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Tobacco smoke is composed of as many as 4,000 active compounds, most of them toxic on either acute or long-term exposure. Many of them are also poisonous to ocular tissues, affecting the eye mainly through ischemic or oxidative mechanisms. The list of ophthalmologic disorders associated with cigarette smoking continues to grow. Most chronic ocular diseases, with the possible exception of diabetic retinopathy and primary open-angle glaucoma, appear to be associated with smoking. Both cataract development and age-related macular degeneration, the leading causes of severe visual impairment and blindness, are directly accelerated by smoking. Other common ocular disorders, such as retinal ischemia, anterior ischemic optic neuropathy, and Graves ophthalmopathy, are also significantly linked to this harmful habit. Tobacco smoking is the direct cause of tobacco-alcohol amblyopia, a once common but now rare disease characterized by severe visual loss, which is probably a result of toxic optic nerve damage. Cigarette smoking is highly irritating to the conjunctival mucosa, also affecting the eyes of nonsmokers by passive exposure (secondhand smoking). The dangerous effects of smoking are transmitted through the placenta, and offspring of smoking mothers are prone to develop strabismus. Efforts should be directed toward augmenting the campaign against tobacco smoking by adding the increased risk of blindness to the better-known arguments against smoking. We should urge our patients to quit smoking, and we must make them keenly aware of the afflictions that can develop when smoke gets in our eyes.  相似文献   

The results of this study indicate that tobacco smoking may have a deleterious effect on the learning process. One hundred and fifteen male volunteers were assessed on four learning tasks. Those Ss who smoked in excess of 12 cigarettes per day did significantly less well, as a group, than nonsmokers and light smokers on three of the four learning tests.  相似文献   

Dopaminergic genes are likely candidates for heritable influences on cigarette smoking. In an accompanying article, Lerman et al. (1999) report associations between allele 9 of a dopamine transporter gene polymorphism (SLC6A3-9) and lack of smoking, late initiation of smoking, and length of quitting attempts. The present investigation extended their study by examining both smoking behavior and personality traits in a diverse population of nonsmokers, current smokers, and former smokers (N?=?1,107). A significant association between SLC6A3-9 and smoking status was confirmed and was due to an effect on cessation rather than initiation. The SLC6A3-9 polymorphism was also associated with low scores for novelty seeking, which was the most significant personality correlate of smoking cessation. It is hypothesized that individuals carrying the SLC6A3-9 polymorphism have altered dopamine transmission, which reduces their need for novelty and reward by external stimuli, including cigarettes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To calculate for two measures of obesity, the Metropolitan Relative Weight (MRW) and body mass index (BMI), the value at which minimum mortality occurs. This was done to retest the hypothesis, in the Framingham Heart Study data, that the association between obesity and mortality can be obscured by an interaction between the measure of obesity and smoking. In the original analysis of the Framingham data it was suggested that there was a U- or J-shaped relationship between MRW and death in smokers but a linear relationship in nonsmokers. The design and setting were those of the NHLBI Framingham Heart Study. METHODS: The 5209 members of the Framingham Heart Study underwent a baseline examination in 1948-1952 (Exam 1) and they were reexamined at approximately two-year intervals over a 30-year period. The study included both men (n = 2336) and women (n = 2873) in the age range of 28 to 62 years. After excluding persons with missing baseline data, the analytic sample size was 5163. Additional analyses were conducted by deleting persons with cardiovascular disease (CVD) at baseline (n = 135), the sample used by the original paper by Garrison and colleagues, and persons who died within the first four years of follow-up (n = 62). The main outcome measures consisted of thirty-year survival through Exam 16, approximately in 1980, as influenced by MRW or BMI, age, and smoking status at baseline (Exam 1). RESULTS: We were able to show that the sample sizes of male nonsmokers were too small to test the hypothesis within age groups < 40 and 40-49 years. In men ages 50-62 there was a significant age-adjusted quadratic relationship between BMI or MRW, and risk of death. The estimated BMI at the minimum risk of death for smokers (24.5) and nonsmokers (23.8) were not statistically different. Identical results were found for MRW (minimum: smokers = 112.5, nonsmokers = 111.4). In men and women ages 28-62 there appeared to be a u- or j-shaped relationship between the 30-year crude mortality rate and MRW. After excluding persons with missing data, CVD at baseline, and persons who died within the first four years of follow-up, the age adjusted estimated BMI value at the minimum risk of death was nearly identical for men and women and for smokers and nonsmokers (Men: smokers = 22.8, nonsmokers = 22.8; Women: smokers = 22.9, nonsmokers = 23.3). Additionally, the estimates of the minimum were always below the mean. Identical results were found without deleting persons with CVD at baseline and deaths in the first four years of follow-up. Identical results were found for MRW. CONCLUSIONS: Reanalysis of the Framingham Heart Study data does not support the hypothesis that there is an interaction between smoking and measures of obesity. Moreover, the estimated BMI or MRW at the minimum risk of death was similar for men and women smokers and nonsmokers alike even after deleting prevalent cases of CVD and deaths within the first four years of follow-up.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between religious activities and cigarette smoking in community-dwelling older adults. METHODS: Cigarette smoking and religious activities were assessed in a probability sample of 3968 persons age 65 years or older participating in the Duke Populations for Epidemiologic Studies of the Elderly (EPESE) survey. Participants were asked if they currently smoked, if they ever smoked, and how many cigarettes per day they smoked. Attendance at religious services, participation in private religious activities (prayer or Bible study), and use of religious media (religious TV or radio) were also assessed. Data were available for Waves I-III of the survey (1986, 1989, and 1992). Analyses were controlled for age, race, sex, education, alcohol use, physical health, and in the longitudinal analyses, smoking status at prior waves. RESULTS: Cross-sectional analyses revealed that participants who frequently attended religious services were significantly less likely to smoke cigarettes at all three waves. Likewise, elders frequently involved in private religious activity were less likely to smoke (Waves II and III). Total number of pack-years smoked was also inversely related to both attendance at religious services and private religious activities. Watching religious TV or listening to religious radio, on the other hand, was not related to smoking at Waves I and II nor to total pack-years smoked, but was positively related to current smoking at Wave III. Among those who smoked, number of cigarettes smoked was inversely related to frequency of attendance at religious services (Wave I), private religious activities (Wave III), and religious TV/radio (Waves II and III). Retrospective and prospective analyses revealed that religiously active persons were less likely to ever start smoking, not more likely to quit smoking. CONCLUSIONS: Religiously active persons are less likely to smoke cigarettes, and if they do smoke, smoke fewer cigarettes. Given the association between smoking and disease, and the widespread prevalence of both smoking and religious activity, this finding has implications for public health.  相似文献   

A series of therapeutic and educational workshops were conducted with women nursing home residents with the twin goals of improving self-esteem and self-reliance, and facilitating community building and networking. Alongside these workshops were nursing home staff trainings whereby staff were encouraged to articulate their needs and those of resident women in productive ways.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the relationship between smoking and body mass using objective indices of both smoking exposure (COHb) and body mass. The subjects were 4240 adults who participated in the Second National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES II). Measurements of dietary intake, physical activity, demographics, body mass index (BMI) and blood carboxy-haemoglobin (COHb) were used in these analyses. After controlling for covariables of body mass, the results indicated that smokers displayed a significantly lower mass compared with non-smokers. Smokers with higher levels of COHb had lower BMIs than smokers at lower COHb levels. White smokers had lower BMIs with increasing COHb exposure whereas black smokers had BMIs at high COHb exposure similar to those of non-smokers. Results indicated that smokers weighed less than non-smokers and that the weight control 'benefits' of smoking were most pronounced in white subjects who were heavy smokers.  相似文献   

Neisseria lactamica was isolated from the blood of a pediatric patient who had signs of septicemia and otitis media. Organisms morphologically resembling Neisseria, as well as gram-positive cocci, were seen on a Gram stain of fluid from the middle ear. It is hypothesized that the N. lactamica septicemia was secondary to infection of the middle ear by this organism.  相似文献   

Epidemiologic data have strongly indicated that cigarette smoking is linked to the development of lung cancer. However, little is known of the molecular targets of carcinogens contained in tobacco smoke. To identify genetic lesions characteristic of tobacco damage, we undertook a molecular analysis of microsatellite alterations within the FHIT gene and FRA3B, as well as at an independent locus on chromosome 10, D10S197, in lung tumors from heavy smokers and in tumors from never smokers. Loss of heterozygosity affecting at least one locus of the FHIT gene was observed in 41 of 51 tumors in the smokers group (80%) but in only 9 of 40 tumors in nonsmokers (22%). The comparison between the frequency of losses in FHIT in smokers and nonsmokers was statistically significant (P = 0.0001), whereas no difference in loss of heterozygosity rate was observed at D10S197 locus. These findings suggest that FHIT is a candidate molecular target of carcinogens contained in tobacco smoke.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence regarding the causal nature of the relationship between emotional distress and tobacco use in male and female adolescents provides support for both the distress-to-use and the use-to-distress hypotheses. Using a cross-lagged model with 3 waves of data from 2,961 adolescents followed into young adulthood, the authors tested the hypothesis that this relationship changes over time. As hypothesized, emotional distress in Grade 10 was associated with increased smoking in Grade 12 for both boys and girls. Smoking in Grade 12 was in turn associated with increased emotional distress in young adulthood. The addition of 3 third factors (rebelliousness, deviance, and family problems) to the model did not alter the results. Results suggest that the relationship between tobacco use and emotional distress is a dynamic one in which distress initially leads to use but then becomes exacerbated by it over time. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The incidence of certain ageing sequelae such as lung and cardiovascular disease and cataract are higher in smokers than in non-smokers. We recently proposed that certain components of mainstream cigarette smoke can react with plasma and extracellular matrix proteins to form covalent adducts with many of the properties of advanced glycation endproducts (AGE). AGEs have been implicated previously in the pathogenesis of the end-organ complications of diabetes and ageing, including cataract, atherosclerosis and renal insufficiency. In these circumstances, AGEs arise in vivo from the non-enzymatic reaction of reducing sugars with amino groups. Over time the initial Schiff base and Amadori products that form gradually undergo dehydration and rearrangement to produce reactive, carbonyl containing compounds with characteristic fluorescence and covalent crosslinking properties. Recent studies indicate that in smokers, tobacco-derived AGEs accumulate on plasma low density lipoprotein (LDL), structural proteins present within the vascular wall, and the lens proteins of the eye. These data point to a new and significant source of Maillard products in the human environment, significantly broaden the role of Maillard chemistry in pathological processes, and provide new insight into the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and other diseases associated with tobacco usage.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cigarette smoke may promote atherogenesis by producing oxygen-derived free radicals that damage lipids. However, evidence in support of this hypothesis is inconsistent because most studies did not control for aspects of diet (antioxidants and lipid substrate) that may confound the association between smoking and measures of lipid peroxidation. METHODS AND RESULTS: The relationships between cigarette smoking and two measures of lipid peroxidation, breath ethane (an in vivo assay) and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS, an in vitro assay), were examined in 123 adults (11% of whom were smokers) participating in a controlled feeding study. After 3 weeks of controlled feeding on a common diet (36% total fat, 14% saturated fats, 6% polyunsaturated fats, and 12% monounsaturated fats), breath and fasting serum samples were collected for measurement of ethane and TBARS, respectively. Baseline characteristics of smokers and nonsmokers were similar, including several indices related to diet and nutritional status (albumin, cholesterol, body mass index, and oxygen radical-absorbing capacity). Cigarette smokers had significantly higher breath ethane (8.88 versus 1.71 pmol/L; P<.0001) and TBARS (24.0 versus 20.7 micromol/mL; P=.008) than nonsmokers. The interval between breath collection and the time the last cigarette was smoked was significantly and inversely correlated with breath ethane. Neither measure of lipid peroxidation was associated with measures of serum cholesterol or albumin, body mass index, or serum oxygen radical-absorbing capacity. CONCLUSIONS: Cigarette smokers have higher rates of in vivo and in vitro lipid peroxidation. These results support the hypothesis that the atherogenic effects of smoking are mediated in part by free radical damage to lipids.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the association between selected metabolic parameters and subsequent left displaced abomasum (LDA) diagnosis in dairy cows. Forty-four LDA cows sampled in the third week ante partum (a.p.) which was at a median of 34 days prior to LDA diagnosis, 36 LDA cows sampled in the first week post partum (p.p.) which was at a median of 14 days prior and 28 LDA cows sampled in the second week p.p., which was at a median of 9 days prior to LDA diagnosis were used. Each case was matched to 3 controls by herd and calving date. Data were available from a large field study. Aspartate-aminotransferase (AST) activity, the concentrations of beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), glucose, calcium and urea in blood, and the body condition score (BCS) were studied. Logistic regression was used to analyse the association between these parameters and subsequent LDA, adjusting for the effects of parity and pretreatment. A separate model was used for each sampling week and each parameter. In the third week a.p. none of the parameters were significantly associated with LDA. AST and BHB sampled in the first week p.p. and in the second week p.p. were significantly associated with LDA diagnosis. The higher the AST and BHB, the higher the odds of being diagnosed subsequently with LDA. The lower glucose and Ca in the second week p.p. the higher the odds of subsequent LDA diagnosis. Urea and BCS were not significantly associated with LDA in any of the weeks examined. We conclude that AST and BHB in the first and second week p.p. might be used as tests for subsequent LDA. Glucose, calcium, urea and body condition were either not significantly associated with LDA or significantly associated only in the second week p.p.; this may limit their use as tests for LDA.  相似文献   

Assessed the magnitude of risk that adolescent cigarette smoking carries for adult smoking, using longitudinal data from 4,156 Ss surveyed originally during Grades 6–12 and followed up after completion of high school. Even infrequent experimentation (i.e., smoking only a few cigarettes) in adolescence significantly raised the risk for adult smoking by a factor of 16 compared to nonsmoking adolescents. Relative risk was also increased by early onset of smoking and by a stable, uninterrupted course from experimentation to regular smoking. Data support the importance of primary prevention programs directed at adolescent populations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Nicotine administration has been found to enhance performance on tasks of selective attention. It has been proposed that efficient attentional filtering depends on the successful inhibition of distracting information. In the work reported here, a negative priming paradigm was adopted to test whether smoking enhanced the inhibition of irrelevant information. Thirty-six minimally deprived smokers, half of whom smoked and half of whom sham smoked, completed the negative priming task. A significantly larger negative priming effect was found in participants who had smoked in comparison with those who sham smoked. These results support the hypothesis that nicotine enhances the inhibition of distracting information and thus suggest a possible mechanism by which smoking may enhance selective attention. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two cases of post-traumatic syringomyelia studied macro- and microscopically are reported and compared with three previous autopsy cases described in the literature reviewed. The histological findings suggest that the pathogenesis may be explained by a pressure gradient in a small primary cavity. Although syringomyelia is a rare complication of traumatic spinal cord lesions, it is important to draw attention to the condition because it may be improved by surgical intervention.  相似文献   

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