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The central anorthosite peak of the Maniconagan crater displays characteristic shock deformation and transition phenomena in plagioclase feldspars, scapolithe, apatite and other maphitic minerals. The optical orientation of plagioclases is determined. With increasing shock, a trend to a highly disordered structure of the plagioclase lattice can be observed. Rock fracturing occurs at low pressures. At higher pressures different kinds of isotropisation features and planar deformation structures in plagioclase, scapolithe and apatite can be distinguished. These planar elements can be interpreted as glide planes of low crystallographic indices, set in motion during shock compression by plastic deformation. Their optical orientation is measured. At very high pressures a completely isotropic phase, the s. c. diaplectic glass is formed. The physical properties of diaplectic plagioclase crystals and diaplectic glass are determined which are different from those of an unshocked crystal and its molten plagioclase glass of the same chemical composition. The diaplectic plagioclase phases are apparently mixed phases of molten glass and normal crystal. This can be proved by x-ray and infrared absorption studies. These results are correlated to shock recovery experiments and hugoniot states of plagioclase. All shock effects of plagioclases are classified into three groups according to the low pressure regime, mixed phase regime and high pressure regime. The low pressure regime is characterised by strong fracturing, the mixed phase regime by the development of planar elements, which were transformed during shock compression into the high pressure plagioclase phase with hollandite structure. The latter is converted into diaplectic glass after pressure release. The high pressure regime is characterised by complete transformation of plagioclase into the high pressure phase, which is unstable and reverts completely to the amorphous phase (diaplectic glass or maskelynite) at zero pressure density.

Meinem verehrten Lehrer, Herrn Prof. Dr. W. v. Engelhardt, danke ich für die Unterstützung bei der Bearbeitung des Themas. Herrn Dr. D. Stöffler danke ich für klärende Diskussionen und Ratschläge. Dem Ministère des Richesses Naturelles, Québec, Canada, sowie Herrn M.S. J. Murtaugh sei für die großzügige Unterstützung bei den Geländearbeiten im Manicouagan-Krater gedankt. Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft hat die Arbeit finanziell unterstützt.  相似文献   

The shape, pattern and crystallographic orientation of grain boundaries represent important characteristics of crystalline material and contain information about its deformation and annealing history. The present study includes measurements of grain boundaries from experimentally annealed analogue material as well as natural foam texture of quartz and plagioclase. The main subject is the relation between the development of a foam texture and the crystallographic orientation of its grain boundaries and their geometry. (1) During annealing, grain sizes stabilize at certain values. On a statistical basis, these values can be applied as a geothermometer. (2) On the light-microscope scale, the grain boundaries in foam textures commonly consist of two or several planar facets. They are preferentially oriented along specific crystallographic planes, namely in relation to both neighbouring crystals; for quartz they tend to be rhombohedral. (3) Even highly misoriented facets and dihedral angles largely deviating from the 'equilibrium angle' of 120° may be stable over long periods of annealing. (4) Parts of single boundaries may migrate, whereas other parts are stationary during annealing. The results of the present study suggest that the anisotropy of surface energy has a considerable influence on the development of foam textures and that modelling of texture development should include the influence of the crystallographic orientation of grain boundaries.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to correlate and separate in terms of style and time two contrasting sets of structural elements in the northwestern part of the Appalachian Uplands in the Province of Quebec, Canada. There is sufficient evidence to indicate that a fold system with north-south trending axes is superimposed on a fold system with east-west axes. It is suggested that the two sets of structures represent pulses of one long-continued deformation accompanied by corresponding early and late phases of metamorphism.
Zusammenfassung Es wurde versucht, in den Appalachen des südöstlichen Teiles der Provinz Quebec, Kanada, zwei ungleichzeitige tektonische Systeme verschiedenen Baustils zu trennen. Die komplexen Kleinstrukturen zeigen, da\ Ost-West streichende Faltenachsen von einer jüngeren Nord-Süd-Faltung überprägt worden sind. Der Autor ist der Meinung, da\ die zwei tektonischen Systeme, die von einer frühen und späten Phase der Metamorphose begleitet werden, den zeitlich getrennten Verformungsstadien einer Orogenese entsprechen.

A well-developed regolith is preserved beneath early Proterozoic (Aphebian) rocks of the Otish and Mistassini Groups in Central Quebec, Canada. The regolith is covered by fluviatile clastic rocks (Otish Group) in the north, and by a thick sequence of stromatolitic and sandy dolomite (Mistassini Group) in the south.Where preserved beneath clastic rocks, the regolith exhibits the structures and textures of its crystalline parent rocks (tonalite, gneiss and amphibolite), despite the alteration of feldspars to clay minerals and the partial oxidation of biotite. A later event recrystallized the clay minerals to muscovite, while conserving the original outline of the feldspars. Beneath the dolomite, the regolith was largely replaced by dolomite, but retains many original textures. Dolomite replaced first the clay minerals, then quartz and unaltered feldspars and finally biotite. Repeated crustifications of dolomite with intervals of chert and minor anthraxolite surround unaltered blocks of crystalline rock within the regolith profile and similar complex veins fill many master joints. These veins are identical in composition to vug fillings throughout the overlying carbonate formations. Clasts of partly dolomitized regolith included in non-dolomitic sands filling channels and scours dug deep into the profile, suggest that dolomitization commenced very early, possibly related to a sabkha environment developed during the transgression.  相似文献   

A hydrogeological study was conducted in Potsdam sandstones on the international border between Canada (Quebec) and the USA (New York). Two sandstone formations, arkose and conglomerate (base) and well-cemented quartz arenite (upper), underlie the study area and form the major regional aquifer unit. Glacial till, littoral sand and gravel, and marine silt and clay discontinuously overlie the aquifer. In both sandstone formations, sub-horizontal bedding planes are ubiquitous and display significant hydraulic conductivities that are orders of magnitude more permeable than the intact rock matrix. Aquifer tests demonstrate that the two formations have similar bulk hydrologic properties, with average hydraulic conductivities ranging from 2?×?10?5 to 4?×?10?5 m/s. However, due to their different lithologic and structural characteristics, these two sandstones impose rather different controls on groundwater flow patterns in the study area. Flow is sustained through two types of fracture networks: sub-horizontal, laterally extensive fractures in the basal sandstone, where hydraulic connectivity is very good horizontally but very poor vertically and each of the water-bearing bedding planes can be considered as a separate planar two-dimensional aquifer unit; and the more fractured and vertically jointed system found in the upper sandstone that promotes a more dispersed, three-dimensional movement of groundwater.  相似文献   

The St. Lawrence Lowlands platform, Quebec, Canada, is a densely-populated area, heavily dependent on groundwater resources. In 1999, the Geological Survey of Canada initiated a large-scale hydrogeological assessment study over a 1,500 km2 region northwest of Montreal. The objectives were to define the regional groundwater flow, and to give quantitative estimates of the groundwater dynamic parameters and of the available groundwater resources. The applied approach consisted of defining the hydrogeologic framework, hydraulic properties of the aquifer units, and groundwater dynamic components. Lower Paleozoic sedimentary rocks represent regional aquifer units. Coarse Quaternary fluvio-glacial sediments locally overlay the rock sequence and constitute an interface aquifer unit. Fine marine sediments confine most of the regional aquifers. Collected GIS based information was synthesized in a finite element numerical model. The regional saturated steady-state flow was calibrated under current stress conditions assuming an equivalent porous medium approach. Water budget calculations show that the total groundwater flow in regional aquifers amounts to 97.7 Mm3/y. Infiltration from precipitation provides 86.6% of the groundwater supply, while 9.6% comes from subsurface inflow and the remaining 3.8% is induced recharge from surface waters. Discharge from regional aquifers occurs through flow to streams (76.9%), groundwater withdrawal (18.4%), and underground outflow (4.7%).
Resumen La plataforma de Tierras Bajas San Lorenzo, Quebec, Canadá, es un área densamente poblada que depende fuertemente de recursos de agua subterránea. En 1999 el Servicio Geológico de Canadá inició un estudio de evaluación hidrogeológica a gran escala sobre un área de 1,500 km2 en la región noroeste de Montreal. Los objetivos fueron definir el flujo regional de agua subterránea y aportar estimados cuantitativos de los parámetros dinámicos de agua subterráne y de los recursos disponibles de agua subterránea. El enfoque aplicado consistió en definir el marco hidrogeológico, propiedades hidráulicas de las unidades acuíferas, y los componentes dinámicos de agua subterránea. Rocas sedimentarias del Paleozoico Inferior representan unidades regionales de acuíferos. Sedimentos fluvio-glaciares Cuaternarios gruesos sobreyacen localmente la secuencia rocosa y constituyen una unidad acuífera interfacial. Sedimentos marinos finos confinan la mayoría de acuíferos regionales. Información colectada basada en SIG se sintetizó en un modelo numérico de elemento finito. El flujo regional saturado en régimen permanente se calibró bajo condiciones de stress asumiendo un enfoque de medio poroso equivalente. Los cálculos de balance hídrico muestran que el flujo total de agua subterránea en acuíferos regional alcanza 97.7 Mm3/año. Infiltración a partir de lluvia aporta el 86.6% del abastecimiento al agua subterránea, mientras que el 9.6% proviene de entradas subsuperficiales y el restante 3.8% consiste de recarga inducida a partir de aguas superficiales. La descarga proveniente de acuíferos regionales ocurre a través de flujo a ríos (76.9%), utilización de agua subterránea (18.4%), y salida subterránea (4.7%).

Résumé La plateforme Lowllands du Saint-Laurent, Québec, Canada, est une aire densément peuplée, dépendant grandement des ressources en eau souterraine. En 1999, le Service Géologique du Canada a initié une étude hydrogéologique à grande-échelle sur 1500 km2 au Nord-Ouest de Montréal. Le sobjectifs ont été de définir la dynamique de lécoulement régional, et de donner des estimations quantitatives des paramètres dynamiques des ressources disponibles en eau souterraine. Lapproche utilisée consista à définir le cadre hydrogéologique de travail, les propriétés hydrauliques des unités aquifères, et les composantes dynamiques des eaux souterraines. Les roches sédimentaires du Paléozoïque Inférieur représentent les unités aquifères régionales. Les sédiments marins fins confinent la plus grande partie des aquifères régionaux. Les informations de base, collectées dans un SIG, ont été synthétisées dans un modèle numérique aux éléments finis. Lécoulement permanent régional, en zone saturée, a été calibré en conditions de stress en assumant une approche de milieu poreu équivalent. Les calculs du bilan hydrologique montrent que lécoulement total des eaux souterraines dans les aquifères régionaux atteind 97,7 Mm3/an. Linfiltration à partir des précipitations apporte 86.6% de leau souterraine exploitée; sachant que 9,6% proviennent découlement de subsurfaces, et que les 3,8% restants proviennent de la recharge via les eaux de surface. Le débit pompé des aquifères régionaux apparaît à travers lécoulement des cours deau, le rabattement des eaux souterraines (18.4%), et lécoulement ascendant (4.7%).

《Applied Geochemistry》1986,1(5):601-606
Stable isotope ratios of sulfur and oxygen of sulfate ion in precipitation and lakewater were monitored in six headwater lakes in Québec, Canada. The lakes studied are oligotrophic and located over a wide area (350 km) on the Canadian Shield, which is known to be sensitive to acidification.The δ34S of the sulfate ion in precipitation ranges from 3.1 to 6.7‰ for all locations during the sampling period, which is very close to the values found for the lakes, from 3.5 to 6.7‰. Moreover, the δ34S of sulfate showed seasonal variations which are parallel in time for all stations. This strongly suggests that precipitation is a major source of sulfate in the lakes that were investigated. However, the δ18Ovalues of precipitation sulfate are close to each other between stations and are consistently higher (+ 8.3 to 13.5‰) than that of the lakes (+ 1.7 to 8.5‰). In addition, there is no spatial or temporal trend in lake δ18O sulfate, suggesting that a transformation occurs to sulfate in the watersheds. We suggest the hypothesis that sulfate ion is reduced and reoxidized in the runoff and lake waters so that it acquires an oxygen isotopic label different from precipitation.  相似文献   

A large number of models have been proposed over the last years for regional flood frequency analysis in northern regions. However, these models dealt generally with snowmelt-caused spring floods. This paper deals with the adaptation, application, and comparison of two regional frequency analysis methods, canonical correlation analysis (CCA) and universal canonical kriging (UCK), on autumnal floods of 29 stations from the C?te-Nord region (QC, Canada). Three possible periods during which autumnal floods can take place are tested. The absolute and specific flood peak and volume quantiles are also studied. A jack-knife resampling procedure is applied to compare the performance of each model according to the selected period and the type of quantile. The period of September 1st to December 15th is found to be optimal to represent autumnal floods and specific quantiles were shown to lead to better results than absolute quantiles. Variables that explain best the autumnal floods are the basin area, the fraction of the area covered with lakes, and the average of mean July, August, and September maximal temperatures. The CCA model performs slightly better than UCK.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the characterization of hydraulic properties of regional rock aquifers carried out within a groundwater resources assessment project in the St. Lawrence Lowlands of south-western Quebec. To understand the aquifer behavior at both the fracture level and at field scale, hydraulic investigations were carried out using various aquifer tests. The groundwater flow at the local scale is controlled mostly by the fracture system. Results of the constant-head injection tests show a weak decreasing trend of hydraulic conductivity with depth indicating that a major part of the groundwater flow occurs in the first meters of the rock sequence. At the regional scale, the equivalent porous media approach is applicable. The hydraulic conductivity measurements were correlated to the scale of the aquifer tests expressed with the investigated aquifer volume. A simple interpolation procedure for the hydraulic conductivity field was developed based on the distance between field measurements and the tested aquifer volumes. The regional distribution of the hydraulic conductivity for the major fractured aquifer units indicates that dolostone is the most permeable whereas sandstone and crystalline rocks are the least permeable units.
Resumen Este artículo trata de la caracterización de las propiedades hidráulicas en acuíferos regionales rocosos, la cual se llevó a cabo dentro del proyecto de evaluación de los recursos de agua subterránea en St. Lawrence Lowlands al suroeste de Quebec. Para entender el comportamiento del acuífero tanto a nivel de fractura como a escala del campo, se ejecutaron investigaciones hidráulicas usando varias pruebas de acuífero. El flujo del agua subterránea a escala local está controlado principalmente por el sistema de fracturas. Los resultados de las pruebas de inyección con cabeza constante muestran una tendencia decreciente débil de la conductividad hidráulica con la profundidad, indicando que la mayor parte del flujo de agua subterránea sucede en los primeros metros de la secuencia rocosa. A escala regional se puede aplicar la aproximación equivalente de medios porosos. Las medidas de la conductividad hidrálica fueron comparadas con la escala de las pruebas del acuífero, expresadas con el volumen investigado del acuífero. Se desarrolló un proceso de interpolación simple para la conductividad hidráulica de campo, con base en la distancia entre las medidas de campo y los volúmenes probados del acuífero. La distribución regional de la conductividad hidráulica, para las unidades acuíferas fracturadas mayores, indica que la dolomita es más permeable mientras que la arenisca y las rocas cristalinas son las unidades menos permeables.

Résumé Larticle présente les propriétés hydrauliques dun aquifère régional rocheux qui ont été mesurées dans le cadre dun projet concernant lestimation de la ressource en eau de la plaine de St. Lawrence située dans la partie sud-ouest de Quebec. Affin de comprendre le comportement de l› aquifère tant à l› échelle de fracture qu› à l› échelle régionale on a mené des investigations hydrauliques en utilisant des essais differents. À l› échelle locale lécoulement est déterminé en principal par le système des fractures. Les résultats des essais dinjection au niveau constant ont montré une tendence de décroissance de la conductivité hydraulique avec la profondeur ce qui indique que l› écoulement ait lieu en principal dans les premiers mètres de la structure rocheuse. À l› échelle règionale on peut appliquer lapproche de milieux poreux equivalent. Les mesures de conductivité hydraulique ont été corrélées avec l› échelle des essais de pompage exprimée en termes de volume investigué de l› aquifère. On a mis au point une méthode simple dinterpolation pour le champ de la conductivité hydraulique basée sur la distance entre les essais in situ et les volume investigués de l› aquifère. La distribution règionale de la conductivité hydraulique montre que pour la majorité des unités de roche fracturé les plus perméable sont les roches dolomitiques alors que les grés et les roches cristalines presentent la plus faible perméabilité.

Rb-Sr isotopic investigations of the rock-types within the Morin anorthosite complex, Quebec, suggest that: 1. both the mangerites and the leuconorites and anorthosites within this complex crystallized with a range of 87Sr/86Sr ratios, and 2. at least some of the mangerites crystallized approximately 100 m.y. after the anorthosites and leuconorites. From this evidence, it is argued that a number of magma sources gave rise to the melts that formed these rocks and that some local hybridization of these melts also took place by assimilation of other rock types. This same pattern is found in the Adirondack and Nain Complexes.  相似文献   

Mt. St. Hilaire occurs as a small funnel-shaped intrusion in the Monteregian petrographic province of Quebec and consists of alkali gabbros and later nepheline syenites. Based on field relations, petrography, and geochemistry, five types of gabbro are recognized. In order of intrusion these are: leucogabbro, foliated gabbro, kaersutite-biotite gabbro, kaersutite gabbro, and a gabbro-melagabbro series. Based on analyses of the early-forming ilmenite-titanomagnetite, the gabbros crystallized under high fO2 conditions which lead to subsequent crystallization of olivines with high MnO contents. Fractionation of ilmenite and titanomagnetite was a major control on the Ti and A[TV]concentrations in the clinopyroxenes. Plagioclase compositions in the gabbros became richer in Ab contents in the sequence gabbro-melagabbro to leucogabbro. Whole-rock analyses suggest that the parental magma of alkali basaltic composition was fairly evolved prior to emplacement. Lack of olivine in the cumulate gabbro-melagabbros and low Ni and Cr in all gabbros may reflect either extreme olivine fractionation and/or a very low olivine content in the source material for these basalts. Differentiation of the gabbros occurred both pre- and post-emplacement, probably by a process of crystal-liquid fractionation at depths between 3-5 and 8 km. This is in accordance with geophysical measurements for other Monteregian intrusions. A model is presented for the mechanism of emplacement.  相似文献   

A typical Algoma-type banded iron formation (BIF) occurs in Orvilliers, Montgolfier, and Aloigny townships in the Abitibi Greenstone belt, Quebec, Canada. The BIF is composed of millimeter to decimeter thick beds of alternating fine-grained, dark gray to black, well laminated, magnetite-rich (and/or hematite) beds and quartz–feldspar metasedimentary (graywacke) beds. The BIF is well defined by magnetic anomalies. These BIF layers are commonly associated with decimeter to meter thick horizons of metasedimentary rocks and mafic to intermediate volcanic rocks, which are locally crosscut by dikes of felsic or mafic intrusive rocks and, as well, narrow dikes of lamprophyre. The upper and lower contacts of the BIF are gradational with the adjacent graywacke. All geological units in the area are metamorphosed to the greenschist facies of regional metamorphism. Magnetite is mainly associated with subordinate amounts of hematite, quartz, Na-rich plagioclase, and muscovite. The fine-grained magnetite content is composed of 77% to 89% of the principal iron oxide minerals present. The magnetite occurs as disseminated idiomorphic to sub-idiomorphic small crystals, which average 20 μm ± 5 μm in size. Hematite is the second most abundant iron oxide mineral. Although less abundant, red jasper occurs in cherty horizons with strongly folded fragments and within fault zones. This particular Algoma-type iron formation stratigraphically extends more than 36 km along strike. It dips sub-vertically with a true width from 120 m to 600 m. The origin of the BIF is closely linked to regionally extensive submarine hydrothermal activity associated with the emplacement of volcanic and related subvolcanic rocks in an Archean greenstone belt.  相似文献   

Glass from the West Clearwater Lake hypervelocity impact crater contains numerous spheroids, 10 to 500 μm across, which appear to have formed at high temperatures as fluids immiscible in the enclosing melt. The spheroids are distinguished from small, normal, largely void gas vesicles, which are also present, by being completely filled in all cases; by having fillings which vary in composition from spheroid to spheroid, even between spheroids in close association; and by indications that the present fillings are representative of the contents present before the matrix melt chilled. Most of the spheroids are classified petrographically into three types. Type I, the most numerous, includes all spheroids>100 μm and are filled with uncommon pale brown to yellow montmorillonites with an unusual structure intermediate between dioctahedral montmorillonite and saponite. Type II, brown and green, are filled with Fe-rich montmorillonites, while Type III are aluminia-rich montmorillonites crystallized into mica-like sheaves. Rare, small spheroids are filled with calcite or silica. In a few cases one spheroid encloses another of similar or different type. Electron microprobe analyses indicate that with few exceptions Types I and III spheroids belong to a Mg series of montmorillonites in which the main chemical variation is the substitution of Mg for Al. A second Fe-K series includes Type II and a few Type I spheroids and shows substitution of Fe by Al, relatively high K2O and, in the alumina-rich members, low SiO2. The close association of spheroids with deformed, embayed lechatelierite inclusions indicates that they formed while the latter were liquid, i.e. at temperatures above 1700°C, as rapidly moving impact melt engulfed highly shocked inclusions of quartz-bearing country rock. The preservation of spheroids in the West Clearwater Lake glass is attributed mainly to the position of the glass masses within the breccias lining the crater floor. It is considered that the glass in this location did not achieve free flight but, as part of a large mass, cooled relatively slowly through the high temperature regime in which the spheroids were generated, and then, when detached, chilled rapidly to preserve a record of this transient stage in their history.  相似文献   

The Quebec-Canada problem arises some ambigious and contradictory issues with Quebec itself being the source of the current facets of the crisis. Political geography is able to contribute to a greater understanding of the crisis by clearly demonstrating some of the classig concepts drawn from the discipline: geography of federalism, political viability and centrifugal forces, ethnic separatism, territorial integrity and linguistic territoriality, nationalism, and regionalism, territorial ideology, international frontiers... Evermore, Quebec appears to be the unique case of a national state. The gravitation of Canada's population towards the West has a direct impact upon the Quebec situation, with the eventual independence of the Province bringing about ipso facto a Pakistanisation of the country as a whole. Currently, one may observe an ever-widening lack of communication between Quebec and the rest of Canada. In order that Europeans (and many others) may fully understand the Quebec situation, a sort of mental debriefing must take place.  相似文献   

Physical evidence for the drainage of glacial lakes remains relatively rare in depositional records, giving rise to much debate on the location of outlets and discharge pathways, as well as on the climate impact of the attendant meltwater forcing. Lake Ojibway developed following the withdrawal of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in northern Ontario and Quebec, Canada. The late‐stage evolution of this large ice‐dammed lake was influenced by the complex dynamics of the retreating ice margin, which highly complicates the identification of the termination of Lake Ojibway in glaciolacustrine sediment records. Here, we document the composition of sections of rhythmites that contain in their upper part an anomalously thick and whitish bed (10–15 cm) that is in turn overlain by ~1 m of faintly bedded rhythmites. Grain‐size analyses showed that the thick whitish bed consists primarily of fine to coarse silt (2–63 μm), contrasting with the lower and upper rhythmites that are largely dominated by clay (<2 μm). The detrital carbonate content of the thick silt bed is characterized by consistently high values (2.5 to 2.8%), whereas the bounding rhythmites show lower and highly variable values. Oxygen isotope measurements further show a marked change going from typical glacial meltwater values (~ ?29.6 to ?27.7‰; VSMOW) for the lower rhythmites and the silt bed to modern‐like meteoric values (?18.4 to ?14.6‰) for the uppermost rhythmites. These data suggest that this marker bed may be associated with a major drawdown event that possibly corresponds to the final drainage of Lake Ojibway. AMS radiocarbon dating of ostracods extracted from the drainage bed also documents an important hardwater effect within the Ojibway basin.  相似文献   

BUTLER  P.  Jr. 《Journal of Petrology》1969,10(1):56-101
Forty-seven specimens of the Wabush Iron Formation were collectedfrom ten outcrop areas. Twenty-five specimens contain the assemblage(1), quartz+clinopyroxene+calcite with or without orthopyroxene,grunerite, magnetite, ankerite, and siderite. Five specimenscontain assemblage (2), quartz+clinopyroxene+actinolite+calcite+magnetite+hematite,and two contain assemblage (3), quartz+orthopyroxene+actinolite+magnetite+hematite.In three specimens of assemblage (1), graphite occurs in theabsence of magnetite; pyrrhotite and pyrite occur separatelyor together in specimens with assemblage (1). Thirty-nine clinopyroxenes, 38 orthopyroxenes, 18 grunerites,7 actinolites, 16 calcites, 1 ankerite, and 1 siderite wereanalyzed for iron, manganese, and calcium by X-ray emissionspectrography. Magnesium contents were estimated by assumingstoichiometric proportions. Minerals occurring with hematite show low Fe/(Fe+Mg) ratios,and those in the other assemblages show higher values with awide range of variation. In orthopyroxene, Fe/(Fe+ Mg) rangesfrom 0·17 (with hematite) to 0·77. Regularity in the distributions of Fe, Mn, and Ca between pairsof coexisting minerals shows that equilibrium was attained inmost of the rocks studied. This regularity is also accomplishedin the distribution of Mn between calcite and coexisting silicatesas well as between the silicates themselves. Small differencesin the distributions of Ca and Fe depend on both outcrop areaand mineral assemblage. Phase rule considerations suggest that the specimens with dolomite-ankeriteor magnesitesiderite do not represent equilibrium assemblages.Variations in orthopyroxene compositions in assemblages withpyrite or pyrrhotite, or both, and magnetite indicate non-equilibrationof sulfides with silicates. The presence of the oxygen buffer,magnetite+hematite, attests to the immobility of oxygen duringmetamorphism. Within each outcrop area, over which the temperature and pressureare assumed to have been uniform, variations in the compositionsof the silicates in the sub-assemblages quartz+ orthopyroxene+gruneriteand quartz+orthopyroxene+clinopyroxene+calcite indicate gradientsof µH2O µCO2 and respectively. As characterizedby the composition of orthopyroxene, both gradients are relativelylow along strike, and high across strike. The direction of gradientsacross strike is almost without reversals, which is consistentwith intergranular diffusion of H2O and CO2. Phase rule restrictionsfor a majority of assemblages are not in accord with the simultaneousimposition of µH2O and µCO2 gradients on the rocks,nor the formation of an H2O-CO2 fluid phase during metamorphism.  相似文献   

The Middle Devonian Malbaie Formation of Eastern Gaspé, Canada, comprises sharply alternating conglomerate and sandstone units. Their petrography suggests derivation from the same source, but palaeocurrents indicate different dispersal systems for the sand and gravel. The principal conglomerate facies is horizontally stratified, with well-developed imbrication, characteristic of deposition on a high-energy, proximal braidplain. Minor cross-stratified conglomerate shows well-defined size sorting, attributed to avalanching down foresets and sorting within minor bedforms on bar tops. The sandstone units mainly comprise erosion surfaces overlain by mudstone intraclasts, alternating with lineated low-angle to horizontally stratified sandstone or trough cross-stratified sandstone. The sandstone units were deposited on a proximal braidplain with highly variable discharge, but the absence of calcrete indicates that dry periods were not prolonged. The Malbaie is the coarsest, uppermost formation of a Devonian clastic wedge formed during the Acadian Orogeny. The uniformity of facies association and palaeocurrents, particularly in conglomerate units, indicates derivation from a broad upwarp to the south. This implies that the Acadian uplands resulted from straight compression, in contrast to the localized uplifts formed by strike-slip faulting during the Carboniferous.  相似文献   

Summary Nodular anorthosite, containing rounded aggregates (nodules) of plagioclase set in a gabbroic to pyroxenitic matrix, is developed in constrictions (< 500 m wide) within the central and eastern parts of the Early Proterozoic East Bull Lake Intrusion, central Ontario, Canada. The nodules typically occur as spherical to ovoidal aggregates ranging from 1 cm to 14 cm in diameter. Larger nodules are physical agglomerations of smaller nodules that formed in isolation. Plagioclase core compositions for the nodules display little variation in anorthite content (An68–75), indicating a homogeneous and nonfractionating parent magma during the initial stages of nodule development.The restricted occurrence of the nodular anorthosite is consistent with a model in which the nodules formed in response to elevated degrees of undercooling within dike-like constrictions in the proto-chamber. Undercooling resulted in the rapid nucleation and growth of plagioclase upon pre-existing plagioclase phenocrysts (disequilibrium crystallization). The resultant primary nodules then aggregated together forming secondary nodules, possibly through an agglomeration process involving a Mg-Fe-rich residual liquid. Migration of some of this relatively dense liquid out of the nodular anorthosite unit during the final stages of consolidation resulted in compaction and promoted the formation of large tertiary nodules.
Zusammensetzung und Entstehung nodularer Texturen in anorthositischen Kumulaten von der East Bull Lake Intrusion, Ontario, Canada
Zusammenfassung Nodulare Anorthosite, die gerundete Aggregate (nodules) von Plagioklas in einer gabbroischen pyroxenitischen Matrix enthalten, kommen in beschränkten Bereichen (weniger als 500 m breit) in zentralen und östlichen Teilen der frühproterozoischen East Bull Lake Intrusion im zentralen Ontario, Canada, vor. Die Nodules liegen vorwiegend als kugelförmige bis ovoidale Aggregate vor, deren Durchmesser von 1 bis 14 cm schwankt. Größere Nodules sind aus Gruppen von aneinander gelagerten kleineren Nodules entstanden. Die Zusammensetzung von Plagioklaskernen in den Nodules zeigen geringe Variationen im Anorthit-Gehalt (An68–78), und dies weist auf ein homogenes und nicht fraktioniertes Ursprungsmagma während der ersten Stadien der Nodule-Entwicklung hin.Das beschränkte Vorkommen des nodularen Anorthosits läßt sich durch ein Modell erklären, in dem die Nodules als Reaktion auf Unterkühlung innerhalb gangartiger Bereiche in der Proto-Magmenkammer entstehen. Unterkühlung resultierte in rascher Nukleation und im Wachstum von Plagioklas auf präexistierenden Plagioklaskristallen (Ungleichgewichts-Kristallisation). Die resultierenden primären Nodules verbinden sich dann und bilden sekundäre Nodules, möglicherweise durch einen Prozeß, der eine Mg-Fe-reiche Restschmelze involviert. Migration von einem Teil dieser relativ dichten Schmelze aus der nodularen Anorthosit-Einheit während der Endstadien der Verfestigung führte zur Kompaktion und erleichterte die Bildung von großen tertiären Nodules.

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