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In this paper, we briefly describe the principle of tracking energy radiation sources of large earthquakes using fre- quency-domain far-field array technique, present general steps of tracking energy radiation sources, and take the 2001 Kunlun Mountain Pass earthquake as an example to analyze key factors for setting parameters while pro- cessing data. Using broadband waveform data from a seismic array in Ethiopia and Kenya (EK Array), we obtain that the rupture initiation point of the 2001 Kunlun Mountain Pass earthquake is located in the east of Buka Daban Peak (35.92°N, 91.70°E), and the rupture duration time is less than 160 s, the rupture length about 520 km, with 180 km in the west of the initiation point and 340 km in the east, respectively. The western segment of the earth- quake fault bends towards southwest near Buka Daban Peak, which is in concordance with the surface rupture trace. The eastern segment apparently bends towards northeast near Xidatan, which is in agreement with the strike of Xidatan fault, but 30 km away from Xidatan fault. In addition, the results imply that the western segment of the earthquake fault appears erect while the eastern segment appears to be gradually dipping southwards.  相似文献   

The Arequipa (Peru) earthquake of June 23, 2001   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Arequipa earthquake of 23 June 2001 hasbeen the largest earthquake (Mw = 8.3)occurredin the last century in southern Peru with amaximum intensity of VIII (MM scale). Focalmechanisms of main shock and three largeraftershocks have been studied, showingthrusting solutions for main shock and twoaftershocks and normal motion for the eventof July, 5. The rupture area has beenobtained from distribution of aftershocks.The occurrence of the Arequipa earthquakeis related with the convergence processbetween the Nazca and South Americaplates.  相似文献   

Introduction A great earthquake occurred on Sept. 25 of 1303 (Seventh of Dade, Yuan Dynasty) around Zhaocheng and Hongtong in Shanxi Province. The great earthquake is a very famous one, which is affirmed as the first earthquake with magnitude 8 in Chinese history. The catastrophes took place; meanwhile, huge archives of the disaster were recorded. According to these disaster recordings, the first isoseismal map in China was delineated, which provide us with abundant information of intensi…  相似文献   

概述频率域远场台阵技术应用于大地震能量辐射源的追踪原理,介绍利用这一技术追踪能量辐射源的一般步骤,并以2001年昆仑山口西大地震为例,分析资料处理中主要参数设置所需要考虑的关键因素. 通过分析埃塞俄比亚/肯尼亚地震台阵(EK台阵)的宽频带波形资料,获得了2001年昆仑山口西大地震的起始破裂点的位置,能量辐射源的空间分布特征,以及破裂持续时间. 根据EK台阵资料的分析结果,2001年昆仑山口西大地震的起始破裂点位于布喀达坂峰东侧(35.92deg;N,91.70deg;E),破裂持续时间不超过160 s,破裂长度约520 km. 其中,初始破裂点以西为180 km,以东为340 km. 断层西段在布喀达坂峰附近向西南方向发生弯曲,与地表破裂吻合. 断层东段似乎在西大滩断裂附近向东北方向发生弯曲,其方向与西大滩断层的走向一致,但二者相距约30 km. 另外,分析结果似乎表明, 地震断层的西段近乎直立,而东段逐渐南倾.   相似文献   

WANG  Jian 《地震学报(英文版)》2004,17(4):381-388
In this paper, we calculated the seismic pattern of instrumental recorded small and moderate earthquakes near the epicenter of the 1303 Hongtong M=8 earthquake, Shanxi Province. According to the spatial distribution of small and moderate earthquakes, 6 seismic dense zones are delineated. Temporal distribution of ML≥2 earthquakes since 1970 in each seismic dense zone has been analyzed. Based on temporal distribution characteristics and historical earthquake activity, three types of seismicities are proposed. The relationship between seismic types and crustal medium is analyzed. The mechanism of three types is discussed. Finity of strong earthquake recurrence is proposed. Seismic hazard in mid-long term and diversity of earthquake disaster in Shanxi seismic belt are discussed.  相似文献   

The western border of South America is one of the most important seismogenic regions in the world. In this region the most damaging earthquake ever recorded occurred. In June 23rd, 2001, another very strong earthquake (Mw = 8.1–8.2) occurred and produced death and damages in the whole southern region of Peru. This earthquake was originated by a friction process between Nazca and South American plates and affected an area of about 300 km × 120 km defined by the distribution of more than 220 aftershocks recorded by a local seismic network that operated 20 days. The epicenter of the main shock was localized in the northwestern extremity of the aftershock area, which suggests that the rupture propagated towards the SE direction. The modeling of P-wave for teleseismic distances permitted to define a focal mechanism of reverse type with NW-SE oriented nodal planes and a possible fault plane moving beneath almost horizontally in NE direction. The source time function (STF) suggests a complex process of rupture during 85 sec with 2 successive sources. The second one of greater size, and located approximately 100–120 km toward the SE direction was estimated to have a rupture velocity of about 2 km/sec on a 28°-dipping plane to the SE (N135°). A second event happened 45 sec after the first one with an epicenter 130km farther to the SE and a complex STF. This event and the second source of the main shock caused a Tsunami with waves from 7 to 8 meters that propagated almost orthogonally to the coast line, by affecting mainly the Camaná area.Three of all the aftershocks presented magnitudes greater or equal to Mw = 6.6, two of them occurred in front of the cities of Ilo and Mollendo (June 26th and July 7th) with focal mechanisms similar to the main seismic event. The aftershock of July 5th shows a normal mechanism at a depth of 75 km, and is therefore most likely located within the subducting Nazca plate and not in the coupling. The aftershocks of June 26th (Mw = 6.6) and July 5th (Mw = 6.6) show simple short duration STF. The aftershock of July 7th (Mw = 7.5) with 27-second duration suggests a complex process of energy release with the possible occurrence of a secondary shock with lower focal depth and focal mechanism of inverse type with a great lateral component. Simple and composed focal mechanisms were elaborated for the aftershocks and all have similar characteristics to the main earthquake.The earthquake of June 23rd caused major damages in the whole southern Peru. The damage in towns of Arequipa, Moquegua allow to consider maximum intensities from 6 to 7 (MSK79). In Alto de la Alianza and Ciudad Nueva zones from Tacna, the maximum intensity was of 7 (MSK79).  相似文献   

汶川MS8.0级地震前后ULF电磁辐射频谱特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文基于电磁波频谱理论研究方法,对2008年四川汶川MS8.0地震前后金河、剑阁及郑州二砂三个电磁波台站的观测资料进行FFT和小波变换分析,研究了电磁辐射数据快速傅里叶频谱变化特征和在不同尺度下小波变化的分解,发现在汶川地震前确实有异常信息存在.结果表明:(1) FFT动态谱图像说明,地震前电磁波频谱变化特征较明显,在时间、频段上均显示了阶段性进程特征,且随着震中距的增大,辐射能量越小,异常出现的时间越晚;(2) 小波分解显示了地震前电磁波异常信号低频部分出现的时间较早;距震中较近的台站,异常信息在高频部分相对明显;距震中稍远的台站,异常信息在低频部分相对明显.  相似文献   

Introduction Comparing with the analog observation, the digital seismic observation is an advanced monitoring technique in the world, which has good points of wide band, large dynamic range, high observation precision and easy and fast analyses and processes. The Kunming Digital Seismic Network started routine observation in 1999 and now is composed of 23 digital stations all over the Yunnan Province. One of the important problems for the study of digital seismology is to de-termine the stru…  相似文献   

Introduction An earthquake of MS=4.8 occurred near Yongle town, Jingyang county, Shaanxi Province on January 5, 1998. Its epicenter is 34.5篘, 108.9篍, origin time is 09h36min (Beijing time), focal depth is 14 km, intensity is >VI and its perceptibility is great in Xian city. The eastern part of Guanzhong in Shaanxi Province is the key earthquake monitoring area in China, and many great earthquakes occurred here in history. This earthquake is the greatest in the past forty years in Shaa…  相似文献   

Introduction The great Kunlun Mountain earthquake occurred on November 14, 2001 on the border be-tween Xinjiang and Qinghai in west China (36.2N, 90.9E). It was the largest earthquake oc-curred in Chinese mainland in the last 50 years. The Crustal Movement Observation Network of China (CMONOC) established in 1998 mainly for the purpose of earthquake prediction with only 25 fiducial stations for continuous GPS observations, has recorded the precious information of the crustal movement …  相似文献   




福建历史地震与地震灾害特征史料分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以中国地震学会历史地震专业委员会2005年复核审定的“福建省历史强震简目”为基础,将收集到的强震参数与“福建省志·地震志”的记载进行比较分析,找出差异,建立统计对比表,突出历史大地震的参数、地震影响和地震灾害特征,并就历史地震资料的修订和使用提出看法,充分认识和反映该地理区域真实的历史地震活动和震害影响,为福建地区历史...  相似文献   

在简要地介绍比较了傅立叶变换、小波变换、希尔伯特-黄变换理论的基础上,针对集集地震大量强震记录进行各种变换分析比较,以探求希尔伯特-黄变换在强震记录分析中应用的前景.通过对集集地震60条不同震中距和场地的强震纪录,分别作傅立叶频谱、希尔伯特-黄边际谱和能量密度谱分析,列表归纳对比显示希尔伯特-黄变换在强震记录处理中基本表现出和其他变换相同的趋势,并有其新特点,能体现出强地震动的瞬时特性,是对现有强震数据处理方法重要的补充.  相似文献   

A field reconnaissance mission was led to the areas affected by the disaster caused by the Magnitude 7.9 earthquake event of 15/08/2007 near the city of Pisco in Peru. The main objectives of the mission were to collect data and make observations leading to improvements in design methods and techniques for strengthening and retrofit, and to assist the phase of reconstruction. The mission focused on the behaviour of non-engineered structures, in particular those of adobe constructions. The findings of the mission confirmed that most of the damage was observed on adobe houses constructed with traditional non anti-seismic techniques which either collapsed or nearly collapsed, causing 519 deaths, 1,366 injuries and more than 58,000 houses destroyed. The mission also confirmed that buildings constructed according to modern earthquake resistant design standards performed with no evident damage. All the parties contacted during the mission, especially the EC Delegation, showed particular interest in the results of the present mission report, which will be taken into consideration when planning the reconstruction phase, especially of the most distant rural areas, where close collaboration between the Governmental Institutions, International Organizations, Universities and NGO’s, will be needed to assist the population for the adoption of earthquake resistant designs in the reconstruction of the destroyed houses.  相似文献   

Introduction An MS=6.0 earthquake occurred on February 23, 2001 in Yajiang county, Sichuan Province. The earthquake is located on the east of the southeast segment of the Litang-Dewu fault with strike of NW. Before the event, on February 14, an MS=5.0 earthquake took place nearly in the same place. In 1948 an MS=7.3 earthquake occurred on the northwestern segment of the Litang fault. The length of the surface rupture belt caused by the earthquake is 70 km, which extended from Litang to…  相似文献   

Introduction A great earthquake of M=8.1 occurred at 17h26min14.7s (Beijing time) on November 14, 2001 on the eastern Kunlun fault, near Bukadaban mountain peak with an elevation of about 6 866 m in the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) Plateau of western China. The micro-epicenter is at a site of 36.2°N, 90.9°E, and the macro-epicenter is at a site of 35.6°N, 94.1° E, about 300 km west to the Kunlun Mountain Pass.This event is the largest one since 1951 in China, and yet the first su-per-st…  相似文献   

应用辽宁地震台网记录的爆破与地震数字资料,采用小波计算方法,对该区域记录的爆破与地震计算S波拐角频率,将计算结果与前期采用PITSA软件得到的结果进行比较,试图获得爆破与地震识别的定量指标。  相似文献   

应用小波变换提取张北地震的震磁效应   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
以1998年1月10日的张北地震为例,应用小波变换及傅里叶分析,分析震中附近的6个地磁台站在地震前后共6个月的地磁场三分量分钟值采样数据.发现各个地磁台站记录的地磁场Z分量在张北地震前三个月内出现不同程度的异常现象,这种现象的出现频率随着离发震时间越近而越来越高,出现的地点由南向北迁移.地磁场H和D分量没有此类异常出现.用这6个地磁台出现异常时同一频率所对应的振幅值绘出等值曲线,得到的图形是稳定的四象限分布,震中基本上位于0~3nT的等值线上.结果表明小波分析是提取地震磁效应的有效工具,同时也证实了地震磁效应的客观存在.  相似文献   

2001年昆仑山8.1级大震及其趋势研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
门可佩 《地震》2002,22(3):39-44
通过对1996-2001年我国西部强震活动在时空上的有序特征及其与台湾强震之间关联性的研究,分析讨论了2001年昆仑山8.1级大震的重要意义。同时根据有序性分析对青藏块体北部地区未来7级强震趋势进行了预测。  相似文献   

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