戊二烯共聚橡胶(TBIR)的生胶性能及其在轿车轮胎带束层中的应用。结果表明,随丁二烯单体单元含量增加,TBIR生胶的玻璃化转变温度、结晶熔融焓、生胶强度和硬度逐渐降低。硫化胶性能测试表明,TBIR硫化胶的定伸应力、回弹性能以及耐老化性能优于NR硫化胶,TBIR-40硫化胶的拉伸强度和撕裂强度明显高于NR硫化胶。采用10~30份TBIR取代NR应用于轿车轮胎带束层配方,并用硫化胶拉伸强度、拉断伸长率、撕裂强度和钢丝帘线抽出力处于较高水平,定伸应力、硬度、回弹性能和耐老化性能较对比胶提高,含TBIR的轮胎带束层胶料具有更加优异的综合性能。DMA结果表明,NR与TBIR相容性较好,NR/TBIR并用硫化胶具有更低的内耗。TEM结果表明,NR/TBIR并用胶具有较好的填料分散性。  相似文献   

The equilibrium swelling experiments of block copolymers based on natural rubber (NR) as soft segment and polyurethane (PU) derived from toluene diisocyanate (TDI) and 1,3-butane diol (1,3-BDO) as hard segment were performed in various solvents. Block copolymers with different NCO/OH ratio, viz., from 1.26 to 1.96 were employed in this study. The crosslink densities are found to vary with the NCO/OH ratio employed in the synthesis of the samples. The sorption behaviour is also found to vary with the NCO/OH ratio. The equilibrium swelling experiments have been used to determine the molecular parameters such as molecular mass between crosslinks, crosslink density, polymer-solvent interaction parameter, etc. The equilibrium swelling values were also used to calculate the solubility parameter values of the block copolymers.  相似文献   

OsHCl(CO)(O2)(PCy3)2, was used as a catalyst for hydrogenation of styrene-g-natural rubber copolymer (ST-g-NR). Univariate experiments were conducted to explore the effect of variables on the rate of hydrogenation by measuring the hydrogen consumption as a function of time using a gas-uptake apparatus. From the kinetic results, the hydrogenation of ST-g-NR was observed to exhibit a first-order dependence on [CC]. The rate of hydrogenation showed a first-order dependence on the catalyst concentration and a first-order shift to zero-order dependence on hydrogen pressure with increasing hydrogen pressure. The rate of hydrogenation was also found to decrease with an increase in rubber concentration. The addition of a small amount of acid provided a beneficial effect on the hydrogenation rate of the grafted natural rubber. The hydrogenation rate of ST-g-NR was dependent on the reaction temperature and the apparent activation energy over the range of 120-160 °C was found to be 83.3 kJ/mol.  相似文献   

Electron-beam (EB) irradiation technique has been used to improve the properties of 60/40 blends of NR/LLDPE in the presence of compatibilisers such as LNR-6 and LNR-16. Improvement in the physical properties of the blend correspond with the increase in the interactions created by EB irradiation as measured by gel content. For this blend ratio, the radiation dose of 200 kGy is found to be optimum. While LNR-6 shows some complimentary effects when it is used together with EB irradiation technique; LNR-16, however, causes an imperfection effect in the blend. The crosslinking process that takes place as a result of EB irradiation occurs at the expense of crystalline arrangement of the semi-crystalline LLDPE. For the morphological fixation purposes EB irradiation technique is found to be very effective.  相似文献   

In the present study, recycled ethylene-propylene-diene rubber (R-EPDM) was used in an attempt to create a value-added natural rubber (NR) material based on NR/R-EPDM blends. ZnO nanoparticles were also incorporated in a way to replace the conventional ZnO together with special attention to improve the thermo-mechanical performance of the blends. Polyhedral and spherical shapes of ZnO nanoparticles were synthesized, and they were found to have no impurities, with a dimension ranging from 10 to 40 nm. ZnO nanoparticles not only act as a curing activator but also improve the thermal stability and dynamic mechanical properties of the blends.  相似文献   

This research presents the effects of oxygen pressure and ambient temperatures on the crack behavior of O-rings from a semi-EV of NR/EPDM rubber with silica/CB filler, exposed to the inlet flow and outflow oxygen pressure in a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) environment. Blends of NR/EPDM were prepared with various ratios of silica/CB filler at 00/60, 10/50, 20/40, 30/30, 40/20, 50/10, and 60/00 phr. The fabricated O-ring complied with the standard for O-rings (TIS 2728-2559), with a minimum hardness of 65–75 Shore A, minimum tensile strength of 9 MPa, minimum elongation at break of 200%, and a minimum 100% modulus of 2.7 MPa. The mechanical properties of the compounds were tested, and the appropriate compound was chosen to make the O-rings to test in SOFC. The crack morphology of the fabricated O-rings was investigated and compared with a commercial O-ring after testing in the SOFC. As a result, the compound with silica/CB of 40:20 ratio provided the optimum mechanical properties, and passed the criteria standard of TIS 2728-2559. The mechanical properties of the prepared and commercial O-rings were similar (P-value of commercial with 60/00 = 0.273, 50/10 = 0.273, 40/20 = 0.144, 30/30 = 0.465, 20/40 = 0.465, 10/50 = 1.000 and 00/60 = 0.273; all > 0.05) and and both could still be continued to be used in SOFC despite some inner cracks after 24 h. The price of the prepared O-ring is cheaper than the commercial O-rings due to the low price of NR used in its formulation. Therefore, a prepared O-ring can be used in a SOFC, or other applications due to their mechanical properties and their reasonable price.  相似文献   

Graft copolymers of natural rubber and poly(dimethyl(acryloyloxymethyl)phosphonate) (NR-g-PDMAMP), and natural rubber and poly(dimethyl(methacryloyloxyethyl)phosphonate) (NR-g-PDMMEP), were prepared in latex medium via a “grafting from” methodology based on the photopolymerization of dimethyl(acryloyloxymethyl)phosphonate (DMAMP) and dimethyl(methacryloyloxyethyl) phosphonate (DMMEP), respectively, used as phosphorus-containing monomers. The grafting polymerization was initiated from N,N-diethyldithiocarbamate groups previously bound in side position of the rubber chains. The effects of monomer concentration on monomer conversion and grafting rate were investigated, showing that conversion and grafting rate increased with increasing monomer concentration and reaction time. Highest conversions and grafting rates were obtained with a molar ratio [DMAMP]/[initiating units] = 7 for a reaction time of 180 min. Calculation of the graft average length () from 1H NMR spectra of the synthesized graft copolymers showed values were in the range of 9-73. Visualizations of NR-g-PDMAMP and NR-g-PDMMEP latices by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) showed that they exhibit core-shell morphologies. Degradation of NR-g-PDMAMP and NR-g-PDMMEP occurred in two steps: decomposition of dimethylphosphonate-functionalized grafts took place prior to the second step corresponding to the decomposition of NR backbone, but the degradation temperature of this last step was higher than that of pure NR.  相似文献   

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