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In peatlands, poorly maintained baseflows mean that network expansion during storm events can be rapid and pronounced, resulting in large changes in catchment connectivity. This has implications for the timing and magnitude of material fluxes from these environments, understanding of which is becoming increasingly important due to peatlands' significance as global carbon stores. In this study, electrical resistance (ER) technology has been used to create sensors capable of detecting the presence and absence of flow in ephemeral portions of the channel network. These sensors provide data on the patterns of network variation in the Upper North Grain research catchment, a small peatland headwater in the South Pennines, UK. Networks of around 40 sensors were deployed in autumn 2007 and summer 2008, giving a total of almost four months of high‐resolution monitoring data. Drainage density in the catchment was found to vary between 1.4 and 30.0 km/km2, suggesting significant differences in connectivity between the expanded and contracted networks. Water table depth was identified as the key factor determining the temporal pattern of streamflow at both the site‐ and catchment‐wide scales. Spatially, network expansion and contraction occurred in a disjointed manner, following a similar pattern between events, suggesting that localized controls are important for flow generation. Spatial controls on flow generation relate to local water table levels, and include drainage area, local dissection, channel slope and gully morphology. The importance of water table as the key control on catchment connectivity suggests that potential future change in catchment water tables, associated with projected climate change or with peatland restoration by rewetting, will modify the frequency of full catchment connectivity. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The distribution of groundwater inflows in a stream reach plays a major role in controlling the stream temperature, a vital component shaping the riverine ecosystem. In this study, the Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) system was installed in a small Danish lowland stream, Elverdamsåen, to assess the seasonal dynamics of groundwater inflow zones using high spatial (1 m) and temporal (3 minutes) resolution of water temperature measurements. Four simple criteria consisting of 30 min average temperature at 16:00, mean and standard deviation of diurnal temperatures, and the day–night temperature difference were applied to three DTS datasets representing stream temperature responses to the variable meteorological and hydrological conditions prevailing in summer, winter and spring. The standard deviation criterion was useful to identify groundwater discharge zones in summer and spring conditions, while the mean temperature criterion was better for the winter conditions. In total, 20 interactions were identified from the DTS datasets representing summer, 16 in winter and 19 in spring, albeit with only two interactions contributing in all three seasons. Higher baseflow to streamflow ratio, antecedent precipitation and presence of fractured clayey till in the stream reach were deemed as the vital factors causing apparent seasonal variation in the locations of upwelling zones, prompting use of DTS not only in preconceived scenarios of large diurnal temperature change but rather a long‐term deployment covering variable meteorological and hydrological scenarios. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nitrate concentrations in streamwater of agricultural catchments often exhibit interannual variations, which are supposed to result from land‐use changes, as well as seasonal variations mainly explained by the effect of hydrological and biogeochemical cycles. In catchments on impervious bedrock, seasonal variations of nitrate concentrations in streamwater are usually characterized by higher nitrate concentrations in winter than in summer. However, intermediate or inverse cycles with higher concentrations in summer are sometimes observed. An experimental study was carried out to assess the mechanisms that determine the seasonal cycles of streamwater nitrate concentrations in intensive agricultural catchments. Temporal and spatial patterns of groundwater concentrations were investigated in two adjacent catchments located in south‐western Brittany (France), characterized by different seasonal variations of streamwater nitrate concentrations. Wells were drilled across the hillslope at depths ranging from 1·5 to 20 m. Dynamics of the water table were monitored and the groundwater nitrate and chloride concentrations were measured weekly over 2 years. Results highlighted that groundwater was partitioned into downslope domains, where denitrification induced lower nitrate concentrations than into mid‐slope and upslope domains. For one catchment, high subsurface flow with high nitrate concentrations during high water periods and active denitrification during low water periods explained the higher streamwater nitrate concentrations in winter than in summer. For the other catchment, the high contribution of groundwater with high nitrate concentrations smoothed or inverted this trend. Increasing bromide/chloride ratio and nitrate concentrations with depth argued for an effect of past agricultural pressure on this catchment. The relative contribution of flows in time and correlatively the spatial origin of waters, function of the depth and the location on the hillslope, and their chemical characteristics control seasonal cycles of streamwater nitrate concentrations and can influence their interannual trends. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

介绍了各种跨径所适应的不同伸缩装置的构造及特点,桥梁伸缩装置设计施工的基本要求,简要介绍了桥梁伸缩装置计算方法及选型原则,着重介绍了GQF(交通行业标准代号)型桥梁伸缩装置施工工艺,供从事桥梁设计及施工工作的技术人员参考。  相似文献   

The hyporheic zone plays an important role in groundwater and stream water quality protection. To investigate the stream-groundwater interaction mechanisms in the lateral hyporheic zone, this study examined Ma'an Creek in Chongqing during the dry season from December 2015 to April 2016. The water level, water temperature, pH and Cl. concentration in the hyporheic zone and groundwater were monitored in situ. The sediment permeability coefficient, stable isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen and concentration of DOC were analyzed. The results show that the water level changes of hyporheic zone and the movement of hyporheic flow were influenced significantly by the permeability coefficient of sediment. The hyporheic flow approximately10 cm from the stream bank was clearly affected by precipitation infiltration and evapotranspiration. During the study period,the groundwater recharged the stream, and the impact of groundwater on the hyporheic flow gradually decreased with the flow path. The hyporheic flow approximately 30 cm from the stream bank was still mainly affected by groundwater. Approximately10–30 cm from the stream bank, the mixing of groundwater with precipitation and stream water intensified. Due to the sediment properties, moisture accumulated approximately 10 cm from the stream bank and drained into the stream via hyporheic flow, with potential impacts on stream water quality.  相似文献   

Stream networks used in studies of basin morphometry, network topology, flood hydrology, and sediment production should be defined as precisely as possible. Previous work has drawn attention to the way in which stream network definition varies on maps of different scales, on maps employing different conventions devised in relation to the dynamic network, and according to whether maps, remote sensing or field survey sources are used. Networks also vary in extent according to the date of survey and after considering the instructions to surveyors it is shown that such changes, over periods of 100 years reflect changes in network extent. For three areas of Britain, network change can be identified by comparison of maps of different dates, by comparison of these changes with the results of field survey, and by reference to dateable features such as inclosure boundaries. Changes of drainage networks since the nineteenth century are shown to be significant in extent and they have often occurred as a result of the replacement of flushes by clearly defined stream channels. This transformation has often occurred as a result of new or modified systems of stormwater drainage from roads, tracks or farms, and the planning of the future disposal of road drainage should be considered carefully in relation to such stream network changes. The changes of drainage networks identified from maps of different dates and editions can provide a useful data base for studies of network topology and may also be significant in relation to palaeohydrological investigations.  相似文献   

Bioretention cells, which are generally effective in controlling surface runoff and recharging groundwater, have been widely adopted as low impact development practices. However, shallow groundwater has limited their implementation in some locations due to the potential problems of a reduction in surface runoff control, groundwater pollution, and continuous groundwater drainage through the underdrain. Many guidelines have established minimum requirements for the groundwater depth below bioretention cells, but they may not be optimized for certain environmental conditions and bioretention cell designs. This study made use of a variably saturated flow model to examine the hydrologic performance of a single bioretention cell in shallow groundwater with event‐based simulations, considering a wide range of initial groundwater depths, media and in situ soil types, surface runoff loads, and underdrain sizes. Performance indicators (e.g., runoff reduction, time for infiltrated water to reach the bioretention cell bottom and the groundwater table, and height and dissipation time of groundwater mound) were evaluated to examine the processes of runoff generation, the formation and dissipation of groundwater mounds, and the bioretention cell's performance in a shallow groundwater environment. The most influential factors were the initial groundwater depth, the hydraulic conductivity of the media soil, and the rainfall runoff load. With a deeper initial groundwater table, infiltrated water took longer to reach the bioretention cell bottom and groundwater table. Groundwater mounds, however, took longer to dissipate even though they were smaller. The groundwater quality can be better protected if relatively less‐permeable soil types (e.g., sandy loam) are used as the media, although it may compromise the performance in runoff quantity control. However, only very high surface runoff loads would cause concerns regarding a reduction in runoff quantity control and possible groundwater contamination due to the shallow groundwater. A distance of 1.5–3 m between the bioretention cell bottom and the groundwater table is generally sufficient. The results of this study could help to guide the planning and design of bioretention cells in areas of shallow groundwater.  相似文献   

Although the importance to account for microrelief in the calculation of specific yields for shallow groundwater systems is well recognized, the microrelief influence is often treated very simplified, which can cause considerable errors. We provide a general one‐dimensional expression that correctly represents the effect of a microrelief on the total specific yield that is composed of the soil and surface specific yield. The one‐dimensional expression can be applied for different soil hydraulic parameterizations and soil surface elevation frequency distributions. Applying different van Genuchten parameters and a simple linear microrelief model, we demonstrate that the specific yield is influenced by the microrelief not only when surface storage directly contributes to specific yield by (partial) inundation but also when water levels are lower than the minimum surface elevation. Compared with a simplified representation of the soil specific yield, in which a mean soil surface is assumed for the calculation of soil specific yield, the correct representation can lead to lower as well as higher soil specific yields depending on the specific interaction of the soil water retention characteristics and the microrelief. The new equation can be used to obtain more accurate evapotranspiration estimates from water level fluctuations and to account for the effect of microtopographic subgrid variability on simulated water levels of spatially distributed hydrological models. Copyright © 2015 The Authors Hydrological Processes Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   

The hydrogeochemistry of shallow groundwater has been characterized in the Allt a'Mharcaidh catchment in the Scottish Cairngorms in order to: (i) assess the spatial and temporal variation in groundwater chemistry; (ii) identify the hydrogeochemical processes regulating its evolution; and (iii) examine the influence of groundwater on the quality and quantity of stream flow. Shallow groundwater in superficial drift deposits is circumneutral (pH∽7·1) and base cation concentrations are enriched compared with precipitation and drainage water from overlying podzolic soils. Modelling with NETPATH suggests that the dominant geochemical processes that account for this are the dissolution of plagioclase, K-feldspar and biotite. Groundwater emerging as springs from weathered granite underlying high altitude (>900 m) alpine soils shows similar characteristics, though weathering rates are lower, probably as a result of reduced residence times and lower temperatures. Chemical hydrograph separation techniques using acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) and Si as tracers show that groundwater is the dominant source of baseflow in the catchment and also buffers the chemistry of stream water at high flows: groundwater may account for as much as 50–60% of annual runoff in the catchment. Climate and land use in the Cairngorms are vulnerable to future changes, which may have major implications for hydrogeological processes in the area. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For the evaluation of policy action programs to improve groundwater quality, research institutes and governments intensively monitor nitrate concentrations in shallow or near surface groundwater. However, trend detection is often hampered by the large seasonal and multi-annual temporal variability in nitrate concentrations, especially in shallow groundwater within 0–5 m below the surface in relatively humid regions. This variability is mainly caused by variations in precipitation excess (precipitation minus evapotranspiration) that results in strong variability in groundwater recharge. The objective of this study was to understand and quantify this weather-induced variability in shallow groundwater nitrate concentrations.We present an example of measured weather related variations in shallow groundwater nitrate concentrations from De Marke, an intensively monitored experimental farm in The Netherlands. For the quantification of the weather-induced variability, concentration-indices were calculated using a 1D model for water and solute transport. The results indicate that nitrate concentrations in the upper meter of groundwater at De Marke vary between 55% and 153% of the average concentration due to meteorological variability. The concentration-index quantification method was successfully used to distinguish weather related variability from human-induced trends in the nitrate concentration monitoring data from De Marke. Our model simulations also shows that sampling from fixed monitoring wells produces less short term variability than measuring from open boreholes. In addition, using larger screen depths and longer screens filters out short term temporal variability at the cost of a more delayed detection of trends in groundwater quality.  相似文献   

Ecohydrology, the interdisciplinary field of research directed to the application of hydrological knowledge to landscape ecology, is introduced to evaluate a test data set of 412 analyses of groundwater samples from 60 locations in a Dutch coversand area, numerically classified into 17 water types. Three types of simple groundwater quality classification are identified: single parameter, combined parameter and multiparameter.

Single quality parameters like pH, electrical conductivity (EC) and ion concentration values, are rarely used in ecohydrology. The representation of the complex conditional relationships between groundwater and the living part of ecosystems with these parameters is unsatisfactory, as also proved with the test data set. It is difficult to differentiate groundwater types reliably on the basis of one single parameter.

Combined quality parameters which are widely used are a pH-EC plot, a plot of pHCO3 vs. (pH-pCa), after Kemmers, and an IR-EC plot after van Wirdum, where the ionic ratio (IR) is a Ca/(Ca + Cl) ratio. The latter two parameters indicate the residence time of the groundwater sampled as well as the hydrochemical conditions related to vegetation distribution and development. The IR is very popular for discriminating between atmocline (precipitation-like) and lithocline (long-residence groundwater-like) water types. In the test data set, objections to its use are discussed with regard to the conditions assumed in its application. Especially in the intermediate IR range, which should indicate potentially marked ecologic gradients, its theoretical basis is narrow. However, general relationships can be deduced from the IR-EC plot. In the test data set as well as in the general Dutch setting, the transformation of atmocline into lithocline water types determines to a large extent ecosystem diversity, although a third, metacline, pollution-induced water type increasingly interferes.

Finally, multiparameter classification of groundwater types is discussed. Statistical classification gives good results but is site specific. It is recomended that efforts be combined in the search for an internationally applicable composite classification adapted to ecohydrological research.  相似文献   

Non-perennial streams comprise over half of the global stream network and impact downstream water quality. Although aridity is a primary driver of stream drying globally, surface flow permanence varies spatially and temporally within many headwater streams, suggesting that these complex drying patterns may be driven by topographic and subsurface factors. Indeed, these factors affect shallow groundwater flows in perennial systems, but there has been only limited characterisation of shallow groundwater residence times and groundwater contributions to intermittent streams. Here, we asked how groundwater residence times, shallow groundwater contributions to streamflow, and topography interact to control stream drying in headwater streams. We evaluated this overarching question in eight semi-arid headwater catchments based on surface flow observations during the low-flow period, coupled with tracer-based groundwater residence times. For one headwater catchment, we analysed stream drying during the seasonal flow recession and rewetting period using a sensor network that was interspersed between groundwater monitoring locations, and linked drying patterns to groundwater inputs and topography. We found a poor relationship between groundwater residence times and flowing network extent (R2 < 0.24). Although groundwater residence times indicated that old groundwater was present in all headwater streams, surface drying also occurred in each of them, suggesting old, deep flowpaths are insufficient to sustain surface flows. Indeed, the timing of stream drying at any given point typically coincided with a decrease in the contribution from near-surface sources and an increased relative contribution of groundwater to streamflow at that location, whereas the spatial pattern of drying within the stream network typically correlated with locations where groundwater inputs were most seasonally variable. Topographic metrics only explained ~30% of the variability in seasonal flow permanence, and surprisingly, we found no correlation with seasonal drying and down-valley subsurface storage area. Because we found complex spatial patterns, future studies should pair dense spatial observations of subsurface properties, such as hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity, to observations of seasonal flow permanence.  相似文献   

Temporal scaling in stream discharge and hydraulic heads in riparian wells was evaluated to determine the feasibility of using spectral analysis to identify potential surface and groundwater interaction. In floodplains where groundwater levels respond rapidly to precipitation recharge, potential interaction is established if the hydraulic head (h) spectrum of riparian groundwater has a power spectral density similar to stream discharge (Q), exhibiting a characteristic breakpoint between high and low frequencies. At a field site in Walnut Creek watershed in central Iowa, spectral analysis of h in wells located 1 m from the channel edge showed a breakpoint in scaling very similar to the spectrum of Q (~20 h), whereas h in wells located 20 and 40 m from the channel showed temporal scaling from 1 to 10,000 h without a well-defined breakpoint. The spectral exponent (β) in the riparian zone decreased systematically from the channel into the floodplain as groundwater levels were increasingly dominated by white noise groundwater recharge. The scaling pattern of hydraulic head was not affected by land cover type, although the number of analyses was limited and site conditions were variable among sites. Spectral analysis would not replace quantitative tracer or modeling studies, but the method may provide a simple means of confirming potential interaction at some sites.  相似文献   

Wetlands play an important role in watershed eco-hydrology. The occurrence and distribution of wetlands in a landscape are affected by the surface topography and the hydro-climatic conditions. Here, we propose a minimalist probabilistic approach to describe the dynamic behaviour of wetlandscape attributes, including number of inundated wetlands and the statistical properties of wetland stage, surface area, perimeter, and storage volume. The method relies on two major assumptions: (a) wetland bottom hydrologic resistance is negligible; and (b) groundwater level is parallel to the mean terrain elevation. The approach links the number of inundated wetlands (depressions with water) to the distribution of wetland bottoms and divides, and the position of the shallow water table. We compared the wetlandscape attribute dynamics estimated from the probabilistic approach to those determined from a parsimonious hydrologic model for groundwater-dominated wetlands. We test the reliability of the assumptions of both models using data from six cypress dome wetlands in the Green Swamp Wildlife Management Area, Florida. The results of the hydrologic model for groundwater-dominated wetlands showed that the number of inundated wetlands has a unimodal dependence on the groundwater level, as predicted by the probabilistic approach. The proposed models provide a quantitative basis to understand the physical processes that drive the spatiotemporal hydrologic dynamics in wetlandscapes impacted by shallow groundwater fluctuations. Emergent patterns in wetlandscape hydrologic dynamics are of key importance not only for the conservation of water resources, but also for a wide range of eco-hydrological services provided by connectivity between wetlands and their surrounding uplands.  相似文献   

Groundwater catchment boundaries and their associated groundwater catchment areas are typically assumed to be fixed on a seasonal basis. We investigated whether this was true for a highly permeable carbonate aquifer in England, the Berkshire and Marlborough Downs Chalk aquifer, using both borehole hydrograph data and a physics‐based distributed regional groundwater model. Borehole hydrograph data time series were used to construct a monthly interpolated water table surface, from which was then derived a monthly groundwater catchment boundary. Results from field data showed that the mean annual variation in groundwater catchment area was about 20% of the mean groundwater catchment area, but interannual variation can be very large, with the largest estimated catchment size being approximately 80% greater than the smallest. The flow in the river was also dependent on the groundwater catchment area. Model results corroborated those based on field data. These findings have significant implications for issues such as definition of source protection zones, recharge estimates based on water balance calculations and integrated conceptual modelling of surface water and groundwater systems. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The hydrological cycle in arid and semi-arid climates is highly controlled by evaporation. The correct quantification of this process is essential for improving the accuracy of water balance estimates, especially in closed basins. The objective of this paper is to characterize evaporation rates from shallow groundwater using the chamber approach in six closed basins in the Altiplano of northern Chile. Measurements were made at 49 locations with water-table depths ranging from 0.09 m to 3.3 m. Estimated daily evaporation rates appeared to be strongly related to groundwater depth and soil texture. In particular, the highest rates were recorded in areas with high groundwater tables and coarse-grained soils. Evaporation curves were derived by fitting exponential and power relationships as functions of the groundwater depths that we proposed to use in the study area. An application of these curves for the Salar de Pedernales basin produced an estimated evaporation flow of 530 L s-1, using the average curve.

Citation Johnson, E., Yáñez, J., Ortiz, C. & Muñoz, J. (2010) Evaporation from shallow groundwater in closed basins in the Chilean Altiplano. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(4), 624–635.  相似文献   

Previous surveys of the stream network in an area of blanket peat moorland in the Southern Pennines, England, are reassessed with reference to the publication of a new ordnance survey 1:10000 Metric Edition map for the area. It is concluded that a significant number of low order streams are still omitted on the new map, and that the use of field surveys remains essential in such heavily dissected terrain.  相似文献   

Transverse micro‐erosion meter (TMEM) stations were installed in rock slabs from shore platforms in eastern Canada. The slabs were put into artificial sea water for 1, 6 or 11 hours, representing high, mid‐ and low tidal areas, respectively. The TMEMs were used to record changes in surface elevation as the rocks dried during the remainder of the 12 h of a semi‐diurnal tidal cycle. A similar technique was used on the same rock types at intertidal TMEM stations in the field, as the rocks dried during low tide. Argillite and basalt surface contraction was from 0 to 0·04 mm: there was little surface expansion. Sandstones contracted by up to 0·03 mm in the field, but there was almost no contraction in the laboratory. Argillite and basalt contraction tended to be greatest in the upper intertidal zone, and to increase with rates of longer‐term surface downwearing, but there was little relationship with rock hardness or air temperature and humidity. Changes in elevation at the same points at TMEM stations in the laboratory and field were quite consistent from one tidal cycle to the next, but there were considerable variations within single tidal cycles between different points within each station. The data suggest that contraction within the elevational zone that is normally submerged twice a day by the tides is by alternate wetting and drying. Short‐term changes in elevation are generally low compared with annual rates of downwearing owing to erosion, but they may generate stresses that contribute to rock breakdown. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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