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Tuning and control of color temperature of trichromatic white light emission is demonstrated for the first time from a single ZnCdSSe nanosheet realized by a novel growth method using chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The nanosheets have thicknesses in the range of 60–350 nm and lateral dimensions of tens of micrometers. These nanosheet structures with three or more parallel segments are able to emit the three primary colors of light from a monolithic body and the combination of the emitted light appears as white. Due to temperature dependence of the alloy composition and the spatial profile of the temperature in the CVD chamber, alloy compositions and the widths of individual segments can be controlled by the substrate locations and the growth time, respectively. Such control determines the emission color and relative intensity of each segment, thus resulting in the tuning of the color temperature of the white light, or in the realization of any visible colors. Trichromatic white light emission is demonstrated with the correlated color temperature covering an extensive range from 2700 to 14 400 K using various growth parameters. In addition, a dynamic tuning of colors and color temperature is demonstrated by sweeping a pump beam across a single nanosheet.  相似文献   

用电化学方法制备了一定孔隙率的多孔硅(PS)样品,然后用脉冲激光沉积(PLD)法以多孔硅为衬底生长一层ZnS薄膜.ZnS的带隙较宽,对可见光是透明的,用适当波长的光激发,PS发射的橙红光可以透过ZnS薄膜,与ZnS的蓝绿光相叠加,得到了可见光区较宽的光致发光带,呈现较强的白光发射.用X射线衍射仪(XRD)和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)表征了ZnS薄膜的结构性质.结果表明,沉积的ZnS薄膜结晶质量较差,薄膜表面起伏不平,这是由于衬底PS的表面不平整所致.  相似文献   

用电化学方法制备了一定孔隙率的多孔硅(PS)样品,然后用脉冲激光沉积(PLD)法以多孔硅为衬底生长一层ZnS薄膜.ZnS的带隙较宽,对可见光是透明的,用适当波长的光激发,PS发射的橙红光可以透过ZnS薄膜,与ZnS的蓝绿光相叠加,得到了可见光区较宽的光致发光带,呈现较强的白光发射.用X射线衍射仪(XRD)和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)表征了ZnS薄膜的结构性质.结果表明,沉积的ZnS薄膜结晶质量较差,薄膜表面起伏不平,这是由于衬底PS的表面不平整所致.  相似文献   

为了提高有机电致发光器件的效率和稳定性,制作了聚合物/有机小分子异质结掺杂型电致发光二极管.它以新型PTPD(聚TPD)为空穴传输材料,高效荧光材料Rubrene为掺杂剂.异质结基本结构为PTPD/Alq3,双层掺杂时,器件电致发光的量子效率大约是未掺杂器件的两倍;与未掺杂器件和常用的TPD/Alq3二极管相比,掺杂器件的稳定性有了显著的提高.从电致发光光谱可知,掺杂器件的发射机制为载流子陷阱和Forster能量转换过程的共同作用.  相似文献   

聂海  张波  唐先忠  李元勋 《半导体学报》2005,26(9):1778-1782
为了提高有机电致发光器件的效率和稳定性,制作了聚合物/有机小分子异质结掺杂型电致发光二极管.它以新型PTPD(聚TPD)为空穴传输材料,高效荧光材料Rubrene为掺杂剂. 异质结基本结构为PTPD/Alq3,双层掺杂时,器件电致发光的量子效率大约是未掺杂器件的两倍;与未掺杂器件和常用的TPD/Alq3二极管相比,掺杂器件的稳定性有了显著的提高. 从电致发光光谱可知,掺杂器件的发射机制为载流子陷阱和Frster能量转换过程的共同作用.  相似文献   

采用粒径约为10 nm的CdSSe/ZnS量子点层作为发光层,制备了叠层结构的量子点发光器件,研究了量子点层厚度对其薄膜形貌及量子点发光二极管性能的影响.原子力显微镜测试结果表明:量子点层过厚时,量子点颗粒发生团聚,且随着厚度的降低,团聚现象减弱;当量子点层厚度和量子点粒径相当时(约为10 nm),量子点呈单层排列且团聚现象基本消失;而量子点层厚度低于10 nm时,薄膜出现孔洞缺陷.器件的电流-电压-亮度等测试结果表明:量子点发光二极管中量子点层厚度与器件的光电特性密切相关,量子点层厚度为10 nm的器件光电性能最优,具有最低的启亮电压4.2V,最高的亮度446 cd/m2及最高的电流效率0.2 cd/A.这种通过控制旋涂转速改变量子点层厚度的方法操作简单、重复性好,对QD-LED的研究具有一定应用价值.  相似文献   

宋登元 《半导体光电》1992,13(4):347-350,366
在可见光谱内,多孔硅的发光现象及其广阔的应用前景激发了人们对这种潜在光电子学材料的巨大研究兴趣。本文介绍了多孔硅的结构、制备方法和形成原理,着重从纳米结构量子尺寸效应的角度,讨论了多孔硅的能带展宽现象和可见光的发射机制,并评述了这种材料在实际应用中的重要价值与原型器件的发展状况。  相似文献   

:A1GaN/AlN/GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) structures with compositionally step-graded AIGaN barrier layer were grown on sapphire substrates by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition.High crystal quality and good sur‘ face morphology of the HEMT structures are confirmed by triple.crystal X-ray diffraction(TCXRD)and atomic force microscopy(AFM)measurements.The full width at half maximum of the GaN(0002)peak iS 4.567 from the rocking curve. AFM measurements reveal a smooth A1GaN surface with a root-mean-square roughness of 0.159nm for a scan area of 5um× 5tLm.Pendell6sung fringes are observed beside AIGaN(0002)diffraction peaks,indicating good crystalline quality and a coherent interface.  相似文献   

An n-Mg0.2Zn0.8O/n-ZnO/SiO x (x < 2) heterostructure has been fabricated on n-Si by sputtering and electron-beam evaporation. The device showed nonrectifying behavior, and emitted strong white light under reverse bias with positive voltages applied to n-Si. The white-light electroluminescence (EL) is believed to result from electron–hole recombination at defect levels of ZnO. The EL mechanism has been tentatively explained in terms of the energy band structure of the device under forward and reverse bias.  相似文献   

在量子点表面包覆二氧化硅壳层,能够有效的保护纳米粒子核不受外界环境的影响,使得它在光电子器件和生物标记等领域中有着广泛的应用前景。通过一锅法制备高质量CdS:Mn/ZnS量子点,然后利用反相微乳液方法在量子点的表面继续包覆SiO2层,得到CdS:Mn/ZnS@SiO2多层核壳结构量子点材料。化学性质稳定的ZnS及SiO2材料的包覆使CdS量子点材料的毒副作用降低并有效提高其稳定性,然而CdS:Mn/ZnS量子点的大部分性能在包覆SiO2后都保持不变,因此CdS:Mn/ZnS@SiO2量子点在光学应用中有很大的应用潜力。  相似文献   

用金属有机物化学气相沉积(MOCVD)技术,在蓝宝石衬底上生长了Al组分阶变势垒层结构的AlGaN/AlN/GaN高电子迁移率晶体管结构材料.用三晶X射线衍射(TCXRD)和原子力显微镜(AFM)对材料的结构、界面特性和表面形貌进行了研究.测试结果表明该材料具有优良的晶体质量和表面形貌,GaN(0002)衍射蜂的半高宽为4.56',AFM 5μm×5μm扫描面积的表面均方根粗糙度为0.159nm;TCXRD测试中在AlGaN(0002)衍射峰右侧观察到Pendell(o)sung条纹,表明AlGaN势垒层具有良好的晶体质量和高的异质结界面质量.  相似文献   

用金属有机物化学气相沉积(MOCVD)技术,在蓝宝石衬底上生长了Al组分阶变势垒层结构的AlGaN/AlN/GaN高电子迁移率晶体管结构材料.用三晶X射线衍射(TCXRD)和原子力显微镜(AFM)对材料的结构、界面特性和表面形貌进行了研究.测试结果表明该材料具有优良的晶体质量和表面形貌,GaN(0002)衍射蜂的半高宽为4.56',AFM 5μm×5μm扫描面积的表面均方根粗糙度为0.159nm;TCXRD测试中在AlGaN(0002)衍射峰右侧观察到Pendell(o)sung条纹,表明AlGaN势垒层具有良好的晶体质量和高的异质结界面质量.  相似文献   

Benefiting from the superior electron mobility and good air-stability, the emerging layered bismuth oxyselenide (Bi2O2Se) nanosheet has received considerable attention with the promising prospects for electronics and optoelectronics applications. However, the high charge carrier concentration and bolometric effect of Bi2O2Se give rise to the high dark current and relatively slow photoresponse, which severely impede further improvement of the performance of Bi2O2Se based photodetectors. Here, a WSe2/Bi2O2Se Van der Waals p-n heterostructure is reported with a pronounced rectification ratio of 105 and a low reverse dark current of 10−11 A, as well as an enhanced light on/off ratio up to 618 under 532 nm light illumination. The device also exhibits a fast response speed of 2.6 µs and a broadband detection capability from 365 to 2000 nm due to the efficient charge separation and strong interlayer coupling at the interface of the two flakes. Importantly, the built-in potential in the WSe2/Bi2O2Se heterostructure offers a competitive self-powered photodetector with the light on/off ratio above 105 and a photovoltaic responsivity of 284 mA W−1. The WSe2/Bi2O2Se heterostructure shows promising potentials for high-performance self-driven photodetector applications.  相似文献   

The cobalt phosphate water oxidation catalyst (Co–Pi WOC) stabilized, CdS sensitized TiO2 nanowire arrays for nonsacrificial solar water splitting are reported. In this TiO2/CdS/Co–Pi photoanode, the Co–Pi WOC acts as hole transfer relay to accelerate the surface water oxidation reaction, CdS serves as light absorber for wider solar spectra harvesting, and TiO2 matrix provides direct pathway for electron transport. This triple TiO2/CdS/Co–Pi hybrid photoanode exhibits much enhanced photocurrent density and negatively shifts in onset potential, resulting in 1.5 and 3.4 times improved photoconversion efficiency compared to the TiO2/CdS and TiO2 photoanode, respectively. More importantly, the TiO2/CdS/Co–Pi shows significantly improved photoelectrochemical stability compared to the TiO2/CdS electrode, with ≈72% of the initial photocurrent retained after 2 h irradiation. The reason for the promoted performance is discussed in detail based on electrochemical measurements. This work provides a new paradigm for designing 1D nanoframework/light absorber/WOC photoanode to simultaneously enhance light absorption, charge separation, and transport and surface water oxidation reaction for efficient and stable solar fuel production.  相似文献   

为了研究失配应变的弛豫机理,利用高分辨电子显微镜(HREM)对超高真空化学气相沉积(UHVCVD) Si/SiGe-OI材料横截面的完整形貌和不同层及各层之间界面区的高分辨晶格像进行观察.发现此多层结构中存在60°位错和堆垛层错.结合Matthews和Blakeslee提出的临界厚度的模型和相关的研究结果对60°位错组态的形成和存在原因进行了分析.在具有帽层结构的Si1-xGex应变层靠近基体一侧的界面中仅存在单一位错,验证了Gosling等人的理论预测结果.  相似文献   

Si/SiGe-OI应变异质结构的高分辨电子显微分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究失配应变的弛豫机理,利用高分辨电子显微镜(HREM)对超高真空化学气相沉积(U HVCVD) Si/Si Ge- OI材料横截面的完整形貌和不同层及各层之间界面区的高分辨晶格像进行观察.发现此多层结构中存在6 0°位错和堆垛层错.结合Matthews和Blakeslee提出的临界厚度的模型和相关的研究结果对6 0°位错组态的形成和存在原因进行了分析.在具有帽层结构的Si1 - x Gex 应变层靠近基体一侧的界面中仅存在单一位错,验证了Gosling等人的理论预测结果  相似文献   

The CdS thin film has been directly formed on n-type Si substrate to form an interfacial layer between cadmium (Cd) and n-type Si with Successive Ionic Layer Adsorption and Reaction (SILAR) method. An Au-Sb electrode has been used as an ohmic contact. The Cd/CdS/n-Si/Au-Sb structure has demonstrated clearly rectifying behaviour by the current-voltage (I-V) curves studied at room temperature. The characteristics parameters such as barrier height, ideality factor and series resistance of Cd/CdS/n-Si/Au-Sb structure have been calculated from the forward bias I-V and reverse bias C−2-V characteristics. The diode ideality factor and the barrier height have been calculated as n = 2.06 and Φb = 0.92 eV by applying a thermionic emission theory, respectively. The diode shows non-ideal I-V behaviour with an ideality factor greater than unity that can be ascribed to the interfacial layer, the interface states and the series resistance. At high current densities in the forward direction, the series resistance (Rs) effect has been observed. The values of Rs obtained from dV/d(lnI)-I and H(I)-I plots are near to each others (Rs = 182.24 Ω and Rs = 186.04 Ω, respectively). This case shows the consistency of the Cheung′s approach. In the same way, the barrier height calculated from C−2 -V characteristics varied from 0.698 to 0.743 eV. Furthermore, the density distribution of interface states (Nss) of the device has been obtained from the forward bias I-V characteristics. It has been seen that, the Nss has almost an exponential rise with bias from the mid gap toward the bottom of conduction band.  相似文献   

A one‐step synthesis of Li‐rich layered materials with layered/spinel heterostructure has been systematically investigated. The composites are synthesized by a polyol method followed with an annealing process at 500–900 °C for 12 h. A spinel to layer phase transition is considered to take place during the heat treatment, and the samples obtained at different temperatures show diverse phase compositions. An “Li‐rich spinel phase decomposition” phase transition mechanism is proposed to explain the formation of such a heterostructure. The electrochemical properties of the heterostructure are found to be associated with the ratio of spinel to layer phases, the leach out of rock salt phase, and the change of crystallinity and particle size. Product with improved cyclic and rate performance is achieved by annealing at 700 °C for 12 h, with a discharge capacity of 214 mA h g?1 remaining at 0.2 C after 60 cycles and discharge capacity of about 200 mA h g?1 at 1 C.  相似文献   

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