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How does a fairly remote space (the islands of New Zealand) contribute to the development of geographical literacy in the geography textbooks of post‐socialist (Romania), Western (Germany) and post‐colonial (Mexico) countries? A four‐step analysis of three textbooks of international selection revealed different regionalisation cultures combined with traditional and recently implemented educational paradigms of geography education and led to a similar result. Despite the many ways in which New Zealand's geographical distinctiveness could be used to enhance geographical literacy, there are few operationalisations of educational targets that might contribute to sustainable long‐term learning. Further, these results also offer a possible explanation for the absence of the ‘southern lands’ on students' cognitive maps of the world.  相似文献   

在全球快速城市化背景下,城市成为经济高速发展、人类活动高度集中、人地相互作用最强烈的区域,人工环境下“第二自然格局”的形成以及剧烈的城市土地利用/覆被变化效应使得城市自然地理学在城市复杂系统的研究中具有重要的理论和应用价值。本文通过对城市自然地理学的缘起、学科发展的综合分析,从学科理论体系、研究内容以及前沿发展领域等方面进行了论述,以期丰富和深化城市自然地理学研究内容,并进一步推动城市自然地理学的研究和发展。未来,城市自然地理学的研究应从以下方面开展:①关注基础理论研究,深化学科理论体系;②发展多学科的交叉视角,深化城市地表系统多要素变化研究;③聚焦城市自然—人文复杂系统,揭示自然和人文多要素间耦合机理及驱动机制;④拓宽城市服务应用领域的研究,提供城市可持续发展的多目标决策。  相似文献   

演化经济地理:经济学与地理学之间的第二座桥梁   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
经济学和地理学长期以来互动并不明显。文中首先对经济学与地理学忽视以及可能的合作进行了分析。如果说新经济地理学构筑了经济学和地理学的第一座桥梁,那么演化经济地理学则构筑了经济学和地理学之间的第二座桥梁。随着演化经济学的逐渐成熟,以演化经济学为基础的演化经济地理这一新兴学科逐步发展起来。文中对演化经济地理的形成、优势以及应用进行详细的阐述。演化经济地理继承了演化经济学中的时间和历史的因素,将演化经济学和经济地理加以融合。演化经济地理在微观、中观以及宏观方面都有着广泛的应用,同时演化经济地理对中国经济社会的发展有着一些重要的启示:①产业的动态化认为产业梯度转移并不能实现区域协调发展;②关系网络指出户籍制度放开的必要性与无效的可能;③多样性则认为单一产业发展战略具有风险性;④再演化的政策则指出政策需要具有"连贯性"。  相似文献   

Geografisk Tidsskrift—Danish Journal of Geography 110(2):117–129, 2010

Starting with a brief presentation of the GeoArk Project and its goals, this paper focuses on the archaeological research history of North East Greenland, in particular the area of Sabine Ø and Clavering Ø, in order to view the current project in a wider context. The paper questions the myths about the ‘virgin’ land and it demonstrates how a number of expeditions, activities of professional hunters and trappers, and geopolitical matters in dispute between Denmark and Norway during the 1930s dramatically determined the quite ill fortune of the archaeological sites and monuments of the Thule culture in the study area.  相似文献   

Mountain geography: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

National carbon dioxide emissions: geography matters   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Eric Neumayer 《Area》2004,36(1):33-40
This article examines the role of geographical factors as determinants of cross-country differences in per capita carbon dioxide emissions. Such differences have been explained by economists mostly in terms of per capita income. Geographical factors on the other hand have been neglected by economic analysis. We examine the effects of cold and hot climates, transportation requirements and the availability of renewable energy sources on emissions. We find that with the exception of cooling requirements as measured by hot climates, all these geographical factors are statistically significant determinants of emissions in accordance with our expectation. Furthermore, cold climates and the availability of renewable resources are also substantively important.  相似文献   

Biogeography has many connections to people but fewer to human geography. Biogeography is connected to the four dimensions of anthropogenic global change, but most of this research is tied to land-use change. Biogeographers have studied several ways in which land use affects the patterns and dynamics of organisms, mostly in reference to remnants of habitat destruction, but the human dimensions of this relationship are more explicit in changing habitat quality. How biogeography affects land use is also studied, but research on topics such as ecosystem services needs more contributions from geographers. Feedbacks between people and the other organisms with which we live, with more fully linked models, are a general subject in which biogeographers can contribute to progress in the human dimensions of global change.  相似文献   

熊梅 《地理科学进展》2013,32(8):1296-1304
地理学的区域研究传统由来已久,后形成了独立的分支学科——区域地理学,经历了古代地志的分区书写、区域差异的描述解释、空间关系的定量分析和社会过程的深度建构4 个阶段的发展过程。区域地理学演进中遭遇的计量革命与理论创新,实质上是对传统区域学派过分强调区域所导致的静止、孤立的研究僵局的打破与修正,是区域地理学不断总结和完善自身的发展之路。区域历史地理学的学科性质、研究范式与研究内容和方法深受区域地理学的影响和启发,并形成了连续的地理剖面复原研究、区域的景观文化生态研究、区位与结构—功能体系研究和分区分类分级的综合研究等多个分支。与西方相比,中国区域历史地理学的研究在研究内容和方法方面显得比较滞后,今后应加强对特定地方的社会、文化及经济空间的深度剖析,进一步深化人地关系理论及研究方法,不断拓展研究思维的深度和广度,争取有更多、更有影响力的区域历史地理研究成果问世。  相似文献   

This paper explores the concept of ‘geographical imaginaries’ in New Zealand geography. It reflects on the genealogy of the concept and on the work it might perform in the world. At a time when the purpose and contribution of geography in schools is under question and the discipline is under severe strain at universities, we ask whether the idea of ‘geographical imaginaries’ offers a conceptual platform for demonstrating the potential for geography to offer meaning in the complex world of 21st‐century New Zealand and whether it will help teachers to foster geographic thought in classrooms. In short, we argue for the merits of working with the idea of geographical imaginaries in classrooms and for utilising it to interrogate accounts of the geographical gaze and its values. This, we argue, offers opportunities to catalyse geographical thought, highlight the potential of thinking geographically, and open up a thinking space in which geography teachers can examine their pedagogy and enhance the purpose of their work. This would provide a platform for building a more imaginative and more politically and culturally relevant geography at school.  相似文献   

安宁  梁邦兴  朱竑 《地理科学进展》2018,37(11):1521-1532
中非合作正在成为国际政治和经济舞台上的重要事件。本文选用Endnote和Antconc等信息提取软件对国内外知名文献库中收录的有关中非合作的文章进行了梳理。以“中非合作”作为模糊关键词,对Web of Science、Taylor & Francis、Elsevier和中国知网四大数据库进行搜索,得到相关中外文文献共计623篇。分析发现,中外学者对中非合作议题的关注多集中于政治学和经济学的学科分析框架之下,其他学科视角相对缺乏。从人文地理学视角来看,尽管也有部分经济地理和政治地理学者对该话题进行了探讨,但并未完全脱离政治学和经济学的分析框架,且数量较少、未能体系化。因此,本文从与中非合作最为紧密的政治地理、旅游地理以及社会文化地理等三个方向提出了未来可能成为中非合作研究热点话题的基本研究框架。鉴此,随着国家“一带一路”倡议的逐步实施,期望未来能有更多人文地理学者投入到中非合作研究中,积极发挥中国地理学“走出国门”的大国智力责任和担当,为中非合作研究与实践作出自己的贡献。  相似文献   

区域地理与系统地理二元论的演变及其透析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
叶超  蔡运龙 《地理研究》2012,31(5):771-781
地理学是一门追求普适性的学科,还是强调其独特性,这个"普适"与"例外"的问题曾引起地理学史上最大的方法论争论。它反映出系统地理学与区域地理学的二元论。系统地理学家强调地理学追求一般法则,区域学派则认为研究独特的区域是地理学的核心。这种二元论争论在古希腊时代就初见端倪,"舍费尔—哈特向之争"则使其达到顶点。对争论的历史根源和发展演变的分析表明:虽然两个学派的代表人物哈特向和舍费尔都至少在形式上反对只强调系统和区域中的一个而忽视另一个的做法,但是他们的兴趣、价值观导致的偏好和地理学史观的重大分歧,使他们最终对区域地理和系统地理的倾向不一样。20世纪80年代的"哈特—格里奇之争"只是这种二元论的一个余波。其后,多元主义方法论的兴起使得这种二元论争论逐渐淡出人们的视野,但后现代地理学聚焦于"批判的区域研究",实质上仍是这种争论在新时代的变种。中国地理学界缺乏此种争论,原因可能在于"实用主义"的学术导向、学术环境、学术评价体制、折中调和的理论构建方式等。这不利于中国地理学自立于世界学术之林。  相似文献   

"This article examines the geography of age across the counties of England and Wales and the regions of Scotland [and in Northern Ireland]." Sections are included on national and subnational age structures and on spatial patterns for childhood ages, working ages, and retired ages.  相似文献   

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