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Microgels are cross-linked polymers with a high application potential in liquid-liquid systems due to their surface activity and switchable stabilization properties. A process concept utilizing microgels in extraction processes is presented. The microgels are located at the drop surface and prevent coalescence, enabling monodisperse operation. At the column top, the stabilization is switched off by temperature shift. The switchable stabilization and the absence of additional mass transfer resistance are crucial requirements for the concept and tested experimentally. The results provide the basis for the model-based evaluation of the process performance, revealing a broader operating window, capacity increase at equal height equivalent of theoretical stage (HETS) for high loads, and reduced HETS for small loads.  相似文献   

Trafficking of soluble cargo to the vacuole is far from being a closed issue as it can occur by different routes and involve different intermediates. The textbook view of proteins being sorted at the post-Golgi level to the lytic vacuole via the pre-vacuole or to the protein storage vacuole mediated by dense vesicles is now challenged as novel routes are being disclosed and vacuoles with intermediate characteristics described. The identification of Vacuolar Sorting Determinants is a key signature to understand protein trafficking to the vacuole. Despite the long established vacuolar signals, some others have been described in the last few years, with different properties that can be specific for some cells or some types of vacuoles. There are also reports of proteins having two different vacuolar signals and their significance is questionable: a way to increase the efficiency of the sorting or different sorting depending on the protein roles in a specific context? Along came the idea of differential vacuolar sorting, suggesting a possible specialization of the trafficking pathways according to the type of cell and specific needs. In this review, we show the recent advances in the field and focus on different aspects of protein trafficking to the vacuoles.  相似文献   

There has been an ardent interest in herbivore saliva due to its roles in inducing plant defenses and its impact on herbivore fitness. Two techniques are described that inhibit the secretion of labial saliva from the caterpillar, Helicoverpa zea, during feeding. The methods rely on cauterizing the caterpillar's spinneret, the principal secretory structure of the labial glands, or surgically removing the labial salivary gland. Both methods successfully inhibit secretion of saliva and the principal salivary enzyme glucose oxidase. Caterpillars with inhibited saliva production feed at similar rates as the untreated caterpillars, pupate, and emerge as adults. Glucose oxidase has been suggested to increase the caterpillar's survival through the suppression of inducible anti-herbivore defenses in plants. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) leaves fed on by caterpillars with ablated salivary glands had significantly higher levels of nicotine, an inducible anti-herbivore defense compound of tobacco, than leaves fed upon by caterpillars with intact labial salivary glands. Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) leaves fed upon by caterpillars with suppressed salivary secretions showed greatly reduced evidence of hydrogen peroxide formation compared to leaves fed upon by intact caterpillars. These two methods are useful techniques for determining the role that saliva plays in manipulating plant anti-herbivore defenses.  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2020,46(7):8561-8566
ZrB2–SiC–graphite composites with 0–35 vol% graphite flakes were densified via hot-pressing route at the temperature of 1800 °C under the uniaxial pressure of 40 MPa for 1 h. Consolidation, mechanical properties, and microstructure of hot-pressed composites were investigated by variation of graphite content. By the addition of graphite, the relative density of composites increased, and at this hot pressing condition, fully densified composites were fabricated. The highest flexural strength of 366 MPa was measured for composite containing 7.5 vol% graphite, while the maximum Vickers hardness resulted in 2.5 vol% graphite doped one, and its value was equal to 20.8 GPa. Phase analysis of hot-pressed samples revealed the formation of the Zr3C2 and B4C phases besides the main existing ZrB2, SiC, and graphite phases. The newly carbide phases formed at the surface of ZrB2 grains. The addition of graphite into the ZrB2–SiC composites improved the sintering process and caused a fine-grained microstructure.  相似文献   

The influence of preozonation on the formation of chlorination disinfection by-products (DBPs) is studied for three different types of water: a natural water from the Úzquiza Reservoir (Burgos, Spain), synthetics waters prepared using natural fulvic and humic acids extracted from the Úzquiza Reservoir and a synthetic water prepared using a commercially supplied humic acid. The main factors intervening in this process have been reviewed: the delay time between ozonation and chlorination, the ozone reaction pathway, the type of NOM, the applied ozone dose and the presence of bromide ion. Preozonation decreases trihalomethane formation potential (THMFP) for both humic and fulvic acids, being this effect more significant for the humic acids. The molecular pathway of ozone seems to be more selective than the radical pathway for THMFP removal from humic acids. Ion bromide content of the raw water greatly influences the effect of preozonation on THMFP. The influence of preozonation on the formation of some minority DBPs has been studied too.  相似文献   

The population that has migrated from rural zones to urban areas is subject to changes in their dietary patterns and is considered a vulnerable population group in terms of food security. This article describes the diet of the immigrant indigenous population in the city of San Cristóbal de Las Casas, analyzing the factors that contribute to adequate calorie consumption in 143 families. This is a cross-sectional study based on a structured interview in which information was obtained related to socio-economic variables, the variety and types of foods in the home, and adequate calorie consumption per capita based on requirements according to age and sex. Using nonparametric statistical tests, the relationship between the population's income level and the number of calories available was determined. Results show a significant association between the income level of the population and the number of calories available in homes; however, there is not a significant association between the amount of time a family has lived in the city and the type and variety of foods available to and consumed by these families. Results show that 91.3% of these families ingest the suggested calorie consumption; the population with the lowest income levels represents a lower percentage of this indicator, and also showed significant deficiencies in proteins and nutrients such as calcium and vitamin A. The implications of rural-urban migration by indigenous populations in relation to diet quality are discussed.  相似文献   

Global phosphorus (P) reserves are rapidly being depleted and agriculture is a major contributor to P consumption worldwide. Moreover, agricultural P use may lead to local excess of P in soils, resulting in water eutrophication. To remedy this situation, it is necessary to understand the key factors underlying P use by farmers within such a context. The objective of this article is to understand how farmers use P fertilisers under agricultural conditions. Particular attention was paid to the use of conventional decision-making tools such as soil analysis by farmers. Industrial agriculture, characterised by high levels of specialisation, input use and production yields, was considered as a case study. Forty farmers involved in industrial agriculture in south-western France were interviewed in 2008 about their P use. Soil analyses were collected when available. Input/output P balances were computed at the plot scale. Moreover, records of farmers?? fertilisation practices were analysed from a database developed by a technical advisory group. Results showed that 90% of farmers had a crop-specific and yearly P fertilisation strategy. This yielded very positive P balances for vegetable crops. Few farmers used recommendations based on soil analyses: in most cases, the amounts of P used by the farmers were lower than those recommended. When asked for their opinion about the role of P in agriculture, most farmers explained that P fertilisation helped boost the growth of spring crops in the event of adverse weather conditions. This revealed the emphasis placed on ??plant-based?? strategies for P management, as opposed to ??soil-based?? strategies, thus reinforcing annual fertilisation strategy. This study provides a foundation for understanding key factors underlying P consumption in agriculture.  相似文献   

Aiming at the disadvantage originated from the separation process of roughering by jig and cleaning by HM cyclone at Fucun Coal Preparation Plant, i. e. lower productivity and unreasonable product structure ,it was converted to a process of threeproduct HM cyclone with un - pressurized feeding as proposed by Guohua Sc. & Tech. Co. Ltd. ; thence the plant productivity was doubled, recovery of clean coal increased in great extent,and better economic and social benefit achieved.  相似文献   

Systemically Induced Plant Volatiles Emitted at the Time of “Danger”   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Feeding by Pieris brassicae caterpillars on the lower leaves of Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera) plants triggers the release of volatiles from upper leaves. The volatiles are attractive for a natural antagonist of the herbivore, the parasitoid Cotesia glomerata. Parasitoids are attracted only if additional damage is inflicted on the systemically induced upper leaves and only after at least three days of herbivore feeding on the lower leaves. Upon termination of caterpillar feeding, the systemic signal is emitted for a maximum of one more day. Systemic induction did not occur at low levels of herbivore infestation. Systemically induced leaves emitted green leaf volatiles, cyclic monoterpenoids, and sesquiterpenes. GC-MS profiles of systemically induced and herbivore-infested leaves did not differ for most compounds, although herbivore infested plants did emit higher amounts of green leaf volatiles. Emission of systemically induced volatiles in Brussels sprouts might function as an induced defense that is activated only when needed, i.e., at the time of caterpillar attack. This way, plants may adopt a flexible management of inducible defensive resources to minimize costs of defense and to maximize fitness in response to unpredictable herbivore attack.  相似文献   

For speedy realization of clean coal utilization in recentdecade,construction of coal preparation plant in China surgesto a new climax.Its special features are reflected in two re-spects:large quantity of plants constructed,advanced technolo-gy and equipment employed,and high production efficiency a-chieved in one side;and the other,construction time shortened,investment and production cost remarkably reduced,thence,coal preparation plant design and construction in China hasreached an internat…  相似文献   

Adaptation and response to environmental changes require dynamic and fast information distribution within the plant body. If one part of a plant is exposed to stress, attacked by other organisms or exposed to any other kind of threat, the information travels to neighboring organs and even neighboring plants and activates appropriate responses. The information flow is mediated by fast-traveling small metabolites, hormones, proteins/peptides, RNAs or volatiles. Electric and hydraulic waves also participate in signal propagation. The signaling molecules move from one cell to the neighboring cell, via the plasmodesmata, through the apoplast, within the vascular tissue or—as volatiles—through the air. A threat-specific response in a systemic tissue probably requires a combination of different traveling compounds. The propagating signals must travel over long distances and multiple barriers, and the signal intensity declines with increasing distance. This requires permanent amplification processes, feedback loops and cross-talks among the different traveling molecules and probably a short-term memory, to refresh the propagation process. Recent studies show that volatiles activate defense responses in systemic tissues but also play important roles in the maintenance of the propagation of traveling signals within the plant. The distal organs can respond immediately to the systemic signals or memorize the threat information and respond faster and stronger when they are exposed again to the same or even another threat. Transmission and storage of information is accompanied by loss of specificity about the threat that activated the process. I summarize our knowledge about the proposed long-distance traveling compounds and discuss their possible connections.  相似文献   

Concentrations of calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, selenium and nickel were determined in the muscle tissue of seven species of fish (Plagioscion squamosissimus, Geophagus surinamensis, Prochilodus lacustres, Curimata sp., Schizodon dissimilis, Ageneiosus ucayalensis and Hypostomus plecostomus) collected from the lower course of the Itapecuru River in the state of Maranhão, Brazil. The samples were digested in a nitricperchloric solution and analyzed using an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer, with the construction of specific calibration curves for each element. The highest concentrations of constituent minerals were found for phosphorus, potassium, nickel and magnesium (399.83, 144.60, 90.20 and 29.49 mg 100 g?1, respectively) in G. surinamensi, P. lacustres and Curimata sp. The lowest concentrations were found for copper, zinc, iron and selenium (0.12, 0.51, 1.05 and 8.31 mg 100 g?1, respectively) in Curimata sp., S. dissimilis, A. ucayalensis and P. squamosissimus. The concentrations of all minerals can be considered low and are below the maximum limit established by Brazilian legislation for the human ingestion of fish meat. A comparison of the seven species of fish investigated revealed no statistically significant differences regarding the concentrations of minerals, suggesting that size and different dietary habits do not exert an influence on absorption. The low concentrations of metals, such as Fe, Cu, Zn and Ni, may be related to the environmental conditions of the mouth of the river, which receives ocean inputs that produce particular tide cycles with a strong dispersion capacity, thereby diminishing residence time in the water column and reducing the availability of these metals to species of fish.  相似文献   

The problem of plane strain of a hollow cylinder made of a bimodulus material is considered in a quasi-static constrained formulation. The physical relations allow for effect of the kind of stress state on the mechanical characteristics and the temperature coefficients of linear expansion. Numerical results are presented. Translated from Ogneupory i Tekhnicheskaya Keramika, No. 2, pp. 44–45, February, 2000.  相似文献   

The privet tree, Ligustrum obtusifolium (Oleaceae), defends its leaves against insects with a strong lysine-decreasing activity that make proteins non-nutritive. This is caused by oleuropein, an iridoid glycoside. We previously found that some privet-specialist caterpillars adapt by secreting glycine in the digestive juice as a neutralizer that prevents the loss of lysine. Here, we extended the survey into 42 lepidopteran and hymenopteran species. The average concentration of glycine in digestive juice for 11 privet-feeding species (40.396 mM) was higher than that for 32 non-privet-feeding species (2.198 mM). The glycine concentrations exceeded 10 mM in 7 out of 11 privet-feeding species. In Macrophya timida (Hymenoptera), it reached 164.8 mM. Three out of the four remaining privet-feeding species had other amino acids instead. Larvae of a privet-specialist butterfly, Artopoetes pryeri (Lycaenidae), had a high concentration (60.812 mM) of GABA. In two other specialists, β-alanine was found. GABA, β-alanine, and glycine as well as alanine, amines, and ammonium ion inhibited the lysine decrease, indicating that amino residues are responsible for the inhibition. However, the three amino acids found in the specialists were far more effective (20 mM showed 80% inhibition) than the rest (>140 mM was required for 80% inhibition). Our results show a clear and rare case of the apparent convergent evolution of herbivores’ molecular adaptations of feeding on a plant with a chemical defense in a manner that minimizes the cost of adaptation. The novel role of GABA in plant-herbivore interactions shown here is probably the first reported non-neuronal role of animal-derived GABA.  相似文献   

Root-feeding insects are key components in many terrestrial ecosystems. Like shoot-feeding insect herbivores, they exploit a range of chemical cues to locate host plants. Respiratory emissions of carbon dioxide (CO(2)) from the roots is widely reported as the main attractant, however, there is conflicting evidence about its exact role. CO(2) may act as a 'search trigger' causing insects to search more intensively for more host specific signals, or the plant may 'mask' CO(2) emissions with other root volatiles thus avoiding detection. At least 74 other compounds elicit behavioral responses in root-feeding insects, with the majority (>80?%) causing attraction. Low molecular weight compounds (e.g., alcohols, esters, and aldehydes) underpin attraction, whereas hydrocarbons tend to have repellent properties. A range of compounds act as phagostimulants (e.g., sugars) once insects feed on roots, whereas secondary metabolites often deter feeding. In contrast, some secondary metabolites usually regarded as plant defenses (e.g., dihydroxy-7-methoxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one (DIMBOA)), can be exploited by some root-feeding insects for host location. Insects share several host location cues with plant parasitic nematodes (CO(2), DIMBOA, glutamic acid), but some compounds (e.g., cucurbitacin A) repel nematodes while acting as phagostimulants to insects. Moreover, insect and nematode herbivory can induce exudation of compounds that may be mutually beneficial, suggesting potentially significant interactions between the two groups of herbivores. While a range of plant-derived chemicals can affect the behavior of root-feeding insects, little attempt has been made to exploit these in pest management, though this may become a more viable option with diminishing control options.  相似文献   

A new parameter (degree of randomness (DR)) was defined for the identification of the main transition velocities, U trans. The new method reconstructs the time series into multiple state vectors, thus generating non-overlapping vector pairs and then compares the distance between them with a pre-selected cut-off length. The DR values were extracted from gauge and differential pressure fluctuations as well as x-ray tomographic scans. At every U trans value, the DR index exhibited a well-pronounced local minimum. Three cylindrical bubble columns (BCs) with various diameters (0.1, 0.14, and 0.45 m in ID) and one rectangular BC (width = 0.2 m, depth = 0.04 m) were used. They were aerated by means of different perforated plate gas distributors. It was found that in the cylindrical BCs the disintegration of the bubbly flow regime took place always at U trans = 0.04 m/s. In the case of the rectangular BC the first critical velocity appeared at U trans = 0.012 m/s. The lower boundary of the churn-turbulent regime was identified at U trans = 0.11 m/s in the smallest cylindrical BC and at about U trans = 0.095 m/s in the other two cylindrical BCs. In the case of the rectangular BC, the second critical velocity was identified at U trans = 0.039 m/s. The low U trans in the rectangular BC imply that the hydrodynamic regimes are less stable in this particular column due to higher degree of liquid turbulence. The calculated DR values from the gauge pressure fluctuations successfully distinguished the upper boundary of the gas maldistribution and the first transition sub-regime.  相似文献   

<正>"During the last year,I visited many enterprises to carry out thorough investigations on the development of rubber industry and touched the developmental pulse of China’s rubber industry.To my deeply feeling,a significant progress was achieved in the construction of China Rubber Industry Power.These three new development modes including intelligent  相似文献   

In the last years, there has been an increase in the production, industrialization and consumption of goat's milk and derivate products, including cheese, worldwide. Nevertheless, in Costa Rica there is no study of these products, reason why the objective of this work was to determine the microbiological characteristics of goat's milk and fresh cheese distributed in the Metropolitan Area of San José, Costa Rica, in order to evaluate its impact in the economical field and as a potential risk for Public Health. A total of 25 raw goat's milk samples, obtained by manual milking from 5 different producers tested in five different dates and 15 cheese samples, elaborated with pasteurized milk, commercially available and coming from three different producers were analyzed. The study included the analysis of spoilage bacteria (total aeobic count and lactic bacteria count), indicators of hygiene (total coliforms), fecal contamination (fecal coliforms), manipulation (Staphylococcus aureus) and pathogens (Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella spp). High results were obtained for the total aerobic count and lactic bacteria count of the milk and cheese samples, showing a reduced shelf life. Total coliforms, in limits beyond the established ones by the Costa Rican legislation for human consumption raw milk, were found in 100% of milk samples, as well as for fecal coliforms in 76% of them. All cheese samples, except one, were negative for these indicators, suggesting good manufacturing practices. S. aureus counts were low and both Salmonella spp. and L. monocytogenes were not isolated from samples analyzed.  相似文献   

Three treatment methods, raw wastewater (RW)?→?coagulation?→?biological treatment (RCB), RW→?pre-ozonation?→?biological treatment (ROB) and RW?→?biological treatment?→?post-ozonation (RBO), were investigated to clarify their effectiveness in treating dyeing wastewater from a treatment plant. The decrease in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was in the following order: RCB?≥?RBO?>?ROB. DOC removal of 200 mg/L by biological treatment of RW was clearly higher than that of 12 mg/L by ozonation. On the other hand, only DOC removal of 108 mg/L was observed by biological treatment in RW after ozonation. The decrease in biological oxygen demand (BOD5) was in the following order: ROB?≥?RCB?>?RBO. Because of the enhancement of biodegradability brought about by ozonation, BOD5 after ozonation in RBO was higher than that of RW after biological treatment. Color was effectively removed by ozonation for both RW and RW after biological treatment, and the decrease in color was in the following order: RBO?>?ROB?≥?RCB. Adsorbable organic halide formation potential (AOXFP) and toxicity unit (TU15, exposure time is 15 min) were more effectively decreased by biological treatment than by coagulation or ozonation, although the differences among RCB, ROB and RBO were very small.  相似文献   

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