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This paper presents measurements of wall pressure spectra and r.m.s. levels in subsonic separated flows and it is shown that there is a relation between the r.m.s. pressures in various separated flow configurations. Using pressure correlation measurements, turbulence properties and a similarity analysis, a flow model is postulated which gives good estimates of the fluctuating wall pressures.  相似文献   

一种大面积抗干扰高射频激光光幕靶设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了一种能同时测量高射频火炮射击速度和密集度的大面积激光光幕靶设计方案。采用半导体激光脉冲调制、光电传感器列阵接收和单片机数字处理技术,不仅实现了光靶与计时系统一体化,而且有效地去除诸如炮口闪光、外界自然光及蚊虫等干扰,提高了测量的灵敏度、精度和可靠性。  相似文献   

We report sets of precise and reproducible measurements on the static pressure at the bottom of a granular column. We make a quantitative analysis of the pressure saturation when the column height is increased. We evidence a great sensitivity of the measurements with the global packing fraction and the eventual presence of shear bands at the boundaries. We also show the limit of the classical Janssen model and discuss these experimental results under the scope of recently proposed theoretical frameworks. Received 7 September 1998 and Received in final form 28 January 1999  相似文献   

We have realized a Brownian motor by using cold atoms in a dissipative optical lattice as a model system. In our experiment the optical potential is spatially symmetric and the time symmetry of the system is broken by applying appropriate zero-mean ac forces. We identify a regime of rectification of forces and a regime of rectification of fluctuations, the latter corresponding to the realization of a Brownian motor.  相似文献   

毫米波回旋速调管磁控注入电子枪模拟计算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍了毫米波回旋速调管磁控注入电子枪的结构与特点。电子枪提供的电子束流性能直接影响到回旋速调管的总体参数,为保证整管的效率和输出功率,利用电子枪模拟程序对电子轨迹进行模拟计算,研究了电极形状、磁场分布以及电子轨迹与电子注参量的影响,并为磁控注入电子枪的设计提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Polarization fluctuations were measured in nanoscale volumes of a polymer glass during aging following a temperature quench through the glass transition. Statistical properties of the noise were studied in equilibrium and during aging. The noise spectral density had a larger temporal variance during aging; i.e., the noise was more non-Gaussian, suggesting stronger correlations during aging.  相似文献   

We calculate the counting statistics of electron transfer through an open quantum dot with charging interaction. A dot that is connected to leads by two single-channel quantum point contacts in an in-plane magnetic field is described by a Luttinger liquid with impurity at the Toulouse point. We find that the fluctuations of the current through this conductor exhibit distinctive interaction effects. Fluctuations saturate at high voltages, while the mean current increases linearly with the bias voltage. All cumulants higher than the second one reach at large bias a temperature independent limit.  相似文献   

We study the statistics of the reflectance (the ratio of reflected and incident intensities) of an N-mode disordered waveguide with weak absorption g per mean free path. Two distinct regimes are identified. The regime γ N 2≫1 shows universal fluctuations. With increasing length L of the waveguide, the variance of the reflectance changes from the value 2/15N 2, characteristic for universal conductance fluctuations in disordered wires, to another value 1/8N 2, characteristic for chaotic cavities. The weak-localization correction to the average reflectance performs a similar crossover from the value 1/3N to 1/4N. In the regime γ N 2≫1, the large-L distribution of the reflectance R becomes very wide and asymmetric, P(R)∝(1−R)−2 for R≪1−γN. Pis’ma Zh. éksp. Teor. Fiz. 64, No. 4, 289–293 (25 August 1996) Published in English in the original Russian journal. Edited by J. R. Anderson.  相似文献   

The evolution of the most probable amplitudes of the hydrodynamic mode is investigated in the self-consistent scheme. Fluctuations of the amplitude of the conjugate force are also investigated. Fiz. Tverd. Tela (St. Petersburg) 41, 1689–1692 (September 1999)  相似文献   

A great deal of effort has been made over the last decades to develop a better polarized electron source for high energy physics. Several laboratories operate DC guns with a gallium arsenide photocathode, which yield a highly polarized electron beam. However, the beam's emittance might well be improved by using a superconducting radio frequency (SRF) electron gun, which delivers beams of a higher brightness than that from DC guns because the field gradient at the cathode is higher. SRF guns with metal and CsTe cathodes have been tested successfully. To produce polarized electrons, a Gallium-Arsenide photo-cathode must be used: an experiment to do so in a superconducting RF gun is under way at BNL. Since a bulk gallium arsenide (GaAs) photocathode is normal conducting, a problem arises from the heat load stemming from the cathode. We present our measurements of the electrical resistance of GaAs at cryogenic temperatures, a prediction of the heat load and verification by measuring the quality factor of the gun with and without the cathode at 2 K. We simulate heat generation and flow from the GaAs cathode using the ANSYS program. By following the findings with the heat load model, we designed and fabricated a new cathode holder (plug) to decrease the heat load from GaAs.  相似文献   

The discovery of extraordinary conductivity maxima in a class of organic charge transfer salts is reported. The data are interpreted as resulting from superconducting fluctuations at high temperatures. A possible mechanism for achieving high temperature superconductivity is suggested based on the electron-phonon interaction, in the strong-coupling limit, and the Peierls soft-mode instability in pseudo-one-dimensional systems. Procedures are suggested for the possible eventual stabilization of the superconducting state.  相似文献   

 利用SLAC-226程序对一种工业用大功率电子加速器(450kW)的电子枪光学系统性能进行了研究。计算程序以带电粒子的洛伦兹力运动方程的相对论形式为基础,在充分考虑了空间电荷效应和电子自身产生磁场的情况下编写而成。在该程序中,网格的划分采用正方形网格;解泊松方程采用半迭代切比雪夫法;解轨迹方程采用四阶龙格 库塔法。经过对轴上电位的优化计算,得到了轴上电场的分布,电子轨迹以及阳极孔处的径迹斜率等结果,并且对外加电场与空间电荷场对束流的聚焦作用作了比较分析。计算发现,电子初始角和初始能量(对束流的)聚焦性能影响很小,二极管间距 d=58.5mm时对束流聚焦最有利。  相似文献   

A great deal of effort has been made over the last decades to develop a better polarized electron source for high energy physics. Several laboratories operate DC guns with a gallium arsenide photocathode, which yield a highly polarized electron beam. However, the beam's emittance might well be improved by using a superconducting radio frequency (SRF) electron gun, which delivers beams of a higher brightness than that from DC guns because the field gradient at the cathode is higher. SRF guns with metal and CsTe cathodes have been tested successfully. To produce polarized electrons, a Gallium-Arsenide photo-cathode must be used: an experiment to do so in a superconducting RF gun is under way at BNL. Since a bulk gallium arsenide (GaAs) photocathode is normal conducting, a problem arises from the heat load stemming from the cathode. We present our measurements of the electrical resistance of GaAs at cryogenic temperatures, a prediction of the heat load and verification by measuring the quality factor of the gun with and without the cathode at 2 K. We simulate heat generation and flow from the GaAs cathode using the ANSYS program. By following the findings with the heat load model, we designed and fabricated a new cathode holder (plug) to decrease the heat load from GaAs.  相似文献   

An EC-ITC(External-Cathode Independently Tunable Cells) RF gun was employed with the aim of obtaining short-pulse bunches with high peak current for a terahertz radiation source. A gridded DC gun plays a key role as the external injecting electron source of the ITC RF gun, the performance of which determines the beam quality in the injector and transport line. In order to make the beam well compressed in the ITC RF gun, the energy of the electrons acquired from the gridded DC gun should be 15 keV at most. A proper structure of the gridded gun with double-anode is shown to overcome the strong space- charge force on the cathode, which is able to generate 6 μs beam with 4.5 A current successfully.  相似文献   

利用SLAC-226程序对一种工业用大功率电子加速器(450kW)的电子枪光学系统性能进行了研究。计算程序以带电粒子的洛伦兹力运动方程的相对论形式为基础,在充分考虑了空间电荷效应和电子自身产生磁场的情况下编写而成。在该程序中,网格的划分采用正方形网格;解泊松方程采用半迭代切比雪夫法;解轨迹方程采用四阶龙格 库塔法。经过对轴上电位的优化计算,得到了轴上电场的分布,电子轨迹以及阳极孔处的径迹斜率等结果,并且对外加电场与空间电荷场对束流的聚焦作用作了比较分析。计算发现,电子初始角和初始能量(对束流的)聚焦性能影响很小,二极管间距 d=58.5mm时对束流聚焦最有利。  相似文献   

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