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概要地评述馆配市场的历史及发展现状,指出馆配市场目前存在着因高校教学改革带来的压力,馆配商存在非理性无序竞争及诚信缺失等问题。为了应对诸多问题,馆配行业应注重重点出版社及品牌出版社的新产品,实行专业化的服务,加强馆配行业合作,通过多渠道促进馆配工作发展;高校图书馆应该选准馆配商,及时跟进新的采购方式,分散对馆配商的依赖,注重馆配商的服务质量,做好招标工作,客观公正地评价馆配商,同时提高馆员的业务素养等。  相似文献   

The market for reading is expanding significantly, but the gains are seen almost entirely outside the prevailing supply chain. Fixed on the creation, management and sale of physical and digital objects, publishers view other forms of writing and reading as potential threats to their established markets. To take advantage of market growth, publishers need to rethink traditional models and develop an “architecture of collaboration”, exploring ways to engage with companies and communities to find new sources and uses of what was once just book content.  相似文献   

What was the market for consumer books in the United States between 1985 and 1995? What were the Domestic Consumer Expenditures for books during those years? What market problems did consumer books confront? Who purchased books? What types of consumer books did they select? When did they buy them? Where did they shop for them? Why did individuals select a particular title of book category? In this article, the author evaluates statistical data about net book unit and dollar sales and presents the theory that the U.S. consumer book industry is involved in a “zero sum game,” a hotly contested marketing campaign to increase (or at the least maintain) market share against: (1) the incursions of other mass media formats (i.e., television, radio, videos, film, recorded music, the Internet, etc.); (2) competing book categories; (3) sharp increases in periodical purchases by libraries that could cut deeply into this sizable and traditional market for books; and (4) the emerging but increasingly popular electronic publishing formats, including CD-ROMs, online services, and electronic texts (or E-Texts) of books.  相似文献   


本文综合运用供应链管理(SCM)理念和分析图书馆学方法,对出书-售书-藏书-读书-写书这一书业链环进行了抽象分析,分别讨论了书业链环在出版社驱动、书店驱动、图书馆驱动、读者驱动和作者驱动下的运行机理,为书业链建构了单一要素主导的一系列简要分析模型。  相似文献   

图书采购招标评分要项的探析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
针对教育部高等学校图书情报工作指导委员会公布的图书采购招标指导性文件,结合当前图书采购招标和图书供应市场的形势,分析了图书采购招标文件中评分要项的主要内容和分值,阐述了评分要项设计的意义和作用,对评分要项内容和分值设计的技巧作了探讨。  相似文献   

This paper first looks at the current supply model for the paper textbook in the UK market and its peculiar vulnerability not only to the new internet-based entrants, but also to the changing nature of the very product itself. It then looks at the emerging supply model for the electronic version of the textbook – the e-book – and why that mode of delivery is especially appropriate to the UK student market. It concludes by describing what the future supply model might look like for this material: the delivery of the electronic chapter.  相似文献   

供应链环境竞争情报系统构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
确定供应链环境下竞争情报的定义及其构成,识别竞争情报关键信息,包括:竞争环境信息、供应市场信息、需求市场信息、协作伙伴能力、核心企业能力与竞争策略、企业间协同信息,构建以制造企业为核心的竞争情报集成管理系统功能模块和基于SOA的集成管理系统结构,并以具体案例进行说明,为构建符合当前竞争环境的竞争情报体系提供借鉴。  相似文献   

清代中前期图书市场探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
向敏 《出版科学》2011,19(6):97-100
相较以往时期,清代中前期的图书市场无论在深度还是广度上都有巨大进步,并且呈现诸多特点,本文试对清代中前期图书市场的特点、形成原因及影响进行探析。  相似文献   

A panel which included a librarian, publisher and e-book providers presented issues confronting the growth of e-books in the academic library marketplace. The e-book market projections are a small part of the higher education book market. Frontlist titles are demanded by libraries with suppliers eager to supply such titles. However, publishers are feeling their way through various rights and contract issues as well as business models as they determine which frontlist titles to provide in electronic form. The instability of business partners has contributed to publisher delays in releasing titles as e-books. No one, (librarians, suppliers, publishers) is throwing in the towel on e-books but the position this format takes in the publishing industry and therefore in library collections in the near future is unsettled.  相似文献   

古旧书市场在地方文献的搜集与收藏方面发挥着重要的作用。无论公共图书馆还是民间收藏,只要选题得当、调查全面、鉴定精审,并持之以恒,一定能丰富自己的藏书。本文所举清人诗文集6种,计稿本1种、木活字本2种、清刻本3种,都是《清人别集总目》和《清人诗文集总目》没有著录的稀见文献,原本存佚不明或误以为已佚,从古旧书市场搜集而得以收藏、保护和整理。  相似文献   

民营馆配商占据馆配市场的大半江山,在图书馆藏书建设中扮演着重要角色,是图书馆获取文献信息的主要渠道,是影响藏书建设质量的关键因素之一。研究民营馆配商的生存与发展问题有利于图书馆在文献资源建设上未雨绸缪、科学应对。该文分析了金融危机下馆配市场的发展变化,剖析了民营馆配商在图书馆藏书体系中的地位、面临的困境及对馆藏书建设的潜在负面影响,并提出了图书馆的应对之策。  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代以来,市场这只“看不见的手”在激发我国图书出版业巨大活力的同时,也导致了我国图书出版市场的外部性现象,使得我国有限的图书出版资源的配置效率较低,影响着我国图书出版业的持续健康发展。本文拟从经济学角度对这一现象进行深刻的剖析,揭示其对我国图书出版业发展的负面效应,并提出相应的矫正思路。  相似文献   

郑小强 《出版科学》2011,19(6):49-52
盗版一直是制约我国出版业发展的瓶颈,图书盗版贯穿于出版产业链的各个环节,盗版者、出版社和作者三个利益主体之间在图书市场竞合,形成典型的三方博弈。政府的介入改变原有均衡,且政府在打击盗版力度上的差异会达到三种不同的均衡状态。只有当政府打击盗版的力度足够大时,图书盗版三方博弈才能达到最佳均衡。  相似文献   

The print publishing industry today is very different from what it was 5 years ago, or even 1 year ago. Developments in book manufacturing technology, the pressures to reduce print runs due to the impact in the growth of e-books and comprehensive distribution models, have given way to a new efficient book supply chain that has made more content available to consumers than ever before, and, has dramatically streamlined how books get into the hands of readers worldwide.  相似文献   

试论当前高校图书馆图书采访形势及对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文针对目前我国图书出版业中存在的混乱状况,探讨了图书馆采访工作应采取的对策。  相似文献   

通过阐述"草根书评"的释义和兴起原因,分析其种类形式和对读者的引导情况,与常规书评进行优劣势比较,点明"草根书评"是书评文化新兴的、重要的组成,应与常规书评互为补充,共同推进书业发展和提升国民阅读.  相似文献   

图书招标采购有其积极的一面,但是因图书市场和招标过程多方面的因素导致最终的效果不理想。过低折扣书商中标现象就是问题之一。文章从过低折扣书商的中标后果及原因着手,探寻改善过低折扣书商中标乱象、选择适合图书馆的价优质良书商的方法对策。主要对策包括:健全市场法规机制、加强评标前控制、评标中控制及中标后控制。  相似文献   

我国电子图书数字图书馆建设现状的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解我国电子图书数字图书馆建设与数字出版市场现状,设计面向全国图书馆采购与使用电子图书数字图书馆情况的调查问卷,利用问卷调查法、统计分析法和信息计量分析法对调查结果进行分析,结果表明目前电子图书市场是以超星、方正、书生之家、中国数字图书馆为首的完全竞争市场,电子图书数字图书馆的发展依赖于政府支持、先进技术支持、读者素养的提高和采购经费的增加4个方面。  相似文献   

Publishing 2020     
The article examines historical and recent trends in the consumer publishing industry in order to make predictions about the structure of that industry in 2020. The author anticipates the demise of the largest players in the industry, in both the publishing and retail sectors. Their decline he attributes to a focus on supply chain management and a lack of attention to innovation on the demand-side of the book business. In this respect he pays particular attention to studies of supply–demand matching in the DVD business.  相似文献   

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