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OBJECTIVE: Long-term health of the stomatognathic system as well as esthetic aspects are the therapeutic goals in patients with orofacial clefts. The aim of this study was to analyze the periodontal condition of patients with cleft palate (CP) and cleft lip, palate, and alveolus (CLP) and to determine the differing degrees and localization of periodontal disease. DESIGN: In 30 patients with unilateral cleft lip, palate, and alveolus and 30 patients with cleft palate (CP), periodontal lesions were identified and classified according to the Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs (CPITN) and pathological mobility of teeth was noted. The state of oral hygiene was recorded by the Approximal Plaque Index. RESULTS: In general, poor oral hygiene was found in all patients. Patients with CLP were classified as CPITN code 0 in 0%, codes 1 and 2 in 7%, code 3 in 43%, and code 4 in 50% of cases. Patients with cleft palate showed code 0 in 0%, codes 1 and 2 in 30%, code 3 in 45%, and code 4 in 25% of cases. In this study, periodontal disease was found in patients with cleft palate to a similar extent to that in the general population, whereas patients with cleft lip, palate, and alveolus had a predisposition to deep periodontal destruction of teeth adjacent to the cleft. The registration of pathological mobility of teeth and resulting loss of attachment corresponded to the periodontal disease classification according to the CPITN. CONCLUSION: A critical periodontal situation was found in patients with unilateral cleft lip, palate, and alveolus. In contrast, patients with cleft palate exhibited a similar periodontal situation to that found in the general population, with additional damage that may be attributed to orthodontic treatment.  相似文献   

AIM: Unfavourable facial growth in patients with cleft lip, alveolus, and palate may occur during puberty. Usually this development is not predictable in a young patient. The aim of the present study was to find an individual growth prediction at an early age that would allow us to decide whether later orthognathic surgery should be included in the treatment plan. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Lateral cephalograms of 41 patients with unilateral clefts of lip, alveolus and palate (uCLAP) with observation intervals of 4 years were computerized, correlations between the variables of the first and second radiograph were calculated and regression equations were established. RESULTS: The skeletal change of the intermaxillary relationship can be explained purely by the lack of midfacial growth. An individual prediction of the angle SNA over a period of 4 years is possible with a correlation coefficient of 0.95. Additional predictions for SNB, Holdaway angle and the index of anterior facial height proportions are demonstrated. CONCLUSION: The prediction procedure elaborated in this paper facilitates the decision at the age of 12 years already, whether or not orthodontic occlusal treatment has been successfully completed at an early age. The alternative is to limit orthodontic treatment to the simple alignment of the two dental arches independently of their intermaxillary relation, and then to correct the facial skeleton and the dental occlusion simultaneously by combining surgical and orthodontic treatment after the completion of growth.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Long-term health of the stomatognathic system, as well as esthetics, is the therapeutic goal in patients with facial clefts. The aim of this study was to analyze the periodontal situation of patients with cleft palate (CP) and cleft lip, palate, and alveolus (CLPA) to elicit the differing degrees and localization of periodontal disease. METHODS: In 30 patients with unilateral cleft lip, palate, and alveolus (UCLPA), 30 patients with cleft palate (CP), and 20 patients with bilateral cleft lip, palate, and alveolus (BCLPA), the gingival situation was identified and classified according to the sulcus bleeding index (SBI). Periodontal attachment loss and pathological loosening of teeth were noted for identification of periodontal lesions. The state of oral hygiene was recorded by the approximal plaque index (API). RESULTS: In general, poor oral hygiene was found in all patients. The SBI showed a high incidence of gingivitis in patients with cleft lip, palate, and alveolus. Patients with cleft palate had a minor extent of sulcus bleeding. Periodontal disease was found to a similar extent to that in the general population in patients with cleft palate, whereas patients with cleft lip, palate, and alveolus had a predisposition to deep periodontal destruction of teeth adjacent to the cleft. The registration of pathological loosening of teeth, a result of attachment loss, corresponded to the degree of periodontal disease shown by the attachment loss. CONCLUSIONS: A critical periodontal situation was found in patients with unilateral and bilateral cleft lip, palate, and alveolus, ultimately leading to tooth loss in the front tooth region. In contrast, patients with cleft palate exhibited periodontal situations similar to that found in the general population with additional damage, which may be attributed to orthodontic treatment.  相似文献   

AIM: To assess the degree of facial symmetry in patients suffering from unilateral cleft lip, alveolus and palate (UCLAP) by determining differences between the cleft and the non-cleft hemifaces from 3D surface data. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In twenty-two 10-year-old UCLAP patients, who had the lip repaired using the Tennison-Randall technique and did not undergo further revisional surgery, differences were determined between landmarks, surface areas of the upper lip vermilion and nostrils and virtual volumes of midface, nose and upper lip for cleft and non-cleft sides, separately, after having established a plane of symmetry calculated from optical 3D facial surface data. RESULTS: Statistically significant differences could be found between cleft and non-cleft sides for the nasal landmarks G(lat), G(sup) and La(med), the nostril angle and the virtual volume of the nose (p(Glat)=0.011, p(Gsup)<0.0005, p(Lamed)=0.002, p(nostril angle)=0.036 and p(nose volume)<0.0005, resp.). CONCLUSION: Analysis of 3D data shows that complete nasal symmetry is difficult to achieve with Tennison-Randall's lip repair without revisional surgery. Further trials on larger populations of patients will allow a more comprehensive and consistent analysis of the consequence of different methods for cp repair in order to identify the techniques with the best outcome in terms of facial symmetry.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the progression rate of periodontal disease over 8 years in a group of 52 adult patients with various forms of cleft lip, alveolus, and palate considered at risk for progression of periodontal disease. Of special interest was the evaluation of periodontal disease progression at sites adjacent to cleft regions compared to changes found at control sites not directly affected by such defects. High incidences of generalized plaque accumulation and bleeding on probing were noted at both examinations in 1979 and 1987. A mean apical shift of the clinical attachment level amounting to 0.2 mm had occurred over the 8-year observation period. A slight apical displacement of the mesial and distal mean crestal alveolar bone was also noted. The rate of progression of periodontal disease over the 8 years was not found to be different at statistically significant levels at cleft sites compared to control sites. However, the results of this study documented that the cumulative periodontal destruction at 26 to 28 years of age was statistically significant and more pronounced at cleft sites as revealed by greater probing pocket depth and loss of clinical attachment. The differences between test and control sites amounted to 0.3 and 0.4 mm respectively for probing depth and 0.6 mm for loss of clinical attachment. In addition, the discrepancy between alveolar bone height and the levels of the clinical attachment at cleft sites demonstrated the presence of a long supracrestal connective tissue attachment adjacent to cleft defects. Therefore, the alveolar bone height as visualized in radiographs at such sites was considered an unreliable diagnostic tool for the assessment of the degree of periodontal destruction.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to assess the three-dimensional (3-D) facial and alveolar morphology of patients with unilateral clefts of lip, alveolus and palate by means of a computer-aided diagnosis system. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Maxillary orthopaedic treatment was performed using soft/hard acrylic plates (Hotz's) within 2 weeks of birth. The nasolabial and alveolar morphology of 15 patients was evaluated before orthopaedic treatment (2 weeks of age) and before cheiloplasty (3 months of age). Nasolabial form was measured using a 3-D optical scanner. Twenty-one landmarks were extracted from the data and analysed linearly and angularly. Alveolar forms were measured with a high-accuracy contact-type 3-D digitizer on plaster casts. Seven landmarks were digitized and analysed linearly and angularly. RESULTS: Some growth was observed in the intercanthal distance, alar width, intercommissural width, and height of the lip. There was little change in the width of the cleft lip or displacement of the columella base, while the alveolar cleft narrowed. CONCLUSION: Presurgical orthopaedics reduces cleft width and makes subsequent surgery easier.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate nasolabial appearance of patients with UCLAP treated in Nijmegen and to compare them with those from six other individual centers from the Eurocleft study. Relationships between nasolabial aesthetics, dental arch relationships and cleft width at birth were also investigated. PATIENTS: Children of Caucasian origin with complete UCLAP (n=42 consecutive cases) from the Nijmegen Cleft Palate Unit, The Netherlands. METHODS: Nasolabial appearance was assessed by applying an aesthetic index and subsequently compared with the six-centre Eurocleft study. Cleft width at birth was measured on maxillary plaster casts. RESULTS: The 90% central range for the overall aesthetic rating of the 42 Nijmegen patients is 2.0-3.7 on a scale from 1 to 5 (1=very good nasolabial appearance, 5=very poor nasolabial appearance). With regard to the overall aesthetic rating, Nijmegen showed similar treatment outcomes with Eurocleft centres A, D, E and F. Nijmegen scored significantly better than Eurocleft centre C and significantly worse than Eurocleft centre B (p相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Palatal surgery for cleft lip, alveolus and palate is considered to have the most powerful negative impact on maxillary growth. The aim of this study was to compare dento-alveolar development of the permanent dentition and morphology of the palate after surgery in unilateral cleft lip, alveolus and palate patients following two types of palatoplasty: supraperiosteal flap vs mucoperiosteal flap technique.PATIENTS: Thirty-eight patients born between 1976 and 1983 with a complete unilateral cleft of lip, alveolus and palate were studied. Fifteen patients were treated with supraperiosteal flaps (SP group), and the other 23 patients with mucoperiosteal flaps (MP group). In this cross-sectional study, dental casts of stage IV A of Hellman's dental age in each patient were used. METHODS: The following distances were measured: (1). transverse distance C-C', (2). transverse distance M-M', (3). palatal length, (4). palatal height. RESULTS: No statistically differences were seen between the SP and MP groups regarding C-C' and M-M'. However, palatal length and palatal height were significantly greater in the SP than in the MP group. CONCLUSION: The technique that leaves no denuded palatal bone is considered to be advantageous for the development of the alveolar process.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the aesthetic and functional long-term results of surgical and orthodontic treatment of patients with bilateral cleft lip, palate, and alveolus. DESIGN: Long-term follow-up study. SETTING: Teaching hospital in Austria. PATIENTS: Twenty adult patients who had been operated on as children for bilateral cleft lip, palate, and alveolus. INTERVENTIONS: Lateral cephalometric and model analysis. The sum of all mesiodistal tooth diameters in the maxilla and mandible were compared with standard Bolton tracings. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Aesthetic and functional results. RESULTS (MODEL ANALYSIS): The upper arch was too wide in 12 patients and the mandibular arch was too wide in 4 patients. In 11 patients, the lateral teeth were crowded, and all had a persistent transverse space deficit and a reduction in sagittal measurements. Fifteen patients had alveolar midline displacement of the maxilla as well as of the mandible. RESULTS (LATERAL CEPHALOMETRIC MEASUREMENTS): The lateral cephalograms showed a mean sella-nasion-A point angle of 77 degrees and a maxillary baseline-nasion-sella line angle of 9 degrees, indicating a tendency toward maxillary retrognathia. An anterior facial height index of 42% (compared with the standard 58%) indicated a slight reduction in midface height with consequent increase in the height of the lower face. CONCLUSION: There is specific growth impairment of the midface in adults who were treated as children for bilateral clefts of lip, palate, and alveolus. An optimal result can be achieved only by additional orthognathic surgery (Le Fort II osteotomy).  相似文献   

Twenty patients with residual clefts or pronounced soft tissue grooves, treated for uni- or bilateral cleft lip, alveolus, and palate were included in this study. Ten patients were recalled for dental prophylaxis at regular intervals, 10 patients were not. One microbiologic sample was obtained from the cleft area and two samples from a tooth adjacent to the cleft (sites adjacent and distant to the cleft). Between the recall and the nonrecall group there were notable differences in the presence of anaerobic Gram-negative organisms. Fusobacterium spp., Prevotella melaninogenica, and P. intermedia were more often found in nonrecall patients. While rarely seen in recall patients, spirochetes and motile rods were a common feature of nonrecall patients. The putative periodontal pathogens Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans and Porphyromonas gingivalis were not detected in either group. The differences between the recall and the nonrecall groups were more pronounced when the respective samples from teeth were related to each other than when the samples obtained from the clefts were compared. The cleft flora was less complex irrespective of how good maintenance was and resembled the flora of teeth of well-maintained patients. Samples from clefts were never Wolinella positive, and harbored significantly less Capnocytophaga and Actinomyces viscosus than samples from dental sites.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the differences in the congenital missing teeth pattern in terms of tooth type (permanent maxillary lateral incisor [MLI] and maxillary second premolar [MSP]) and sidedness (cleft vs noncleft) between boys and girls in Korean unilateral cleft lip and alveolus (UCLA) and unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study used the charts, models, radiographs, and intraoral photographs of 90 UCLA patients and 204 UCLP patients (ages 6 to 13 years). Binomial test, chi-square test, Fisher exact test, maximum likelihood analysis of variance, and the odds ratio were performed. RESULTS: According to the relationship between the congenital missing teeth pattern and the cleft type, the UCLP patients had 2.98 times more missing MLIs and 1.80 times more missing MSPs than did the UCLA patients. The MLI was congenitally missing more in boys than in girls, but the MSP showed the opposite tendency. Boys had a higher frequency of congenital missing MLIs and MSPs on the cleft side than did girls. However, on the noncleft side and both sides, girls had a higher frequency of congenital missing MLIs and MSPs than did boys. Results showed a gender-dominant pattern of congenital missing MLIs and MSPs. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that gender and cleft type might affect the congenital missing teeth pattern in terms of tooth type and sidedness.  相似文献   

G Semb  W C Shaw 《The Cleft palate-craniofacial journal》1991,28(1):40-6; discussion 46-8
A cephalometric analysis was carried out to see if the presence of a Simonart's band at birth was associated with a detectable difference in subsequent craniofacial form. Mixed longitudinal data from 5 through 18 years of age was analyzed for 257 individuals with complete UCLP included in the Oslo CLP Growth Archive, 80 with a Simonart's band and 177 without. No major differences were detected between individuals with or without Simonart's band, though the presence of a Simonart's band was associated with a larger cranial base angle and a slightly more favorable maxillomandibular relationship. The findings are discussed in relation to embryogenesis, primary surgery, and secondary surgery. It is recommended that cephalometric studies of UCLP involving group comparisons should avoid major imbalance with respect to the proportion of individuals with a Simonart's band at birth.  相似文献   

The protruding premaxilla represents the most severe problem in the surgical closure of a bilateral cleft lip, alveolus and palate (BCLP). In principle there are two methods to overcome this obstacle: (1) preliminary lip adhesion and (2) presurgical repositioning with intraoral devices. According to the various degrees of premaxillary protrusion, sometimes adhesion alone is sufficient, if the surgical technique is unlikely to break down. In this paper a refined adhesion method is presented, withstanding traction to the wound margins and concomitantly enables lip and nose repairs in a single second operation. For patients with severe premaxillary protrusion, presurgical use of a Latham appliance achieves conditions for safe lip adhesion as above. Both treatment methods are outlined. Copyright 2001 European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: In cleft patients the eruption of the permanent canine depends very much on the amount of bone available following bone grafting. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the initial defect in alveolar clefts and the volume of bone bridging found in unilateral clefts which had undergone bone grafting. PATIENTS AND METHODS: To determine the fate of the bone graft in cleft palate patients a three-dimensional CT-based Navigation System (Zeiss, Aalen, Germany) was used. CT scans of 16 patients with unilateral clefts were taken immediately preoperatively and 1 year postoperatively. The patients underwent surgery between the age of 9 and 14 years using iliac crest bone grafts. The data was transferred to the work station of the navigation system. Using the STN software, the defect at the alveolar clefts and volume of the bone grafts were determined in each case. Three-dimensional models were created showing the amount of bone immediately preoperatively and 1 year postoperatively. RESULTS: The size of the cleft defect did not correlate with the success rate of the alveolar bone grafting. The form of the transplant remained almost constant when the permanent canine erupted spontaneously into the graft. In cases of absence of the permanent tooth or when the permanent canine required orthodontic treatment, significant bone loss could be observed in the buccopalatal direction. CONCLUSION: Three-dimensional reconstruction of bone grafts using a navigation system enables a valuable objective assessment of graft volume. Bone formation can be assessed in all three dimensions showing a high grade of resorption in patients lacking physiological load.  相似文献   

The transverse dentofacial morphology of 36 children with bilateral cleft lip, alveolus and palate was studied by means of a frontal proportional cephalometric analysis at the ages of three, eight and twelve years. Comparison of the variables of the cleft group was made with the normal dimensions as obtained from the Bolton cephalometric templates. The results indicated that the BCLP group presented characteristics and significant differences from the normal in the dimensions of the nasal septum width and the mandibular intergonial width as they are both related to the interorbital width, the maxillary intermolar width as it is related to the mandibular intermolar width and the maxillary width as it is related to the mandibular intergonial width at all three ages. The maxillary base and intermolar widths, although significantly different at the ages of three and eight years, showed no significant deviation from normality at the age of twelve years. Following orthodontic treatment between the ages of seven to twelve years, the maxillary intermolar width of the treated subgroup was significantly larger than in the untreated subjects.  相似文献   

Malformation syndromes accompanied by cleft development in the lip-alveolus-palate (LAP) region are sometimes associated with anomalies of the efferent urinary tract. In the present clinical study, 68 children with an LAP-cleft were routinely subjected to radiological examination of the efferent urinary tract. These revealed pathological alterations, in varying degrees, in 26 children. The relationships between cleft type and urinary-tract malformation are analysed. The results show the significance of early interdisciplinary investigations.  相似文献   

Secondary osteoplasty by means of autogenic spongy bone grafting is the most common procedure used in the reconstruction of the continuity of the maxillary alveolar process. The aim of the study was to analyze retrospectively the effect of certain factors on the course of the bone graft healing process in patients with unilateral complete clefts of the lip, alveolar process, and palate. The investigations involved 62 children aged 8 to 14 years (mean age, 11 years) with unilateral complete cleft of the lip, alveolar process, and palate operated on at the Clinic of Plastic Surgery in Polanica Zdrój from November 2007 to April 2009. All the procedures consisted in the reconstruction of the maxillary alveolar process by means of autogenic spongy bone grafting from the iliac bone. The analysis was performed on the basis of computed tomography scans presenting maxillary alveolar processes in the horizontal cross-sectional planes performed on the second or third postoperative day and after 6 months. They were used as the basis for the measurement of the volume and density (condensation) of the bone graft, the surface of its adhesion to the maxillary alveolar bone, and the volume and density of the healed bone. The following correlation coefficients were determined: between the adhesion surface of the bone to the alveolar bone and the volume of the healed bone, between the adhesion surface of the bone to the alveolar bone and the density of the healed bone, and between the density of the graft and the volume of the healed bone. Increasing the surface of the graft adhesion to the bone ridges of the alveolar cleft contributes to increased volume of the healed bone and slows down the increase in its density (on 6-month follow-up). Crushing of the bone graft increases its resorption and reduces volume of the healed bone.  相似文献   

The protruding premaxilla represents the most severe problem in the surgical closure of a bilateral cleft lip, alveolus and palate (BCLP). In principle there are two methods to overcome this obstacle: (1) preliminary lip adhesion and (2) presurgical repositioning with intraoral devices. According to the various degrees of premaxillary protrusion, sometimes adhesion alone is sufficient, if the surgical technique is unlikely to break down. In this paper a refined adhesion method is presented, withstanding traction to the wound margins and concomitantly enables lip and nose repairs in a single second operation. For patients with severe premaxillary protrusion, presurgical use of a Latham appliance achieves conditions for safe lip adhesion as above. Both treatment methods are outlined.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To examine the relationship between lip repair and inhibition of maxillary growth, and to investigate the characteristics of upper lip in patients with complete unilateral clefts of lip, alveolus and palate. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Lateral cephalometric radiographs and photographs (anterior-posterior and profile) were taken for 3 groups of patients: (1) 35 complete unilateral cleft lip, alveolus and palate cases in whom only a labioplasty was performed as infants; (2) 47 cases who had both lip and palate repaired; and (3) 37 non-cleft peers as controls. RESULTS: There was maxillary retrusion in groups (1) and (2). Surface area and height of the upper lip was reduced in both these groups when compared with the normal controls. CONCLUSION: Lip repair is a most important factor in the restraint of maxillary growth in patients with complete unilateral clefts of lip, alveolus and palate. And height and projection of the upper lip are reduced following lip repair.  相似文献   

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