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The theoretical performances of some 250 potential work fluids in vapour compression heat pumps condensing at 150°C and evaporating at 100°C have been predicted, using expression for coefficient of performance (COP) and minimum superheat that involve only easily accessible physical properties. Expected correlations were found between COP and critical temperature, between specific compressor displacement and normal boiling point, Tbp, and between condensing pressure and Tbp. Correlations were also found between minimum superheat and both molecular weight and critical pressure. From these correlations, the desirable basic properties of a high temperature heat pump fluid are deduced. The principle of corresponding states is invoked to explain the connection between minimum superheat and critical pressure, and hence the reason why perfluorinated compounds tend to make poor work fluids.  相似文献   

In these advanced adsorption cycles vapour is internally recovered between the two adsorbers, in which temperature is either uniform or non-uniform. In the first case, the cycles use the heat recovery process (double effect cycles), in the second case they use the heat regeneration process (thermal wave cycles). The full analysis (first law and second law) of vapour recovery is developed for either type of cycle. Different possible presentations in the entropic diagram of the cycles with heat recovery and those with heat regeneration are discussed. The thermodynamic differences between the two types of cycle can then clearly be highlighted. In addition, an evaluation of the current state of art of these two technologies is briefly presented.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic generalizations based on reduced pressure proposed in the 1960s are reviewed and updated to reflect the current state of the art. The application of the method is illustrated by analytical and numerical examples and an assessment made of its value in heat exchanger design practice with special emphasis on two-phase forced convection refrigeration cycle applications. It is shown that this thermodynamic approach provides the heat exchanger designer, and to some extent the system engineer with an additional tool which is simple, effective and above all more reliable, particularly in evaporator and condenser design practice, than current conventional semi-empirical correlations.  相似文献   

Whenever the fractional temperature lift ΔT/Tc of a heat pump is 0.15, simple cycles with one-stage throttling exhibit unsatisfactory energy performance. The adoption of multi-stage throttling, both in non-regenerative and regenerative cycles, is the most direct way of improving the cycle coefficient of performance (COP). The performance of these complex cycles is found to be a function of the molecular complexity of the working fluid, the reduced evaporation temperature, the fractional temperature lift and the number of stages of throttling. Furthermore, complex cycles are shown to be equivalent to a combination of simple cycles and their performance may be directly inferred by this route. Such calculations show that for a given fractional temperature lift an optimum molecular complexity (between that of R12 and n-butane) exists. Fluids with simpler molecules exhibit excessive vapour superheating during compression, and those with more complex molecules have excessive throttling losses. Also, with complex cycles, regeneration should be applied only to the cycle at the lowest temperature in order to improve the cycle COP and to prevent condensation during compression. As a general trend, however, complex cycles suffer a significant loss in performance compared to optimized simple cycles due to the adverse area of the two-phase diagram in which they work.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a predictive two-dimensional mathematical model of an adsorption cooling machine consisting of a double consolidated adsorbent bed with internal heat recovery. The results of a base-case, taken as a reference, demonstrated that the COP of the double bed adsorption refrigeration cycle increases with respect to the single bed configuration. However, it was verified that, in order to maximize also the specific power of the machine, the adsorbent beds must have proper thermo-physical properties.Consequently, a sensitivity analysis was carried out, studying the influence of the main heat and mass transfer parameters on the performance of the machine. The results obtained allowed us to define the adsorbent bed design that maximizes its heat and mass transfer properties, as well as the most profitable heat recovery conditions.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades there have been considerable efforts to use adsorption (solid/vapor) for cooling and heat pump applications, but intensified efforts were initiated only since the imposition of international restrictions on the production and utilization of CFCs and HCFCs. In this paper, a dual-mode silica gel–water adsorption chiller design is outlined along with the performance evaluation of the innovative chiller. This adsorption chiller utilizes effectively low-temperature solar or waste heat sources of temperature between 40 and 95 °C. Two operation modes are possible for the advanced chiller. The first operation mode will be to work as a highly efficient conventional chiller where the driving source temperature is between 60 and 95 °C. The second operation mode will be to work as an advanced three-stage adsorption chiller where the available driving source temperature is very low (between 40 and 60 °C). With this very low driving source temperature in combination with a coolant at 30 °C, no other cycle except an advanced adsorption cycle with staged regeneration will be operational. The drawback of this operational mode is its poor efficiency in terms of cooling capacity and COP. Simulation results show that the optimum COP values are obtained at driving source temperatures between 50 and 55 °C in three-stage mode, and between 80 and 85 °C in single-stage, multi-bed mode.  相似文献   

Simulation analyses for a vapour compression heat pump cycle using nonazeotropic refrigerant mixtures (NARMs) of R22 and R114 are conducted under the condition that the heat pump thermal output and the flow rate and inlet temperatures of the heat sink and source water are given. The heat transfer coefficients of the condensation and evaporation are calculated with empirical correlations proposed by the authors. The validity of the evaluation method and the correlations is demonstrated by comparison with experimental data. The relations between the coefficient of performance (COP) and composition are shown under two conditions: (1) the constant heat transfer length of the condenser and evaporator; and (2) the constant temperature of refrigerant at the heat exchanger inlet. The COP of the NARMs is higher than that of pure refrigerant when the heat transfer lengths of the condenser and evaporator are sufficiently long.  相似文献   

The convective thermal wave is part of a patented cycle which uses heat transfer intensification to achieve both high efficiency and small size from a solid adsorption cycle. Such cycles normally suffer from low power density because of poor heat transfer through the adsorbent bed. Rather than attempting to heat the bed directly, it is possible to heat the refrigerant gas outside the bed and to circulate it through the bed in order to heat the sorbent. The high surface area of the grains leads to very effective heat transfer with only low levels of parasitic power needed for pumping. The new cycle presented here also utilises a packed bed of inert material to store heat between the adsorption and desorption phases of the cycle. The high degree of regeneration possible leads to good coefficients of performance (COPs). Thermodynamic modelling, based on measured heat transfer data, predicts a COP (for a specific carbon) of 0.90 when evaporating at 5°C and condensing at 40°C, with a generating temperature of 200°C and a modest system regenerator effectiveness of 0.8. Further improvement is possible. Experimental heat transfer measurements and cycle simulations are presented which show the potential of the concept to provide the basis of a gas-fired air conditioner in the range 10–100 kW cooling. A research project to build a 10-kW water chiller is underway. The laboratory system, which should be operational by June 1997, is described.  相似文献   

A method for calculating the basic parameters for gravity-fed evaporators has been developed based on the calculation of the pressure drop of two-phase flow of refrigerant over pipes and pipe components. Gravity-fed evaporators have a unique self-regulation ability and are among the most efficient and reliable refrigeration and heat pump systems, provided that they are correctly designed.  相似文献   

The importance of heat and mass transfer additives in absorption chillers and heat pumps has been recognized for over three decades. However, a universally accepted model for the mechanisms responsible for enhanced absorption rates has yet to be proposed. The Marangoni effect—an instability arising from gradients in surface tension at the liquid-vapor interface—is generally accepted as the cause of the convective flows that enhance transfer rates. Certain surfactant additives can significantly improve absorption rates and thus reduce the overall transfer area required by a given machine. Any means available that can increase the efficiency and acceptability of absorption machines is to be welcomed, as this technology provides an alternative to vapor compression systems which is both environmentally friendly and more versatile with regards to energy sources. This study investigates the rate at which a surfactant additive adsorbs at a liquid-vapor interface. The residence time of the falling liquid solution in an absorber is quite short. An effective additive must not only reduce the surface tension of the solution; it must do so quickly enough to cause the Marangoni instability within the short absorption process time. The entrance region of an absorber features a freshly exposed interface at which no surfactant has adsorbed. A numerical model is used to analyze surfactant relaxation rates in a static film of additive-laced solution. Kinetic parameters for the combination of the working pair LiBr-H2O and the additive 2-ethyl-1-hexanol are derived from data in the literature for static and dynamic surface tension measurements. Bulk, interfacial and boundary parameters influencing relaxation rates are discussed for surfactant adsorption occurring in the absence of absorption, as well as for concurrent adsorption and stable vapor absorption. Initial solution conditions and absorption driving force are shown to impact the potential for instability in the effect they have on the rate of interfacial additive adsorption.  相似文献   

We experimentally show that for the same heat exchanger inventory allocation, a four-bed adsorption chiller delivers a 12% higher ultimate cooling capacity than its two-bed counterpart. In addition it delivers a significantly improved quality of instantaneous cooling than a two-bed chiller at the same cooling capacity. The COP-enhancing feature of a passive heat recovery scheme that does not involve additional pumping action or valves is experimentally proven. It improves the COPs of a two-bed chiller and a four-bed chiller by as much as 38 and 25%, respectively, without any effect on their cooling capacities. The highest COPs achieved with a two-bed and four-bed chillers are 0.46±0.02 and 0.45±0.02, respectively. These are measured at a hot-water inlet temperature of 85 °C, cooling-water inlet temperature of 29.4 °C and chilled-water inlet temperature of 12.2 °C.  相似文献   

In this Paper the results of a sensitivity analysis of a number of construction and control parameters of a compression heat pump with solution circuit (CHSC) are presented. The analysis is calculated with a computer model which is verified by the experimental results from a test plant.  相似文献   

Adsorption cycles for refrigeration or heat pumping can be environmentally friendly. Moreover, when they use the process of heat-regeneration, they can be energetically efficient provided the adsorbers are correctly designed, which requires correct modelling. In such a model, all the heat exchanges undergone by the heat transfer fluid are considered. The temperature changes of this fluid induce variations in its physical properties. The influence of these variations on the cycle performance are numerically investigated and thermodynamically analysed. The effects of the changes in density are negligible, but those of the changes in heat capacity cannot be neglected. The analysis shows that this result is due to the interdependence of all the heat quantities involved in the cycle via the first principle of thermodynamics.  相似文献   

We considered mass and heat transfer during nonisothermal absorption of a gas by a falling droplet with internal circulation. Gas phase is assumed to be free of inert admixtures and mass transfer is liquid phase controlled. Mass flux is directed from a gaseous phase to a droplet, and the interfacial shear stress causes a fluid flow inside the droplet. Droplet deformation under the influence of interface shear stress is neglected. Absorbate accumulation and temperature increase in the bulk of liquid phase are taken into account. The problem is solved in the approximations of a thin concentration and temperature boundary layers in the liquid phase. The thermodynamic parameters of the system are assumed constant. The system of transient partial parabolic differential equations of convective diffusion and energy balance with time-dependent boundary conditions is solved by combining the similarity transformation method with Duhamel's theorem, and the solution is obtained in a form of Volterra integral equation of the second kind which is solved numerically. Theoretical results are compared with available experimental data for water vapor absorption by falling droplets of aqueous solution of LiBr.  相似文献   

An ammonia/water mixture can be used as an efficient working fluid in industrial-type heat recovery heat pumps and heat transformers. Several configurations of such systems are possible depending on the availability of the waste (thermal) and primary (thermal or electrical) energy sources. This article presents the configurations, the main thermodynamic and hydraulic parameters, and some design guidelines and operating experiences of a medium-temperature, ammonia/water-based compression/re-sorption heat recovery system for district domestic hot water production. In-field experiments have proven the advantages of the concept and its applicability limits in a particular economical environment, while hot water was produced at 55 °C with industrial cooling water at 36 °C as a waste heat source.  相似文献   

A comparison of thermodynamic performances of sorption systems (liquid absorption, adsorption, ammonia salts and metal hydrides) is carried out for typical applications (deep-freezing, ice making, air-conditioning and heat pumping) with either air-cooled or water-cooled heat sink. The results are given in terms of cooling coefficient of performance (COP) (heating COP or coefficient of amplification (COA) for the heat pump), cooling (heating) power versus reactor volume or weight and thermodynamic efficiency. LiBr–water systems show the best results for air-conditioning except when small units are required (metal hydride systems lead to more compact units). Other systems, however, show better results for other applications (chemical reaction with ammonia salts for deep-freezing, adsorption for heat pumping).  相似文献   

Energy consumption in residential buildings has gained an increasing interest the latest years due to the rising demand for efficient energy use and higher comfort standards. In tight building constructions with controlled ventilation, heat recovery with exhaust-air heat pump connected to floor heating is regarded as energy efficient heating system that optimises the energy use in buildings while maintaining an acceptable level of thermal comfort. In this study, we use the computational tools TRNSYS and EES to model and analyse the performance of a residential house, its ventilation system and its floor heating system based on an exhaust air heat pump. The system analysis focuses particularly on the influence of internal and solar gains on the operation of the heating system and the thermal comfort of the house. Furthermore, the way that gains influences the performance of the floor heating system is examined. Overall, the results bring to light the impact of factors that are not easy to predict on the indoor climate and the thermal comfort.  相似文献   

An analysis was carried out to study the efficiency of annular fin when subjected to simultaneous heat and mass transfer mechanisms. The temperature and humidity ratio differences are the driving forces for the heat and mass transfer, respectively. Analytical solutions are obtained for the temperature distribution over the fin surface when the fin is fully wet. The effect of the atmospheric pressure on the fin efficiency was also studied, in addition to fin optimum dimensions. It is demonstrated that the closed-form solutions for a dry-fin case presented in many text books are special cases for the solutions presented in this paper.  相似文献   

The heat transfer in heat exchangers is commonly calculated using the concept of Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD). As is well known this approach is only valid for counter-current and co-current heat exchanger configurations. For other configurations, corrections for the deviation from pure counter-current are introduced. From any standard text book in heat transfer it may be found that the LMTD approach may also be used if condensation and evaporation occurs in the heat exchanger. The purpose of the present paper is to investigate if the LMTD approach can be used in a compact brazed plate evaporator. It will be shown through integration of the governing equations that the LMTD approach indeed may be used for practical cases, even though deviations occur at small logarithmic mean temperature differences. The article presents suggestions on the correction factor (F) needed under some simplified assumptions in a compact brazed plate heat exchanger operating as an evaporator for heat pump and refrigeration applications.  相似文献   

In this study full-scale experiments with two different conventional cooling-coils aimed for display cabinets were performed. Heat transfer and pressure drop on the liquid side for three different single phase secondary refrigerants were studied and compared to predictions by existing correlations. Predominantly, the laminar flow regime was studied. The results show that when predicting the heat transfer performance on the liquid side of a cooling-coil the Gnielinski correlation for thermally developing flow and uniform wall temperature boundary conditions (T) leads to good agreement for 0.0014 < x* < 0.017 if 50 < Re < 1700, assuming a new entrance length is formed after each U-bend. In addition, these entrance lengths must also be accounted for, when predicting the pressure drop on the liquid side of the cooling-coil. The uncertainty of measurement can be a problem in this type of investigations and this has been taken into consideration when analysing the results.  相似文献   

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