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提出一种克服无线信道瑞利衰落和高斯白噪声干扰的非相干编码调制MIMO系统方案。纠错码采用IEEE 802.16e中的非规则QC-LDPC码,非相干调制采用基于三角函数的酉空时调制(SC-USTM)。在接收端,推导出SC-USTM的最大后验概率(MAP)解调算法;为了降低复杂度,构造了SC-USTM的双解调器方案;为了改善双解调的性能,在置信传播(BP)迭代解码器和MAP解调器之间引入了迭代反馈机制。仿真实验表明LDPC已编码SC-USTM的MIMO系统比未编码USTM的MIMO系统在 误码率时,性能改善15~17 dB,并且整个系统具有较低的计算复杂度。  相似文献   

Exploiting the Fourier basis structure both in the space and the time domains, we develop a low-complexity multiuser space-time coding scheme, multiuser (MU) angle-frequency coding scheme (MU-AFCS), to properly schedule the data streams of each user with respect to its corresponding angle-frequency channel structure for downlink wireless systems. With the proposed approach, a large amount of space resource left over by one user, in clustered multipath wireless channels, can be easily identified and used by the others without serious signal collision in the space domain. In doing so, low channel capacity resulting from poor channel structures in systems, allowing only single-user transmission at a time, can be greatly boosted. The key advantage of this approach is that only limited feedback of channel state information to the transmitter is required while multiuser macro-diversity is sufficiently exploited. In addition, the complexity of the proposed approach is much lower than that of the existing ones serving similar purposes. Through theoretical analyses and computer simulations, we demonstrate that the MU-AFCS can significantly increase the channel capacity as compared to the traditional orthogonal resource division MU multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems.  相似文献   

Optimal joint multiuser detection and decoding for direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (DS-CDMA) systems with forward error correction normally requires prohibitively high computational complexity. A suboptimal solution with low complexity is therefore appealing for use in practical applications. We propose a low-complexity iterative multiuser receiver for turbo-coded DS-CDMA systems. The proposed approach consists of a modified decorrelating decision-feedback detector (MDDFD) and K single-user turbo decoders, where K is the number of users in the DS-CDMA system. The MDDFD is derived on the basis of maximizing a likelihood probability and has a feature that it can use the reliability information from the turbo decoders' output. In addition, the MDDFD can deliver interference-cancelled soft outputs to the turbo decoders where the calculation of transition metrics is modified appropriately. Both performance analysis and computer simulation results have indicated that the reliability information from the turbo decoders' output can enhance the multiuser detection capability of the MDDFD. Computer simulations have also shown that the proposed iterative multiuser receiver outperforms the conventional DDFD-based multiuser receiver in terms of the bit-error probability  相似文献   

We propose a new space-time coding scheme for the quasi-static multiple-antenna channel with perfect channel state information at the receiver and no channel state information at the transmitter. In our scheme, codewords produced by a trellis encoder are formatted into space-time codeword arrays such that decoding can be implemented efficiently by minimum mean-square error (MMSE) decision-feedback interference mitigation coupled with Viterbi decoding, through the use of per-survivor processing. We discuss the code design for the new scheme, and show that finding codes with optimal diversity is much easier than for conventional trellis space-time codes (STCs). We provide an upper bound on the word-error rate (WER) of our scheme which is both accurate and easy to evaluate. Then, we find upper and lower bounds on the information outage probability with discrete independent and identically distributed (i.i.d). inputs (as opposed to Gaussian inputs, as in most previous works) and we show that the MMSE front-end yields a large advantage over the whitened matched filter (i.e., zero-forcing) front-end. Finally, we provide a comprehensive performance/complexity comparison of our scheme with coded vertical Bell Labs layered space-time (V-BLAST) architecture and with the recently proposed threaded space-time codes. We also discuss the concatenation of our scheme with block space-time precoders, such as the linear dispersion codes.  相似文献   

This works presents an integrated CMOS 2-PPM demodulator based on a switched capacitor network for an energy detection impulse-radio UWB receiver. The circuit has been designed using a top-down methodology that allows to discover the impact of low-level non-idealities on system-level performance. Through the use of a mixed-signal simulation environment, performance figures have been obtained which helped evaluate the influence at system level of the non-idealities of the most critical block. Results show that the circuit allows the replacement of the ADC typically employed in energy detection receivers and provides about infinite equivalent quantization resolution. The demodulator achieves 190 pJ/bit at 1.8 V.  相似文献   

We consider noncoherent block detection of Alamouti-type space-time (ST) modulations, employing PSK constellations in quasi-static Rayleigh-fading channels with L receive antennas. The proposed detector, termed an eigen-assisted (EA) receiver, constructs a sample-correlation matrix from the L length-N received signals, determines its two principal eigenvectors, and uses these eigenvectors to reconstruct the two transmitted length-N patterns. Scalar differential encoding is performed at the transmit antennas, and as a result, the transmitted data can be recovered from the reconstructed patterns using scalar multiple-symbol differential detection. In other words, ST-differential encoding is not required at the transmitter and the constellation expansion typically observed with nonbinary signaling is avoided; a highly desirable result under a peak power constraint. Furthermore, the performance of the proposed EA-receiver is only 0.25 dB away from the coherent detection (with differential encoding) lower bound for the modulations considered. For quadrature phase-shift keying at a bit-error rate of 10/sup -4/, our EA-receiver with N=64 outperforms a decision feedback detector by 1 dB (L=1) and conventional ST-differential detection by more than 2.5 dB (L=2). Note that the complexity of our receiver, per symbol decision, is essentially independent of N and is comparable to that of a conventional ST-differential detector. The conclusion is reached that the proposed encoder/receiver pair is a promising alternative to currently known noncoherent techniques employing Alamouti-type ST-modulations.  相似文献   

Existence and construction of noncoherent unitary space-time codes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We consider transmission using N transmit and reception using M receive antennas in a wireless environment assuming that neither the transmitter nor the receiver knows the channel coefficients. For the scenario that the transmission employs noncoherent T /spl times/ N unitary space-time codes and for a block-fading channel model where the channel is static during T channel uses and varies from T channel uses to the other, we establish the bound r /spl les/ min(T-N, N) on the diversity advantage rM provided by the code. In order to show that the requirement r /spl les/ min(T-N, N) cannot be relaxed, for any given R, N, T, and r /spl les/ min(T-N, N), we then construct unitary T /spl times/ N space-time codes of rate R that guarantee diversity advantage rM. Two constructions are given that are also amenable to simple encoding and noncoherent maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding algorithms.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of digital communication in a Rayleigh flat-fading environment using a multiple-antenna system, when the channel state information is available neither at the transmitter nor at the receiver. It is known that at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), or when the coherence interval is much larger than the number of transmit antennas, a constellation of unitary matrices can achieve the capacity of the noncoherent system. However, at low SNR, high spectral efficiencies, or for small values of coherence interval, the unitary constellations lose their optimality and fail to provide an acceptable performance. In this work, inspired by the Stein's lemma, we propose to use the Kullback-Leibler (KL) distance between conditional distributions to design space-time constellations for noncoherent communication. In fast fading, i.e., when the coherence interval is equal to one symbol period and the unitary construction provides only one signal point, the new design criterion results in pulse amplitude modulation (PAM)-type constellations with unequal spacing between constellation points. We also show that in this case, the new design criterion is equivalent to design criteria based on the exact pairwise error probability and the Chernoff information. When the coherence interval is larger than the number of transmit antennas, the resulting constellations overlap with the unitary constellations at high SNR, but at low SNR they have a multilevel structure and show significant performance improvement over unitary constellations of the same size. The performance improvement becomes especially more significant when an appropriately designed outer code or multiple receive antennas are used. This property, together with the facts that the proposed constellations eliminate the need for training sequences and are most suitable for low SNR, makes them a good candidate for uplink communication in wireless systems.  相似文献   

Training codes are introduced for the multiple-antenna, noncoherent, multiple block-Rayleigh-fading channel in which the fading coefficients, which are constant over a fixed number of dimensions (coherence interval) for each block and then change independently to a new realization, are known neither at the transmitter nor at the receiver. Each codeword of a training code consists of a part known to the receiver-used to form a minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) estimate of the channel-and a part that contains codeword(s) of a space-time block or trellis code designed for the coherent channel (in which the receiver has perfect knowledge of the channel). The channel estimate is used as if it were error-free for decoding the information-bearing part of the training codeword. Training codes are hence easily designed to have high rate and low decoding complexity by choosing the underlying coherent code to have high rate and to be efficiently decodable. Conditions for which the estimator-detector (E-D) receiver is equivalent to the optimal noncoherent receiver are established. A key performance analysis result of this paper is that the training codes when decoded with the E-D receiver achieve a diversity order of the error probability that is equal to the diversity order of the underlying coherent code. In some cases, the performance of training codes can be measured relative to coherent reception via "training efficiency," which is then optimized over the energy allocation between the training and data phases. In the limit of increasing block lengths, training codes always achieve the performance of coherent reception. The examples of training codes provided in this work have polynomial complexity in rate but an error rate comparable to the best performing unitary designs available, even though the latter require exponential decoding complexity.  相似文献   

This paper presents a computationally efficient application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) implementation for the decoding of space-time block codes (STBCs) . Alternative methods of evaluating the originally proposed maximum-likelihood decision metrics are explored at the algorithm and architectural level. At the algorithm level, unique decoding techniques are developed that result in computation savings of as much as 65%. At the architectural level, a low-computation symmetrical approach for the implementation of the proposed algorithm is presented. The proposed ASIC architecture offers considerable computation reductions leading to substantial power and area savings compared to a direct implementation of the original algorithm. The proposed architecture was realized in an ASIC referred to as the ST block decoder ASIC. The chip was fabricated using 0.18-/spl mu/m CMOS technology and occupies a core area of 0.25 mm/sup 2/. The ASIC architecture is highly scalable and can implement 2 /spl times/ 2, 8 /spl times/ 3, and 8 /spl times/ 4 STBCs with modulation formats ranging from binary-phase shift keying (BPSK) to 16 quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), and can operate at any symbol rate up to 20 Mbaud. Depending on the mode of operation, the decoder power consumption ranges from 0.54 mW for 2 /spl times/ 2 BPSK systems to 1.89 mW for 8 /spl times/ 4 16-QAM systems.  相似文献   

A turbo multiuser receiver is proposed for space-time block and channel-coded code division multiple access (CDMA) systems in multipath channels. The proposed receiver consists of a first stage that performs detection, space-time decoding, and multipath combining followed by a second stage that performs the channel decoding. A reduced complexity receiver suitable for systems with large numbers of transmitter antennas is obtained by performing the space-time decoding along each resolvable multipath component and then diversity combining the set of space-time decoded outputs. By exchanging the soft information between the first and second stages, the receiver performance is improved via iteration. Simulation results show that while in some cases a noniterative space-time coded system may have inferior performance compared with a system without space-time coding in a multipath channel, proposed iterative schemes significantly outperform systems without space-time coding, even with only two iterations. Furthermore, the performance loss in the reduced-complexity receiver due to decoupling of interference suppression, space-time decoding, and multipath combining is very small for error rates of practical interest.  相似文献   

Power and bandwidth efficient noncoherent transmission over frequency nonselective Ricean-fading channels is studied. We propose a low-complexity receiver structure, which is very well suited to mobile communication scenarios with time-variant and nonstationary transmission channels. Applying bit-interleaved coded modulation with standard convolutional codes, substantial gains of several decibels in power efficiency compared to conventional differential detection are achieved. To obtain the novel noncoherent reception scheme, ideas of iterative decoding with hard-decision feedback and prediction-based branch metric calculation are combined and extended. Furthermore, the incorporation of combined phase and amplitude modulation for high bandwidth efficiency is focused on. The theoretical analysis of both the convergence and the achievable performance of iterative decoding are given by evaluating the corresponding prediction-error variance and the associated cutoff rate, respectively. The results from information theory are well confirmed by simulation results presented for different channel scenarios  相似文献   

In this paper, we deal with the design of a full-rate space-time block coding (STBC) scheme optimized for linear iterative decoding over fast fading multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel. A general and simple coding scheme called diagonal threaded space-time (DTST) code is presented for an arbitrary number of transmit and receive antennas. Theoretical analysis shows that DTST code associated with linear iterative decoding tends towards full diversity performance while providing maximum MIMO multiplexing gain. Simulation results confirm the ability of DTST to outperform the state-of-the-art STBC and conventional spatial data multiplexing schemes under iterative processing.  相似文献   

Differential encoding is often used in conjunction with noncoherent demodulation to overcome carrier phase synchronization problems in communication systems employing M-ary phase-shift keying (M-PSK). It is generally acknowledged that differential encoding leads to a degradation in performance over absolutely encoded M-PSK systems with perfect carrier synchronization. In this paper, we show that when differential encoding is combined with convolutional encoding and interleaving, this degradation does not necessarily occur. We propose a novel noncoherent receiver for differentially encoded M-PSK signals that is capable of significantly outperforming optimal coherent receivers for absolutely encoded M-PSK using the same convolutional code. This receiver uses an iterative decoding technique and is based on a multiple differential detector structure to overcome the effect of the carrier phase error. In addition, to better illustrate the benefits of the powerful combination of convolutional encoding, interleaving, and differential encoding, we also present an iterative coherent receiver for differentially encoded M-PSK  相似文献   

Bit-interleaved space-time coded modulation (BI-STC), which combines serial concatenation of bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) with space-time block codes, can effectively exploit the available diversity in space and time under various fading conditions. In this letter, we propose to use iterative decoding to further improve the performance of BI-STC by exploiting the concatenating structure of the codes. The decoding metric is therefore modified to fit for the iterative process, and the derived error bounds suggest that set-partition labeling instead of gray labeling should be used when considering iterative decoding.  相似文献   

A simple alternative formula for the error probability of a RAKE demodulator for noncoherent, square-law detected, binary orthogonal signals and Rayleigh fading is presented. The formula is more compact and considerably easier to evaluate than the classical formula while providing identical numerical results. The derivation of the alternative formula is shown to be much simpler than the derivation of the classical formula.  相似文献   

The optimal decoding scheme for asynchronous code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems that employ convolutional codes results in a prohibitive computational complexity. To reduce the computational complexity, an iterative receiver structure was proposed for decoding multiuser data in a convolutional coded CDMA system. At each iteration, extrinsic information is exchanged between a soft-input soft-output (SISO) multiuser detector and a bank of single-user SISO channel decoders. A direct implementation of the optimal SISO multiuser detector, however, has exponential computational complexity in terms of the number of users which is still prohibitive for channels with a medium to large number of users. This paper presents a low-complexity SISO multiuser detector using the decision-feedback scheme, of which tentative hard decisions are made and fed back to the SISO multiuser from the previous decoding output. In the proposed scheme, the log-likelihood ratios (LLR) as well as the tentative hard decisions of code bits are fed back from the SISO decoders. The hard decisions are used to constrain the trellis of the SISO multiuser detector and the LLRs are used to provide a priori information on the code bits. The detector provides good performance/complexity tradeoffs. The computational complexity of the detector can be set to be as low as linear in the number of users. Simulations show that the performance of the low-complexity SISO multiuser detector approaches that of the single-user system for moderate to high signal-to-noise ratios even for a large number of users.  相似文献   

《Electronics letters》2003,39(20):1453-1455
Iterative decoding of space-time block codes (STBCs) and channel codes have shown to achieve very good performance. Using tools such as EXIT charts, the performance can be predicted and also used for design. However almost all work so far has concentrated on linear STBCs. Therefore nonlinear STBCs that are designed to work well with iterative decoding are investigated. It is shown that they can outperform linear STBCs since their characteristics are quite different when supplying a priori information from a channel decoder. Analysis, design rules and simulation results for the nonlinear codes are presented.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the irregular binary low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes and two iterative low-complexity decoding algorithms. The first one is the majority error-correcting decoding algorithm, and the second one is iterative erasure-correcting decoding algorithm. The lower bounds on correcting capabilities (the guaranteed corrected error and erasure fraction respectively) of irregular LDPC code under decoding (error and erasure correcting respectively) algorithms with low-complexity were represented. These lower bounds were obtained as a result of analysis of Tanner graph representation of irregular LDPC code. The numerical results, obtained at the end of the paper for proposed lower-bounds achieved similar results for the previously known best lower-bounds for regular LDPC codes and were represented for the first time for the irregular LDPC codes.  相似文献   

Fast fading used in this paper refers to multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) channels with channel gains changing from sample to sample, even within a block symbol. The impact of spatially correlated and sample-to-sample variant (SCSSV) fading channels on the design and error performance of noncoherent receivers is not yet clear in the literature. In this paper, we derive optimal and suboptimal noncoherent receivers for operating on SCSSV MIMO fading channels. The joint effect of spatial correlation and sample-to-sample variation of channel gains on various receivers in Rayleigh and Rician fading is investigated by the derivation of their pairwise error performance. Numerical and simulation results are also presented to illustrate the theory and to compare the performance of the optimal and suboptimal receivers.  相似文献   

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