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The knowledge of drought (or wetness) conditions is necessary not only for a rational use of water resources but also for explaining landscape and ecology characteristics. An increase in aridity in many areas of the world is expected because of climate change (global warming). With the aim of analysing annual and seasonal aridity trends in Extremadura, southwestern Spain, climate data from 81 locations within the 1951–2010 period were used. After computing the De Martonne aridity index at each location, a geographic information system (GIS) and multivariate geostatistics (regression kriging) were utilised to map this index throughout the region. Later, temporal trends were analysed using the Mann-Kendall test, and the Sen’s estimator was utilised to estimate the magnitude of trends. Maps of aridity trends were generated by ordinary kriging algorithm, providing a visualisation of detected annual and seasonal tendencies. An increase in aridity, as the De Martonne aridity index decreased, was apparent during the study period, mainly in the more humid locations of the north of the region. An increase of the seasonal De Martonne aridity index was also found, but it was only statistically significant in some locations in spring and summer, with the highest decreasing rate in the north of Extremadura. Change year detection was achieved using cumulative sum graphs, obtaining that firstly the change point occurred in spring, in the mid-1970s, later in the annual period in the late 1970s and finally in summer at the end of the 1980s.  相似文献   

Changes in climatic parameters are often given in terms of global averages even though large regional variability is generally observed. The study of regional tendencies provides not only supplementary conclusions to more large-scale oriented results but is also of particular interest to local policy-makers and resource managers to have detailed information regarding sensible and influential climatic parameters. In this study, changes in precipitation for the Balearic Islands (Spain) have been analyzed using data from 18 rain gauges with complete daily time series during the period 1951–2006 and two additional sites where only monthly totals were available. Tendencies for maximum and minimum 2-m temperatures have also been derived using data from three thermometric stations with daily time series for the period 1976–2006. The thermometric stations are located at the head of the runways in the airports of the three major islands of the archipelago, where urbanization has arguably not had a relevant impact on the registered values. The annual mean temperature in the mid-troposphere and lower stratosphere has also been analyzed using the Balearics radiosonde data for the period 1981–2006. Results show there is a negative tendency for annual precipitation (163 mm per century) with 85% significance on the sign of the trend. An abrupt decrease in mean yearly precipitation of 65 mm is objectively detected in the time series around 1980. Additionally, the analysis shows that light and heavy daily precipitation (up to 4 mm and above 64 mm, respectively) increase their contribution to the total annual, while the share from moderate-heavy precipitations (16–32 mm) is decreasing. Regarding the thermometric records, minimum temperatures increased at a rate of 5.8°C per century during the 31 years and maximum temperatures also increased at a rate of 5.0°C per century, both having a level of statistical significance for the sign of the linear trend above 99%. Temperatures in the mid-troposphere decreased at a rate of ??5.4°C per century while a tendency of ??7.8°C per century is found in the lower stratosphere. The level of statistical significance for the sign of both the tropospheric and stratospheric linear trends is above 98% despite the great inter-annual variability of both series.  相似文献   

A parametric quantile–quantile transformation is used to correct the systematic errors of precipitation projected by regional climate models. For this purpose, we used two new probability distributions: modified versions of the Gumbel and log-logistic distributions, which fit to the precipitation of both wet and dry days. With these tools, the daily probability distribution of seven regional climate models was corrected: Aladin-ARPEGE, CLM-HadCM3Q0, HIRHAM-HadCM3Q0, HIRHAM-BCM, RECMO-ECHAM5-rt3, REMO-ECHAM-rt3 and PROMES-HadCM3Q0. The implemented method presents an error less than 5 % in the simulation of the average precipitation and 1 % in the simulation of the number of dry days. For the study area, an intensification of daily and subdaily precipitation is expected under the A1B scenario throughout the 21st century. This intensification is interpreted as a consequence of the process of ‘mediterraneanisation’ of the most southern ocean climate.  相似文献   

《Atmospheric Research》2010,95(4):629-640
An important issue in pluviometric data analysis from rain gauges is the verification of their consistency. In general, this attribute is assessed using double-mass curves. This technique compares cumulative monthly rainfall from a gauge with that averaged from meteorological stations located nearby. The aim of this study was to analyze the quality of monthly rainfall data registered in Galicia (NW Spain) in a five year period (2002–2006). Initially, 159 meteorological stations were evaluated; however, 59 gauges were withdrawn because 10% of their data were missing. Double-mass analysis was performed following two procedures: a) data from each gauge were compared to those obtained in the nearby main station and b) data from each site were compared to the average from five nearby gauges, including data from neighboring regions. The second procedure proved to be more reliable. Rainfall data did not show any outlier for the study period. Determination coefficients were greater than 0.95 in all cases. A graphical analysis showed some deviations from the trend lines in certain stations. First, rainfall maps were obtained by inverse distances weighting. Furthermore, a comprehensive geostatistical analysis, centered in the characterization of the structure of rainfall spatial variability, was performed. Differences between two kriging methods, ordinary and kriging with an external drift, were confirmed, considering the later as a more appropriate technique for rainfall interpolation in the region.  相似文献   

利用榆林多普勒雷达资料对2006年07月12—13日连续两天局地强冰雹天气分析,结果表明:7月12日阵风锋在移动过程中的强迫抬升作用触发对流,地面附近的偏东气流为强对流的发展和维持起到了积极作用;7月13日地面温度升高本地湍流触发局地强对流天气;三体散射是强冰雹天气预报、预警的特征之一。  相似文献   

Wet-only, dry-only, bulk deposition and deposition of sedimentary particles and gases deposited after the last rain (DAR) were collected weekly at La Castanya station in the Montseny mountains (NE Spain, 41°46′N, 2°21′E) from February 2009 to July 2010. These samples were analysed for pH, alkalinity, and the concentrations of major ions (Cl?, NO3 ?, SO4 2?, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, NH4 +). Significant differences were observed between bulk and wet-only precipitation, with an enrichment of ions associated to coarse particles in bulk deposition. The comparison between wet and dry fluxes revealed that the removal of compounds at Montseny occurred mainly by wet deposition, which accounted for 74 % of total deposition. The dry flux was characterised by the predominance of K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+, which are related to coarse particles. Bulk collection methods at Montseny were considered representative of total atmospheric deposition, since bulk deposition plus DAR accounted for 97 % of total deposition measured with wet and dry-only collection devices. Thus, bulk deposition collectors can be recommended for deposition networks at remote sites (lacking electricity connection) in environments, where coarse particles are a predominant fraction of the aerosol mass.  相似文献   

利用2009-2019年安顺市6个国家站和77个区域站的逐日和逐小时降水资料、 Micaps资料,对安顺市大暴雨的时空分布特征及物理量进行分析,结果表明:安顺市年平均大暴雨日数为10.1d,年平均影响范围为54.1站次,5-9月是大暴雨出现的集中期,6月大暴雨出现频次最高,影响范围最广,大暴雨的主要发生时段和最强影响时段出现在夜间到早晨;区域性大暴雨比局地性大暴雨出现时间晚,结束时间早,6月是区域性大暴雨和局地性大暴雨出现最多的月份,5-7月局地性大暴雨出现的频率最高;安顺主要出现单日大暴雨,持续2d以上的大暴雨只出现过16次;大暴雨总日数的空间分布有两个高频区和两个低频区,总量的空间分布与总日数基本一致,强度的空间分布呈南强北弱,总站次的空间分布呈南多北少;在5月预报大暴雨天气时要更注重分析T85和T75,6-7月产生大暴雨时对能量和中低层的水汽含量的要求高于其它月份。  相似文献   

Summary  Rainfall anomaly patterns are obtained for the city of Barcelona from a statistical and a spectral point of view. The time series consists of monthly rainfall amounts recorded over 128 years without interruption. Monthly positive and negative anomalies, obtained as the difference between monthly amounts and monthly threshold values, are used for both types of analyses. The threshold levels are derived form the deciles of theoretical monthly rainfall distributions, which have been previously modelled by the gamma distribution. Positive and negative anomalies of the monthly rain amounts are investigated for these threshold levels. The statistical analysis is applied to each decile considered, yielding empirical exponential laws that can be used to forecast the cumulative number of episodes of consecutive months with either positive or negative anomalies equalling or exceeding a fixed length. A set of linear laws, relating the expected rainfall amount cumulated during an episode of a fixed length, is also deduced. It is worthy of mention that, independently of the decile considered, all the exponential and linear laws have satisfactory regression coefficients. At the same time, it has also been possible to establish the evolution of the coefficients of these laws with respect to the different deciles considered. The exponential laws for episodes of positive and negative anomalies are the starting point, together with two hypotheses, to model probabilities of repeated long episodes over an arbitrary number of years and their return periods in terms of the Poisson distribution model. Moreover, power spectra are derived for anomalies relative to the 50% decile at monthly and seasonal scale. The spectral estimates obtained are then compared with theoretical spectra deduced from possible Markovian or random behaviour of the time series of anomalies. Finally, the significant spectral peaks are discussed and compared with other significant spectral components deduced for some areas of the Mediterranean domain. Received November 11, 1999 Revised February 28, 2000  相似文献   

南京郊区大气氮化物浓度和氮沉降通量的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
为研究南京郊区的大气氮化物污染状况,进而估算其大气氮沉降通量,2005年6月-2006年5月在南京大学浦口校区气象园进行了大气、气溶胶和雨水样本的收集,同步进行近地面气象观测.在实验室分析大气氮化物NOx、NH3和有机氮浓度、总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)中硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐、铵盐和有机氮的质量浓度、雨水中NO-3、NO-2、NH+4离子和有机氮的质量浓度,利用气象资料和大叶阻力相似模型计算大气氮化物的干沉降速度,进而定量估算大气氮沉降通量.研究结果表明:南京郊区大气中有机氮浓度水平较高,无机氮(氨态氮和硝态氮)浓度水平较低.大气氮沉降量较大,且湿沉降和有机沉降贡献率占主导地位,这取决于本地区的下垫面和污染状况,同时也与气象条件有密切关系.  相似文献   

Theoretical and Applied Climatology - The purpose of this study is to assess spatial and temporal changes in extreme precipitation events from 1983 to 2017 over different climatic regions of...  相似文献   

利用观测数据、FNL数据以及雷达产品等资料对2020年6月8日夜间湘北一次西南涡北侧强降水过程预报误差进行分析研究。结果表明:中低层河套高压与副高形成了一个高压坝,偏东气流加强,西南涡北侧出现了强降水。湖南境内强降水落区与≥95%相对湿度高值区的对应关系较好。虽湘南850 hPa以下为不稳定层结,但850—600 hPa为稳定层结,不利于强降水发生。锋区低层以下沉气流为主,700 hPa及以上才有上升运动发展,而地面辐合线附近上升运动从近地面伸展至300 hPa附近,其最大强度仅约锋区中心强度一半,湘北强降水正好位于中层锋区与地面辐合线之间。受冷空气及山地地形影响,石门县上空形成辐合区,并有局地涡旋系统,对应强回波中心达到45 dBZ以上。模式预报低涡切变线在湘中一线,并预计西南涡东出,但在偏东气流影响下,湘北北部出现了倒槽,西南涡向东北方向移动。  相似文献   

基于WRF模式的暴雨天气过程的数值模拟及诊断分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用新一代中尺度数值预报模式WRF2.2和1°×1°的NCEP气象再分析资料,对2009年9月17日发生在江苏南部地区覆盖沪宁高速公路的一次大暴雨天气过程进行了数值模拟。经AWMS(the automatic weather monitoring system)实测数据验证,此次天气过程的模拟效果较为理想。对模式输出的物理量进行诊断分析后发现:长江中下游地区的β中尺度低涡的发展、移动对暴雨过程中降水的加强和维持起着重要的作用;水汽辐合带在500hPa以下非常显著,在暴雨区形成了深厚的高湿环境,为暴雨的产生、加强和维系提供了重要的水汽条件;暴雨区内前期及降水过程中都存在较为强烈的垂直运动,且涡度场与散度场在垂直结构配置上一致,使得大气层结不稳定能量释放,形成了旺盛的对流天气;对流层中上层大气为中性层结,低层为位势不稳定,所以整层大气有对流发展,有利于暴雨的形成。  相似文献   

In most of the studies on scale properties in the rainfall process, multifractal behavior has been investigated without taking into account the different rain generation mechanisms involved. However, it is known that rain processes are related to certain scales, determined by climatological characteristics as well as regional and local meteorological features. One of the implications derived from these correspondences is the possibility that the multifractal parameters of the rainfall could depend on the dominant precipitation generation mechanism. Fractal analysis techniques have been applied in this work to rainfall data recorded in the metropolitan area of Barcelona in the period 1994–2001, as well as to a selection of synoptic rainfall events registered in the same city in the period 1927–1992. The multifractal parameters obtained have been significantly different in each case probably showing the influence of the rain generation mechanisms involved. This influence has been revealed also in the analysis of the effects of seasonality on the multifractal behavior of rainfall in Barcelona.  相似文献   

Summary The present paper is an analysis of mean maximum and minimum temperatures carried out on monthly, seasonal and annual time-scales examining the data collected at 171 meteorological stations over a region in the North West of Spain (Castilla y León) for the period 1961–1997. Various statistical tools were used to detect and describe significant trends in these data. The magnitude of the trends was derived from the slopes of the regression lines using the least squares method, and the statistical significance was determined by means of the non-parametric Mann-Kendall test. The pattern obtained is quite similar for mean maximum and minimum temperatures with increases in all months of the year, and in the annual series. The seasonal series corresponding to winter and summer also followed this same pattern. Spring and autumn were found to be more irregular. Because maximum temperature increased at a higher rate than minimum temperature in this period, an increase in the annual diurnal temperature range (DTR) was observed. The correlation between the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the regional maximum and minimum temperatures and DTR series for the period 1961–1997 have also be studied in this paper.  相似文献   

利用热带测雨卫星(TRMM)的降水雷达(PR)和微波成像仪(TMI)连续2个轨道的探测结果,分析了2013年6月26—29日发生在江西省北部地区的中尺度降水过程不同降水阶段的降水水平结构、雨顶高度、降水廓线的变化特征。结果表明,此次降水过程由强对流云降水逐渐演变为对流性较弱的层状云降水。对流云降水阶段降水系统由成片层状降水云团中分布的多个零散强对流降水云团组成,降水分布不均匀,强对流云降水对总降水量的贡献大。层状云降水阶段,层状云中强对流单体消失,对流云降水像素及对流云降水率对总降水量的贡献减少,降水雨强谱变小,降水高度逐渐降低,云体高层降水量减少。对流云降水和层状云降水廓线存在差异,最大降水率出现的高度越高且中高层降水量越大,降水的对流性则越强。  相似文献   

利用常规观测、自动站逐小时观测及微波辐射计等资料,对比分析2018年3月17—18日和4月11—12日(简称“0318”过程和“0411”过程)乌鲁木齐两次强雨雪天气成因。结果表明:两次过程均发生在两脊一槽的环流背景下,中亚低槽东移影响北疆,乌鲁木齐附近中高层槽前西南气流、低层西北气流及风切变是强降水维持的环流配置,且 “0411”过程中亚低槽及高低空风场强度均较“0318”过程明显偏强,其强弱可作为降水量级的重要参考。乌鲁木齐微波辐射资料分析表明,两个过程均在1.2—1.5 km温度变化趋势一致,均为雨转雨夹雪温度比雨夹雪转雪略高,但0—1.2 km,“0318”过程雨转雨夹雪温度比雨夹雪转雪低,“0411” 过程则相反;地面气温-0.4~0.5℃、1.5 km温度-2.5~-3.0 ℃,可作为雨雪相态转换的参考指标。3 km以下水汽密度和液态水含量值纯雪最大,雨夹雪转雪次之,雨转雨夹雪最小;4 km以下湿度均>80%,且“0411” 过程的高湿区和伸展高度均较“0318”过程明显偏大偏高;两次过程强降雪时水汽密度最大达10.6~12 g·m-3、液态水含量最大达0.4~0.8 g·m-3。  相似文献   

《Atmospheric Research》2005,73(1-2):69-85
This paper reports the results of the analysis of annual mean temperature and precipitation series from 171 meteorological stations distributed over Castile and Leon [Castilla y León in Spanish] in Spain on monthly, seasonal and annual time-scales for a 37-year study period (1961–1997). Various statistical tools were used to detect and characterize significant changes in these series. The magnitude of the trends was derived from the slopes of the regression lines using the least squares method, and the statistical significance was determined by means of nonparametric tests. Positive trends of about 0.33 °C in the annual mean temperature were found for the whole period. Mean temperatures increased in spring and winter, the winter trend being statistically significant. The months of December and March also showed significant trends. Decreases in rainfall were found for three seasons (winter, spring and autumn), with statistically significant trends in March. Summer precipitation showed slight increases over the 37-year period. On this basis, the authors consider that the increase in summer precipitation and the decrease in the range of average temperatures between the warmest and the coldest months of the year (continentality), point towards a trend to a more oceanic climate in Castile and Leon.  相似文献   

本研究基于2001—2020年中分辨率成像光谱仪遥感产品,使用谐波分析重建完整作物生长过程植被指数变化曲线,对江苏省范围内水稻种植区域的收获期进行提取。同时利用Sen趋势分析与相关分析方法,研究水稻收获期时空动态变化趋势与影响因子。结果表明:利用谐波分析方法能够较好地重建作物生长期生理参数变化曲线,滤波值与原始值线性相关系数达到0.8;水稻收获期分布在9月中旬到12月上旬之间,2010年之后,10月中下旬之后占比增加,达到50%以上;部分地区水稻收获期呈现延迟趋势,南京北部、扬州、盐城北部地区为3 d·a-1及以上,泰州、南通等地区保持稳定,趋势绝对值低于1 d·a-1;9—11月降水日数与降水量均对水稻收获期有影响,10月降水量与收获期存在负相关,10、11月降水日数与收获期存在正相关。本研究的基于遥感的水稻收获期提取方法为大范围的水稻农业物候信息提取提供参考。  相似文献   

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