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Complementary DNA (cDNA) encoding a human T-cell gamma chain has been cloned and sequenced. At the junction of the variable and joining regions, there is an apparent deletion of two nucleotides in the human cDNA sequence relative to the murine gamma-chain cDNA sequence, resulting simultaneously in the generation of an in-frame stop codon and in a translational frameshift. For this reason, the sequence presented here encodes an aberrantly rearranged human T-cell gamma chain. There are several surprising differences between the deduced human and murine gamma-chain amino acid sequences. These include poor homology in the variable region, poor homology in a discrete segment of the constant region precisely bounded by the expected junctions of exon CII, and the presence in the human sequence of five potential sites for N-linked glycosylation.  相似文献   

The mRNA coding for a kappa-type immunoglobulin light (L)-chain and its complementary DNA (cDNA) hybridize with a Crt1/2 of 2.6 x 10(-4) moles of ribonucleotide x liter-1 x sec, forming well-matched duplexes (melting temperature Tm equals 89 degrees). The molecular weight of the cDNA is about 280,000 (840 nucleotides) as determined by alkaline sucrose gradient centrifugation and from the extent of protection of the mRNA by the cDNA from ribonuclease digestion. The cDNA anneals with kappa-type mRNAs of the same and different subgroups with comparable Crt1/2 values, but not with a lambda-type mRNA. Thus, one kappa-type cDNA can be used to quantify the mRNAs coding for all kappa-type L-chains. The values of cDNA hybridized at saturation with various kappa-type mRNAs indicate that: (1) the cDNA is complementary to the entire constant region and to about half of the variable (V)-region; (2) V-regions of similar amino-acid sequence are coded by a similar nucleotide sequence; (3) the nucleic acid probe to one V-region may anneal and quantify V-region genes of members of the same subgroup.  相似文献   

Histamine is a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system and an important modulator of gastric acid secretion, vasomotor control, inflammation, and allergic reactions. In biological systems the formation of histamine from its precursor histidine is catalyzed by the enzyme L-histidine decarboxylase (HDC; L-histidine carboxy-lyase, EC We have cloned HDC-encoding cDNA from a fetal rat liver cDNA library (phage lambda gt11) have deduced the amino acid sequence from the nucleotide sequence. The clone was proven to be HDC cDNA by expression of active recombinant enzyme in COS cells and by chromosomal mapping. The cDNA encodes a protein of Mr 73,450 (655 amino acid residues). The discrepancy between this molecular weight and the size of the purified fetal liver protein subunits [Taguchi, Y., Watanabe, T., Kubota, H., Hayashi, H. & Wada, H. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 5214-5221] (Mr = 54,000) suggests that HDC may be posttranslationally processed. The 469 amino acid residues from the amino-terminal portion of the protein share 50% identity with rat and Drosophila L-dopa decarboxylases and much less homology with other characterized amino acid decarboxylases.  相似文献   

Two lambda gt11 clones containing fragments of cDNA encoding the rabbit progesterone receptor were isolated with the aid of monoclonal and monospecific polyclonal antireceptor antibodies. RNA gel blot analysis showed that the corresponding mRNA was approximately equal to 5900 nucleotides in size and present in the uterus, where its concentration was increased by estrogen treatment, and in the vagina. This mRNA was not detected in liver, in spleen, in intestine, and in kidney where the receptor protein is known to be absent or present in very small concentration. Cross-hybridizing clones were isolated from a lambda 10 library. The DNA was sequenced, and the primary structure of the progesterone receptor was deduced. It consists of 930 amino acids and contains a basic, cysteine-rich region (residues 568-645) with extensive homology to the glucocorticoid and estrogen receptors and the v-erbA oncogene protein. This region is followed by a C-terminal domain that is similar in size to the corresponding domains of the other steroid receptors and v-erbA and shows striking amino acid homology with the glucocorticoid receptor and significant homology with the estrogen receptor. In contrast, the region extending from the cysteine-rich segment toward the N terminus differed in size and amino acid sequence from that of the other receptors and v-erbA. This region had a high proline content in the progesterone receptor.  相似文献   

Approximately one-half of the polysomal poly(A)+RNA from CCRF-CEM human lymphoblastoid cells associates at low R0t (10 M.sec) [where R0 is the initial concentration of RNA (M) and t is time (sec)] to form branched complexes detectable by electron microscopy. The complexes typically involve 2-16 molecules associated over double-stranded regions 120 +/- 30 base pairs long. Formation of such complexes suggests that poly(A)+RNA contains repeated-sequence elements that are highly represented in the mRNA population. Hybridization of polysomal poly(A)+RNA with a recombinant human DNA plasmid, p lambda H15C, which is shown to contain at least three regions complementary to two different members of the Alu family of DNA repeat sequences, showed a total of five regions where R loops are formed. The hybridized regions comprising these groups are 260 +/- 180, 240 +/- 170, 150 +/- 70, 180 +/- 60, and 180 +/- 80 base pairs long. The relative frequencies of R loops formed at these different sites indicate that sequences in this recombinant DNA are represented in the mRNA population at different frequencies. The hybridizing sequence of the RNA molecules is located near one terminus in 13% of the R loops and internally in 53% of the R loops. Surprisingly, 35% of the R loops apparently involve RNA molecules hybridized over their entire length of only 200 +/- 110 base pairs.  相似文献   

A complementary DNA (cDNA) clone from a human placenta cDNA library encoding extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD; superoxide:superoxide oxidoreductase, EC has been isolated and the nucleotide sequence determined. The cDNA has a very high G+C content. EC-SOD is synthesized with a putative 18-amino acid signal peptide, preceding the 222 amino acids in the mature enzyme, indicating that the enzyme is a secretory protein. The first 95 amino acids of the mature enzyme show no sequence homology with other sequenced proteins and there is one possible N-glycosylation site (Asn-89). The amino acid sequence from residues 96-193 shows strong homology (approximately 50%) with the final two-thirds of the sequences of all known eukaryotic CuZn SODs, whereas the homology with the P. leiognathi CuZn SOD is clearly lower. The ligands to Cu and Zn, the cysteines forming the intrasubunit disulfide bridge in the CuZn SODs, and the arginine found in all CuZn SODs in the entrance to the active site can all be identified in EC-SOD. A comparison with bovine CuZn SOD, the three-dimensional structure of which is known, reveals that the homologies occur in the active site and the divergences are in the part constituting the subunit contact area in CuZn SOD. Amino acid sequence 194-222 in the carboxyl-terminal end of EC-SOD is strongly hydrophilic and contains nine amino acids with a positive charge. This sequence probably confers the affinity of EC-SOD for heparin and heparan sulfate. An analysis of the amino acid sequence homologies with CuZn SODs from various species indicates that the EC-SODs may have evolved from the CuZn SODs before the evolution of fungi and plants.  相似文献   

We have cloned and identified a DNA sequence complementary to the mRNA of creatine kinase (CK) isozyme M, although the mRNA is a minor species of the total mRNA in developing myoblasts. Poly(A)+RNA from breast and thigh muscle of 5-week-old chicks was enriched for CK mRNA by a novel procedure of sucrose gradient centrifugation in the presence of methylmercuric hydroxide. DNA complementary to this mRNA was inserted into pBR322, and colonies containing the recombinant plasmids were screened for the ability of the plasmid DNA to hybridize with and rescue CK mRNA from total muscle mRNA. Three plasmids, pCS195, pCS192, and pM35-4, could specifically rescue CK-M mRNA. CK-M mRNA was detected by in vitro translation and specific immunoprecipitation. The identity of the in vitro translation product was further confirmed by its migration in two-dimensional gels at the isoelectric point and molecular weight of CK-M. The heterogeneity of CK-M observed in vivo also was found upon translation of the CK-M mRNA which hybridizes to the plasmid.  相似文献   

The cDNA corresponding to 4.18 kilobases (kb) of the mRNA of chicken liver fatty acid synthase has been cloned and sequenced. The cDNA corresponds to the 3' end of the mRNA and consists of a 1.87-kb noncoding tail and a 2.31-kb region encoding 769 amino acids of the C terminus of the enzyme. The thioesterase at the C terminus, preceded by the acyl carrier protein, can be identified from known amino acid sequences. However, the identity of the enzymes N terminal to the acyl carrier protein could not be ascertained. The partial amino acid sequence of the chicken liver fatty acid synthase shows greater than 70% similarity with the rat mammary gland enzyme.  相似文献   

An apparent receptor for the egg peptide speract (Gly-Phe-Asp-Leu-Asn-Gly-Gly-Gly-Val-Gly) was identified by covalently coupling a radiolabeled speract analogue to intact spermatozoa and was then purified by DEAE-Sepharose chromatography and preparative gel electrophoresis after solubilization with Lubrol PX. The purified, crosslinked protein was digested with Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease and a resultant peptide, purified from polyacrylamide slab gel slices, was shown to have the amino acid sequence Val-Ser-Ala-Pro-Phe-Asp-Leu-Glu-Ala-Pro-Phe-Ile-Ile-Asp-Gly-Ile. Polyclonal antiserum, generated against a synthetic peptide that corresponded to the above sequence, immunoprecipitated the radiolabeled crosslinked protein and reacted with a Mr 77,000 protein on immunoblots, demonstrating that the sequenced peptide originated from the apparent receptor. A clone containing a 2.5-kilobase insert was subsequently isolated from a sea urchin testis cDNA library that contained DNA sequences encoding an open reading frame of 532 amino acids that included the above peptide sequence. The deduced amino acid sequence suggests that the protein contains a 26-residue amino-terminal signal peptide, a large extracellular domain relatively rich in cysteine (5%) that includes a four-fold repeat of about 115 amino acids, a single membrane-spanning region, and only 12 amino acid residues extending into the cytoplasm. Analysis of total RNA from Strongylocentrotus purpuratus testis by Northern blot revealed a 2.5-kilobase RNA. Preliminary data show the presence of hybridizing RNA of the same apparent size in other sea urchin species, including Arbacia punctulata, which does not respond to speract.  相似文献   

Vaccinia virus recombinants encoding the hemagglutinin or fusion protein of measles virus have been constructed. Infection of cell cultures with the recombinants led to the synthesis of authentic measles proteins as judged by their electrophoretic mobility, recognition by antibodies, glycosylation, proteolytic cleavage, and presentation on the cell surface. Mice vaccinated with a single dose of the recombinant encoding the hemagglutinin protein developed antibodies capable of both inhibiting hemagglutination activity and neutralizing measles virus, whereas animals vaccinated with the recombinant encoding the fusion protein developed measles neutralizing antibodies. Mice vaccinated with either of the recombinants resisted a normally lethal intracerebral inoculation of a cell-associated measles virus subacute sclerosing panencephalitis strain.  相似文献   

A cDNA fragment synthesized from mouse mRNA (ACTH/LPH mRNA) that codes for the precursor polypeptide containing corticotropin (ACTH), beta-lipotropin (LPH), and several other peptides has been cloned in bacteria. The mRNA was enriched for ACTH/LPH mRNA translational activity (to about 75%) prior to cDNA synthesis. It appears to contain about 1200 bases, of which approximately 450 bases are not translated. The cloned DNA fragment is complementary to the region of the mRNA coding for the protein fragment beta-LPH-(44--90); this contains all of the amino acids of [Met]-enkephalin (residues 61--65 of beta-LPH), most of the amino acids of beta-melanocyte-stimulating hormone, and all but the carboxy-terminal amino acid of beta-endorphin. Based on assignment of the amino acid sequence of mouse beta-LPH from the nucelic acid sequence, it appears that there is extensive homology of mouse beta-LPH with human and porcine beta-LPH. The data also establish the linkage between beta-melanocyte-stimulating hormone and beta-endorphin as a Lys-Arg sequence. It is hoped that this cloned DNA can be used as a probe to study the expression and structure of the ACTH/LPH gene.  相似文献   

Antisense oligonucleotides represent an interesting tool for selective inhibition of gene expression, but their efficient introduction within intact cells proved to be difficult to realize. As a step toward this goal, small (13- or 15-mer) synthetic oligodeoxyribonucleotides have been coupled at their 3' ends to epsilon-amino groups of lysine residues of poly(L-lysine) (Mr, 14,000). A 15-mer oligonucleotide-poly(L-lysine) conjugate complementary to the initiation region of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) N-protein mRNA specifically inhibits the synthesis of VSV proteins and exerts an antiviral activity against VSV when added in the cell culture medium at doses as low as 100 nM. Neither synthesis of cellular proteins nor multiplication of encephalomyocarditis virus was affected significantly by this oligonucleotide conjugate. The data suggest that oligonucleotide-poly(L-lysine) conjugates might become effective for studies on gene expression regulation and for antiviral chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Antibody raised against the human erythrocyte glucose transporter identified a recombinant lambda gt11 bacteriophage in a cDNA library prepared from immunoselected polysomal RNA from adult rat brain. The cDNA predicts a 492-amino acid protein that demonstrates 97.6% identity to the human hepatoma hexose carrier. The tissue distribution of the transporter mRNA is identical to that of immunologically identifiable protein and transport activity, except in liver in which high levels of transport are associated with little or no transporter mRNA or protein. As assayed by blot-hybridization analysis, mRNA from insulin-responsive and nonresponsive tissues are indistinguishable. These data suggest that a genetically unrelated protein is responsible for hexose transport in normal liver.  相似文献   

The fine specificity of a reference human anti-Ro/SSA autoantibody-containing serum has been analyzed by using sequential overlapping octapeptides from the human 60-kDa Ro/SSA antigen. From preliminary data, the most antigenic octapeptide in the carboxyl-terminal 120 amino acid residues of Ro/SSA shares seven of eight amino acids with the nucleocapsid (N) protein from the Indiana serotype of vesicular stomatitis virus. A sequence comparison of Ro/SSA and N has unexpectedly revealed six small peptides shared by Ro/SSA and N. Fine specificity analysis with 531 octapeptides from the Ro/SSA sequence demonstrates that five of the six shared small peptides are bound by anti-Ro/SSA (P = 0.00017). A more powerful association is not present in 12,476 protein sequences similarly evaluated. In addition, the inclusion of single-residue gaps in Ro/SSA enlarges the sequence similarity of Ro/SSA and N for three of the five small shared antigenic peptides. This additional level of sequence similarity between Ro/SSA and N is unlikely to be the result of chance (P less than 0.0002). While a number of models may explain these data, including independent immune responses to N and Ro/SSA, these results are also consistent with anti-Ro/SSA autoantibodies being the consequence of a specific viral exposure.  相似文献   

The nucleocapsid (NC) protein NCp7 of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is important for encapsidation of the virus genome, RNA dimerization, and primer tRNA annealing in vitro. Here we present evidence from gel mobility-shift experiments indicating that NCp7 binds specifically to an RNA sequence. Two complexes were identified in native gels. The more slowly migrating complex contained two RNA molecules and one peptide, while the more rapidly migrating one is composed of one RNA and one peptide. Further, mutational analysis of the RNA shows that the predicted stem and loop structure of stem-loop 1 plays a critical role. Our results show that NCp7 binds to a unique RNA structure within the psi region; in addition, this structure is necessary for RNA dimerization. We propose that NCp7 binds to the RNA via a direct interaction of one zinc-binding motif to stem-loop 1 followed by binding of the other zinc-binding motif to stem-loop 1, stem-loop 2, or the linker region of the second RNA molecule, forming a bridge between the two RNAs.  相似文献   

An extracellular, acidic chitinase was purified to homogeneity from tobacco necrosis virus-infected leaves of Cucumis sativis. The amino acid sequences of the intact protein and of peptides isolated following endoproteinase Lys-C digestion, cyanogen bromide cleavage, and trypsin digestion were determined. Oligonucleotide probes derived from this sequence were used to isolate a cDNA clone encoding this protein. No significant homology was found between this chitinase and either the basic chitinase isolated from bean or tobacco or the chitinase isolated from Serratia marcescens; however, strong homology was found between the cucumber chitinase and a lysozyme/chitinase from Parthenocissus quinquifolia. The induction of the protein by tobacco necrosis virus infection or salicylate was found to be at the level of RNA accumulation. Genomic Southern analysis indicates that a single gene in the cucumber genome encodes this protein.  相似文献   

Intestinal fatty acid binding protein mRNA is one of the most abundant mRNA species in the rat small intestinal epithelium. RNA transfer blot analyses disclosed that the mRNA encoding intestinal fatty acid binding protein is approximately equal to 900 nucleotides long and not represented in liver RNA. We have identified 564 nucleotides of this mRNA, including 12 nucleotides of the 5' nontranslated region, the coding portion, and 155 nucleotides of the 3' nontranslated domain. The primary translation product encoded by this mRNA contains 132 amino acids and has a Mr of 15,062. The derived protein sequence was verified by automated sequential Edman degradation of the intact polypeptide isolated from a wheat germ cell-free system. The in vitro product is NH2-terminally acetylated, a finding that is consistent with its ultimate cytoplasmic destination. Comparison of the amino acid sequence of this protein with liver fatty acid binding protein, a polypeptide specified by the most abundant small intestinal epithelial mRNA, revealed significant homology and similarity in the predicted secondary structures of their NH2-terminal domains.  相似文献   

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