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We study minimizers of the pseudo-relativistic Hartree functional \({\mathcal {E}}_{a}(u):=\Vert (-\varDelta +m^{2})^{1/4}u\Vert _{L^{2}}^{2}+\int _{{\mathbb {R}}^{3}}V(x)|u(x)|^{2}\mathrm{d}x-\frac{a}{2}\int _{{\mathbb {R}}^{3}}(\left| \cdot \right| ^{-1}\star |u|^{2})(x)|u(x)|^{2}\mathrm{d}x\) under the mass constraint \(\int _{{\mathbb {R}}^3}|u(x)|^2\mathrm{d}x=1\). Here \(m>0\) is the mass of particles and \(V\ge 0\) is an external potential. We prove that minimizers exist if and only if a satisfies \(0\le a<a^{*}\), and there is no minimizer if \(a\ge a^*\), where \(a^*\) is called the Chandrasekhar limit. When a approaches \(a^*\) from below, the blow-up behavior of minimizers is derived under some general external potentials V. Here we consider three cases of V: trapping potential, i.e. \(V\in L_{\mathrm{loc}}^{\infty }({\mathbb {R}}^3)\) satisfies \(\lim _{|x|\rightarrow \infty }V(x)=\infty \); periodic potential, i.e. \(V\in C({\mathbb {R}}^3)\) satisfies \(V(x+z)=V(x)\) for all \(z\in \mathbb {Z}^3\); and ring-shaped potential, e.g. \( V(x)=||x|-1|^p\) for some \(p>0\).  相似文献   

In the structure-dynamic approach of nanoionics, the method of a uniform effective field \( {F}_{\mathrm{eff}}^{j,k} \) of a crystallographic planeX j has been substantiated for solid electrolyte nanostructures. The \( {F}_{\mathrm{eff}}^{j,k} \)is defined as an approximation of a non-uniform field \( {F}_{\mathrm{dis}}^j \)of X j with a discrete- random distribution of excess point charges. The parameters of \( {F}_{\mathrm{eff}}^{j,k} \)are calculated by correction of the uniform Gauss field \( {F}_{\mathrm{G}}^j \) of X j . The change in an average frequency of ionic jumps X k ?→?X k?+?1 between adjacent planes of nanostructure is determined by the sum of field additives to the barrier heights η k , k?+?1, and for \( {F}_{\mathrm{G}}^j \) and \( {F}_{\mathrm{dis}}^j \), these sums are the same decimal order of magnitude. For nanostructures with length ~4 nm, the application of \( {F}_{\mathrm{G}}^j \) (as \( {F}_{\mathrm{eff}}^{j,k} \)) gives the accuracy ~20 % in calculations of ion transport characteristics. The computer explorations of the “universal” dynamic response (Reσ ??∝?ω n ) show an approximately the same power n < ≈1 for\( {F}_{\mathrm{G}}^j \) and \( {F}_{\mathrm{eff}}^{j,k} \).  相似文献   

We consider supersymmetric (SUSY) and non-SUSY models of chaotic inflation based on the \(\phi ^n\) potential with \(n=2\) or 4. We show that the coexistence of an exponential non-minimal coupling to gravity \(f_\mathcal{R}=\mathrm{e}^{c_\mathcal{R}\phi ^{p}}\) with a kinetic mixing of the form \(f_{\mathrm{K}}=c_{\mathrm{K}}f_\mathcal{R}^m\) can accommodate inflationary observables favored by the Planck and Bicep2/Keck Array results for \(p=1\) and 2, \(1\le m\le 15\) and \(2.6\times 10^{-3}\le r_{\mathcal {R}\mathrm{K}}=c_\mathcal{R}/c_{\mathrm{K}}^{p/2}\le 1,\) where the upper limit is not imposed for \(p=1\). Inflation is of hilltop type and it can be attained for subplanckian inflaton values with the corresponding effective theories retaining the perturbative unitarity up to the Planck scale. The supergravity embedding of these models is achieved employing two chiral gauge singlet supefields, a monomial superpotential and several (semi)logarithmic or semi-polynomial Kähler potentials.  相似文献   

Let \(z\in \mathbb {C}\), let \(\sigma ^2>0\) be a variance, and for \(N\in \mathbb {N}\) define the integrals
$$\begin{aligned} E_N^{}(z;\sigma ) := \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} {\frac{1}{\sigma }} \!\!\!\displaystyle \int _{\mathbb {R}}\! (x^2+z^2) \frac{e^{-\frac{1}{2\sigma ^2} x^2}}{\sqrt{2\pi }}dx&{}\quad \text{ if }\, N=1,\\ {\frac{1}{\sigma }} \!\!\!\displaystyle \int _{\mathbb {R}^N}\! \prod \prod \limits _{1\le k<l\le N}\!\! e^{-\frac{1}{2N}(1-\sigma ^{-2}) (x_k-x_l)^2} \prod _{1\le n\le N}\!\!\!\!(x_n^2+z^2) \frac{e^{-\frac{1}{2\sigma ^2} x_n^2}}{\sqrt{2\pi }}dx_n &{}\quad \text{ if }\, N>1. \end{array}\right. \!\!\! \end{aligned}$$
These are expected values of the polynomials \(P_N^{}(z)=\prod _{1\le n\le N}(X_n^2+z^2)\) whose 2N zeros \(\{\pm i X_k\}^{}_{k=1,\ldots ,N}\) are generated by N identically distributed multi-variate mean-zero normal random variables \(\{X_k\}^{N}_{k=1}\) with co-variance \(\mathrm{{Cov}}_N^{}(X_k,X_l)=(1+\frac{\sigma ^2-1}{N})\delta _{k,l}+\frac{\sigma ^2-1}{N}(1-\delta _{k,l})\). The \(E_N^{}(z;\sigma )\) are polynomials in \(z^2\), explicitly computable for arbitrary N, yet a list of the first three \(E_N^{}(z;\sigma )\) shows that the expressions become unwieldy already for moderate N—unless \(\sigma = 1\), in which case \(E_N^{}(z;1) = (1+z^2)^N\) for all \(z\in \mathbb {C}\) and \(N\in \mathbb {N}\). (Incidentally, commonly available computer algebra evaluates the integrals \(E_N^{}(z;\sigma )\) only for N up to a dozen, due to memory constraints). Asymptotic evaluations are needed for the large-N regime. For general complex z these have traditionally been limited to analytic expansion techniques; several rigorous results are proved for complex z near 0. Yet if \(z\in \mathbb {R}\) one can also compute this “infinite-degree” limit with the help of the familiar relative entropy principle for probability measures; a rigorous proof of this fact is supplied. Computer algebra-generated evidence is presented in support of a conjecture that a generalization of the relative entropy principle to signed or complex measures governs the \(N\rightarrow \infty \) asymptotics of the regime \(iz\in \mathbb {R}\). Potential generalizations, in particular to point vortex ensembles and the prescribed Gauss curvature problem, and to random matrix ensembles, are emphasized.

For the Ising model (with interaction constant J>0) on the Cayley tree of order k≥2 it is known that for the temperature TT c,k =J/arctan?(1/k) the limiting Gibbs measure is unique, and for T<T c,k there are uncountably many extreme Gibbs measures. In the Letter we show that if \(T\in(T_{c,\sqrt{k}}, T_{c,k_{0}})\), with \(\sqrt{k} then there is a new uncountable set \({\mathcal{G}}_{k,k_{0}}\) of Gibbs measures. Moreover \({\mathcal{G}}_{k,k_{0}}\ne {\mathcal{G}}_{k,k'_{0}}\), for k 0k0. Therefore if \(T\in (T_{c,\sqrt{k}}, T_{c,\sqrt{k}+1})\), \(T_{c,\sqrt{k}+1} then the set of limiting Gibbs measures of the Ising model contains the set {known Gibbs measures}\(\cup(\bigcup_{k_{0}:\sqrt{k}.  相似文献   

We consider oriented long-range percolation on a graph with vertex set \({\mathbb {Z}}^d \times {\mathbb {Z}}_+\) and directed edges of the form \(\langle (x,t), (x+y,t+1)\rangle \), for xy in \({\mathbb {Z}}^d\) and \(t \in {\mathbb {Z}}_+\). Any edge of this form is open with probability \(p_y\), independently for all edges. Under the assumption that the values \(p_y\) do not vanish at infinity, we show that there is percolation even if all edges of length more than k are deleted, for k large enough. We also state the analogous result for a long-range contact process on \({\mathbb {Z}}^d\).  相似文献   

The Higgs Triplet Model (HTM) predicts the existences of the extra neutral scalars Hi(Hi = H, A) and the charged Higgs bosons (H± and H±±). In this work, we make a systematic investigation for the associated production of the singly-charged and neutral Higgs bosons via the processes: \(e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow H^{+}W^{-}H\) and \(e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow H^{+}W^{-}A\). From the numerical evaluations for the production cross sections and relevant phenomenological analysis we find that (i) the production rates of these processes can reach the level of several fb with reasonable parameter values; (ii) due to the large production rates and small backgrounds, the signals of these scalars might be detected via these processes at the future ILC experiments; and (iii) for the case of \(m_{H_{i}}> m_{H^{\pm }}> m_{H^{\pm \pm }}\), the cascade decay modes \(H_{i}\to H^{\pm }W^{\mp \ast }\) with \(H^{\pm }\to H^{\pm \pm }W^{\mp \ast }\) would lead to production of H++H?? accompanied by several virtual W bosons. Such characteristic feature can help us to distinguish the HTM from the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model (2HDM) and the Minimal Supersymmetric Model (MSSM).  相似文献   

We consider bond percolation on \({\mathbb {Z}}^d\times {\mathbb {Z}}^s\) where edges of \({\mathbb {Z}}^d\) are open with probability \(p<p_c({\mathbb {Z}}^d)\) and edges of \({\mathbb {Z}}^s\) are open with probability q, independently of all others. We obtain bounds for the critical curve in (pq), with p close to the critical threshold \(p_c({\mathbb {Z}}^d)\). The results are related to the so-called dimensional crossover from \({\mathbb {Z}}^d\) to \({\mathbb {Z}}^{d+s}\).  相似文献   

We investigate several properties of a translocating homopolymer through a thin pore driven by an external field present inside the pore only using Langevin Dynamics (LD) simulations in three dimensions (3D). Motivated by several recent theoretical and numerical studies that are apparently at odds with each other, we estimate the exponents describing the scaling with chain length (Nof the average translocation time \(\ensuremath \langle\tau\rangle\) , the average velocity of the center of mass \(\ensuremath \langle v_{{\rm CM}}\rangle\) , and the effective radius of gyration \(\ensuremath \langle {R}_g\rangle\) during the translocation process defined as \(\ensuremath \langle\tau\rangle \sim N^{\alpha}\) , \(\ensuremath \langle v_{{\rm CM}} \rangle \sim N^{-\delta}\) , and \(\ensuremath {R}_g \sim N^{\bar{\nu}}\) respectively, and the exponent of the translocation coordinate (s -coordinate) as a function of the translocation time \(\ensuremath \langle s^2(t)\rangle\sim t^{\beta}\) . We find \(\ensuremath \alpha=1.36 \pm 0.01\) , \(\ensuremath \beta=1.60 \pm 0.01\) for \(\ensuremath \langle s^2(t)\rangle\sim \tau^{\beta}\) and \(\ensuremath \bar{\beta}=1.44 \pm 0.02\) for \(\ensuremath \langle\Delta s^2(t)\rangle\sim\tau^{\bar{\beta}}\) , \(\ensuremath \delta=0.81 \pm 0.04\) , and \(\ensuremath \bar{\nu}\simeq\nu=0.59 \pm 0.01\) , where \( \nu\) is the equilibrium Flory exponent in 3D. Therefore, we find that \(\ensuremath \langle\tau\rangle\sim N^{1.36}\) is consistent with the estimate of \(\ensuremath \langle\tau\rangle\sim\langle R_g \rangle/\langle v_{{\rm CM}} \rangle\) . However, as observed previously in Monte Carlo (MC) calculations by Kantor and Kardar (Y. Kantor, M. Kardar, Phys. Rev. E 69, 021806 (2004)) we also find the exponent α = 1.36 ± 0.01 < 1 + ν. Further, we find that the parallel and perpendicular components of the gyration radii, where one considers the “cis” and “trans” parts of the chain separately, exhibit distinct out-of-equilibrium effects. We also discuss the dependence of the effective exponents on the pore geometry for the range of N studied here.  相似文献   

In previous papers, Mitter (J Stat Phys 163:1235–1246, 2016; Erratum: J Stat Phys 166:453–455, 2017; On a finite range decomposition of the resolvent of a fractional power of the Laplacian, http://arxiv.org/abs/1512.02877), we proved the existence as well as regularity of a finite range decomposition for the resolvent \(G_{\alpha } (x-y,m^2) = ((-\Delta )^{\alpha \over 2} + m^{2})^{-1} (x-y) \), for \(0<\alpha <2\) and all real m, in the lattice \({{\mathbb Z}}^{d}\) for dimension \(d\ge 2\). In this paper, which is a continuation of the previous one, we extend those results by proving the existence as well as regularity of a finite range decomposition for the same resolvent but now on the lattice torus \({{\mathbb Z}}^{d}/L^{N+1}{{\mathbb Z}}^{d} \) for \(d\ge 2\) provided \(m\ne 0\) and \(0<\alpha <2\). We also prove differentiability and uniform continuity properties with respect to the resolvent parameter \(m^{2}\). Here L is any odd positive integer and \(N\ge 2\) is any positive integer.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper is to introduce and establish basic results of a natural extension of the classical Boolean percolation model (also known as the Gilbert disc model). We replace the balls of that model by a positive non-increasing attenuation function \(l:(0,\infty ) \rightarrow [0,\infty )\) to create the random field \(\Psi (y)=\sum _{x\in \eta }l(|x-y|),\) where \(\eta \) is a homogeneous Poisson process in \({\mathbb {R}}^d.\) The field \(\Psi \) is then a random potential field with infinite range dependencies whenever the support of the function l is unbounded. In particular, we study the level sets \(\Psi _{\ge h}(y)\) containing the points \(y\in {\mathbb {R}}^d\) such that \(\Psi (y)\ge h.\) In the case where l has unbounded support, we give, for any \(d\ge 2,\) a necessary and sufficient condition on l for \(\Psi _{\ge h}(y)\) to have a percolative phase transition as a function of h. We also prove that when l is continuous then so is \(\Psi \) almost surely. Moreover, in this case and for \(d=2,\) we prove uniqueness of the infinite component of \(\Psi _{\ge h}\) when such exists, and we also show that the so-called percolation function is continuous below the critical value \(h_c\).  相似文献   

We test the holographic relation between the vacuum expectation values of gauge invariant operators in \({\mathcal {N}} = 6\) U\(_k(N)\times \mathrm{U}_{-k}(N)\) mass-deformed ABJM theory and the LLM geometries with \({\mathbb {Z}}_k\) orbifold in 11-dimensional supergravity. To do so, we apply the Kaluza–Klein reduction to construct a 4-dimensional gravity theory and implement the holographic renormalization procedure. We obtain an exact holographic relation for the vacuum expectation values of the chiral primary operator with conformal dimension \(\Delta = 1\), which is given by \(\langle {\mathcal {O}}^{(\Delta =1)}\rangle = N^{\frac{3}{2}} \, f_{(\Delta =1)}\), for large N and \(k=1\). Here the factor \(f_{(\Delta )}\) is independent of N. Our results involve an infinite number of exact dual relations for all possible supersymmetric Higgs vacua and so provide a non-trivial test of gauge/gravity duality away from the conformal fixed point. We extend our results to the case of \(k\ne 1\) for LLM geometries represented by rectangular-shaped Young diagrams. We also discuss the exact mapping of the gauge/gravity at finite N for classical supersymmetric vacuum solutions in field theory side and corresponding classical solutions in gravity side.  相似文献   

We study the effect of the scalar leptoquark and \(Z^\prime \) boson on the rare decays of the D mesons involving flavour changing transitions \(c \rightarrow u l^+ l^- (l^{\mp }_i l^{\,\pm \,}_j)\). We constrain the new physics parameter space using the branching ratio of the rare decay mode \(D^0 \rightarrow \mu ^+ \mu ^-\) and the \(D^0 - {\bar{D}}^0\) oscillation data. We compute the branching ratios, forward–backward asymmetry parameters and flat terms in \(D^{+(0)} \rightarrow \pi ^{+(0)} \mu ^+ \mu ^-\) processes using the constrained parameters. The branching ratios of the lepton flavour violating D meson decays, such as \(D^0 \rightarrow \mu e, ~\tau e\) and \(D^{+(0)} \rightarrow \pi ^{+(0)} \mu ^- e^+\) are also investigated.  相似文献   

Calibrations are given to extract orientation order parameters from pseudo-powder electron paramagnetic resonance line shapes of 14N-nitroxide spin labels undergoing slow rotational diffusion. The nitroxide z-axis is assumed parallel to the long molecular axis. Stochastic-Liouville simulations of slow-motion 9.4-GHz spectra for molecular ordering with a Maier–Saupe orientation potential reveal a linear dependence of the splittings, \(2A_{\hbox{max} }\) and \(2A_{\hbox{min} }\), of the outer and inner peaks on order parameter \(S_{zz}\) that depends on the diffusion coefficient \(D_{{{\text{R}} \bot }}\) which characterizes fluctuations of the long molecular axis. This results in empirical expressions for order parameter and isotropic hyperfine coupling: \(S_{zz} = s_{1} \times \left( {A_{\hbox{max} } - A_{\hbox{min} } } \right) - s_{o}\) and \(a_{o}^{{}} = \tfrac{1}{3}\left( {f_{\hbox{max} } A_{\hbox{max} } + f_{\hbox{min} } A_{\hbox{min} } } \right) + \delta a_{o}\), respectively. Values of the calibration constants \(s_{1}\), \(s_{\text{o}}\), \(f_{\hbox{max} }\), \(f_{\hbox{min} }\) and \(\delta a_{o}\) are given for different values of \(D_{{{\text{R}} \bot }}\) in fast and slow motional regimes. The calibrations are relatively insensitive to anisotropy of rotational diffusion \((D_{{{\text{R}}//}} \ge D_{{{\text{R}} \bot }} )\), and corrections are less significant for the isotropic hyperfine coupling than for the order parameter.  相似文献   

We find an explicit closed formula for the k’th iterated commutator \({\text{ad}_{A}^{k}}(H_{V}(\xi ))\) of arbitrary order k ? 1 between a Hamiltonian \(H_{V}(\xi )=M_{\omega _{\xi }}+S_{\check V}\) and a conjugate operator \(A=\frac{\mathfrak{i}}{2}(v_{\xi}\cdot\nabla+\nabla\cdot v_{\xi})\), where \(M_{\omega _{\xi }}\) is the operator of multiplication with the real analytic function ω ξ which depends real analytically on the parameter ξ, and the operator \(S_{\check V}\) is the operator of convolution with the (sufficiently nice) function \(\check V\), and v ξ is some vector field determined by ω ξ . Under certain assumptions, which are satisfied for the Yukawa potential, we then prove estimates of the form \(\| {{\text{ad}_{A}^{k}}(H_{V}(\xi ))(H_{0}(\xi )+\mathfrak{i} )}\|\leqslant C_{\xi }^{k}k!\) where C ξ is some constant which depends continuously on ξ. The Hamiltonian is the fixed total momentum fiber Hamiltonian of an abstract two-body dispersive system and the work is inspired by a recent result [3] which, under conditions including estimates of the mentioned type, opens up for spectral deformation and analytic perturbation theory of embedded eigenvalues of finite multiplicity.  相似文献   

It is shown that vibrations of an elastic platform, induced by an external force \(f\left( t \right) = \sum\limits_{j = 0}^n {{A_j}} \sin \left( {{\omega _j}t + {\varphi _j}} \right)\), can be suppressed using n dynamic vibration absorbers with eigenfrequencies ω j .  相似文献   

In this article, we construct the \(C \otimes \gamma _\mu C\) and \(C\gamma _5 \otimes \gamma _5\gamma _\mu C\) type currents to interpolate the vector tetraquark states, then carry out the operator product expansion up to the vacuum condensates of dimension-10 in a consistent way, and obtain four QCD sum rules. In calculations, we use the formula \(\mu =\sqrt{M^2_{Y}-(2{\mathbb {M}}_c)^2}\) to determine the optimal energy scales of the QCD spectral densities, moreover, we take the experimental values of the masses of the Y(4260 / 4220), Y(4360 / 4320), Y(4390) and Y(4660 / 4630) as input parameters and fit the pole residues to reproduce the correlation functions at the QCD side. The numerical results support assigning the Y(4660 / 4630) to be the \(C \otimes \gamma _\mu C\) type vector tetraquark state \(c\bar{c}s\bar{s}\), assigning the Y(4360 / 4320) to be \(C\gamma _5 \otimes \gamma _5\gamma _\mu C\) type vector tetraquark state \(c\bar{c}q\bar{q}\), and disfavor assigning the Y(4260 / 4220) and Y(4390) to be the pure vector tetraquark states.  相似文献   

We consider two ensembles of \(0-1\) \(n\times n\) matrices. The first is the set of all \(n\times n\) matrices with entries zeroes and ones such that all column sums and all row sums equal r, uniformly weighted. The second is the set of \(n \times n\) matrices with zero and one entries where the probability that any given entry is one is r / n, the probabilities of the set of individual entries being i.i.d.’s. Calling the two expectation values E and \(E_B\) respectively, we develop a formal relation
$$\begin{aligned} E({{\mathrm{perm}}}(A)) = E_B({{\mathrm{perm}}}(A)) e^{\sum _2 T_i}.\quad \quad \quad \quad \mathrm{(A1)} \end{aligned}$$
We use two well-known approximating ensembles to E, \(E_1\) and \(E_2\). Replacing E by either \(E_1\) or \(E_2\) we can evaluate all terms in (A1). For either \(E_1\) or \(E_2\) the terms \(T_i\) have amazing properties. We conjecture that all these properties hold also for E. We carry through a similar development treating \(E({{\mathrm{perm}}}_m(A))\), with m proportional to n, in place of \(E({{\mathrm{perm}}}(A))\).

We investigate the gauge/gravity duality between the \(\mathcal{N} = 6\) mass-deformed ABJM theory with \(\hbox {U}_k(N)\times \hbox {U}_{-k}(N)\) gauge symmetry and the 11-dimensional supergravity on LLM geometries with SO(2,1)\(\times \)SO(4)/\({\mathbb {Z}}_k\) \(\times \)SO(4)/\({\mathbb {Z}}_k\) isometry, in terms of a KK holography, which involves quadratic order field redefinitions. We establish the quadratic order KK mappings for various gauge invariant fields in order to obtain the canonical 4-dimensional gravity equations of motion and to reduce the LLM solutions to an asymptotically AdS\(_4\) gravity solutions. The non-linearity of the KK maps indicates that we can observe the true purpose of the non-linear KK holography of the LLM solutions. We read the vacuum expectation value of conformal dimension two operator from the asymptotically AdS\(_4\) gravity solutions. For the LLM solutions which are represented by square-shaped Young diagrams, we compare the vacuum expectation value obtained from the holographic procedure with the result obtained from the field theory, which is given by \(\langle \mathcal{O}^{(\Delta =2)}\rangle =\sqrt{k}N^{\frac{3}{2}}f_{(\Delta =2)}+\mathcal{O}(N)\), where \(f_{\Delta }\) is independent of N. Based on this result, we examine the gauge/gravity duality in the large N limit and finite k. We also show that the vacuum expectation values of the massive KK graviton modes are vanishing as expected by the supersymmetry.  相似文献   

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