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急诊科抢救危重病11年变化趋势分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
目的 研究急诊科抢救的危重病疾病谱和抢救成功率的变化趋势。方法 将 1991~ 2 0 0 1年 11a中在急诊科抢救的 5 75 2例危重病例分 3个时间段和 4个年龄组 ,比较疾病谱构成比和病死率。结果 ① 11a中危重病疾病谱中神经系统疾病的构成比下降 ,但仍居第一位 ,各种外伤和中毒的构成比上升并居第二、三位。②疾病谱中居第一位疾病 ,在青年组和中年组均为各种外伤 ,老年组和高龄组均为神经系统疾病。③急诊科抢救危重病成功率逐年上升 ,神经系统、呼吸系统、各种外伤和中毒病死率的下降有显著统计学意义 ,但神经系统疾病、外伤和循环系统疾病的病死率仍居前三位。④病死率居第一位的疾病 ,在青年组为循环系统疾病 ,中年组、老年组和高龄组均为各种外伤。结论 急诊科抢救的重点疾病是神经系统 (主要是脑血管疾病 )、各种外伤和急性中毒。  相似文献   

目的:分析急诊死亡临床特点,为临床防治提供参考。方法:回顾性分析近7年来我院急救中心死亡病人565例临床资料。结果:本院急诊死亡的患者涵盖各年龄层,以老年人为主;疾病涵盖各专科,猝死和不详原因死亡发生率高;春秋季是死亡高发季节。结论:减少急诊死亡必须结合当地实际、加强宣传教育、提高急诊救治水平和完善急救网络。  相似文献   

急诊抢救死亡病例分析及护理对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾朝丽  陈建荣 《急诊医学》1999,8(2):142-142

目的报告急诊抢救1242例危重病例分析。方法探讨急诊抢救危重病人的规律及影响病死率的因素。结果本组病死119例,抢救成功率为90.4%。其中外伤、神经、心血管、中毒疾病的抢救病例数居前4位。年龄分组中以老年组(60~79岁)为抢救病例的高峰年龄段,占42%,病死率以各种外伤为最高(占35%)。结论教育病员加强安全保护意识,共同配合,从而达到降低发病率及病死率,提高抢救成功率。  相似文献   

急诊抢救危重病患者的死亡危险因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 分析综合性医院急诊抢救过程中危重病患者的死亡率及死亡危险因素.方法 回顾分析西京医院急诊科2005年1月至2006年12月1240例急诊抢救的危重病患者临床资料,根据预后将患者被分为死亡组和存活组.采用单因素分析和非条件Logistic逐步回归等统计学方法,研究性别、年龄、就诊时间、既往健康状况、体温、呼吸频率、心率、平均动脉压、呼吸功能障碍、循环功能障碍、肝功能障碍、肾功能障碍、凝血功能障碍、酸碱电解质紊乱、胃肠功能障碍、白细胞计数、血小板计数、Glasgow(GCS)评分、急性生理和慢性健康状况评分Ⅱ(APACHEⅡ评分)等19个因素与预后的关系.结果 1240例危重病患者在各系统的分布与其死亡分布基本一致,主要集中在呼吸、循环、消化和神经系统;既往有无慢性病史在死亡组和存活组间差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01),慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPO)、慢性心功能不全、糖尿病和肝硬化患者在死亡组的发生率明显高于存活组,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);随着器官功能障碍数目的 增加,死亡率逐渐升高,器官功能障碍数目达3个时死亡率为32.81%,而达5个时死亡率为76.67%;非条件Logistic回归分析结果显示,男性、年龄、呼吸功能障碍、循环功能障碍、肝功能障碍、胃肠功能障碍、GCS评分低、APACHEⅡ评分高是急诊危重病患者死亡的危险因素.结论 急诊危重病多发生于呼吸、循环、消化系统和神经系统;有慢性病史的急诊危苇病患者的死亡率显著高于无慢性病史者;器官功能障碍数目越多,其死亡率越高;年龄(46-65岁)、呼吸功能障碍、循环功能障碍、肝功能障碍、胃肠功能障碍、GCS评分低、APACHE Ⅱ评分高是急诊危重病患者死亡的危险因素.  相似文献   

目的了解急诊科死亡患者的死因以及发病年龄,时间性、季节性等,为急诊医疗工作提供帮助。方法对2006年7月至2007年7月我院急诊科死亡患者共135例进行回顾性分析,分别对死者的性别、年龄、发病到死亡时间、死因、有无院前急救、是否尸检等方面进行统计。结果年龄〈60岁中男性死亡率较女性高,其中20~29岁之间年轻人死亡率较其他年龄段高;年龄≥60岁后男女死亡比例相当。秋季死亡率较其他季节为高(31.11%)。除秋季以外伤死亡发生率最高外,其他季节均以猝死死亡占第一位。春季呼吸系统疾病死亡率亦较高。本文死亡高峰时间为15:00~18:00。死亡原因排序先后为猝死16.30%,循环系统疾病14.80%,肿瘤终末期12.59%。急诊以肿瘤患者停留时间最长,其次是呼吸系统疾病者。所有病例呼叫院前急救的尸检率仅2.96%。结论本院急诊科死亡患者有时间、季节特点,死因以猝死和循环系统疾病发生率较高,同时本地区居民急救意识高,但尸检率较低。  相似文献   

急诊死亡病例原因分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
吴采忠 《临床医学》2004,24(4):49-50
本文回顾我院急诊死亡病例临床特征.以探讨死亡病人原因.提高急诊危重病人抢救成功率。  相似文献   

4349例急诊抢救病例流行病学分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
目的 探讨不同年龄急重症流行病学特点.方法 对我院急诊科2005-01~2007-12 4349例患者进行回顾性分析,对疾病谱构成、年龄构成及死亡率进行分析.结果 ①抢救患者年龄以70~79岁最多,占30.3%;60岁以上患者占62%.②排在前十位的疾病类别依次为:循环系统、神经系统、呼吸系统消化系统疾病、外伤、肿瘤、中毒、猝死、休克及肾功能不全.③在所有脑卒中患者中,缺血性脑卒中发病高于出血性脑卒中(约为1.2∶ 1);男性多于女性(1.63∶ 1).60岁以下患者中, 出血性脑卒中多于缺血性脑卒中(为1.2∶ 1).④死亡患者疾病构成比例依次为:神经系统(40.5%)、猝死(12.9%)、呼吸系统(12.2%)、心血管病(11.6%)、肿瘤晚期(6.9%)、休克(3.8%)、创伤(2.5%).40岁以下死亡患者所占比例依次为:神经系统(26.2%)、外伤(23.8%)、猝死(14.3%)、中毒(11.9%);在40~59岁死亡患者中,约80%是由于因心、脑血管病死亡;随年龄增加,心血管疾病及呼吸系统疾病发病及死亡比例增加.80岁以上的高龄患者,心血管与呼吸系统疾病占60%以上.结论 我院急诊抢救对象主要为老年心脑血管及呼吸系统疾病,应加强社区老年慢性疾病管理及建立急诊-社区绿色通道, 缩短救治时间,提高救治率;心脑血管病年轻化趋势明显,心脑血管疾病的预防应从年轻人开始.同时应关注青年人的心理健康,以减少自发性行为造成的致死、致残率.  相似文献   

目的:分析急诊死亡病例的临床资料,探讨其规律和特点,以提高院前及医院急诊抢救水平。方法:回顾性分析我院急诊科2010年3月1日~2013年2月28日261例急诊死亡病例的临床资料。结果:急诊死亡病例涵盖各年龄层,以中老年为主,男性多于女性;死亡原因中疾病涵盖各专科,前三位死亡原因为猝死、心血管病和各种创伤;死亡病例最多的月份是12月和1月。结论:应提高院外心肺复苏技术的普及教育和培训;简化急诊检查程序,重视院内猝死的发生;重视院前急救,强调急诊创伤联合中心抢救制度;结合当地实际,加强宣传教育。  相似文献   

目的对急诊科检验危急值项目的历史数据进行分析,评价危急值在急诊科应用的效果。方法制定危急值报告处理流程,对急诊科2011年的135例危急值项目经数据预处理、变换后,计算出危急值项目的发生率、天内分布和周转时间,分析处置结果。结果危急值的发生率是0.14%,主要集中在晚上10:00-凌晨1:00,危急值项目总体周转时间控制在70min,急救效率达到100%。结论检验危急值在急诊科运用成功,可以提高实验室及急诊的工作效率和质量,满足患者的安全要求。  相似文献   



This study aimed to clarify the association between the crowding and clinical practice in the emergency department (ED).


This 1-year retrospective cohort study conducted in two EDs in Taiwan included 70,222 adult non-trauma visits during the day shift between July 1, 2011, and June 30, 2012. The ED occupancy status, determined by the number of patients staying during their time of visit, was used to measure crowding, grouped into four quartiles, and analyzed in reference to the clinical practice. The clinical practices included decision-making time, patient length of stay, patient disposition, and use of laboratory examinations and computed tomography (CT).


The four quartiles of occupancy statuses determined by the number of patients staying during their time of visit were < 24, 24–39, 39–62, and > 62. Comparing > 62 and < 24 ED occupancy statuses, the physicians' decision-making time and patients' length of stay increased by 0.3 h and 1.1 h, respectively. The percentage of patients discharged from the ED decreased by 15.5% as the ED observation, general ward, and intensive care unit admissions increased by 10.9%, 4%, and 0.7%, respectively. CT and laboratory examination slightly increased in the fourth quartile of ED occupancy.


Overcrowding in the ED might increase physicians' decision-making time and patients' length of stay, and more patients could be admitted to observation units or an inpatient department. The use of CT and laboratory examinations would also increase. All of these could lead more patients to stay in the ED.  相似文献   

BackgroundTo provide a prompt and optimal intensive care to critically ill patients visiting our emergency department (ED), we set up and ran a specific type of emergency intensive care unit (EICU) managed by emergency physician (EP) intensivists. We investigated whether this EICU reduced the time interval from ED arrival to ICU transfer (ED-ICU interval) without altering mortality.MethodsThis was a retrospective study conducted in a tertiary referral hospital. We collected data from ED patients who were admitted to the EICU (EICU group) and other ICUs including medical, surgical, and cardiopulmonary ICUs (other ICUs group), from August 2014 to July 2017. We compared these two groups with respect to demographic findings, including the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) score, ED-ICU interval, ICU mortality, and hospital mortality.ResultsAmong the 3440 critically ill patients who visited ED, 1815 (52.8%) were admitted to the EICU during the study period. The ED-ICU interval for the EICU group was significantly shorter than that for the other ICUs group by 27.5% (5.0 ± 4.9 vs. 6.9 ± 5.4 h, p < 0.001). In multivariable analysis, the ICU mortality (odds ratio = 1.062, 95% confidence interval 0.862–1.308, p = 0.571) and hospital mortality (odds ratio = 1.093, 95% confidence interval 0.892–1.338, p = 0.391) of the EICU group were not inferior to those of the other ICUs group.ConclusionsThe EICU run by EP intensivists reduced the time interval from ED arrival to ICU transfer without altering hospital mortality.  相似文献   

目的研究急诊科抢救区危重患者的流行病学特点。方法对2011年急诊科抢救区2987例危重患者的年龄、性别、入科及转归时间分布、疾病谱和病死率等进行回顾性分析。结果循环系统、神经系统、呼吸系统疾病是急诊科的前3位危重病;男性多于女性;60~79岁老年组抢救人数最多;病死率由高到低前3位疾病是院前猝死、血液系统疾病和呼吸系统疾病;急诊抢救患者全年出现2个就诊高峰,分别为4月及12月,全天就诊高峰在16:00~20:00。结论危重患者的抢救工作是急诊工作的重中之重,应及时解除危及生命的紧急情况并尽快分流;抢救对象主要为老年心脑血管及呼吸系统疾病;应根据急诊抢救患者的分布特点合理安排人员及物资;建立病死率较高的几种急性单病种的绿色通道,建立院内合作团队,提高抢救成功率;做好相关的健康宣教工作,普及高危人群的急救知识。  相似文献   

IntroductionThe aim of this study was to compare the distribution and frequency of forensic medical events in a refugee group with that of the general population, and thus, extrapolate the problems encountered in the immigrant population.MethodsThose cases admitted to the emergency department (ED) for any reason that required a forensic examination between January 2016 and June 2018 were investigated retrospectively.ResultsA total of 310 refugees were admitted to the ED for forensic medical events. The most common nations of origin of the refugees were Iraq (n = 167), Syria (n = 65), and Afghanistan (n = 28). The median age of the refugees was 24 years old (interquartile range = 17–33). With regard to forensics, the most common reasons for the refugees to present to the ED were motor vehicle accidents 27.4%, assaults 25.8%, employment and industrial accidents 16.1%, and suicide attempts 10.3%. Other than suicide attempts, all of the forensic presentations were more common in the males. The outcomes of the refugee group were as follows: 92.3% were discharged, 5.8% were admitted to the hospital, 1% were admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU), and 1% were transferred. Suicide attempts were the most common reasons for the ICU admissions, while the most common reasons for the hospital admissions were orthopedic injuries.ConclusionIn general, the forensic event frequency in the refugee group was lower (p = 0.001); however, this was a single center study, and there could have been unrecorded cases due to an inability to access healthcare assistance, so these results may not be reliable.  相似文献   

目的探讨急诊科检验危急值预警反馈系统质量控制方法改进的效果。方法急诊科通过规范标本采集运送,监控危急值标本的反馈时效、报告接收制度等对检验危急值预警防控系统的质量进行控制,分析控制前后标本的不合格率、危急值与临床诊断吻合率、复查重复率、急诊抢救成功率。结果质量控制前、后检验标本的合格率分剐为44.2%和94.2%,报告与临床诊断吻合率分别为45.4%和85.9%,标本复查重复率分别为25.8%和95.4%,急诊抢救成功率分别为76.5%和92.6%,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论急诊科对于检验危急值预警防控系统的质量控制措施行之有效,可以极大地提高急诊科工作质量,满足患者的安全要求。  相似文献   



Emergency Physicians often rely on Lactic Acid (LA) values to make important clinical decisions. Accuracy of LA values improve when blood gas analysis is performed in the emergency department (ED) as opposed to a satellite laboratory (SL).


To investigate an association between blood gas laboratory location and accuracy of ED lactic acid samples.


The study team evaluated lactic acid values from venous and arterial blood gas samples drawn between June 1, 2015 and September 30, 2016. The study was exempt from institutional review board approval. Samples were separated into two groups: those which were drawn prior to and after relocation of the blood gas laboratory to the ED. The data, including patient demographic characteristics, acute illness severity indices, and blood gas results were compared within and between each group using t-test for continuous variables and chi-square test for categorical variables. The primary outcome was the mean lactate value measured in the SL group in 2015 compared to the ED group in 2016. Potassium and creatinine values were measured between the two groups as secondary outcomes.


Of the 21,595 consecutive samples drawn, 10,363 samples were from the SL group and 11,232 from the ED group. The SL group included 5458 (52.7%) women; mean (SD) age was 61.8 (21.0). The ED group contained 5860 (52.2%) women; mean (SD) age was 61.7 (20.5). Mean Emergency Severity Index (ESI) were the same in each group at 2.31 and rates of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) were also equivalent in each group at 22.2%. Significant differences were found between LA values in the SL group (mean 2.21 mmol/L) and in the ED group (mean 1.99 mmol/L) with a p value of <0.0001. There was a small statistical significance between the difference in potassium values in the SL group (mean 3.98 meq/L) compared to the ED Group (mean 3.96 meq/L) with a p value of 0.022. No significant difference was found between the creatinine values.

Conclusions and Relevance

These results suggest that mean lactate values decreased when measured in an ED blood gas laboratory and may provide more accurate LA results than blood gas samples analyzed at an SL blood gas laboratory within the same institution. Hospitals may consider moving blood gas laboratories to the ED to improve accuracy of one of the most important early blood markers used in the definition of sepsis and in the identification of the critically ill.  相似文献   



Our objective was to compare in-hospital mortality among emergency department (ED) patients meeting trial-based criteria for septic shock based upon whether presenting with refractory hypotension (systolic blood pressure < 90 mm Hg after 1 L intravenous fluid bolus) versus hyperlactatemia (initial lactate  4 mmol/L).


We conducted a retrospective cohort analysis by chart review of ED patients admitted to an intensive care unit with suspected infection during 1 August 2012–28 February 2015. We included all patients with body fluid cultures sampled either during their ED stay without antibiotic administration or within 24 h of antibiotic administration in the ED. We excluded patients not meeting criteria for either refractory hypotension or hyperlactatemia. Trained chart abstractors blinded to the study hypothesis double entered data from each patient's record including demographics, clinical data, treatments, and in-hospital mortality. We compared in-hospital mortality among patients with isolated refractory hypotension, isolated hyperlactatemia, or both. We also calculated odds ratios (ORs) via logistic regression for in-hospital mortality based on presence of refractory hypotension or hyperlactatemia.


Of 202 patients included in the analysis, 38 (18.8%) died during hospitalization. Mortality was 10.9% among 101 patients with isolated refractory hypotension, 24.4% among 41 patients with isolated hyperlactatemia, and 28.3% among 60 patients with both (p = 0.01). Logistic regression analyses yielded in-hospital mortality OR for refractory hypotension of 1.3 (95% CI 0.5–3.8) versus OR for hyperlactatemia of 2.9 (95% CI 1.2–7.4).


Hyperlactatemia appears associated with higher in-hospital mortality compared to refractory hypotension among ED patients with septic shock.  相似文献   

目的 :探讨神经内窥镜在急诊科的应用价值。方法 :1999年 7月至 2 0 0 0年 3月我院急诊科开展神经内窥镜手术治疗各类颅内血肿 2 3例 2 4次 ,其中脑内血肿清除术 2 0例 ,慢性硬膜下血肿 /积液引流术 3例。结果 :根据ADL评分标准 ,脑血肿组治疗效果为基本痊愈(ADL1级 ) 2例 ,显著进步 (ADL改善≥ 2级 ) 6例 ,进步 (ADL改善 1级 ) 6例 ,无改变 1例 ,死亡 5例 ;超早期治疗的 3例效果最好。 3例硬膜下血肿 /积液均治愈。本组并发术后出血 2例 ,切口脑脊液漏 1例 ,无其它手术直接相关的并发症。结论 :神经内窥镜手术创伤小 ,直视下操作 ,并发症少 ,病人康复快 ,为脑出血、慢性分隔型硬膜下血肿的治疗提供了一种新的有效方法 ,值得在急诊科开展。  相似文献   

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