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某型榴弹静爆对生物杀伤效应的实验研究   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
目的研究爆炸性武器对生物致伤的特点和规律,为战伤早期救治提供一定的实验依据。方法通过某型榴弹实弹静爆致伤动物,测试破片速度、冲击波超压等致伤特征。结果爆炸性武器爆炸后主要是以破片和冲击波超压两种效应致伤生物。结论该型榴弹对生物所致的伤情严重而复杂,半数以上的动物于伤后6小时死亡,且破片伤往往复合冲击伤。破片伤和冲击伤的发生率分别为69.44%和50%。  相似文献   

本研究初步探讨了狗中度冲击伤复合单侧后肢高速破片伤的致伤特点。结果表明,冲击伤,破片伤及两者复合伤后PaO_2均有降低,而PAP则有所升高,以复合伤后变化的幅度最大。且复合伤后24h肺体指数与肺含水率明显高于冲击伤后及破片伤后。形态学的改变显示:复合伤动物多数发生重度肺损伤,冲击伤动物多数为中度肺损伤,而破片伤动物仅少数出现轻度肺损伤。结果提示:狗肢体高速破片致伤对中度冲击伤的肺损伤具有加重作用。  相似文献   

目的探讨犬高速破片伤对冲击伤伤情的影响。方法成年杂种狗21只,依据冲击波和高速破片的物理参数,分别复制中度冲击伤、肢体高速破片伤、中度冲击伤复合高速破片伤,观察伤后肺动脉压、致伤后24小时肺形态学、肺含水率和肺体指数,同时测定血浆和肺组织内皮素含量。结果致伤后,犬肺动脉压升高,血浆和肺组织内皮素含量升高。高速破片可加重中度冲击伤,其效应主要发生在肺脏,伤情可加重1个等级。结论肢体高速破片伤对中度肺冲击伤具有加重作用,其机制与致伤后血浆和肺组织内皮素含量升高有关。  相似文献   

目的 探讨破片对冲击伤伤情的影响。方法 成年杂种狗 36只 ,依据破片和冲击波的物理参数分别复制轻度冲击伤、中度冲击伤、肢体高速破片伤 ,高速破片与轻度和中度冲击伤复合的复合伤 ,低速破片与中度冲击伤复合的复合伤。冲击组用BST I型生物激波管致伤 ,用 0 .4 8g三角形破片致肢体破片伤 ,用BST I生物激波管致伤后立即行破片致伤制作复合伤。观察伤后 2 4小时形态学和肺体指数改变。结果高速破片对中度冲击伤具有加重作用 ,加重效应主要发生在肺脏 ,伤情可加重一个等级 ;高速破片对轻度冲击伤和低速破片对中度冲击伤未见加重效应。结论 肢体高速破片对中度肺冲击伤具有加重作用 ,这对爆炸伤伤员的液体复苏可能有一定的指导意义  相似文献   

目的观察狗冲击伤复合破片伤后脂质过氧化情况.方法将21只四川地区成年健康杂种狗分成3组,每组7只,分别行破片、冲击波及冲击波复合破片致伤,测定各组伤前及伤后各时相点血中性粒细胞自由基释放量与血浆过氧化脂质LPO的含量;同时观察各组动物肺损伤的情况.结果 3组伤后中性粒细胞自由基释放量与血过氧化脂质均有不同程度的升高,其中以复合伤组最为明显,这与复合伤组动物伤情最严重是一致的.结论脂质过氧化在破片伤、冲击伤及两者复合伤后的继发性损伤中可能起一定作用,并可反映伤情的严重程度.  相似文献   

通过观察犬冲击伤复合破片伤伤后血液流变学的变化特点 ,认为犬冲击伤复合破片伤伤后血液流变学有较明显的变化 ,对其的监测可对伤情的判断及早期救治提供依据。  相似文献   

目的 探讨高原条件下猪冲击伤、破片伤及冲击伤复合破片伤后血流动力学的变化。方法 分别于海拔3500m(四川康定)和海拔380m处(重庆铜梁)采用铸型TNT炸药和五三式滑膛枪对长白山猪致冲击伤、破片伤和冲击伤复合破片伤,观察致伤后动物血流动力学指标变化及高原和平原致伤后的血流动力学变化差异。结果 平原条件下致伤后,猪早期平均动脉压(MAP)一过性上升,随后呈下降趋势,中心静脉压(CVP)呈下降趋势;单纯冲击伤、破片伤后,右心室内压(RVSP)显著下降,心输出量(CO)显著增加;复合伤后RVSP、CO显著高于单纯致伤组。高原条件下致伤后,RVSP显著上升,CO显著下降,CVP和MAP呈升高趋势。结论 破片伤可明显加重冲击伤伤情;在高原缺氧、低气压条件下,猪冲击伤、破片伤及复合伤伤情明显比平原条件下重,血流动力学损伤程度加重,其中以复合伤最为突出。  相似文献   

榴弹爆炸时绵羊的腹部,骨盆部的致伤特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的观察榴弹对绵羊腹部、骨盆部的致伤特点和规律,为战伤救治提供依据。方法电启动引爆离地面7m高的榴弹,将36只绵羊布放于距爆心6~48m处,致伤时测量冲击波超压和破片速度,致伤后进行病理解剖观察。结果腹盆部破片伤的发生率为破片伤动物的72%,平均每只动物的腹部、骨盆部有1.3处破片伤。伤后即刻死亡率为38.89%,伤后6小时达77.78%。贯通伤和盲管伤分别占44.44%和38.89%。内部器官以胃肠道、肝、肾脏受伤的机会最大,平均每只动物遭受1.89次器官损伤。腹部、骨盆部爆炸伤时胸部、四肢的并发伤最多,分别为33.33%和27.78%,胸腹联合伤占16.67%。肺脏和鼓膜的冲击伤分别为66.67%和27.78%。结论榴弹爆炸时腹部、骨盆部损伤的发生率高、死亡率高、受伤器官多、合并伤多、致伤因素多。  相似文献   


Purpose: Human beings encounter radiation in many different situations – from proximity to radioactive waste sites to participation in medical procedures using X-rays etc. Limits for radiation exposures are legally regulated; however, current radiation protection policy does not explicitly acknowledge that biological, cellular and molecular effects of low doses and low dose rates of radiation differ from effects induced by medium and high dose radiation exposures. Recent technical developments in biology and medicine, from single cell techniques to big data computational research, have enabled new approaches for study of biology of low doses of radiation. Results of the work done so far support the idea that low doses of radiation have effects that differ from those associated with high dose exposures; this work, however, is far from sufficient for the development of a new theoretical framework needed for the understanding of low dose radiation exposures.

Conclusions: Mechanistic understanding of radiation effects at low doses is necessary in order to develop better radiation protection policy.  相似文献   

Gunshot injuries are an emerging form of trauma that oral radiologists increasingly have to deal with. There are two main types of gunshot injuries: high-velocity and low-velocity bullet injuries. The outcome of high-velocity gunshot injury is usually fatal; however, a non-fatal low-velocity injury to the maxillofacial region is more likely to be encountered by the oral and maxillofacial radiologist. It is therefore important to up-to-date knowledge of ballistic science and its implications in the field of maxillofacial radiology. The ability of oral and maxillofacial radiologists to predict the missile trajectory will aid the assessment and localization of the damage caused by the bullet and its splinters. Predicting the missile trajectory may also be of help to law enforcement agencies and forensic scientists in determining the type of firearm used and direction of fire. This article, which examines two cases, attempts to highlight to the oral radiologist this emerging form of trauma and its implications.  相似文献   


The formation of zygotes between two haploid strains of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) was determined under treatment with microwaves of 9·4 and 17 GHz at power levels up to 50 and 60 mW/cm2 and a specific absorption rate below 24 mW/g, or with conventional heating. Microwave treatments at 9·4 GHz or 17 GHz at a power density of 10 mW/cm2 produced an increase in zygote formation equivalent to that produced by conventional heating in an incubator, i.e. equivalent to a rise in temperature of 0·5 or 1°C. At higher power densities zygote formation was slightly increased by microwaves at 17 GHz as compared to microwaves at 9·4 GHz probably due to the higher absorption of microwaves at 17 GHz by intracellular water molecules. Under these conditions, microwaves had no effect on cell survival or the induction of cytoplasmic ‘petite’ mutations.  相似文献   

目的 探讨Nd:YAP激光不同方式照射活体大鼠肝脏对组织的不同影响.方法 大鼠15只,按照射方式分为非接触式、接触式、插入式3大组,每组5只鼠.每组分别以功率为3.0、3.5、4.0、4.5和5.0 W,照射时间4 s,光斑直径为0.5 mm的Nd:YAP激光照射大鼠中叶、右侧叶肝脏.每脏叶照射3~6点,点间间隔>0.5cm.照射后肉眼观察肝脏变化,并于照射处取材,常规石蜡切片,HE染色,光镜下观察.结果 各组以功率3.0~3.5 W的Nd:YAP激光照射,以凝固性变化为主,随着功率增加除凝固效应外还逐渐表现出气化效应,组织穿透深度也由约0.5 mm逐渐增加至约2.5 mm.与相同功率和作用时间非接触式照射比较,接触式照射和插入式照射组织出现更多的缺损和更深的穿透深度.非接触式照射功率较高时出现组织爆破现象,接触式照射和插入式照射组织反应均平稳,无爆破现象,插入式照射较易伤及周围肝脏组织.结论 非接触式照射、接触式照射和插入式照射是Nd:YAP激光照射肿物的可行性方法,可根据肿瘤组织厚度适当选择非接触式照射、接触式照射和插入式照射方式进行照射治疗,但应正确掌握照射功率避免引起照射处周围组织的损伤.  相似文献   

BackgroundExplosion fatalities are the severest type of violent crimes. These involve the use of explosive devices in terrorist like activities in confined spaces in civilian or military settings, with mass number of people present all around. A stark dearth of literature for the forensic interpretation of such catastrophes is astonishing.PurposeCharacterization of the pattern of the multitude of injuries in explosions in confined spaces as guide for investigations and growth of literature on this entity.MethodologyA review of the archives of the forensic examinations of mass fatalities due to an explosion in a metro car was undertaken. It was combined with the reconstruction of the events by developing a three-dimensional model of this incident that involved seventeen fatalities.ResultsAll the decedents showed differential pattern of fatal injuries under the influence of damaging explosion factors (DEFs). The causative forces were characterized as gas-detonation (in all the cases), damaging effect by shock waves (59% of the cases), and impact of fragmentation and collision of the body (thrown off) with nearby objects. Traumatic effect due to shrapnel as well as blunt force was noted in 82% of the cases. Gross destruction of head due to combined effect of gas-detonation and fragmentation was seen in 29% of the cases.ConclusionAn interpretation of the nature and pattern of injuries in confined space explosions can help to estimate the location of deceased/s with respect to the epicenter and the type of DEFs.  相似文献   

准静态撞击方式下胸部粘性损伤标准与肺损伤的关系   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
目的:研究不同撞击条件下肺损伤的病理特点、分布特征、量效关系和发生机理.方法:建立兔胸部准静态侧向撞击实验模型,测定撞击物理参数和动力学响应参数,并观察这些参数与肺损伤分布、各部位伤情的关系,分析损伤发生机理.结果:肺损伤以出血、水肿和肺萎陷为主;肺各部位伤情与粘性标准密切相关;撞击速度较低时肺门区损伤重于肺泡区,撞击速度高时则相反;粘性标准较小时,左侧(撞击侧)肺损伤明显重于右侧;随着粘性标准的增大,左右肺伤情比值逐渐缩小.结论:粘性标准与各部位损伤伤情密切相关,撞击速度是影响损伤分布的重要因素.  相似文献   

目的 分析在工作记忆任务和静息两种状态下与前额叶皮层内侧面(MPFC)正、负相关脑区的分布,比较两种状态下MPFC功能连接的差异.资料与方法 采用GE 1.5 T MR扫描仪对25名正常自愿者行静息态及2-back工作记忆任务的功能磁共振成像(fMRI)实验,2-back实验采用组块设计,0-back作为对照,6个对照组块与5个任务组块交替进行.静息态全脑采集128个时相.采用SPM、AFNI对数据进行预处理.选择MPFC作为种子点与全脑其他像素进行Pearson相关分析,建立相关图.组内分析时采用随机效应模型单样本t检验,检测与MPFC明显正相关或负相关的脑区.组间分析采用配对样本t检验.检测MPFC功能连接图在2-back任务和静息状态下的差异.结果 两种状态下与MPFC正相关的脑区基本一致,属于"任务负激活网络".2-back任务状态下与MPFC负相关的脑区与"任务正激活网络"一致.静息状态下与MPFC负相关的脑区主要分布在双侧岛叶、双侧顶下小叶,且这些区域的负相关性明显高于任务状态.任务状态下负相关性高于静息状态的主要脑区包括双侧运动前区外侧(LPMA)、双侧顶叶后部(PPC)、左侧丘脑及右侧小脑半球.结论 静息及2-back任务状态下MPFC的功能连接情况不同,对于正常人在静息及任务状态下的功能连接对比研究为临床精神疾病患者的研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

NIKKO霉素产生菌的空间生物学效应研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
为了探讨NIKKO霉素产生菌圈状链霉菌等菌株的空间生物学效应,在返回式卫星上进行了搭载试验,结果表明,有些菌株受空间环境因子的作用其生物学功能性状发生明显变化,其中NIKKO霉素产生菌的抗生素效价提高13%~18%,NIKKO霉素X组分和Z组分亦有所提高,这种变化与形态发育分化表征有相关性,这一结果提示,无论是从实际应用方面或是从生物学基础理论方面都提供了有益的科学依据。  相似文献   

目的探索特大剂量照射后外周血和骨髓染色体培养方法,拟合6Gy以上大剂量照射染色体双着丝点+环剂量-效应曲线,对山东济宁“10.21”事故受照者进行准确生物剂量估算和DNA损伤检测。方法采集2例受照者外周血和骨髓细胞,制备染色体标本,计数双(多)着丝点+环数目;用正常离体人血拟合6~22Gy双+环剂量效应曲线及数学方程;对2例事故受照者进行生物剂量估算。用碱性单细胞凝胶电泳方法检测受照者外周血DNA损伤。结果B的外周血染色体双+环平均数为4.47个/细胞;A的外周血培养无分裂细胞,骨髓染色体双+环平均数为9.15个/细胞。用6—22Gy剂量效应方程估算全身平均受照剂量,B为9.4Gy,A为19.5Gy。单细胞凝胶电泳可见2例受照者的多数彗星细胞呈小头大尾形状。结论用新建立的6~22Gy染色体畸变剂量效应曲线估算2例受照者的生物剂量,已分别达到极重度骨髓型放射病和肠型放射病水平。  相似文献   

Objective The objective of this study was to analyze the characteristics of alveolar soft part sarcoma using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).Design MRI studies of pathologically proven alveolar soft part sarcomas (ASPS) in ten patients were reviewed and compared with computed tomographic (CT) studies and angiograms.Patients Ten patients presented with a soft tissue mass of the extremities, neck, axilla, or buttocks. MR images were obtained in all patients prior to surgical intervention, chemotherapy, or irradiation.Results and Conclusion Although most soft tissue sarcomas are isointense relative to muscle on MRI T1-weighted images (T1WI), nine of the ten alveolar ASPS in the present study demonstrated high signal intensity on both T2 and T1WI. Flow voids were observed both at the core and at the margins of the tumors studied. Recognition of these characteristic MRI findings may lead to the early diagnosis of ASPS, especially when the clinical presentation is that of a slow-growing soft tissue mass in a young adult patient.  相似文献   

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