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Refugia play a key ecological role for the persistence of biodiversity in areas subject to natural or human disturbance. Temporary freshwater ecosystems regularly experience dry periods, which constrain the availability of suitable habitats. Current and future threats (e.g. water extraction and climate change) can exacerbate the negative effects of drying conditions. This could compromise the persistence of a large proportion of global freshwater biodiversity, so the identification and protection of refugia seems an urgent task.


Northern Australia.


We demonstrate a new approach to identify and prioritize the selection of refugia and apply it to the conservation of freshwater fish biodiversity. We identified refugia using estimates of water residency time derived from satellite imagery and used a systematic approach to prioritize areas that provide all the fish species inhabiting the catchment with access to a minimum number of refugia while maximizing the length of stream potentially accessible for recolonization after the dry period. These priority refugia were locked into a broader systematic conservation plan with area‐based targets and direct connectivity. We accounted for current threats during the prioritization process to ensure degraded areas were avoided, thus maximizing the ecological role of priority refugia.


Priority refugia were located in lowland reaches, where the incidence of threats was less prominent in our study area and headwaters in good condition. An additional set of 106 planning units (6500 km2) were required to represent 10% of each species' distribution in the broad conservation plan. A hierarchical management zoning scheme was applied to demonstrate how these key ecological features could be effectively protected from the major threats caused by aquatic invasive species and grazing.

Main conclusions

This new approach to identifying priority refugia and incorporating them into the conservation planning process in a systematic way would help enhance the resilience of freshwater biodiversity in temporary systems.

生物多样性的经济价值   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
生物多样性的总经济价值包含了它的可利用价值(use value, UV)和非利用价值(non-use values, NUV)。可利用价值可以被进一步分成直接利用价值(direct use values, DUV),间接利用价值(indirect use values, IUV)和可选择价值(option values, OV),即可能的利用价值。非利用价值主要是存在价值(existence values, EV)。生物多样性所提供的使用价值常常不能就地实现,而可能会通过某种通道,在空间上的流动,到达一个具备适当外部条件的地区,实现其使用价值。我们称这种现象为生物多样性价值在空间上的流动。  相似文献   

Recent biodiversity experiments have investigated the relationship between diversity and ecosystem functioning by synthesizing plant communities from pools of species that have been experimentally manipulated to vary numbers and types of species present while holding abiotic factors constant. Biodiversity experiments therefore focus on a previously under-explored aspect of global change: the feedback from diversity to environment. Consequences of random manipulation of species communities may not correspond well to those of specific extinction sequences observed in the past in response to extinction drivers that cause highly non-random loss. However, random manipulation provides a good starting point given that existing communities could undergo many alternative orders of species loss in the future in response to a variety of different potential extinction drivers. Further, the effects of some extinction drivers are currently poorly understood and therefore difficult to predict (e.g. climate change) and it may be premature to dismiss the predictions of random scenarios as irrelevant to all real examples of species loss. The first generations of biodiversity experiments have provided valuable, and sometimes unexpected, discoveries about the general nature of the relationship between diversity and ecosystem functioning. These discoveries could not have been made using observational studies. We propose that different examples of extinction loss in the real or a potential future world form a continuum from situations where the results of the first-generation biodiversity experiments will be highly relevant to less relevant. At the one extreme are examples where the effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning will be overwhelmed by direct effects of the extinction driver on processes (e.g. chronic eutrophication). At the other extreme are situations where ecosystem processes are not strongly affected by direct effects of the extinction driver and where the effects of species loss on functioning may be more important (e.g. habitat fragmentation). Given the unprecedented uncertainty about the future of biodiversity and the functioning of ecosystems, a general approach with randomly varying species pools was the right place to start in order to provide a general foundation. The new challenge is to test for effects of biodiversity on functioning in real-world examples of species loss.


Biodiversitätsversuche zeichnen sich dadurch aus, dass natürliche Artenpools experimentell reduziert werden und anschließend der Zusammenhang zwischen der Artenzahl und Ökosystemfunktionen unter konstanten abiotischen Umweltbedingungen untersucht wird. Dadurch unterscheiden sich Biodiversitätsexperimente grundsätzlich von anderen Versuchen, die die Biodiversität als Zielvariable behandeln und stattdessen die abiotische Umwelt manipulieren. Die Auswahl der Arten für die reduzierten Artenpools in Biodiversitätsexperimenten erfolgte bisher meist zufällig, während natürliche Aussterbefaktoren wie Eutrophierung nicht alle Arten gleichermassen gefährden. Für verschiedene Aussterbefaktoren ist aber so wenig bekannt, dass ein zufälliges Aussterbeszenario die beste gegenwärtig verfügbare Option ist. Dies trifft insbesondere für mögliche zukünftige Aussterbeprozesse zu, die durch globale Umweltveränderungen (Klima, biologische Invasionen) oder Habitatsfragmentierung ausgelöst werden könnten. Die erste Generation von Biodiversitätsexperimenten mit zufälligen Aussterbeszenarien hat wertvolle, teilweise unerwartete, generelle Zusammenhänge zwischen Artenzahl und Ökosystemfunktionen aufgedeckt. Diese Zusammenhänge ließen sich durch vergleichende Studien nicht erkennen. In Zukunft sollten Biodiversitätsexperimente dennoch vermehrt Aussterbeszenarien simulieren, die in der realen Umwelt mit größter Wahrscheinlichkeit auftreten.  相似文献   

浅述生物多样性的价值及其保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐明了生物多样性的概念与含义,以及生物多样性3个层次之间的相互关系。探讨了生物多样性的价值及保护问题。针对中国(或)世界生物多样性目前现状及存在的问题提出合理建议,为生物多样性的可持续利用与发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

以中国东北地区为研究区域,根据生物多样性属性特征,选择研究区域内具有代表性的濒危物种作为指示物种,利用系统保护规划方法(Systematic Conservation Planning,SCP)和保护规划软件(C-Plan),对该区域进行了优先保护规划研究。通过计算规划单元的不可替代性值(Irreplaceability,IR),找出区域生物多样性热点地区和保护空缺地区,然后利用C-Plan规划软件对该地区进行保护优先等级划分,确定必须保护(Mandatory Reserved,MR)、协商保护(Negotiated Reserved,NR)和部分保护(PartiallyReserved,PR)3个等级保护区域的具体位置和面积,并针对保护现状提出保护规划建议。结果显示,必须保护区域的总面积占区域总面积的8.17%,主要分布于长白山核心地区和大兴安岭北部原始林区;协商保护区域占总面积的7.51%,主要分布于大兴安岭东南部和松嫩平原湿地;部分保护区域占总面积的9%。保护空缺分析结果显示,现有国家级自然保护区对生物多样性的保护存在3个明显的保护空缺,即长白山林区的龙岗山地区、老爷岭北部和张广才岭南部;大兴安岭北部原始林区、呼玛河—黑龙江流域的平原湿地和伊勒呼里山东南部山区;大兴安岭南部森林草原过渡区的东南部森林地区。结合区域内已建立的国家级自然保护区情况,利用C-Plan规划软件对不同时期建立的保护区实现保护目标的贡献率做了分析。截止2000年,已建保护区可实现预期保护目标的17.5%,通过对贡献率大小的比较确定了不同时期保护的有效程度。研究打破了传统的对称几何形状的单元划分方法,根据植被类型和自然地形地貌,采用自然多边形进行单元划分,提高了物种分布范围准确度。研究通过C-Plan规划软件的实际应用,丰富了系统保护规划研究的方法,从理论上为区域保护规划提供了科学依据,并可指导我国自然保护区管理政策的制定和中长期规划的编制。  相似文献   

Ecosystem functioning and intrinsic value of biodiversity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Alexei M. Ghilarov 《Oikos》2000,90(2):408-412
Trying to show the importance of biodiversity for ecosystem functioning, ecologists are repeatedly looking for a possible connection between species diversity and intensity of various ecosystem processes. However it appears that simple "proof" of such a connection cannot easily be demonstrated and involves a lot of contingencies. The different meanings of "ecosystem functioning" may be crucial for attempts to show the importance of biodiversity and to assess possible redundancy. If "ecosystem functioning" means only total production of organic matter or consumption of CO2 then some degree of redundancy in species diversity of autotrophs will be obvious in most cases. However if "ecosystem functioning" includes the synthesis of all compounds that plants, animals and other organisms of a given community contain in their bodies or release in the environment, then any decrease in species diversity will be meaningful and any redundancy will be impossible by definition. In accordance with such a definition biodiversity obviously cannot be diminished without some loss of ecosystem functioning. I emphasize that attempts to conserve biodiversity do not need special justification in possible relationships between diversity and ecosystem services. If biodiversity has intrinsic value it means that it could in principle be "useless" for human needs or for "ecosystem functioning".  相似文献   

Circumstances have conspired to render the conservation movement curiously diffident in the expression of the fundamental beliefs that underpin it. ‘Oppositional’ activists assume their case as proven, while ‘institutional’ tacticians tend to adopt the point of view of those they oppose, deploying utilitarian/economic arguments. The latter arguments represent an unstable long‐term option because they are an inadequate defence against compelling forces of corrosion and corruption. On present evidence, in a few hundred years the planet will be devoid of major natural areas, and the quality of human life will have been utterly compromised. A more honest admission that the natural world is an inalienable component of the human capacity to experience freedom (which is also a mental circumstance) would transform the way we treat the natural environment and hence the prospects for the long‐term survival of biological diversity.  相似文献   

Laura M. E. Sutcliffe  Pter Batry  Urs Kormann  Andrs Bldi  Lynn V. Dicks  Irina Herzon  David Kleijn  Piotr Tryjanowski  Iva Apostolova  Raphaël Arlettaz  Ainars Aunins  Stphanie Aviron  Ligita Baleentien&#x;  Christina Fischer  Lubos Halada  Tibor Hartel  Aveliina Helm  Iordan Hristov  Sven D. Jelaska  Mitja Kaligari   Johannes Kamp  Sebastian Klimek  Pille Koorberg  Jarmila Kostiukov  Anik Kovcs‐Hostynszki  Tobias Kuemmerle  Christoph Leuschner  Regina Lindborg  Jacqueline Loos  Simona Maccherini  Riho Marja  Orsolya Mth  Inge Paulini  Vnia Proena  Jos Rey‐Benayas  F. Xavier Sans  Charlotte Seifert  Jaros&#x;aw Stalenga  Johannes Timaeus  Pter Trk  Chris van Swaay  Eneli Viik  Teja Tscharntke 《Diversity & distributions》2015,21(6):722-730
A large proportion of European biodiversity today depends on habitat provided by low‐intensity farming practices, yet this resource is declining as European agriculture intensifies. Within the European Union, particularly the central and eastern new member states have retained relatively large areas of species‐rich farmland, but despite increased investment in nature conservation here in recent years, farmland biodiversity trends appear to be worsening. Although the high biodiversity value of Central and Eastern European farmland has long been reported, the amount of research in the international literature focused on farmland biodiversity in this region remains comparatively tiny, and measures within the EU Common Agricultural Policy are relatively poorly adapted to support it. In this opinion study, we argue that, 10 years after the accession of the first eastern EU new member states, the continued under‐representation of the low‐intensity farmland in Central and Eastern Europe in the international literature and EU policy is impeding the development of sound, evidence‐based conservation interventions. The biodiversity benefits for Europe of existing low‐intensity farmland, particularly in the central and eastern states, should be harnessed before they are lost. Instead of waiting for species‐rich farmland to further decline, targeted research and monitoring to create locally appropriate conservation strategies for these habitats is needed now.  相似文献   

三江平原湿地生态系统生物多样性保护价值   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
生物多样性保护是三江平原湿地生态系统提供的一项重要的生态服务功能,具有重要的经济价值。应用M.Hoel和T.Sterner提出的经济模型,分析了贴现率和边际价格变化综合影响下的三江平原湿地生态系统生物多样性保护价值变化过程,研究了收入边际效用弹性和替代弹性对贴现率和边际价格变化综合效应的影响,并通过对比传统贴现方法揭示了三江平原湿地生态系统生物多样性保护所蕴含的巨大经济价值。研究结果表明,在贴现率和边际价格变化的综合影响下,三江平原湿地生态系统生物多样性保护价值曲线呈现出先增长再下降的变化趋势,总经济价值为人均19438.9元;收入边际效用弹性和替代弹性的取值对价值评估结果的影响较大,不同参数条件下的价值评估结果将最终作用于湿地生态系统保护相关决策的制定;价值评估结果同样证明了在保持经济较快速度发展的同时提高三江平原湿地生态系统生物多样性保护功能的恢复速率对于促进地区经济协调发展和提高社会福祉状况具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Biodiversity may be seen as a scientific measure of the complexity of a biological system, implying an information basis. Complexity cannot be directly valued, so economists have tried to define the services it provides, though often just valuing the services of ‘key’ species. Here we provide a new definition of biodiversity as a measure of functional information, arguing that complexity embodies meaningful information as Gregory Bateson defined it. We argue that functional information content (FIC) is the potentially valuable component of total (algorithmic) information content (AIC), as it alone determines biological fitness and supports ecosystem services. Inspired by recent extensions to the Noah's Ark problem, we show how FIC/AIC can be calculated to measure the degree of substitutability within an ecological community. Establishing substitutability is an essential foundation for valuation. From it, we derive a way to rank whole communities by Indirect Use Value, through quantifying the relation between system complexity and the production rate of ecosystem services. Understanding biodiversity as information evidently serves as a practical interface between economics and ecological science.  相似文献   

水域生态系统中生物多样性经济价值评估的一个新方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
生物多样性的经济价值,是目前国内外有关生态系统服务价值研究中难点之一。生物多样性经济价值分为使用价值和非使用价值两类,前者包括直接和间接使用价值,后者包括选择价值、遗产价值和存在价值[1]。一般而言,对生物多样性的使用价值采用直接市场评价法较多,对非使用价值采用支付意愿法较多。但是这种基于支付意愿(Willingness to pay,WTP)调查的条件价值法(Contingent value method,CVM)评价生物多样性经济价值面临许多的困难,甚至非议[2—4]。许多学者认为,由于在生物多样性价值概念、计量方法、计量参数等方面的不规范性,导致生物多…  相似文献   



To support the development of early warning and surveillance systems of emerging zoonoses, we present a general method to prioritize pathogens using a quantitative, stochastic multi-criteria model, parameterized for the Netherlands.

Methodology/Principal Findings

A risk score was based on seven criteria, reflecting assessments of the epidemiology and impact of these pathogens on society. Criteria were weighed, based on the preferences of a panel of judges with a background in infectious disease control.


Pathogens with the highest risk for the Netherlands included pathogens in the livestock reservoir with a high actual human disease burden (e.g. Campylobacter spp., Toxoplasma gondii, Coxiella burnetii) or a low current but higher historic burden (e.g. Mycobacterium bovis), rare zoonotic pathogens in domestic animals with severe disease manifestations in humans (e.g. BSE prion, Capnocytophaga canimorsus) as well as arthropod-borne and wildlife associated pathogens which may pose a severe risk in future (e.g. Japanese encephalitis virus and West-Nile virus). These agents are key targets for development of early warning and surveillance.  相似文献   

Modern intensive farming caused pronounced changes to the European arable flora. Many species adapted to less intensive traditional farming declined severely, as did the potential of unsown arable vegetation to support higher trophic levels. To reverse these trends, various agri-environment measures were introduced. One such measure is to manage cereal headlands as conservation headlands, involving strict restrictions on pesticide and fertiliser use. An additional modification to management which could reduce crop competition and thus deliver benefits to arable plants is cereal sowing at reduced rates. However, little is known about its benefits to rare and declining arable plants, or to species of value to higher trophic levels, and whether it can be implemented without concomitant increase in undesirable weeds. We set up identical two-factorial experiments in winter wheat and spring barley, combining a nitrogen fertiliser versus no fertiliser treatment with cereal sowing at economic rates versus sowing at rates reduced by 75 %, with added sowing of a mixture of rare arable species. Both experiments also included an uncropped but cultivated control equivalent to another agri-environment measure. Our results show that reduced cereal sowing in conservation headlands can benefit rare and declining species, as well as arable plant diversity, without necessarily resulting in a concomitant increase in undesirable weeds. While such benefits tended to be larger in uncropped cultivated controls, conservation headlands have the advantage of not requiring land being taken out of production. Moreover, as shown in this study, their benefits to arable plants can be maximised by reduced sowing.  相似文献   

In the last 400 years, more species have become extinct on small islands than on continents. Yet, scant attention has hitherto been paid to prioritizing island restorations. Nevertheless, considerable conservation effort is now devoted to removing a major cause of these extinctions – invasive alien vertebrates. Because modern techniques allow the clearance of invasive vertebrates from quite large islands (up to 1000 km2), many islands are candidates for restoration. A robust strategy for allocating available funds is urgently needed. It requires, for each candidate island, an objective estimation of conservation gain and a method for predicting its financial cost. Our earlier work showed that a good first-pass estimate of vertebrate eradication costs can be made using just island area and target species. Costs increase with island area, while rodents are more expensive per unit area than ungulates. Here, we develop a method for assessing the conservation benefit of a proposed eradication and apply the method to threatened birds, but not other taxa. The method, combining information on how threatened a species is, on the impact of alien vertebrates on that species and on the islands on which the species occurs, allows us to present a means of determining which islands yield the greatest conservation benefit per unit of expenditure on vertebrate eradication. In general, although greater overall benefit would accrue to birds from eradication of invasive vertebrates on larger islands, benefit per unit of expenditure is the highest on relatively small islands, and we identify those that should be priority targets for future eradications. Crucially, this quantitative assessment provides considerable efficiency gains over more opportunistic targeting of islands. The method could be adapted to prioritize islands on a regional or national basis, or with different conservation gains in mind.  相似文献   

The role of facilitation in the structuring of plant communities has been often demonstrated in environments under high abiotic stress, especially in semi‐arid and arid ecosystems and high elevations. Few studies, however, analysed facilitation in systems that are highly productive and rich in species, which are thought to be theoretically unlikely to demonstrate strong effects of facilitation. Here, we investigate the importance of Eryngium horridum, a rosette species, on the maintenance of plant diversity in subtropical grasslands in southern Brazil. We evaluated facilitation in areas under two different types of management: abandonment and grazing. Plots were established in areas with and without individuals of E. horridum and all species were identified and had their cover estimated. The Relative Neighbour Effect index was calculated in order to verify the presence of competition or facilitation. Our results indicated facilitation in both abandoned and in grazed grasslands, but apparently through different mechanisms. In the first case, the plant's architecture opens the canopy and allows more light to reach small forbs in the grass matrix. In the second case, E. horridum appears to protect more palatable species from herbivores. Otherwise considered an obnoxious species, E. horridum plays an important ecological role in subtropical grasslands in southern Brazil by facilitating other species and consequently, increasing local richness. Areas with this rosette species are important sources of diaspores, which are able to colonize new open sites and thus, maintain biodiversity.  相似文献   

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