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王冠 《中国制衣》2009,(11):48-50
要保持生产流水线顺畅,需要在车间平面布置和工艺设计时,遵循些基本原则: Step 1 确定合理的工序区位 裁剪车间靠近原材料入口,成品仓库靠近成品出口;  相似文献   

正寒冬腊月,虽然气温已经降至零度以下,但是兴隆皮革制品有限公司厂区内却是一番热火朝天的忙碌景象:生产车间外,职工宿舍楼、食堂、行政楼建设如火如荼;毛皮冷库外,装卸工正有条不紊地用叉车从把卡车上一摞摞的毛皮往冷库里搬;生产车间内,机器的轰鸣声此起彼伏,一张张待加工的皮革在自动化的运输线上依次排开,犹如过山车般从一个工序传送到下一个工序,经过20多个工序的连续加工,一张张精美的皮革呈现在眼前。在这个冬天,从制革行业整体来看,寒意逼人,但记者在兴隆皮革的见闻却是令人暖意融融。从无到有,从蓝革到成品发展到从毛皮到成品,兴隆皮革凭借着以质取胜、追求卓越的经营理念,短短8年时间走过了很多制革企业几十年走完的历程,其发展速度之快令人惊叹。  相似文献   

生产流程表明从原料开始,经过各车间、工段的顺序加工,制成成品的整个生产过程。一个车间(或工段)的生产流程表明自原料或半成品进入车间(或工段)经过各工序加工,再从车间(或工段)输出半成品或成品的生产过程。生产流程中确定各车间(或工段)采用的生产方法、主要设备选择、加工过程、辅助物料的调制和加入处所、水和蒸汽的加入处所、排水、排气及内部循环等等。所以,是工艺设计首先要考虑的技  相似文献   

近年来,随着市场竞争的日益激烈和印刷技术的不断发展,烟包印刷企业对烟包设计、制作的要求也越来越高,每个烟包印刷企业都在为生产出高品质的烟包而不断改进生产工艺,以品质取信客户。烟包质量控制重在对生产全过程进行全面细致的跟踪和控制,只有同时做好生产前、生产过程、成品质检三个主要环节的质量控制,才能保证产品质量检验合格。而从某种角度看,成品质检是烟包生产过程中的最后一次检验,也是最贴近客户需求的一道工序,因此在烟包质量控制中起着非常关键的作用。在这里,笔者结合自己多年在烟包印刷企业成品质检车间工作的管理经验,简单谈谈烟包成品质检管理工作的几点心得,望同行、专家予以指正。  相似文献   

胎圈钢丝锈蚀一直是产生质量异议的主要因素之一 ,尤其进入夏季 ,胎圈钢丝的锈蚀问题就显得更加突出。我公司在认真借鉴同行业先进生产经验的基础上 ,通过公司技术人员的努力 ,摸索出一些防锈措施 ,从两年来的生产运行来看是行之有效的。1 车间布局车间在布局上要进行中间隔断 ,将成品收线端和烘干箱以前的工序分开 ,这是防止钢丝生锈最基本的条件之一 ,其目的是防止钢丝酸洗槽挥发出的酸雾飘移到收线端附着在钢丝上形成锈点。车间收线端的门窗要保持完好 ,天气晴朗时可开窗通风 ,遇潮湿天气要关闭。夜晚应将门窗关闭 ,防止空气中聚集的流…  相似文献   

黄麻纺织厂的工艺管理工作是全行业中涉及较广、难度较大、技术较高、标准较严、纪律较强、事半功倍的科学技术工作.因其生产具有人员多、机台多、工序多、流水作业线等特点,生产要达到“两高一低”——高产、高质、低耗目标,离不开先进的工艺轨道.现以公安县黄麻纺织厂为例,就几年来的实践谈点粗浅的看法.一、改革工艺管理体制,加强工艺管理实力1.改革工艺管理体制.黄麻纺织工艺管理工作的重点、难点在纺部车间.也就是说,自原麻从仓库运进拣选工序起,到纺出标准工艺的经纬纱止,纺部车间是麻纺生产龙头车间.为避免过去科室与车间、工序与工序、专业管理人员与生产工人、原麻质量与生产  相似文献   

配套,是指在书刊印刷企业内部,各印刷车间根据生产经营部门统一签发的书刊印装施工令.按照事先规定的质量标准及印装周期,依品种分别将合格的内文、封面、彩页在同一时间内流转至装订工序,以便装订车间及时组织生产,确保成品按计划出厂.  相似文献   

腐乳是中国传统发酵食品的典型代表,其生产过程多为开放式生产,微生物的动态变化影响着产品的品质和风味。该研究通过对车间空气、主要接触面以及低盐腐乳生产过程中原辅料、半成品和成品取样,采用传统培养及微生物计数的方法,进行了微生物的动态监测和分析。结果表明,夏季汤料车间菌落总数为4.53 lg(CFU/m3),冬季白坯车间菌落总数为4.48 lg(CFU/m3);主要接触面的微生物在冬季的菌落总数较夏季略低,白坯造型工序工人的手表面检出较多的大肠菌群。确定了大豆、生产用水、白坯、前酵和灌汤为影响低盐腐乳微生物产生的关键工序,煮浆、盐腌、后酵工序可降低半成品及成品中的微生物数量,对保证低盐腐乳的卫生质量和安全起着关键性的作用,确定了低盐腐乳生产过程中微生物的动态变化及主要来源。  相似文献   

依据棉纺各工序纤维的吸湿放湿机理,从生产工艺、加工特点和空气调节设计管理方面,探讨影响棉纱回潮率的主要因素及车间环境控制方案。认为重视原棉、开清棉工序的加湿处理,确保粗纱回潮率的前置式加湿处理方案,有利于整个纺纱生产。指出加强细纱、络筒车间温湿度的均匀度控制,合理设计车间温湿度是保证高效生产和纱线回潮率的关键。  相似文献   

造纸企业的整选是占用劳动力较多的生产工序,以日产80吨平板纸计算就需要选纸工80人、抱纸工20人、数纸工12人,其中抱纸工作的劳动强度很大。在贯彻“鞍钢宪法”,开展工业学大庆的群众运动中,我厂成品车间在厂党委和革委会的正确领导下,  相似文献   

凯赛生物科技公司(凯赛生物)生产的新型商用生物基聚酰胺56(PA 56)Terryl已应用于纤维和纺织品市场。这种聚酰胺基于凯赛生物科技公司生产的一种新型生物基可再生的二元胺——1,5-戊二胺(5DN)。这推动了纺织品在吸水性、强度、舒适性、阻燃性及可染性等市场需求方面的发展。  相似文献   

Interior grade particleboard prepared with tannin adhesives to which no aldehyde hardener was added were prepared. The hardening of the tannin adhesive was induced by the reaction of autocondensation tannins undergo when catalyzed by a lignocellulosic substrate or by a weak Lewis acid as alkali dissolved silica. The more alkaline the tannin extract solution the higher the ceiling internal bond strength that the particleboard bonded with it can reach. Differences between four commercial tannins are discussed. Pecan nut tannin and pine tannin need only lignocellulosic induced autocondensation to give excellent interior grade particleboard. Slower reacting tannins such as mimosa need instead both the catalytic effect of the substrate as well as that of a weak Lewis acid such as silica. Only pecan nut tannin appears at this stage to be able to give boards of acceptable dry internal bond strength at industrially significant pressing times.  相似文献   

Mycotoxin analysis is usually carried out by high performance liquid chromatography after immunoaffinity column cleanup or in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay tests. These methods normally involve determination of single compounds only. EU legislation already exists for the aflatoxins, ochratoxin A and patulin in food, and legislation will come into force for deoxynivalenol, zearalenone and the fumonisins in 2007. To enforce the various legal limits, it would be preferable to determine all mycotoxins by routine analysis in different types of matrices in one single extract. This would also be advantageous for HACCP control purposes. For this reason, a multi-method was developed with which 33 mycotoxins in various products could be analysed simultaneously. The mycotoxins were extracted with an acetonitrile/water mixture, diluted with water and then directly injected into a LC-MS/MS system. The mycotoxins were separated by reversed-phase HPLC and detected using an electrospray ionisation interface (ESI) and tandem MS, using MRM in the positive ion mode, to increase specificity for quality control. The following mycotoxins could be analysed in a single 30-min run: Aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2, ochratoxin A, deoxynivalenol, zearalenone, T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin, alpha-zearalenol, alpha-zearalanol, beta-zearalanol, sterigmatocystin, cyclopiazonic acid, penicillic acid, fumonisins B1, B2 and B3, diacetoxyscirpenol, 3- and 15-acetyl-deoxynivalenol, zearalanone, ergotamin, ergocornin, ergocristin, alpha-ergocryptin, citrinin, roquefortin C, fusarenone X, nivalenol, mycophenolic acid, alternariol and alternariol monomethyl ether. The limit of quantification for the aflatoxins and ochratoxin A was 1.0 microg kg(-1) and for deoxynivalenol 50 microg kg(-1). The quantification limits for the other mycotoxins were in the range 10-200 microg kg(-1). The matrix effect and validation data are presented for between 13 and 24 mycotoxins in peanuts, pistachios, wheat, maize, cornflakes, raisins and figs. The method has been compared with the official EU method for the determination of aflatoxins in food and relevant FAPAS rounds. The multi-mycotoxin method has been proven by the detection of more than one mycotoxin in maize, buckwheat, figs and nuts. The LC-MS/MS technique has also been applied to baby food, which is subject to lower limits for aflatoxin B1 and ochratoxin A, ergot alkaloids in naturally contaminated rye and freeze-dried silage samples.  相似文献   

A method is described for determining the content of selected biologically active amines (histamine, tyramine, tryptamine) and amino acids (histidine, tyrosine, tryptophane) in cheeses by high performance liquid chromatography. The amines and amino acids were quantified by employing a counter ion-containing mobile phase and by comparing peak areas of high performance liquid chromatography charts for sample cheeses versus standard cheeses containing known amounts of added amines based on dual injections of samples and standards. Recovery of amines and amino acids varied from 87.5 to 111%. Histamine, which has been associated with food poisoning in concentrations of 185 mg/100 g in Swiss cheese and 180 to 500 mg/100 g in fish, was found in concentrations above 500 mg/100 g in Swiss cheese. The high performance liquid chromatography analytical method should be useful for screening to detect cheese samples containing toxic amounts of histamine and for research studies designed to determine the cause and effect relationships for histamine production in cheese.  相似文献   

Mycotoxin analysis is usually carried out by high performance liquid chromatography after immunoaffinity column cleanup or in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay tests. These methods normally involve determination of single compounds only. EU legislation already exists for the aflatoxins, ochratoxin A and patulin in food, and legislation will come into force for deoxynivalenol, zearalenone and the fumonisins in 2007. To enforce the various legal limits, it would be preferable to determine all mycotoxins by routine analysis in different types of matrices in one single extract. This would also be advantageous for HACCP control purposes. For this reason, a multi-method was developed with which 33 mycotoxins in various products could be analysed simultaneously. The mycotoxins were extracted with an acetonitrile/water mixture, diluted with water and then directly injected into a LC-MS/MS system. The mycotoxins were separated by reversed-phase HPLC and detected using an electrospray ionisation interface (ESI) and tandem MS, using MRM in the positive ion mode, to increase specificity for quality control. The following mycotoxins could be analysed in a single 30-min run: Aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2, ochratoxin A, deoxynivalenol, zearalenone, T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin, alpha-zearalenol, alpha-zearalanol, beta-zearalanol, sterigmatocystin, cyclopiazonic acid, penicillic acid, fumonisins B1, B2 and B3, diacetoxyscirpenol, 3- and 15-acetyl-deoxynivalenol, zearalanone, ergotamin, ergocornin, ergocristin, alpha-ergocryptin, citrinin, roquefortin C, fusarenone X, nivalenol, mycophenolic acid, alternariol and alternariol monomethyl ether. The limit of quantification for the aflatoxins and ochratoxin A was 1.0 microg kg(-1) and for deoxynivalenol 50 microg kg(-1). The quantification limits for the other mycotoxins were in the range 10-200 microg kg(-1). The matrix effect and validation data are presented for between 13 and 24 mycotoxins in peanuts, pistachios, wheat, maize, cornflakes, raisins and figs. The method has been compared with the official EU method for the determination of aflatoxins in food and relevant FAPAS rounds. The multi-mycotoxin method has been proven by the detection of more than one mycotoxin in maize, buckwheat, figs and nuts. The LC-MS/MS technique has also been applied to baby food, which is subject to lower limits for aflatoxin B1 and ochratoxin A, ergot alkaloids in naturally contaminated rye and freeze-dried silage samples.  相似文献   

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is characterized by anorexia, malnutrition, altered body composition, and development of mesenteric white adipose tissue (WAT) hypertrophy. Increasing evidence suggests that adipokines synthesized either in WAT or in immune cells, are involved in these manifestations of IBD. Among adipokines leptin, adiponectin and resistin hold a fundamental role while the role of ghrelin in inflammation is not well established. Preliminary studies have shown overexpression of leptin, adiponectin, and resistin in mesenteric WAT of patients with Crohn's disease (CD) and significant alterations of circulating serum levels of these adipokines in IBD. It has also been demonstrated that intestinal inflammation causes an increase in endogenous ghrelin production. In animal models of intestinal inflammation, existing data suggest that leptin, adiponectin, and resistin are pivotal mediators of inflammation. Interesting therapeutic interventions based on these data have been suggested. A specific role for hypertrophic WAT has also been implicated in CD. Further efforts with experimental and clinical studies are needed to better understand the role of adipokines in IBD.  相似文献   

绍泉 《食品与药品》2005,7(9B):22-22
经掌间歇性腹痛或腹部不适、腹胀(排便后有所缓解),便秘或腹泻、排便后有不尽感,到医院检查又查不出明显问题……你受到过这些问题的困扰吗?估计我国10.5%~20%的成人都可能受到过类似症状的困扰。这是一种名为“肠易激综合征”[IBS]的疾病。该病在国外是最常导致病假的疾病之一,被称为继感冒之后的第二大常见病。在加拿大,IBS的患病率为6%~13.5%(其中2/3的患者为女性);在巴西IBS的患病率达到8.7%~17.0%(其中58.6%的患者为女性)。  相似文献   

藏红花 女人花   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从高原而来的藏红花,能改善血液循环,促使黑色素分解,凉血解毒。防止辐射,有很强的祛斑嫩肤的美容功效。由此看来,藏红花似乎根本就是为女人而生的。[编者按]  相似文献   

早熟高产优质多抗糖果兼用蔗新品种川蔗23号的选育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在61点(次)省级区域和生产试验中,川蔗23号的平均出苗率为66.67%;宿根发株数为181545株/hm^2;平均分蘖率为115.32%;平均株高为257cm;平均茎径为2.94cm;平均有效茎为85035株/hm^2;平均单株重为1.7752kg/株;平均单产为150855kg/hm^2,比川蔗13号高28725kg/hm^2,增产23.52%;平均田间锤度19.81%,比对照种高2.21%(绝对值);平均甘蔗蔗糖分为14.07%,比川蔗13号高1.72%(绝对值);甘蔗含糖量平均达21369.15kg/hm^2,比川蔗13号高41.30%。在22点(次)全国甘蔗品种区域试验中,川糖89—103的平均出苗率是66.88%;分蘖率为114.14%,株高为269cm;茎径为2.81cm;有效茎是69798株/hm^2,单株重是1.6290kg/株,新植宿根平均单产是115495kg/hm^2,比全国统一对照种ROC10增产18.53%;平均甘蔗蔗糖分为14.49%,比ROC10高0.39%(绝对值);甘蔗含糖量为16209kg/hm62,比ROC10高18.40%。川蔗23号高抗黑穗病和花叶病,不感眼点病、黄斑病和褐条病等,对螟虫、蚜虫外的害虫有很强的抗性。川蔗23号商品性状优良,纤维含量低,出汁率高,蔗汁蔗糖分高,蔗茎表面光滑美观给人良好感觉。表明川蔗23号是一个农艺性状、产量性状和工艺性状及商品性状都很优秀的糖果兼用蔗品种。  相似文献   

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