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Faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has attracted increasing attention as an intervention in many clinical conditions, including autoimmune, enteroendocrine, gastroenterological, and neurological diseases. For years, FMT has been an effective second-line treatment for Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) with beneficial outcomes. FMT is also promising in improving bowel diseases, such as ulcerative colitis (UC). Pre-clinical and clinical studies suggest that this microbiota-based intervention may influence the development and progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD) via modifying a dysregulated gut–kidney axis. Despite the high morbidity and mortality due to CKD, there are limited options for treatment until end-stage kidney disease occurs, which results in death, dialysis, or kidney transplantation. This imposes a significant financial and health burden on the individual, their families and careers, and the health system. Recent studies have suggested that strategies to reverse gut dysbiosis using FMT are a promising therapy in CKD. This review summarises the preclinical and clinical evidence and postulates the potential therapeutic effect of FMT in the management of CKD.  相似文献   

Intestinal dysbiosis seems to play a role in the pathophysiology of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The present pilot study aimed to elucidate the association between nutrient intake and Mediterranean diet (MD) adherence with IBS symptoms and gut microbiota in IBS patients. The nutrient intake of 28 IBS patients and 21 controls was assessed through a food diary, the reference intake ranges (RIs) for energy-yielding macronutrients and the MD serving score (MDSS) index. MD adherence and nutrients intake were compared to IBS symptoms and fecal microbiota, obtained by 16S rRNA targeted-metagenomics. In IBS patients MDSS index was altered compared to controls (p < 0.01). IBS patients with low-MD score reported severe abdominal pain and higher flatulence point-scales. Through Linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe), Erysipelotrichaceae were detected as a microbial biomarker in IBS patients with altered RIs for macronutrients intake, compared to controls. Lactobacillaceae and Lactobacillus were associated to an altered carbohydrates intake in IBS patients, while specific taxonomic biomarkers, such as Aldercreuzia, Mogibacteriaceae, Rikenellaceae, Parabacteroides and F. prausnitzii were associated with an adequate intake of nutrient in these patients. This study supports an association between dietary patterns and gut microbial biomarkers in IBS patients. Further investigations are needed to clarify these connections.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine how the microbiota profile might be predisposed to a better response in blood lipid profiles due to dietary fibre supplementation. A three-arm intervention study that included three different fibre types (mainly insoluble, soluble, and antioxidant fibre) supplemented (19.2 g/day) during 2 months in individuals with hypercholesterolemia was developed. Changes in faecal microbiota and blood lipid profile after fibre supplementation were determined. In all volunteers, regardless of fibre type, an increase in the abundance of Bifidobacterium was observed, and similarly, an inverse relationship between faecal propionic acid and blood LDL-cholesterol, LDL particle size, and LDL/HDL particle ratio (p-values 0.0067, 0.0002, and 0.0067, respectively) was observed. However, not all volunteers presented an improvement in lipid profile. The non-responders to fibre treatment showed a decrease in microbiota diversity (Shannon and Simpson diversity index p-values of 0.0110 and 0.0255, respectively) after the intervention; where the reduction in short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) producing bacterial genera such as Clostridium XIVa and Ruminococcus after dietary fibre treatment was the main difference. It was concluded that the non-responsiveness to dietary fibre treatment might be mediated by the lack of ability to maintain a stable SCFA producing bacteria diversity and composition after extra fibre intake.  相似文献   

We aimed to differentiate gut microbiota composition of overweight/obese and lean subjects and to determine its association with clinical variables and dietary intake. A cross-sectional study was performed with 96 overweight/obese subjects and 32 lean subjects. Anthropometric parameters were positively associated with Collinsella aerofaciens, Dorea formicigenerans and Dorea longicatena, which had higher abundance the overweight/obese subjects. Moreover, different genera of Lachnospiraceae were negatively associated with body fat, LDL and total cholesterol. Saturated fatty acids (SFAs) were negatively associated with the genus Intestinimonas, a biomarker of the overweight/obese group, whereas SFAs were positively associated with Roseburia, a biomarker for the lean group. In conclusion, Dorea formicigenerans, Dorea longicatena and Collinsella aerofaciens could be considered obesity biomarkers, Lachnospiraceae is associated with lipid cardiovascular risk factors. SFAs exhibited opposite association profiles with butyrate-producing bacteria depending on the BMI. Thus, the relationship between diet and microbiota opens new tools for the management of obesity.  相似文献   

The randomized controlled Special Turku Coronary Risk Factor Intervention Project (STRIP) has completed a 20-year infancy-onset dietary counselling intervention to reduce exposure to atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk factors via promotion of a heart-healthy diet. The counselling on, e.g., low intake of saturated fat and cholesterol and promotion of fruit, vegetable, and whole-grain consumption has affected the dietary characteristics of the intervention participants. By leveraging this unique cohort, we further investigated whether this long-term dietary intervention affected the gut microbiota bacterial profile six years after the intervention ceased. Our sub-study comprised 357 individuals aged 26 years (intervention n = 174, control n = 183), whose gut microbiota were profiled using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. We observed no differences in microbiota profiles between the intervention and control groups. However, out of the 77 detected microbial genera, the Veillonella genus was more abundant in the intervention group compared to the controls (log2 fold-change 1.58, p < 0.001) after adjusting for multiple comparison. In addition, an association between the study group and overall gut microbiota profile was found only in males. The subtle differences in gut microbiota abundances observed in this unique intervention setting suggest that long-term dietary counselling reflecting dietary guidelines may be associated with alterations in gut microbiota.  相似文献   

Functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) refer to gastrointestinal tract issues that lack clear structural or biochemical causes. Their pathophysiology is still unclear, but gut microbiota alterations are thought to play an important role. This systematic review aimed to provide a comprehensive overview of the faecal microbiota of infants and young children with FGIDs compared to healthy controls. A systematic search and screening of the literature resulted in the inclusion of thirteen full texts. Most papers reported on infantile colic, only one studied functional constipation. Despite methodological limitations, data show alterations in microbial diversity, stability, and colonisation patterns in colicky infants compared to healthy controls. Several studies (eight) reported increases in species of (pathogenic) Proteobacteria, and some studies (six) reported a decrease in (beneficial) bacteria such as Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria. In addition, accumulation of related metabolites, as well as low-grade inflammation, might play a role in the pathophysiology of infantile colic. Infants and toddlers with functional constipation had significantly lower levels of Lactobacilli in their stools compared to controls. Microbial dysbiosis and related changes in metabolites may be inherent to FGIDs. There is a need for more standardised methods within research of faecal microbiota in FGIDs to obtain a more comprehensive picture and understanding of infant and childhood FGIDs.  相似文献   

Whether nutritional intakes in critically ill survivors after hospital discharge are adequate is unknown. The aims of this observational study were to describe the energy and protein intakes in ICU survivors attending a follow-up clinic compared to empirical targets and to explore differences in outcomes according to intake adequacy. All adult survivors who attended the follow-up clinic at 1, 3 and 12 months (M1, M3, M12) after a stay in our intensive care unit (ICU) ≥ 7 days were recruited. Average energy and protein intakes over the 7 days before the face-to-face consultation were quantified by a dietician using food anamnesis. Self-reported intakes were compared empirically to targets for healthy people (FAO/WHO/UNU equations), for critically ill patients (25 kcal/kg/day and 1.3 g protein/kg/day). They were also compared to targets that are supposed to fit post-ICU patients (35 kcal/kg/day and 1.5 g protein/kg/day). Blood prealbumin level and handgrip strength were also measured at each timepoint. A total of 206 patients were analyzed (49, 97 and 60 at the M1, M3 and M12, respectively). At M1, M3 and M12, energy intakes were 73.2 [63.3–86.3]%, 79.3 [69.3–89.3]% and 82.7 [70.6–93.7]% of healthy targets (p = 0.074), respectively. Protein intakes were below 0.8 g/kg/day in 18/49 (36.7%), 25/97 (25.8%) and 8/60 (13.3%) of the patients at M1, M3 and M12, respectively (p = 0.018), and the protein intakes were 67.9 [46.5–95.8]%, 68.5 [48.8–99.3]% and 71.7 [44.9–95.1]% of the post-ICU targets (p = 0.138), respectively. Prealbumin concentrations and handgrip strength were similar in patients with either inadequate energy intakes or inadequate protein intakes, respectively. In our post-ICU cohort, up to one year after discharge, energy and protein intakes were below the targets that are supposed to fit ICU survivors in recovery phase.  相似文献   

Dietary fibre has proven to promote healthy body mass and reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases. To date, in Slovenia, there were only a few outdated studies of dietary fibre intake; therefore, we explored the dietary fibre intake using food consumption data collected in the SI.Menu project. Following the EU Menu methodology, data were collected on representative samples of adolescents, adults, and elderlies using a general questionnaire, a food propensity questionnaire, and two 24 h recalls. The results indicate that the intake of dietary fibre in Slovenia is lower than recommended. The proportion of the population with inadequate fibre intakes (<30 g/day) was 90.6% in adolescents, 89.6% in adults, and 83.9% in elderlies, while mean daily fibre intakes were 19.5, 20.9, and 22.4 g, respectively. Significant determinants for inadequate dietary fibre intake were sex in adolescents and adults, and body mass index in adults. The main food groups contributing to dietary fibre intake were bread and other grain products, vegetables and fruits, with significant differences between population groups. Contribution of fruits and vegetables to mean daily dietary fibre intake was highest in elderlies (11.6 g), followed by adults (10.6 g) and adolescents (8.5 g). Public health strategies, such as food reformulation, promoting whole-meal alternatives, consuming whole foods of plant origin, and careful planning of school meals could beneficially contribute to the overall dietary fibre intake in the population.  相似文献   

Incomparable and insufficiently detailed information on dietary intakes are common challenges associated with dietary assessment methods. Being a European Union country, Slovenia is expected to conduct national food consumption studies in line with harmonised EU Menu methodology. The present study aimed to describe the methodology and protocols in the Slovenian nationally representative dietary survey SI.Menu 2017/18, and to assess population dietary habits with respect to food consumption and energy and macronutrient intakes. While the study targeted various population groups, this report is focused on adults. A representative sample of participants was randomly selected from the Central Register of Population according to sex, age classes and place of residency, following a two-stage stratified sampling procedure. Information on food consumption was collected with two non-consecutive 24-h dietary recalls using a web-based Open Platform for Clinical Nutrition (OPEN) software. Data were complemented with a food propensity questionnaire to adjust for usual intake distribution. Altogether, 364 adults (18–64 years) and 416 elderlies (65–74 years) were included in the data analyses. Study results highlighted that observed dietary patterns notably differ from food-based dietary guidelines. Typical diets are unbalanced due to high amounts of consumed meat and meat products, foods high in sugar, fat and salt, and low intake of fruits and vegetables and milk and dairy products. Consequently, the energy proportion of carbohydrates, proteins, and to some extent, free sugars and total fats, as well as intake of dietary fibre and total water deviates from the reference values. Age and sex were significantly marked by differences in dietary intakes, with particularly unfavourable trends in adults and men. Study results call for adoption of prevention and public health intervention strategies to improve dietary patterns, taking into account population group differences. In addition, all developed protocols and tools will be useful for further data collection, supporting regular dietary monitoring systems and trend analyses.  相似文献   

Dietary patterns are a useful summary measure of diet. Few studies have examined the nutrient profiles underpinning the dietary patterns of young children. The study aim is to determine whether dietary patterns at 6 and 15 months of age are associated with nutrient intakes at 8 and 18 months, respectively. Participants were children from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children who had complete dietary pattern and nutrient intake data (n = 725 at 6–8 months, n = 535 at 15–18 months). The association between tertiles of dietary pattern scores and nutrient intake was examined using a non-parametric test for trend. Scores on the home-made traditional pattern (6–8 months) were positively associated with median energy intake. Each dietary pattern had different associations with energy-adjusted intakes of macro- and micro-nutrients. At both times, the discretionary pattern was positively and the ready-prepared baby foods pattern was negatively associated with sodium intake. At 6–8 months, calcium and iron intakes decreased across scores on the home-made traditional and breastfeeding patterns, but increased across the ready-prepared baby food patterns. These findings highlight that dietary patterns in infants and toddlers vary in their underlying energy and nutrient composition.  相似文献   

The Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) are reference values to guide the planning and assessing of nutrient intakes in the United States and Canada. The DRI framework was conceptualized in 1994, and the first reports were issued from 1997–2004, based on work by expert panels and subcommittees under the guidance of the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine. Numerous conventions, challenges, and controversies were encountered during the process of defining and setting the DRIs, including the definition of the framework, the use of chronic disease endpoints, lack of data on requirements for children and youth, and methods for addressing nonessential bioactive substances with potential health benefits. DRIs may be used to plan and assess the nutrient intakes of both individuals and population groups, but the new paradigm particularly improved methods used for groups. It is now possible to estimate both the prevalence of inadequate intake and the prevalence of potentially excessive intake within a group. The DRIs have served as a potent influence on national nutrition policies, including those related to dietary guidance, food labeling, nutrition monitoring, food assistance programs, and military nutrition standards. Because of this important impact on nutrition policy, the DRIs must be based on the best possible and most up-to-date science. Unfortunately, no updates to specific DRIs are currently planned. Despite the long and challenging road that led to the current DRIs, it must not finish in a dead end. Monetary resources and political will are crucial to maintaining and continuously updating the DRIs.  相似文献   

Seventy-three patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) were randomly allocated into one of the following three groups: dietary advice with follow up (DAF) had repeated dietary advice from an experienced senior-dietitian, dietary advice (DA) a single interview with the dietitian and no dietary advice (NDA) a diet-sheet alone without explanation. An age, sex-matched control group was recruited from staff at an institute for higher education. Fibre was assessed by a food-frequency questionnaire at the beginning and end of the 6-month study, and by a 7-day weighed food inventory at the end of the study.
There was no difference between the fibre intake of the patients and controls at the beginning of the study. After 6 months there was a mean increase of 7 g fibre/day by the patients (P<0.001) but no increase by the controls. There was no difference in the intake of the three dietary-treatment groups either at the beginning or end of the study, whether assessed by questionnaire or weighed inventory. Only 14 patients achieved a daily intake of 30 g fibre during the week they weighed their food.
This study suggests that although simple diet-sheets given to patients without further explanation have their limitations, currently employed methods of dietetic counselling appear to offer little additional advantage.  相似文献   

综述膳食营养素参考摄入量(DRIs)的制定原理和应用方法,以及面临需要解决的问题,并提出未来的研究方向和内容。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the dietary intake profiles of first-time parents, second-time parents, and couples without children; once during pregnancy, then at 6- and 12-months postpartum. This was an observational, longitudinal, cohort study. Participants were a community-based sample of 153 couples aged 25 to 40 years. Data were collected between 2007 and 2011. Dietary intake was recorded using 3-day dietary recall. Hierarchical linear modeling was used to compare the dietary intakes of groups (ie, parent, sex, and couple days) over time. Percentage of participants per group meeting recommended daily dietary guidelines was also analyzed, as were variables that influenced meeting overall recommended guidelines using a multivariate analysis of variance. First-time mothers had higher overall energy, fat, sugar, fruit, and milk intake compared with women without children, and longitudinally first-time mothers decreased their fruit intake. Second-time mothers had higher overall energy, fat, sugar, and fruit intake compared with nonparent women, and longitudinally second-time mothers increased their meat intake. First-time fathers had overall higher bread intake compared with second-time fathers and men without children, and first-time fathers consumed less sugar than second-time fathers. Longitudinally, first-time fathers increased their fiber intake. At any stage of data collection, from pregnancy to 12-months postpartum, only 2% to 16% of all mothers met recommended overall daily dietary guidelines. The only variable investigated that influenced meeting overall daily dietary guidelines at baseline was parent status.  相似文献   

Background: The effect of gut microbiota on enteral nutrition tolerance in critically ill patients is unclear. Methods: Non-abdominal sepsis patients in an ICU, sorted by whether they reached 20 Kcal/kg/day on the 3rd day of EN, were divided into tolerance and intolerance groups. Their feces on day 1 and day 3 of EN initiation were collected for 16s rDNA and short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) testing. Results: There were 14 patients included in the tolerance group and 10 in the intolerance group. On EN day 1, the OTUs and microbiota diversity were higher in the tolerance group than in the intolerance group. The ratio of Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes was higher in the intolerance group on EN day 1. The genus Parabacteroides were the most significantly elevated in the tolerance group. On EN day 3, the genus Escherichia-Shigella was the most significantly elevated in the tolerance group. On EN day 3, the levels of SCFA decreased more significantly in the intolerance group. Conclusion: Enteral nutrition tolerance is associated with microbiota features and short-chain fatty acid levels. A higher ratio of Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes and microbiota diversity on EN day 1 may help in the early prediction of EN tolerance.  相似文献   

The significant increase in food allergy incidence is correlated with dietary changes in modernized countries. Here, we investigated the impact of dietary emulsifiers on food allergy by employing an experimental murine model. Mice were exposed to drinking water containing 1.0% carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) or Polysorbate-80 (P80) for 12 weeks, a treatment that was previously demonstrated to induce significant alterations in microbiota composition and function leading to chronic intestinal inflammation and metabolic abnormalities. Subsequently, the ovalbumin food allergy model was applied and characterized. As a result, we observed that dietary emulsifiers, especially P80, significantly exacerbated food allergy symptoms, with increased OVA-specific IgE induction and accelerated type 2 cytokine expressions, such as IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13, in the colon. Administration of an antibiotic regimen completely reversed the emulsifier-induced exacerbated susceptibility to food allergy, suggesting a critical role played by the intestinal microbiota in food allergy and type 2 immune responses.  相似文献   

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common functional gastrointestinal disorder affecting 4–5% of the global population. This disorder is associated with gut microbiota, diet, sleep, and mental health. This scoping review therefore aims to map existing research that has administrated fibre-related dietary intervention to IBS individuals and reported outcomes on at least two of the three following themes: gut microbiota, sleep, and mental health. Five digital databases were searched to identify and select papers as per the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Five articles were included in the assessment, where none reported on all three themes or the combination of gut microbiota and sleep. Two studies identified alterations in gut microbiota and mental health with fibre supplementation. The other three studies reported on mental health and sleep outcomes using subjective questionnaires. IBS-related research lacks system biology-type studies targeting gut microbiota, sleep, and mental health in patients undergoing diet intervention. Further IBS research is required to explore how human gut microbiota functions (such as short-chain fatty acids) in sleep and mental health, following the implementation of dietary pattern alteration or component supplementation. Additionally, the application of objective sleep assessments is required in order to detect sleep change with more accuracy and less bias.  相似文献   

Military service is inherently demanding and, due to the nature of these demands, the term “tactical athlete” has been coined to capture the physical requirements of the profession. Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) cadets are a unique subset of the military service community, and the complexity of their training and educational pursuits increases their susceptibility to unhealthy eating patterns. The purpose of this pilot study was to explore the relationship between the perceived barriers to healthy eating, food insecurity, sports nutrition knowledge, and dietary patterns among Army ROTC cadets. The usual dietary intake was gathered from (N = 37) cadets using the General Nutrition Assessment Food Frequency Questionnaire. The perceived barriers to healthy eating were measured using a set of scales consisting of social barriers (6 items, α = 0.86), access barriers (2 items, α = 0.95), and personal barriers (2 items, α = 0.67), with higher-scale scores indicating greater perceived barriers. Spearman correlation coefficients were used to measure the association between the energy-adjusted dietary intakes and the scores on the barriers scales. Energy-adjusted intakes of calcium (ρ = −0.47, p ≤ 0.01), fiber (ρ = −0.35, p = 0.03), vitamin A (ρ = −0.46, p ≤ 0.01), vitamin C (ρ = −0.43, p ≤ 0.01), fruit (ρ = −0.34, p = 0.04), and vegetables (ρ = −0.50, p ≤ 0.01) were negatively correlated with the perceived personal barrier scores. The energy-adjusted intakes of fiber (ρ = −0.36, p = 0.03), vitamin C (ρ = −0.37, p = 0.03), and vitamin E (ρ = −0.45, p ≤.01) were negatively correlated with perceived social barriers, while energy-adjusted vitamin C intake was negatively correlated with perceived access barriers (ρ = −0.40, p = 0.01). Although additional research is needed to better understand the dietary patterns of ROTC cadets, among the participants in this study, greater perceived personal, social, and access barriers were associated with less nutrient-dense eating patterns. Interventions aimed at addressing such barriers may prove beneficial for the improvement of diet quality among ROTC cadets.  相似文献   

High-fiber diet interventions have been proven to be beneficial for gut microbiota and glycemic control in diabetes patients. However, the effect of a low level of fiber in habitual diets remains unclear. This study aims to examine the associations of habitual dietary fiber intake with gut microbiome profiles among Chinese diabetes patients and identify differential taxa that mediated associations of dietary fiber with HbA1c level. Two cross-sectional studies and one longitudinal study were designed based on two follow-up surveys in a randomized trial conducted during 2015–2017. The study included 356 and 310 participants in the first and second follow-ups, respectively, with 293 participants in common in both surveys. Dietary fiber intake was calculated based on a 3-day 24-h diet recall at each survey and was classified into a lower or a higher group according to the levels taken based on the two surveys using 7.2 g/day as a cut-off value. HbA1c was assayed to assess glycemic status using a cut-off point of 7.0% and 8.0%. Microbiome was profiled by 16S rRNA sequencing. A high habitual dietary fiber intake was associated with a decrease in α-diversity in both the cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses. At the first follow–up, phylum Firmicutes and Fusobacteria were negatively associated with a higher dietary fiber intake (p < 0.05, Q < 0.15); at the second follow-up, genus Adlercreutzia, Prevotella, Ruminococcus, and Desulfovibrio were less abundant in patients taking higher dietary fiber (p < 0.05, Q < 0.15); genus Desulfovibrio and Ruminococcaceae (Unknown), two identified differential taxa by HbA1c level, were negatively associated with dietary fiber intake in both the cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses, and mediated the dietary fiber-HbA1c associations among patients taking dietary fiber ≥ 7.2 g/day (mediation effect β [95%CI]: −0.019 [−0.043, −0.003], p = 0.018 and −0.019 [−0.046, −0.003], p = 0.016). Our results suggest that habitual dietary fiber intake has a beneficial effect on gut microbiota in Chinese diabetes patients. Further studies are needed to confirm our results.  相似文献   

This cross-sectional study aimed to clarify the characteristic gut microbiota of Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) using t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding analysis and the k-means method and to clarify the relationship with background data, including dietary habits. The gut microbiota data of 383 patients with T2DM and 114 individuals without T2DM were classified into red, blue, green, and yellow groups. The proportions of patients with T2DM in the red, blue, green, and yellow groups was 86.8% (112/129), 69.8% (81/116), 76.3% (90/118), and 74.6% (100/134), respectively; the red group had the highest prevalence of T2DM. There were no intergroup differences in sex, age, or body mass index. The red group had higher percentages of the Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus genera and lower percentages of the Blautia and Phascolarctobacterium genera. Higher proportions of patients with T2DM in the red group used α-glucosidase inhibitors and glinide medications and had a low intake of fermented soybean foods, including miso soup, than those in the other groups. The gut microbiota pattern of the red group may indicate characteristic changes in the gut microbiota associated with T2DM in Japan. These results also suggest that certain diabetes drugs and fermented foods may be involved in this change. Further studies are needed to confirm the relationships among traditional dietary habits, the gut microbiota, and T2DM in Japan.  相似文献   

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