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John S. Jones  Jr 《Engineering Geology》1981,18(1-4):313-326
In the present paper an attempt has been made to summarize the current state-of-theart of engineering practice in artifical ground freezing. The paper shows the tremendous increase in knowledge and diversified applications in ground freezing over the past ten years and, together with other papers ih the Symposium, provides a useful background against which practicing engineers may. gain an understanding of ground freezing. As discussed in this paper, there are gain an understanding of ground freezing. As discussed in this paper, there are However, it is the author's assessment that the current state of knowledge is sufficient for safe designs and that future refinements in the area of structural analysis will only lead to more accurate deformation predictions and to possibly thinnerdesign frozen sections. Since the sizes of frozen sections are often more a function of construction practicality rather than design requirements, it is questionable whether potentially thinner sections will have a significant impact on actual construction.

An area that promises to have tremendous impact on the competitive nature of freezing for soft-ground tunneling is in improved horizontal drilling techniques. Several contractors are currently developing drilling equipment for horizontal drilling over large distances, whereas today the maximum economical distance is in the range of 30–40 m.  相似文献   

商厚胜  岳丰田  石荣剑 《岩土力学》2014,35(Z2):149-155
为获得浅覆土下矩形冻结加固体的温度场分布及冻胀变形规律,以广州地铁6号线穿越3号线的冻结工程为原型,根据相似理论,设计进行了水平冻结的模型试验。结果表明,在地表散热的影响下浅埋冻结工程中紧邻地表的冻结区域降温速度较慢,形成的冻结壁是整个加固体的薄弱环节;冻结过程中冻结壁向内发展较快,其平均发展速度是向外发展速度的1.5倍左右;形成封闭的冻结壁前,采用较高的盐水温度进行冻结,可有效地控制土体的冻胀变形,冻结壁封闭后,降低盐水温度,冻胀变形会明显增加;冻胀过程中产生的冻胀力对上部土层有压密作用,使土层的冻胀变形随着埋深的变浅而减小;对于浅埋矩形地下冻结工程,上部覆土和冻结加固体之间相互影响作用明显,上部土层的散热会影响冻结加固体内温度场的分布规律,而下部冻土的冻胀作用也会压密上部土层。  相似文献   

Owing to its five decades in the chemical industry, Estarreja is one of the most important industrial areas in Portugal. Intensive industrial activity along with both direct discharge of the effluents into natural water streams and uncontrolled waste disposal on the ground has, throughout the years, had strong impact on health and welfare. Recently an association between industry and local authorities was created — ERASE. The main goal for this association is to find, in co-operation with the Portuguese Environmental Ministry, a cost-effective solution to deal with the soil/sediments contamination and solid waste problem.

The ERASE association planned to build a landfill for both solid waste and contaminated soil/sediments disposal. In order to determine more accurately the volume of material to be disposed of in the landfill, a site investigation was carried out during September/November 1998. The site investigation consisted mainly of systematic soil sampling at shallow depths, both within the industrial area and along the natural water streams.

The site investigation results revealed high concentrations of toxic pollutants, mainly heavy metals (namely As, Hg, Pb and Zn), in the soil of the industrial area. Much higher concentrations were found in the sediments of the water streams, several kilometres away from the industrial complex (the pollution source area).

In most cases, concentration increases with depth, reaching groundwater. Therefore the site investigation programme carried out could not determine the full extent of the contamination. Consequently, further studies were strongly recommended, which should include a wider and deeper investigation area and groundwater sampling.  相似文献   

地铁联络通道冻结加固融沉注浆研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
介绍了国内首个地铁联络通道强制解冻融沉注浆工艺的设计与施工。整个施工过程中对土体温度和地表变形进行了监测,得到了温度和地表变形的变化规律。由于冻结法施工中存在冻胀和融沉问题,过量的冻胀、融沉会对地表建筑和地下管线产生危害。结合工程实例,对强制解冻融沉注浆进行了研究,该工程对冻结加固体分区强制解冻、及时进行融沉注浆、二次加固土体,消除了后期压密沉降发生的可能,地表变形的监测表明强制解冻融沉注浆技术在该类工程中应用效果良好。  相似文献   

A theory of two-dimensional geothermic problems is elaborated by the active temperature function at the vertical contact of two horizontally layered media. The approach offered before for oceanic ridges is extended to the case of continental margins and the upper part of a descending slab, i.e. “sink”, in island-arc areas. It is assumed that the plate motion in the oceanic area exists; in a descending area it is directed downward but remains zero on a continental side. Mathematically it symbolizes a “source—span—sink” thermal model. Numerical parameters are given for a theoretical thermal model of the heat-flow profile across the Kuril island arc, from the trench through Iturup Island, Sakhalin Island and the Tatarian Trough.  相似文献   

By means of uniaxial tensile tests, we analyzed the tensile characteristics of undisturbed and disturbed loess samples taken from the areas where ground fissures are prevalent. The study shows that the tensile strength and ultimate tensile strain of loess are very small, no more than 25 kPa and 0.5%, respectively. Water content and dry density are the two important factors for the tensile strength of loess, and show a decreasing exponential and increasing exponential relationship with the tensile strength, respectively. From the results of tensile tests on loess and the mechanism of ground fissure development in loess areas, we may draw a conclusion that the weak tensile strength, the loose structure and the collapsibility are the important contributing factors to the development of ground fissures in China's loess areas.  相似文献   

为解决塔山煤矿高强度开采条件下瓦斯低含量、高涌出的问题,同时为了弥补大型物理实验和现场试验成本高、操作难的缺点,根据该矿8101工作面所属区域煤层的地质和瓦斯赋存条件,确定了数值试验方案,对地面垂直钻孔预抽特厚煤层瓦斯的效果进行优化分析。基于煤岩(体)的孔隙特征,构建了含瓦斯煤岩(体)破裂过程气-固耦合和渗透率-损伤耦合数学本构模型。采用RFPA2D瓦斯分析版软件建立地面钻孔抽放瓦斯的数值计算模型,设置有关简化条件、边界条件和物性参数,通过数值试验得出:地面垂直钻孔的终孔位置布置在煤层底部比较合理;在综合考虑地面垂直钻孔投入成本和瓦斯抽采效果的基础上,确定地面垂直钻孔间距为50~60 m比较合理。同时,由8101工作面地面垂直钻孔抽采煤层瓦斯的实际应用效果分析可知,当地面垂直钻孔的终孔位置布置在煤层底部,且钻孔间距布置为50 m时,能够实现良好的瓦斯抽放效果,这也从一定程度上进一步验证了数值试验的合理性和可行性。  相似文献   

Continuum-based numerical methods have played a leading role in the numerical solution of problems in rock mechanics and engineering geology. However, for fractured rocks, a continuum assumption often leads to difficult parameters to define and over-simplified geometry to be realistic. In such case, discrete representations of fractures and individual blocks must be adopted. In this paper, a newly emerged member in the family of discrete element methods (DEM), the discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA), is presented, including its variational principle, governing equations, solution techniques and contact representation and detection algorithms. Its relative advantages and shortcomings are compared with the explicit distinct element method and the finite element method. An example of the analysis of tunnel stability is provided to demonstrate the capability of this new method.  相似文献   

An intensive scheelite exploration program was carried out in Precambrian crystalline and sedimentary rocks intruded by granites of Precambrian and Caledonian ages in East Greenland (70–74°30′N). Previous heavy-mineral panning (2100 samples within an area of 100,000 km2) formed the basis for selection of scheelite-anomalous subregions (1550 km2)In the subregions, pan-concentrate samples were taken from first- and second-order rivers and from mid and side moraines of active glaciers. All samples were studied in the field under UV light, and scheelite grains were counted. A consideration of the distribution of scheelite in the samples together with the river and glacial drainage systems, led to definition of the potential source areas of the scheelite within localities of 2–5 km2.Within the localities, panning of scree fines (samples every 100–200 m along talus slopes) and UV-light traverses at night led to the finding of outcropping or sub-outcropping scheelite mineralisation. Scheelite was observed associated with granite-carbonate contact zones, quartz vein stockworks, and fault zones in limestones, at nine localities within the 300-km-long zone of investigation.The heavy-mineral panning method with the counting of scheelite grains in the field and the subsequent definition of potential scheelite-bearing areas has the advantage that it is possible to execute a program from the subregional to the outcropping mineralisation stage in one field season. The investigation in this case was performed by five geologists during the 1979 2.5-month field season.  相似文献   

An asthenospheric, diapir-type continental rift-valley model is developed. This model seems to satisfy the gravity anomalies observed over some of the rifts of East Africa without necessitating the assumption of excessively thick sections of low-density sediments or exceedingly low-density volcanics in the valleys. It is suggested that frequently observed large-amplitude Bouguer anomaly minima coinciding with some rift valleys are partially caused by hot creep of material from the lower crust into the mantle material in the rift zone.  相似文献   

The Lesser Himalayan duplex (LHD) is a prominent structure through much of the Lesser Himalayan fold–thrust belt. In the Darjeeling - Sikkim Himalaya a component of the LHD is exposed in the Rangit window as the Rangit duplex (RD). The RD consists of ten horses of the upper Lesser Himalayan Sequence (Gondwana, Buxa, Upper Daling). The duplex varies from hinterland-dipping in the north, through an antiformal stack in the middle to foreland-dipping in the south. The Ramgarh thrust (RT) is the roof thrust and, based on a balanced cross-section, the Main Himalayan Sole thrust is the floor thrust at a depth of ~ 10 km and with a dip of ~ 3.5° N.Retrodeformation suggests that the RD initiated as a foreland-dipping duplex with the Early Ramgarh thrust as the roof thrust and the RT as the floor thrust. The RT became the roof thrust during continued duplexing by a combination of footwall imbrication and concurrent RT reactivation. This kinematic history best explains the large translation of the overlying MCT sheets. The restoration suggests that RD shortening is ~ 125 km, and the original Gondwana basin extended ~ 142 km northward of its present northernmost exposures within the window.  相似文献   

On the basis of geomorphological and sedimentological data, we believe that the entire Barents Sea was covered by grounded ice during the last glacial maximum. 14C dates on shells embedded in tills suggest marine conditions in the Barents Sea as late as 22 ka BP; and models of the deglaciation history based on uplift data from the northern Norwegian coast suggest that significant parts of the Barents Sea Ice Sheet calved off as early as 15 ka BP. The growth of the ice sheet is related to glacioeustatic fall and the exposure of shallow banks in the central Barents Sea, where ice caps may develop and expand to finally coalesce with the expanding ice masses from Svalbard and Fennoscandia.The outlined model for growth and decay of the Barents Sea Ice Sheet suggests a system which developed and existed under periods of maximum climatic deterioration, and where its growth and decay were strongly related to the fall and rise of sea level.  相似文献   

Gold deposits occur in greenstone belts world wide, and contribute to anomalously high gold production from Archaean terranes. As in other cratons, Archaean gold mineralization of Western Australia represents a complex array of deposit styles. Despite this, most deposits are clearly epigenetic, and large deposits have a number of features in common, including their strong structural controls, distinctive wallrock alteration (Fe-sulphide, K-mica±albite, Ca---Mg---Fe carbonates), consistent metal associations (Au---Ag---As---Sb---W---B; low base metals), commonly Fe-rich host rocks, great depth extension and lack of appreciable vertical zonation. These shared characteristics, combined with their ubiquitous occurrence, indicate that Archaean gold deposits had a common origin related to the tectonic evolution of greenstone belts.Auriferous hydrothermal systems were broadly synchronous with regional metamorphism and emplacement of synkinematic granitoids and felsic (porphyry) intrusions. Although these gold systems involved low-salinity, lowdensity, reduced, near-neutral H2O---CO2 fluids carrying gold as reduced sulphur complexes, the origin of the fluids is equivocal. Most timing evidence and stable isotope data cannot distinguish metamorphic from magmatic (granitoid or felsic porphyry) orggins, but the lack of consistent spatial relationships between specific, volumetrically significant intrusive phases and large gold deposits in a number of cratons strongly favours metamorphic derivation of fluids.The metamorphic-replacement model for gold mineralization involves devolatilization of the lower portions of the greenstone pile, with high geothermal gradients inhibiting significant melting. CO2 possibly formed by the decarbonation of early alteration, related to mantle degassing along crustal-scale, synbasinal fault zones. Auriferous fluids were channelled along greenstone-scale faults, in part developed during reactivation of crustal-scale faults in a strike-slip regime. Gold deposition occurred largely under greenschist facies conditions (about 300–400°C, 1–2 kb) in response to decreasing gold solubility with declining temperature. However, a major control on gold deposition was fluid/wallrock interaction. Many large deposits formed by sulphidation of Fe-rich host rocks, with synchronous deposition of Fe-sulphides and gold. However, the variable nature of gold-depositing reactions, including lowering of fO2 and pH, allowed a multitude of small, and some large, deposits to form wherever that fluid circulation occurred. In consequence, several of the relatively small deposits currently worked from open pit are hosted by ultramafic and felsic rocks. There are few constraints on the source of components (Au, S, K, CO2) added to gold deposits, but even giant deposits such as the Golden Mile, Kalgoorlie could have formed from a realistic greenstone source volume (ca. 8×8×5 km). Convective circulation of fluids could have contributed to the generation of high fluid-rock ratios.On the regional scale, the markedly heterogeneous distribution of large gold deposits, gold productivity and host rocks to deposits can be accommodated by the metamorphic-replacement model. The most favourable conditions for development of auriferous hydrothermal systems operated in younger (ca. 2.7±0.1 Ga) rift-phase greenstones where greatest extension and crustal thinning produced high geothermal gradients, crustal-scale synbasinal faults, and rapid extrusion and burial of volcanics, including abundant komatiites. Iron-rich tholeiitic basalts and dolerites were preferred host rocks for large gold deposits. The least favourable conditions existed in older (ca. 3.5-3.4 Ga) platformphase greenstones, where gentle sagging on submerged continental crust produced eruption of mainly mafic volcanics with few komatiites, commonly in very shallow-water environments. This allowed intense synvolcanic alteration of both gold source rocks and potential host rocks. The generally smaller gold deposits formed mainly in ultramafic or greywacke hosts. Younger (ca. 3.0 Ga) platform-phase greenstones appear intermediate in nature but, unlike other greenstones, have significant epigenetic gold deposits in originally oxide-facies BIF, which were deposited on relatively deep-water platforms. Similar controls appear to exist on a world scale, with gold mineralization peaking at ca. 2.7±0.1 Ga in response to development of major rift zones in thickened, relatively mature continental crust. Interestingly, the giant Witwatersrand goldfield formed at about the same time.  相似文献   

The tectonical setting in Iceland is quite complex due to the interaction of the Iceland hot spot and the Mid Atlantic Ridge. While in the north of the island one active spreading zone exists, the divergent motion in the centre and the south is distributed over at least two volcanic rift zones. The spreading rate increases linearly along the Western Volcanic Zone from north to south up to 8 mm/yr at the Hengill triple junction. On the contrary, the spreading rate of the parallel Eastern Volcanic Zone decreases from 16 mm/yr down to 6 mm/yr at the island's southern coast. The Hreppar microplate between the two predominant rift zones has an independent motion, which is distinct from that of the Eurasian and North American plates. A new detected feature is the spreading activity around the Hofsjökull volcanic zone located in the centre of Iceland with a significant rate of 6 mm/yr. During this investigation the coordinate sets of nearly 20 years of GPS data acquisition on Iceland were combined to get a velocity field for the surface of Iceland. This velocity field is based on a linear kinematic model with the consideration of local non-linear effects like volcano up-doming and displacements due to major earthquakes.  相似文献   

The flotation response of gersdorffite has been determined in a series of batch flotation tests in which a sulphide sample containing about 76% gersdorffite was floated from mixtures with quartz.Using xanthate as collector, the arsenide floated strongly at pH 9, irrespective of whether lime, sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate was used as pH modifier. When the pH was raised further to 10 or more using lime, the flotability decreased sharply.Changing the pulp potential at pH 9 also strongly affected the flotation response. Above about − 230 mV SHE, the mineral floated strongly, but below this potential it was essentially non-flotable. As far as it was tested (up to + 400 mV SHE), no upper limiting potential was found.Adding cyanide to the grinding mill brought about only a weak depressant effect on subsequent gersdorffite flotation at both pH 9 and 10. However, adding the same amount of cyanide to the flotation cell produced a strong depressant effect at the same pH values. At both pH 9 and pH 10, a threshold cyanide addition existed below which gersdorffite floated strongly, and above which it did not. For the conditions used in this study, this addition equates to about 100 g/t at pH 9 and about 80 g/t at pH 10. A hypothesis for the depression effect is presented which is consistent with both the available flotation data and a series of diagnostic analyses of grinding and flotation pulps completed during the test work.  相似文献   

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