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模拟深海采矿输送环境, 研究了深海锰结核在采矿输送过程中重金属的溶出情况, 考察其对海水水质产生的影响。结果表明: 在锰结核矿浆体积浓度15%(液固质量比1.65∶1)、溶出时间30 min、溶出温度25 ℃、搅拌速度200 r/min、溶出压力10 MPa最优溶出条件下, 海水中重金属Pb、Zn、Ni和Mn的浓度最高, 但均未超过《海水水质标准》(GB3097-1997)Ⅳ类水水质标准, 因此, 此类以氧化矿为主的锰结核采矿输送过程不会造成海水重金属污染。  相似文献   

采煤塌陷水域水质演变预测模拟分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
淮南矿区采煤塌陷水域蕴含着大量的水资源,为保护和合理利用塌陷水域水资源,建立起生态-水质数学模型预测塌陷水域水质演变。模型采用有限差分法离散,生态动力学项与扩散项脱耦处理,水质状态变量选择NH4+-N、NO2--N、NO3--N、DO、BOD、PO43-(磷酸盐)、CHL(叶绿素a)7个指标。运用该模型对淮南张集矿和顾桥矿不同塌陷年龄的水域水质进行模拟计算,结果表明:超过6年的塌陷水域污染物呈逐年下降趋势;预测2020年张集矿1号塌陷区的7种水体染污指标模拟浓度分别为0.440、0.004、0.008、8.190、4.180、0.034和0.020 mg/L,水质将会变得较好。  相似文献   

The Shennan mining area in northern Shanxi Province is located in a semiarid area where surface and near-surface water resources are very valuable. Mining-induced fractures can cause these shallow water resources to leak. The overburden strata were divided into engineering geology rock groups and a comparative analysis was calculated based on the height of the water-conducting fractured zone and the key stratum theory, using both an empirical formula and a fitting formula. The influence of coal mining on the shallow water resources was divided into four types: serious, moderate, slight, and no water loss. Finally, a water resource leakage differentiation graph was produced for the study area. The results can be used to guide coal extraction in the study area and to protect the area’s shallow water resources.  相似文献   

经多年开采,小天井锰矿现仅I号矿体保有部分矿体,由于保有部分的矿体倾角小于30°,且厚度为4.35m~5.97m,如继续采用分层崩落法进行开采,会导致采矿成本大幅度提高,同时矿山生产安全隐患也会增多。基于矿山实际情况,结合保有矿体的开采技术条件,提出人工柱锚杆房柱法开采I号矿体保有部分的矿体,经与分层崩落法进行经济技术指标对比分析,得出人工柱锚杆房柱法更适合矿山今后的开采。  相似文献   

在总结已有矿山水质评价方法的基础上,提出一种较合理的评价方法——AHP-Fuzzy法,用于宜昌市夷陵矿区主要河流水质评价。结果表明,此方法计算简单,具有较好的合理性与可靠性,可广泛用于矿区水质评价中。  相似文献   

介绍了古交矿区水处理系统存在的问题及改造方案.改造方案包括:1)水质在线检测系统和水质预警系统的配置运行.2)水处理系统的改造完善.3)水处理工艺的强化.4)预处理和深度水处理工艺的运用.通过改造,改善了水处理工艺,提高了供水水质及供水可靠性.  相似文献   

曲秋扬  樊振丽 《煤炭工程》2019,51(12):154-159
为了研究离层注浆充填开采对地下水水质的影响,分析了淮北矿区海孜矿Ⅱ102采区的充填开采现状,通过理论分析、数值模拟和现场实测等手段,在研究采动裂隙和离层带空间关系的基础上,进行浆液运移通道探测示踪试验,开展浆液运移规律模拟研究,并在注浆站附近区域和井下采集水样,进行水质检测。结果表明:垮落带高度为12.0~12.8m,导水裂缝带高度为46~52.24m|注浆有效支撑区域面积占整个采空区面积的70%,注浆体形成了有效支撑作用|示踪离子在巷道中出现,说明浆液与巷道具有一定的水力联系|随着时间的推移浆液发生迁移,迁移影响范围在注浆孔的1km之内|注浆浆液对第四系松散层饮用水无影响,但对煤层顶板局部的煤系地层砂岩裂隙水水质造成部分影响,随着矿井水的稀释,该部分影响可忽略不计。  相似文献   

辛置煤矿位于郭庄泉域东南角,临汾断陷盆地水文地质单元的东北部,地处两个水文地质单元的交接带。东有近南、北向的霍山大断裂,西为赤峪断层,北为李曹断层,将辛置煤矿区切割成具有相对独立水文地质特征的地段。本文对该矿井地质构造特征和陷落柱发育规律进行研究,分析了F28和F34组成的地堑构造对井田内地下水径流方向的影响,并对矿井主要含水层水化学特征进行对比分析,得出了辛置矿区地下水运移规律。  相似文献   

Ninety nine mine water discharge samples were collected and analyzed for pH, electrical conductivity (EC), major cations, anions, and trace metals in the Pootkee-Balihari coal mining area of the Jharia coalfield. The mines of the area annually discharge 34.80 × 106 m3 of mine water and 39,099 t of solute loads. The pH of the analyzed mine waters ranged from 6.97 to 8.62. EC values ranged from 711 μS cm−1 to 1862 μS cm−1, and reflect variations in lithology, geochemical processes, and hydrological regimes in the mines. The cation and anion chemistry indicate the general ionic abundance as: Mg2+ > Ca2+ > Na+ > K+ and HCO3  > SO4 2− > Cl > NO3  > F, respectively. Elevated SO4 2− concentrations in the Gopalichuck, Kendwadih, and Kachhi-Balihari mine waters are attributed to pyrite weathering. The water quality assessment indicated that TDS, hardness, Mg2+, and SO4 2− are the major parameters of concern in the study area. Except for Fe, all of the measured metals in the mine water were well within the levels recommended for drinking water. With only a few exceptions, the mine water is of good to permissible quality and suitable for irrigation.  相似文献   

Abstract.  An investigation was undertaken to determine the effects of a large barite mining operation on local ground water quality near Mangampeta,Andhra Pradesh, India.Water samples were collected from drinking water wells in the mining and adjacent regions. The drinking water in the mining region had sulphate concentrations that ranged from 211 to 589 mg/L, compared to sulphate concentrations of 25 mg/L or less in the non-mined areas. The natural existence of barite and the widespread mine waste dumps at Mangampeta are believed to be responsible for the higher levels of sulphate in the ground water.  相似文献   

采用污染指数法对潘集及丁集矿区浅层地下水环境质量进行评价与分析,获得了该区水环境质量的初步结果,确定第二含水层是一层较为理想的供水层,同时指出地下水的开采与应用前景,并为煤矿开采提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

复杂难采矿体开采是采矿业亟待解决的一个科技难题。针对产状复杂矿体采用现有技术开采常导致生产效率低、安全性差、劳动生产率高、资源回收率低等突出问题,通过引入工程地质分区思想和“协同 开采”理念,提出了产状复杂矿体分区协同开采技术思路。针对大新锰矿西北地采矿区“U”形产状复杂多层薄矿体尚无成熟的采矿工艺保证安全高效开采的问题,根据产状复杂矿体分区协同开采技术思路,综合分析 了矿体地质赋存条件,并结合矿体三维模型选取了影响矿体开采的走向和倾角作为矿体分区依据,将矿体分为一区、二区和三区,提出了一种工程地质条件引导的矿体分区技术。针对不同分区的开采技术条件,在各 分区进行了采矿方法优选或设计,推荐一区、二区和三区分别采用浅孔留矿法、电耙出矿房柱法和电耙-爆力协同搬运伪倾斜房柱采矿法,形成了一种产状复杂矿体采矿方法优选与设计技术。研究表明:所提方法有 效解决了大新锰矿西北地采产状复杂矿体的开采技术难题,为产状复杂矿体高效协同开采提供了一种新思路。  相似文献   

Representative samples were collected from various stages of phosphorite mining and beneficiation from the Al-Abiad and Al-Hasa mines in central Jordan and the Eshidiyya mine in southern Jordan. After open pit mining, the rock is crushed and dry-sieved to pass 12 mm in order to concentrate the ore. The sieved material is then agitated, washed with fresh water, and wet sieved to pass 4 mm. Samples were analyzed by ICP-MS for major elements and As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, U, V, and Zn. We found that throughout the above-mentioned processes, potentially toxic metals are partially removed from the ore. However, most of the contaminants are still retained within the final phosphorite product. The slime and slime water were analyzed; we found no effect of the slime water on the nearby ground water regime. The phosphorite is converted to fertilizer through reactions with sulfuric acid and then ammonia to produce diammonium phosphate (DAP). Gypsum is produced as a reject. The potentially toxic metals follow the behavior of P and are enriched by a factor of more than 1.5 in the DAP compared with the input phosphorite. The trace metal content in the phosphogypsum is very low.  相似文献   

本文从供水、地下水和地表水控制、酸性水排放以及环境监测这几个方面论述了世界矿山所面临的水管理问题,指出矿山要成功而有效地开发和经营,就不能忽视水管理问题。  相似文献   

提高矿山充填质量试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李全京  尹裕 《金属矿山》2011,40(12):154-156
介绍了某铁矿山尾砂胶结充填的工艺特点和尾砂特性,进行了胶结充填材料的实验室强度试验和工业试验,并对尾砂胶结充填质量进行了评述。在此基础上,分析了影响胶结充填质量的因素,阐述了提高矿山充填质量的途径和措施,以指导该矿山生产实践。  相似文献   

通过理论分析得到了条带开采的合理采留宽度,应用数值模拟软件分析得到:煤柱含水率较高时,地表下沉盆地的范围和移动盆地边界角明显增大,煤柱应力集中程度较弱;煤柱不同的含水率对原岩应力场影响的范围大致相同,影响高度都大致为150 m,而且开采后地表边界和中心的高差与含水率呈指数关系。  相似文献   

模糊综合评判法在矿区地下水水质评价中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为了对矿区地下水水质作更合理的评价,在分析矿区水质特点的基础上,选取酚、氰等评价因子,从主客观两方面相结合对评价因子权值做了适当的选择,采用模糊综合评判法对某矿区的地下水水质进行了符合实际的评价,并提出了防止水质继续恶化的几点建议。  相似文献   

The results are presented for the investigations into the catalytic properties of carbonate and oxide manganese ores in extraction of bivalent iron and manganese ions from underground waters. The phase transformations of rhodochrosites during thermal modification are examined, and the optimum regimes of ore calcination are determined for obtaining the catalytic-active oxide forms.  相似文献   

为了研究桃子坪超大型锰矿水文地质条件对矿山开采的影响,通过开展区域水文地质调查和矿区水文地质调查,确定了矿区地表水特征、地下水类型及岩层含水性、矿床水文地质结构、构造破碎带的水文地质特征及矿区地下水动态变化特征。基于此,对矿床充水影响因素进行研究,确定矿床充水的主要通道,计算分析矿区正常涌水量和最大涌水量,探讨了后期开采地表水和地下水资源的可利用情况,综合分析了矿区水文地质特征对矿山开采的影响。  相似文献   

侯林旺  张晓锋 《煤》2020,29(1):29-31
潞安矿区范围内地表河流较为发育,水体下压煤情况较为严重,对矿井的正常生产衔接造成很大影响。文章重点对水体下采煤涉及的覆岩破坏及导水裂缝带发育规律、防水安全煤岩柱留设等关键技术进行了分析研究,旨在为潞安矿区水体下采煤的安全合理性提供科学依据。研究成果对潞安矿区条件类似矿井水体下采煤具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

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