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若尔盖沼泽湿地的萎缩机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
1960年以来,若尔盖沼泽湿地的快速萎缩严重影响黄河上游水量补给和当地湿地生态系统,但其机制尚不清晰。基于2010—2013年野外调查、气象水文资料和遥感影像,分析若尔盖沼泽退化的主要原因与机制。尽管气温的缓慢升高,但降水量并未减少,考虑到沼泽的季节性特征,气候变暖对沼泽萎缩影响相当有限,但不是主要原因。经遥感判读和统计,共识别现有920 km的人工渠道,其疏干的沼泽面积约648.3 km2,占总萎缩面积的27%。人工开渠作为强烈的人类活动干扰,是若尔盖沼泽快速萎缩的重要原因。自然水系的溯源侵蚀长期疏干沼泽、降低地下水水位和放射状地向沼泽内部切穿是沼泽萎缩的重要机制。人工开渠连通自然水系强化沼泽内河床下切和排水作用。  相似文献   

若尔盖沼泽湿地的萎缩机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1960年以来,若尔盖沼泽湿地的快速萎缩严重影响黄河上游水量补给和当地湿地生态系统,但其机制尚不清晰。基于2010—2013年野外调查、气象水文资料和遥感影像,分析若尔盖沼泽退化的主要原因与机制。尽管气温的缓慢升高,但降水量并未减少,考虑到沼泽的季节性特征,气候变暖对沼泽萎缩影响相当有限,但不是主要原因。经遥感判读和统计,共识别现有920 km的人工渠道,其疏干的沼泽面积约648.3 km2,占总萎缩面积的27%。人工开渠作为强烈的人类活动干扰,是若尔盖沼泽快速萎缩的重要原因。自然水系的溯源侵蚀长期疏干沼泽、降低地下水水位和放射状地向沼泽内部切穿是沼泽萎缩的重要机制。人工开渠连通自然水系强化沼泽内河床下切和排水作用。  相似文献   

三江平原是我国重要的商品粮基地和沼泽湿地集中分布区。60 a来,随着农田面积持续增加和种植结构调整,湿地退减和地下水水位下降备受关注,地下水是否超采争议不断。文章选取1956—2019年7期遥感影像数据,采用单一土地利用动态度进行沼泽湿地和农田的演变进程特征分析;以1980年、2019—2021年4期同期统测数据和国家地下水监测工程数据为基础,探讨了湿地农田化对地下水水位的影响。结果表明:(1)1956—2019年沼泽湿地呈现减少态势,旱田呈现先增加后减少的态势,水田呈现先增加后稳定的态势,在1956—1996年具有“沼泽湿地变旱田”的特征,2.36×104 km2的沼泽湿地变成旱田,在1996—2019年具有“旱田改水田”的特征,1.15×104 km2的旱田变成水田;(2)三江平原1980—2021年36 546 km2的区域地下水水位降幅小于5 m,3 669 km2的区域地下水水位降幅大于10 m,建三江垦区存在超采地下水现象;(3)与1980年枯水期地下水水位相比,以降深10 m计算,2021年地下水降落漏斗面积为3 669 km2,较2019年面积增大269 km2,向北东方向略有扩张;(4)2019年建三江垦区在强降水的条件下地下水仍难以实现“以丰补欠”的自然调节,地下水储量减少5.81×108 m3。此研究成果为区域水平衡研究奠定了基础,对科学认识水土资源合理开发利用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为揭示湿地变化剧烈区湿地格局变化过程及规律,利用GIS和RS技术,结合地学信息图谱与空间自相关方法,对1954-2010年三江平原沼泽湿地格局变化及其影响因素进行研究。结果表明:1954-2010年三江平原沼泽湿地面积逐渐减少,88.7%的沼泽湿地丧失,湿地斑块数量呈先增加后减少的趋势;三江平原沼泽湿地的空间聚集性逐渐降低,且空间格局由集中连片分布转变为零星散布;降雨量减少、气温升高及径流量减少,是造成沼泽湿地减少的主要原因之一,地形地貌影响到沼泽湿地的丧失程度,以海拔20~80 m的沼泽湿地面积丧失最多。三江平原沼泽湿地的丧失同时受农业开发、居民点分布、湿地保护区建设影响,距居民点越近,沼泽湿地面积丧失呈指数增加,距保护区越近,沼泽湿地面积丧失越多。  相似文献   

本研究主要目的是判断是否能够通过无尾河下游湿地沉积记录重建重金属输入历史.冬季在向海两处沼泽采集了代表一定范围汇水区与人类活动影响的沉积芯.沉积芯由137Cs、210Pb法定年,由原子吸收光谱法测定重金属,并根据沉积速率和重金属含量计算重金属沉积通量.通过对向海沼泽湿地沉积柱样的重金属元素沉积通量研究,揭示了该沼泽近百年来,特别是近20年来重金属污染物的沉积特征与变化.污染物的沉积通量较沉积物含量更能记录污染历史变化:1980年以后,Cu、Zn、Fe、Mn、Cr和Pb等的人类活动影响产生的输入量已超过自然输入量(1.20~3.67),表明近年来流域内人类扰动的增强;Zn(13.3~14.8)和Pb(11.7~15.2)较高的标准偏差指示其受河流沉积影响而历史变率较大.向海沼泽湿地重金属污染物可分为3个沉积历史阶段,其与流域土地开垦和大型露天煤矿的开发历程具有较好的对应关系.  相似文献   

基于冻土与湿地共生机制,运用大比例尺测图、钻探构建剖面、调查等手段,研究了大兴安岭北部宽谷地貌对沼泽发育的控制.发现宽谷属于箱型地貌结构,具有独特生态环境功能:地表水、冻土融水等构成多元供水系统,高纬-高海拔与冻土冷储构成冷控系统,共同构建寒湿环境,有利于沼泽发育,形成灌、草、藓、林4大类组成的沼泽复合体.宽谷腹部兴安...  相似文献   

对甘南玛曲沼泽湿地6个样地的微生物量与土壤酶活性及其土壤理化性质之间的关系进行了研究.结果表明:纤维素酶活性在冬季达到高峰,其余5种土壤酶活性分别在春季和秋季达到高峰;硝化细菌数量与过氧化氢酶、纤维素酶、脲酶、碱性磷酸酶有较显著的负相关关系;微生物量与酶活性之间存在极显著相关关系,其中微生物量因子中的放线菌、氨化细菌、硝化细菌和土壤酶活性因子中的酸性磷酸酶、碱性磷酸酶、中性磷酸酶是引起相关性的主要因素;酸性磷酸酶活性与土壤含水率、pH值、硝态氮含量、氨态氮含量都有密切的关系,过氧化氢酶活性可以通过有机质的含量来反映,脲酶活性可以通过土壤的含水率来反映,碱性磷酸酶活性可以通过电导率来反映.  相似文献   

气候变化对大兴安岭北部沼泽景观格局的影响   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
大兴安岭北部地区由于在高纬、高海拔双重因素作用下,形成了独特的山地沼泽类型。首先使用Logistic回归模型分析了沼泽湿地与18种环境因子(11种地形因子和7种气候因子)的关系,结合CGCM3未来气候模型(加拿大气候模拟和分析中心推出的第三代全球气候耦合模型)预测未来分布,然后利用Fragstats软件计算景观格局的变化。所建模型具有很高的预测精度(ROC为0.96),预测结果表明:到2100年,SRESB1情景下,大兴安岭北部沼泽的潜在分布面积减少54.16%,南部相对平坦的丘陵和山间平原的沼泽大量消失;SRESA1B情景下,面积减少59.62%,南部林区的沼泽几乎全部消失;SRESA2情景下,面积减少73.51%,沼泽几乎完全退化到北部海拔较高处。另外,沼泽景观格局随气候变暖,平均斑块面积变小,形状指数减小,聚集度减少但幅度不大,这说明沼泽分布趋于破碎化,斑块的形状趋向于简单化,沼泽分布由边缘向中心收缩。  相似文献   

以小兴安岭湿地土壤为研究对象,基于室内分析和冻融实验,分析了冻融作用下不同年代排水造林湿地土壤微生物量、酶活性以及有机碳密度的变化趋势,探讨了不同年代排水造林湿地土壤微生物活性与有机碳密度之间的相关关系,以期为深入认识冻融期间高寒高纬度地区土壤碳循环过程提供参考依据。结果表明:(1)冻融次数对土壤微生物量碳、氮含量影响显著(P<0.05),经历9次冻融循环后,土壤微生物量碳、氮含量比冻融前明显减少;在三种不同年代排水造林的湿地中,排水时间越短,土壤微生物量碳、氮含量下降幅度越大,表明长时间的反复冻融交替可能导致土壤微生物量的进一步减少。(2)冻融前后,土壤蔗糖酶和淀粉酶活性均表现为下降趋势,且多次冻融交替后,-25~5℃冻融处理比-5~5℃冻融处理酶活性更低,表明较大的冻融温差更能降低土壤酶的活性度。(3)随着冻融次数和冻融温度的变化,四种湿地的土壤有机碳密度基本保持稳定,但其与土壤微生物量、酶活性却存在着高度的正相关性,通过探究微生物活性所调控的土壤过程,可以直接或间接了解土壤有机碳密度的变化趋势,便于从本质上验证其响应机制。  相似文献   

气候变化对挠力河径流量影响的定量分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
三江平原位于黑龙江省东北部,是中国沼泽湿地集中分布区且面积最大的区域,挠力河作为该区域的一条典型沼泽性河流,其径流演变过程受到气候变化和人类活动的双重影响.文中利用水量平衡法和降水-径流经验模型,定量分析了变化期气候变化对径流的影响,并比较了两种方法的优劣性,研究结果表明:50年来挠力河变化期(1968~2005年)内的年径流量的变化大约40%是由气候变化引起.气候变化对径流量影响的主导因素是降水量的变化,降水量变化对宝清站和菜嘴子站径流量减少的贡献率分别为43%和35%,蒸发量变化对两水文站径流量减少的贡献率为10%左右.利用水量平衡法研究气候变化对河流径流量的影响,其研究结果要优于一般的降水-径流经验模型法,但经验模型也不失为一种快速且简便的方法.  相似文献   

The acidification of paddy fields was studied in Guizhou Province, China. Affected by acid mine drainage, the pH value of irrigation water was 2.9 with the concentrations of iron and aluminium above 40 mg/L. Based on the pH(H2O) of topsoil, the paddy fields studied were classified spatially into three zones, the natural zone (pH value from 6.2 to 5.5), the acidified zone (pH value from 5.5 to 4.5), and the seriously acidified zone (pH value from 4.5 to 3.2), respectively. Comparing to the natural zone, the buffering processes for acidification of paddy soil were discussed by considering the changes of calcium, magnesium, potassium and aluminium in soils. The Ca, Mg and K were leached from the soil by the decomposition of carbonate and kaolinite. The leaching of Mg became less with the enrichment of iron in topsoil layer. When the soil pH was below 5.0, aluminium was leached from soil because of the dissolution of alumino silicate minerals. In addition, the hydrolysis of iron and aluminium in soil provided more protons to promote the soil acidification. Furthermore, the buffer capacity of paddy soil was discussed by the results of buffer experiment, based on which the pH buffer curve was drawn and the empirical formula for calculating the acidification rate was developed. Because pH buffer capacity of soil is about 2.78 cmolc/kg pH for the pH(H2O) value above 5.0, it is estimated that only another 50 years are needed for the pH(H2O) of the paddy soil decrease to 3.5 in the acidified zone if the acid water is used for irrigation continuously.  相似文献   

 Acid mine drainage (AMD) from abandoned underground mines significantly impairs water quality in the Jones Branch watershed in McCreary Co., Kentucky, USA. A 1022-m2 surface-flow wetland was constructed in 1989 to reduce the AMD effects, however, the system failed after six months due to insufficient utilization of the treatment area, inadequate alkalinity production and metal overloading. In an attempt to improve treatment efficiencies, a renovation project was designed incorporating two anoxic limestone drains (ALDs) and a series of anaerobic subsurface drains that promote vertical flow of mine water through a successive alkalinity producing system (SAPS) of limestone beds overlain by organic compost. Analytical results from the 19-month post-renovation period are very encouraging. Mean iron concentrations have decreased from 787 to 39 mg l–1, pH increased from 3.38 to 6.46 and acidity has been reduced from 2244 to 199 mg l–1 (CaCO3 equivalent). Mass removal rates averaged 98% for Al, 95% for Fe, 94% for acidity, 55% for sulfate and 49% for Mn during the study period. The results indicate that increased alkalinity production from limestone dissolution and longer residence time have contributed to sufficient buffering and metal retention. The combination of ALDs and SAPS technologies used in the renovation and the sequence in which they were implemented within the wetland system proved to be an adequate and very promising design for the treatment of this and other sources of high metal load AMD. Received: 29 June 1998 · Accepted: 15 September 1998  相似文献   

王宏伟 《吉林地质》2002,21(1):89-91
本文重点阐述由于不合理灌溉引起潜水位上升,在特定的气候,地形地貌,地层岩性诸因素综合作用下,导致土壤次生盐渍化问题,并对次生盐渍化的影响因素,形成机理进行了分析研究,提出了相应的治理措施。  相似文献   

长江中下游地区水稻田湿地环境的一些认识   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
长江中下游地区阡陌纵横的大片水稻田和旱地以及附近的湖泊池塘,构成独特的生态环境,称为"水稻田湿地环境",其属人工改造环境.显然,这里曾经有过一次历时很长的"绿色革命."水稻田湿地环境具多种环保功能,但这里动植物的种类比较单一,个体又较孱弱,容易受到破坏,所以营造平原生态林带和防止化学污染,就成为环保工作中的当务之急.  相似文献   

针对采空区瓦斯抽放问题,讨论抽放钻孔布置、工艺特点及抽放原理。水平钻孔抽放的优点是可选择高的钻孔位置,能获得更大的瓦斯抽放浓度,可提高抽放效率。钻孔应选择在较坚固的岩层中,避免塌孔或遇到断层等构造破碎带。提出采空区水平钻孔瓦斯抽放模拟计算方案,计算了瓦斯抽放时流场风流规律。抽放时,工作面向采空区的漏风流,在下游回风段形成了上、下分流。模拟试验中,在扩大抽放流量时,能加大工作面向采空区的总体漏风量,而降低了采空区向工作面的漏回风量;随着抽放流量的增大,工作面与采空区风流交换平衡点向回风侧移动。由此给出抽放流量等于总漏回风量的绝对安全抽放关系准则,为确定瓦斯抽放流量及抽放浓度提供依据。  相似文献   

The movements of four 80-100 m long strings crossing a 750 m long aapa mire were measured, and two pools were drained and local snow depth and ground frost conditions were observed in order to test the role of water pressure and ground frost in string motions. Located close to the Arctic Circle, Liippasuo is characterized by a maximal snow depth of about 1 m, a mean annual temperature of -1°C and a maximal variation in temperature of over 75°C. The strings moved at the rate of 50-150 cm in the course of 21 years. The most active parts were those located in the area of steepest gradient. Periods with normal annual shifts in the range 2-5 cm were interrupted from time to time by moves of abnormally high magnitude. This resulted in swelling of the nearby pools and increased curving of the strings, giving rise to a small-scale zigzag course in the strings. The principal factors responsible for the motion were ice/frozen peat push, solifluction and water pressure. Movements occurred not only during the thawing period but also in summer-time. They were as common in the direction of the contours as when following the slope. The unexpected uphill direction of movements is explained by winter-time freezing and expansion of the whole mire, in the same way as the ice cover on a lake will expand as a result of temperature changes.  相似文献   

明海燕  李相崧  张瑞华 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):670-676
降雨是导致斜坡破坏的主要原因。地下水位上升和在土中渗流引起土体应力状态的变化是导致斜坡在降雨过程中或降雨后变形与破坏的关键因素。填土斜坡的稳定性不仅取决于填土的强度,还与填土斜坡的排水条件密切相关。适当的排水条件不仅可以限制斜坡中地下水位上升的高度,而且可以及时消散因材料剪切收缩而生成的超孔隙水压力,防止土体液化,避免斜坡整体流动破坏。本文采用完全耦合有效应力分析程序和与状态相关的剪胀性砂土模型模拟地下水位上升过程中填土排水条件对压实填土斜坡稳定性的影响。完全耦合有效应力分析方法可以模拟孔隙水和土骨架间包括浮力和渗流在内的相互作用。分析结果表明斜坡排水条件是影响斜坡因地下水位上升而变形和破坏的重要因素,加固松散填土斜坡时必须设置适当的排水与泄水装置。  相似文献   

The gold mining process at Kolar gold field (KGF) mines has generated about 32 million tons of tailings. Gold was extracted from the mined ores using cyanidation technique that involved dissolution of gold in the ore by water soluble alkali metal cyanides (example, sodium cyanide or potassium cyanide). Of the several dumps that received the mine tailings only the Kennedy’s Line dump was active prior to closure of the KGF mines in the year 2000. The Kennedy’s Line dump received sulfide bearing tailings in slurry form that comprised of spent ore and process water bearing soluble alkali metal cyanide. Depending on the pH of the tailing slurry, the free cyanides may exist as aqueous hydrogen cyanide that can escape to the atmosphere as hydrogen cyanide gas or occur as soluble cyanide (CN) ions that can be leached by infiltrating water to the sub-surface environment. Additionally, the presence of pyrite minerals in the Kennedy’s Line dump makes them susceptible to acid drainage. This study examines the potential of gold tailings of Kennedy’s Line dump to release cyanide ions (CN) and acid drainage to the sub-surface environment by performing physico-chemical and leaching tests with tailing samples collected from various depths of the dump, sub-surface soil samples beneath the dump and groundwater samples from vicinity of Kennedy’s Line dump. The chemical mechanisms responsible for the ambient cyanide and pH levels of the tailing dump, sub-surface soil samples and groundwater are also inferred from the laboratory results.  相似文献   

Contaminated drainage related to the leaching of soluble metals under near-neutral conditions, known as contaminated neutral drainage (CND), may arise when metal species are soluble at neutral pH. Such a phenomenon has been sporadically observed in effluent from the Tio mine waste-rock pile in Quebec, Canada, particularly from older sections of the pile, where Ni concentrations are increasing with time. It has been postulated that Ni is retained within the fresh waste rock as sorbed species, but as the rock ages, sorption sites become saturated and more Ni is released to the effluent. A field test program was initiated to evaluate the geochemical behavior of the waste rock. This paper presents a numerical analysis of CND generation from waste-rock field test cells including water flow and multi-component transport with geochemical reactions (e.g. sulfide oxidation, pH neutralization, and Ni sorption), using the code MIN3P. The model was able to represent the delay before Ni is seen in the effluent, as caused by sorption of Ni onto Fe-oxide particles. Once the sorption sites are saturated, the model allows Ni release into the effluent by millerite dissolution, expressed by the shrinking core model. A sensitivity analysis indicated that sorption parameters significantly affected the simulated results, so their selection should be based on sound independent field or experimental data.  相似文献   

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