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朱利  俞守义  陈清  蔡俊鹏 《水产科学》2004,23(12):21-23
在18份鲍鱼养殖厂的各种水样和不同生长期的鲍样品中,共分离出17株弧菌:溶藻性弧菌11株,副溶血弧菌3株,霍乱弧菌2株,拟态弧菌1株。其中,溶藻性弧菌分布比较广,存在于各种样品;副溶血弧菌主要分布于鲍的肠道内;而非O1 O139群霍乱弧菌和拟态弧菌则分布于源头水中。鲍养殖水体中细菌总数的计数可以作为监测细菌性病害的指标之一。副溶血弧菌在鲍肠道内的高检出率提示鲍与副溶血弧菌的关系值得深入研究。  相似文献   

国宾 《齐鲁渔业》2004,21(4):15-16
杂色鲍是珍贵的海产软体动物,软体部非常发达,肉质细嫩,味道鲜美,被誉为“八珍”之冠。其贝壳可做中药,称为“石决明”,具有清肝明目的功效。现将杂色鲍人工繁殖及养成的主要技术介绍如下。  相似文献   

陈庆芳 《水产养殖》2002,(3):13-14,16
沉箱养鲍是近几年才发展起来的一种养殖模式,它是用钢筋水泥混凝土制成圆形或方形箱体,放置于礁石底质的低潮区至大潮低潮线下水深0.5米左右的海域,将鲍鱼苗种投放箱体内,实行定时投放饵料和清理沉箱的半人工养殖方式。其投资少,易操作,养殖周期短,产品接近天然鲍鱼,市场竞争力强,因而易于推广。圆形沉箱与方形沉箱对比,前者具有两个优点,一是防浪性能好,可减少任何方向波浪对它的冲击力;二是水体上下交流快,有利于鲍鱼的生长。因此,本文重点介绍圆形沉箱养殖杂色鲍的技术要点。1养殖海区的选择应选择岩礁密布,底部较平…  相似文献   

鲍列为海产“八珍”之冠 ,它味道鲜美 ,营养丰富。海南地处热带 ,年海水温度 1 8~ 32℃ ,海水盐度为 32~ 35 ,适合人工养殖杂色鲍 (Haliotisdirversicolor )。根据常规杂色鲍工厂化养成的经济分析 ,于每m3水体投资成本为 0 .1 31万元 ,成鲍商品价格按 1 0 0~ 1 2 0元 /kg计算 ,每m3水体产出至少 0 .1 80万元 ,投入产出比 1∶1 .37,经济效益较为显著。海南省政府决定 ,在未来几年内大力发展杂色鲍养殖业。1 杂色鲍生物学特性杂色鲍属软体动物门 ,喜栖息于海水盐度高且稳定 ,水透明度高 ,水流通 ,海藻丰富的岩礁海底 ;主要生活在潮间带上…  相似文献   

通过光镜、电镜技术,比较了正常状态和受到细菌刺激后杂色鲍血细胞的变化。结果显示,正常状态下的杂色鲍血细胞分为三种类型:颗粒细胞、透明细胞和小细胞;杂色鲍血细胞具有很强的免疫功能,对外界刺激敏感;受到细菌刺激后杂色鲍的血细胞在结构和形态上均发生显著的变化。并推测,颗粒细胞的颗粒中含有大量的水解酶类和抗菌肽等免疫因子,发挥主要的免疫作用。  相似文献   

杂色鲍与九孔鲍种质资源研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
苏天凤 《南方水产》2006,2(2):64-67
杂色鲍和九孔鲍是我国南方鲍养殖业的主要对象,九孔鲍与杂色鲍的分类关系,学术界一直存在着不同看法。文章综述了我国杂色鲍和九孔鲍在形态学、染色体核型、生化遗传学及分子遗传学方面种质研究的主要进展,得出二者间差异属于种群差异,台湾的九孔鲍和大陆的杂色鲍的种质差异达不到亚种水平的结论。提出了自己的观点,并提出了合理引种及保护原种的建议。  相似文献   

黄勃 《渔业现代化》2003,(5):25-25,31
杂色鲍 (H .diversicolor)是近几年推广养殖的品种 ,养殖形式多样 ,有工厂化养殖、沉箱养殖和笼式吊养等。目前海南省工厂化养鲍场达44家 ,养殖水体约 1 8万m3;沉箱养殖达 7万箱 ,已投苗 3.6万箱 ;陵水县黎安镇黎安村农民还根据本地自然条件 ,采用笼式吊养 ,目前共吊养 2万笼。 2 0 0 0年全省鲍产量 30 9吨 ,2 0 0 1年全省产量42 0吨 ,鲍养殖业发展速度较快。海南目前种鲍主要来源台湾及本地野生杂色鲍 (H .diversicolor ) ,在养殖过程中虽无大规模死亡现象 ,但种质退化现象开始出现 ,如生长速度慢、个体小型化、抗逆性差等现象 ,给养殖户…  相似文献   

通过光镜、电镜技术,比较了正常状态和受到细菌刺激后杂色鲍血细胞的变化.结果显示,正常状态下的杂色鲍血细胞分为三种类型:颗粒细胞、透明细胞和小细胞;杂色鲍血细胞具有很强的免疫功能,对外界刺激敏感;受到细菌刺激后杂色鲍的血细胞在结构和形态上均发生显著的变化.并推测,颗粒细胞的颗粒中含有大量的水解酶类和抗菌肽等免疫因子,发挥主要的免疫作用.  相似文献   

杂色鲍与九孔鲍消化酶活力的比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
黄勃 《水产学报》2003,27(2):119-123
对人工养殖的、不同体长的杂色鲍与九孔鲍消化酶活力大小进行了研究。酶学分析表明,无论是杂色鲍还是九孔鲍,其纤维素酶随着鲍的体长的增大活性逐渐增强;淀粉酶随着其体长的增大活性逐渐减弱;脂肪酶活性均很小;九孔鲍的纤维素酶活力和淀粉酶活力均大于相同体长的杂色鲍。  相似文献   

低氧胁迫对九孔鲍免疫防御因子的影响   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
陈政强  陈昌生  战文斌 《水产学报》2012,36(11):1739-1747
为了解低氧胁迫条件下九孔鲍免疫防御因子的变化及机体抗病力变化, 将九孔鲍置于不同的溶解氧环境中, 观测相关免疫因子变化。结果显示, 在水温为(22.1?1.3) oC, 盐度为30.72?0.54, pH值为8.20?0.14的海水环境中, 溶解氧含量由(7.49?0.14) mg/L下调至(2.53?0.16) mg/L后120 h内, 平均体质量为(14.25±2.21) g的九孔鲍未见死亡, 而每只鲍注射5.0?105 CFU 副溶血弧菌后120 h内实验鲍的累计死亡率高达91.11%?7.70%, 比对照组(11.11%?3.83%)累计死亡率高出80%, 血淋巴抑菌清除率下降至?(3 340.47%?298.57%), 显而易见, 低氧胁迫使得九孔鲍拮抗副溶血弧菌感染的抵抗力显著下降。低氧(2.53?0.16) mg/L胁迫下, 九孔鲍血淋巴细胞数量(THC)下降30.62%?4.87%、血淋巴细胞吞噬率下降62.77%?5.79%、呼吸爆发产生的超氧阴离子数量下降22.21%?5.89%。低氧胁迫下九孔鲍血淋巴细胞内MPO活性上升(9.63%?7.59%)~(22.90%?13.73%)、CAT活性提高(7.68%?6.83%)~(56.28%?13.96%), 反映出低氧胁迫下九孔鲍体内应激反应产生的物质氧化加剧, 血淋巴细胞内产生大量的活性氧自由基。溶解氧含量由(7.49?0.14) mg/L下调至(4.51?0.12) mg/L后九孔鲍已明显处于低氧胁迫和应激反应状态, 120 h内的累计死亡率达到37.78%?3.85%, 血淋巴抑菌率下降至883.56%?123.22%; THC、血淋巴细胞吞噬率、呼吸爆发产生的超氧阴离子O2- 数量等最大降幅分别达到12.51%?6.59%、21.90%?15.84%、12.93%?5.74%; MPO活性在原有水平的?(10.61%?4.20%)~(7.13%?6.45%)之间波动, CAT活性在?(5.17%?18.08%)~(16.26%?10.85%)之间变化。  相似文献   

Outbreaks of serious mortality among cultured abalone postlarvae have occurred across Southern China since July 2002. Five motile bacterial strains were isolated from diseased abalone postlarvae on tryptic soy agar supplemented with 1% NaCl (TSA1) and/or thiosulphate citrate bile salt (TCBS) sucrose agar plates during an outbreak in August 2003 in Shanwei, Guangdong province. All isolates were characterized and identified as Vibrio alginolyticus on the basis of biochemical characteristics and comparisons with those of the reference strain V. alginolyticus ATCC 17749. Strain 19 (a representative of five similar isolates) was virulent to abalone postlarvae with an LD50 value of1.00 × 104 colony‐forming units mL?1. All abalone postlarvae exhibited the same signs as in natural outbreaks. The same bacterium could be re‐isolated from abalone postlarvae after bacterial challenge using TSA1 and TCBS plates. The results reveal that V. alginolyticus is an infectious agent of abalone postlarvae.  相似文献   

杂色鲍幼苗大规模死亡与细菌数量的关系   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
对杂色鲍育苗过程中养殖池、附着板上的细菌数量进行了监测,当鲍苗出现大规模死亡前后,池水及附着板上细菌数量比养殖初期高2个数量级,利用臭氧处理养殖水后,附着板上的细菌数量没有发生根本变化,鲍苗同样出现死亡,鲍苗剥离后1周左右也出现大规模死亡。在鲍苗大规模死亡前后分离的细菌经过鉴定为塔式弧菌及Vibrio sp.  相似文献   


实验采用cDNA末端快速扩增(RACE)和反转录聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)技术对九孔鲍(Haliotis diversicolor supertexta)α-淀粉酶基因cDNA进行克隆,并分析该基因的组织表达及其与生长性状的相关性。结果表明,九孔鲍α-淀粉酶基因cDNA全长为2 260 bp,其中开放阅读框长度为2 088 bp,共编码695个氨基酸。经SingalP分析,α-淀粉酶多肽链中含有信号肽结构,且长度为18个氨基酸(MWAQYGIVSALLVLSASA),由该多肽链折叠成的三级结构中含有domain A、domain C 2个结构域,并且在domain A第28~第396氨基酸处存在催化中心。该基因在九孔鲍右侧壳肌、肠、肝脏、胃、外套膜、吻、腹足7种组织中均有不同程度表达。其中在胃中表达量最高,表达量高达326.803;而在外套膜中表达量最低,表达量仅为0.35。经ANOVA分析,消化组织与非消化组织间的α-淀粉酶基因表达量存在显著差异(P < 0.05)。α-淀粉酶基因mRNA表达量与生长性状呈显著正相关(P < 0.05)。


以邻苯二酚为底物研究部分理化因子对杂色鲍(Haliotis diversicolor)血蓝蛋白酚氧化酶活性的影响。结果表明,血蓝蛋白酚氧化酶活性最适温度34℃、最适pH6.4;铜离子(Cu^2+)能极其显著增强血蓝蛋白的酚氧化酶活性,增强率为264%,而乙二胺四乙酸二钠(EDTA)、镁离子(Mg^2+)和锌离子(Zn^2+)则能极其显著地抑制其活性,EDTA的抑制效率最高,抑制率为52.8%,Mg^2+和Zn^2+的抑制率分别为27.8%和25%。钙离子(Ca^2+)对血蓝蛋白酚氧化酶活性影响不显著。  相似文献   

The abalone Haliotis diversicolor (Reeve) or ‘tokobushi’ is being cultured in Kagoshima, southern Japan for stock enhancement of fishing grounds. However, with decreasing catches from the wild some fishermen's group may eventually resort to rearing tokobushi until of marketable size. Growth experiments of tokobushi fed macroalgae in floating net cage and plastic tanks were conducted to evaluate the influence of culture system, macroalgal food, age and water temperature on their culture. In floating net cage, marketable sizes were obtained at the age of 457–822‐day old (15–27‐month old) with highest growth rate of 2.36% g day?1 and 0.21 mm day?1. One advantage of the plastic tank culture system was that the tokobushi shell remained clean throughout the culture period. Macroalgal food affected the growth rate; Sargassum fusiforme (Setchell)‐ and Ulva pertusa (Kjellman)‐fed tokobushi were better than Meristotheca papulosa (Montagne)‐fed. Further, 1‐year‐old tokobushi had better growth performance and condition index than the 2‐year‐old cohort, and growth rates were higher at 17°C than at 12°C. These findings should help tokobushi farmers design their mariculture scheme considering both economic and environmental aspects.  相似文献   

将杂色鲍(Haliotis diversicolor)注射感染大肠杆菌(E.coli)和副溶血弧菌(Vibrio parahemolyticus),在感染后第4、8、12、24、48、96、192小时分别采集无细胞血淋巴,测定碱性磷酸酶(ALP)、酸性磷酸酶(ACP)和超氧化物岐化酶(SOD)的活力.结果表明,弧菌组ACP的活力在第24小时比对照组显著增高;弧菌组的ALP与对照组相比,在第8小时显著增高,第48小时极显著升高,第96小时显著下降.弧菌组的SOD活力在24小时与对照组相比显著降低.而大肠杆菌组ALP、ACP和SOD的活力跟对照组相比,各个时相均无显著差异.由此可见,杂色鲍对致病菌和非致病菌可能有着不同的免疫机制.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: The seasonal changes in levels of chemical constituents in the muscle and viscera of small abalone Haliotis diversicolor fed gracilar and an artificial diet were investigated. Muscle yields were higher in winter and spring. In October specimens, total adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP)-related compounds (ARC), total free amino acids (FAA), and glycogen in both muscle and viscera decreased markedly. The artificial diet fed to small abalone had much higher glycogen in the muscle than those fed on gracilar, and showed a great seasonal change. Total amounts of ARC in the muscles were higher through March to July, while those in the viscera were maximal in January. Taurine, arginine, glycine, glutamic acid, and alanine were the major FAA in both tissues, accounting for 81–94% of the total FAA. Total amounts of FAA in the muscles were higher in the samples collected from winter and early spring than in other seasons. Glycine, glutamic acid, and adenosine monophosphate might be the most important taste components related to the palatability of small abalone. Their total amounts in the muscles of the two specimens were considerably high in December to March. This finding suggested that small abalone produced in winter and early spring might be more palatable.  相似文献   

TZE-KUEI  CHIOU  MENG-MEI  LAI 《Fisheries Science》2002,68(2):388-394
ABSTRACT: Differences in taste preference and the levels of extractive components and glycogen were compared between cooked meats of small abalone Haliotis diversicolor fed either gracilar (G-small abalone) or an artificial diet (A-small abalone). Using sensory tests, taste preference of cooked meats was significantly higher for A-small abalone than for G-small abalone. Results of clustering analysis and principal component analysis of chemical data also revealed that the two cooked meats differed from each other in terms of their measured constituent compositions irrespective of sampling periods. Compared with G-small abalone, A-small abalone meats were lower in taurine and arginine, but higher in glycine (Gly), glutamic acid (Glu), alanine, serine, proline, adenosine monophosphate (AMP), and glycogen. It is concluded that the discrepancy in the levels of taste-active components of abalone, such as Gly, Glu, and AMP, is likely to be responsible for the differences in taste preference between G- and A-small abalone cooked meats.  相似文献   

The aquaculture industry of small abalone Haliotis diversicolor in southern China is now close to collapse because of high mortality at the grow-out stage. To examine if survival and growth (shell length increase) could be improved by cross breeding among populations, a 3 × 3 complete diallel cross was conducted among three populations from Japan (A), Taiwan (B) and Vietnam (C). Performances in growth rate and survival at early juvenile, later juvenile and grow-out stages were compared among the six reciprocal cross lines and three parental lines. Magnitude of heterosis for survival and growth varied among cross lines in the three growing stages. As to mid-parent heterosis, H AB was significantly ( P <0.01) higher than H AC and H BC at all three growing stages for both growth and survival, and all mid-parent heterosis fell between the two corresponding single-parent heterosis. H AB was 6.84% for shell length and 69.09% for survival at Day 420. Our results of high survival heterosis in line AB and line BA show that crossbreeding between different populations can benefit the small abalone breeding programs and the industry.  相似文献   

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