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毛岫 《电子测量技术》2007,30(11):78-82
本文研制了一种500 M~2 GHz高性能双脊喇叭天线,作为低频段紧缩场测量系统的馈源.该天线延续了以往文献中介绍的脊喇叭天线宽频带、小体积的优点,同时,该天线引入了一些新的设计,得到了较高的方向图性能并压低了驻波比,这些新的设计包括:利用MFIE(磁场积分方程)算法的计算结果设计双脊波导,而不是传统的等效电路法的计算结果;利用HFSS对脊的形状及尺寸进行更为细致的优化;设计辐射段时,并不是完全照搬一般角锥喇叭的设计方法,而是将E面和H面方向图的3 dB波束宽度和相位中心这两组参数定为主要指标进行设计.此外,本文总结了一般双脊喇叭天线的设计方法,缩短了脊喇叭天线的设计时间.本文最后给出了500 M~2 GHz高性能双脊喇叭天线的仿真结果,仿真结果符合紧缩场馈源的要求.  相似文献   

以MATLAB/Simulink中双馈感应风电机组(DFIG)的平均值模型为依据,首先在RTDS/RSCAD中相应搭建DFIG的平均值模型;然后对MATLAB与RTDS的仿真方法进行比较;最后在单机无穷大系统中分别就初值、风速扰动和故障扰动下的变速风电机组的动态响应特性在MATLAB和RTDS平台上进行比较验证.仿真结果表明,RTDS不仅可准确移植其他平台的风机模型,而且可以在始终保持仿真-实际时间比为1.0的前提下提供更详细的状态量信息.  相似文献   

针对传统静止无功补偿器(static synchronous compensator-STATCOM)只能补充无功功率的不足,对直流侧并联蓄电池储能系统(battery energy storage system-BESS)的改进装置进行了研究,从而实现有功无功功率的双重控制。首先对STATCOM-BESS工作原理和数学模型进行简要介绍,之后对四象限模式的运行特性进行重点分析,并研究了基于电压空间矢量(SVPWM)有功功率无功功率独立控制的电流解耦控制技术。最后在MATLAB/Simulink中搭建STATCOM-BESS模型进行仿真分析,仿真结果显示装置在快速实现无功功率补偿的同时也可以实现有功功率的控制,并具有良好的动稳态特性,因此验证了理论分析的正确性和控制方法的有效性。  相似文献   

In this paper, electrical characteristics of 25 nm strained fin-typed field effect transistors (FinFETs) with oxide-nitride-stacked-capping layer are numerically studied. The FinFETs are fabricated on two different wafers, one is bulk silicon and the other is silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrate. A three-dimensional device simulation is performed by solving a set of density-gradient-hydrodynamic equations to study device performance including, such as the drain current characteristics (the ID-VG and ID-VD curves), the drain-induced barrier height lowering, and the subthreshold swing. Comparison between the strained bulk and SOI FinFETs shows that the strained bulk FinFET is promising for emerging multiple-gate nanodevice era according to the manufacturability point of view.  相似文献   

提出新型光伏电池数学模型,与其他传统数学模型相比,能准确反映实际光伏电池的输出特性,更好地描述光伏电池的电气特性,对光伏发电系统的理论深入研究提供参考价值。为了实现最大功率点跟踪,在常用的变步长电导增量法基础之上,提出了改进的控制策略。该方法控制精度高、能消除追踪过程中的振荡现象,并且提高了响应速度。基于PSCAD中搭建仿真模型,依照光伏电池厂家提供技术参数模拟光伏电池的输出特性,并验证数学模型和MPPT模拟器的有效性。分析仿真结果表明,选用的光伏电池数学模型和改进变步长电导增量法能够符合工程应用场合。  相似文献   

Static controllable electromagnetic reactors of different types with distinctive technical characteristics are described in the paper. The main analytical equations for designing magnetic construction elements are given. Methods are shown for the improvement of the characteristics of fast-acting magnetic reactors and the broadening of the regulating diapason without increasing the high-current harmonics by changing the construction of the magnetic reactor. The limiting of the current by a controllable reactor in the short circuit mode is also given.  相似文献   

针对以电定热和以热定电运行策略能量冗余以及混合热电运行策略能源不足的特性,在热电负荷平衡运行策略的基础上,提出了改进的热电负荷平衡运行策略。以北方某酒店为研究对象,并以最大化能源利用率为目标对系统的装机容量进行了优化,同时提出了能源综合指数,研究了在5种运行策略下购买能量和冗余能量对系统性能的影响。然后分析了在不同运行策略下系统的供需匹配特性和改进的热电负荷平衡策略下系统的能量平衡关系。最后,通过算例探究了改进的热电负荷平衡策略对提高系统经济性的作用,并经过对比分析验证了研究的合理性与有效性。研究结果表明,与其他4种运行策略相比,改进的热电负荷平衡运行策略下系统的能源利用率分别提高了4.3%、4.38%、4.75%、4.73%;能源综合指数分别降低了6.58%、5.96%、2.23%、3.45%;系统的年总成本分别降低了11.65%、2.74%、1.64%、0.74%。其中,改进的热电负荷平衡策略下系统的供需匹配性能最优(为0.9382)。  相似文献   

苏宏亮  黄莺  殷亚宁  王婷  郭馨  王禹朋 《热力发电》2020,49(10):151-156
超临界二氧化碳(S-CO2)布雷顿循环逐渐成为国内外研究的热点。相对于传统蒸汽朗肯循环的广泛应用,S-CO2锅炉的热力计算还缺乏相关研究。本文以某5 MW S-CO2实验锅炉布置方案为例,将锅炉管道、炉膛、高温受热面作为串联管路,将热力特性与壁温进行耦合计算建立数值分析模型。该计算模型气温、壁温计算结果能够同时满足工程计算要求,对S-CO2锅炉研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

建模仿真方法和过渡时间计算是磁饱和式可控电抗器研究中值得关注的2个重要问题。根据磁饱和式可控电抗器的饱和特性,通过对小斜率磁化特性的分析,找到了电抗器额定容量、额定电压、自耦比和绕组电阻之间的定量关系,明确了基于MATLAB的磁饱和式可控电抗器仿真模型参数的设置方法。通过对小斜率磁化特性的分段线性化,把从空载到满载的过渡过程分为直流磁链随时间线性增加和控制电流根据线性RL电路充电规律变化这2个过程,得到了比较准确的过渡时间计算公式。实例仿真结果说明所提分析方法简捷有效。  相似文献   

低压电力线通信的信道特性分析及模型研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
耿煊  李永辉 《电力系统通信》2004,25(4):19-21,24
利用低压电力线高速、可靠地传输通信数据具有十分重要的意义,但是低压电力线路网络结构和负载特性复杂,需要对信道有深入的了解。文中分析了电力线信道的阻抗、噪声、衰减特性,据此给出了电力线信道模型,有助于深入理解低压电力线通信的特点。  相似文献   

A high‐frequency bipolar current source resonant inverter introduced in this paper has dramatic zero‐voltage‐switching (ZVS) characteristic. The analytic expressions of the resonant voltage and current are given. It indicates that the resonant waveform is composed of two parts, i.e. the oscillatory component and the stationary component. In special cases, the resonant waveform degenerates into the mono‐frequency component, as presents the graceful sinusoidal wave with very low total harmonic distortion (THD) value. Based on the closed‐form voltage and current, the component stresses on reactive elements are obtained. The impact of different component values and operating frequencies on ZVS feature is also discussed. It should be noted that the ZVS merit may be lost if the components are carelessly selected. The validity of the theoretical analysis has been proven with Pspice simulations and experimental results. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, silicon nanotube field effect transistors (SiNT-FETs) are investigated for independent gate operation using 3D numerical simulation. The parameters, \(\mathrm{I_{ON} , I_{OFF}, V_{T}}\), and the unity gain cut-off frequency \(\mathrm{(f_{T}}\)) are studied in the independent-gate mode. The SiNT-FET we have considered has two gates, namely outer and inner gates, and can be simultaneously driven or independently driven. The physical gate oxide thicknesses of the outer and inner gates of the device are to be converted into effective gate oxide thicknesses due to the non-Euclidean geometry associated with the tube structure. The effective gate oxide thicknesses are different for the same outer and inner physical gate oxide thickness. Since the inner and outer gates are asymmetric, the device parameters extracted at the outer and inner gates are different. Since the independent gate operation allows dynamic threshold voltage adjustment, a model to predict the threshold voltage also known as the threshold voltage sensitivity model is developed for the SiNT device by modifying the double gate FinFET model. These models are verified by TCAD simulation results to validate their accuracy.  相似文献   

针对仿真中发现的电源中心交直流通道外送能力耦合的特点进行理论研究,研究对象是受端为非同步电网的交直流外送通道暂态功角稳定性.对交直流外送系统进行等值数学建模、直流系统故障进行简要讨论后,给出交直流外送系统的转子运动方程,并展开功角稳定性分析.在此基础上,对交直流通道外送能力的耦合特性进行推导发现:增加直流外送功率能够提高交直流通道总外送能力;增加交流通道外送能力须调减直流外送功率,同时交直流通道总外送能力下降,且交流通道外送能力提高量小于直流外送功率调减量.在实际电网的基础上进行算例分析,仿真结果验证了理论分析的正确性.最后,通过一个简化系统对所得结论的工程应用进行简要讨论,从而为实际运行与后续研究提供参考.  相似文献   

5 000 A以上的断路器通常是每相由多极并联引出双接线端子的结构,针对5 000 A以上万能式断路器正常工作时显示电流明显大于实测电流的情况,显示误差通常超过企业规定精度的现象。通过理论分析和实际测试,通过理论分析断路器内部以及连接排之间的互感和自感现象,发现断路器每极阻抗不完全一致,它们之间的负载电流数值不相等,同相不同极上的负载电流之间存在明显的相位角,相位角大约为32°。因为断路器内部和外接负载之间的互感和自感现象,断路器显示电流比实际电流大,它们之间的差值约为5%。  相似文献   



To investigate whether spacing (Δ) and duration (δ) of the diffusion-sensitizing gradient pulses differentially affect exponential (D′), biexponential (D slow, D fast and f slow) and diffusional kurtosis (D and K) model parameters.  相似文献   

我国南方山区由于地形气候的影响,易在冬季导致输电线路严重覆冰,进而给电网的安全运行带来巨大的挑战。因此通过对线路覆冰研究,总结出南方山区覆冰数据中的规律和存在问题,其重要性不言而喻。先从覆冰在线监测系统的原理入手,并针对南方某典型山区覆冰在线监测数据开展导线覆冰特征定量分析,总结出该山区在不同微气象条件下,各个气象参数组合对覆冰的影响的规律。最后,提出一种基于模糊逻辑和神经网络建立输电线路覆冰组合预测模型的方法。  相似文献   

水分是强极性分子,会改变绝缘介质的弛豫时间,从而影响变压器的绝缘状态。因此准确诊断变压器中的微水含量,对分析变压器的老化受潮状态具有重要意义。通过介质响应的回复电压法,结合现场测试的回复电压极化谱特征量进一步探讨了回复电压极化谱的特征量与油纸绝缘变压器微水含量之间的内在联系,得出结论:主时间常数越小,则变压器的含水量越高;初始斜率越大,则变压器的含水量越高;同时回复电压最大值也会随着水分含量的增加而增大。因此,可通过分析对比回复电压极化谱特征量来诊断变压器的微水含量,从而更有效地评估油纸绝缘变压器的老化受潮状态。  相似文献   

Although in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is rapidly becoming a recognised tool in experimental pharmacological research, at the best of our knowledge, scarce application in the field of antibacterial drug research has been reported so far. In this last field, animal models of bacterial infections are used to test the efficacy of novel compounds. In this paper we have explored the potential usefulness of MRI in monitoring the chronological evolution of experimental bacterial infections and the effect of different therapeutic treatments. A murine model of thigh infection induced byStaphylococcus aureus has been used and the efficacy of vancomycin and imipenem/cilastatin has been tested. Three groups of infected animals were studied by microbiology, histology and MRI methods. The results obtained show that in vivo MRI data are highly consistent with microbiological and histological data, allowing, similarly to these commonly used techniques, the efficacy of different antibacterial treatments to be quantified. Our findings suggest that MRI could be used to assess the efficacy of new chemical entities in antibacterial pharmacological research. The advantages of MRI, as a non invasive technique, in comparison with commonly used microbiological and histological methods are discussed.  相似文献   

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