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This paper presents an overview of the principles and technologies relating to railway infrastructure. Specifically this paper includes rail–wheel contact, inspection and maintenance of rail. Intelligent transport systems (ITS) and their applications for the purposes of the railway transport in Europe are discussed. The potential, levels of development, technological and operational characteristics of the European Railway Traffic Management System (ERTMS) are presented. Finally, a discussion on methodologies, principles and current practices for access charging in Europe is provided.  相似文献   

基于灰色模糊理论的水运基础设施建设项目后评价模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐冽  朱红 《水运工程》2011,(4):24-27
为解决水运基础设施建设项目后评价中定性评价指标偏多、数据不完备的问题,将灰色模糊理论引入水运基础设施建设项目的综合后评价中,构建了灰色模糊综合评价法.该模型利用灰色评估理论构造出模糊隶属度矩阵,并采用模糊算法计算出项目总体的风险大小.模型在淮安三线船闸工程项目后评价中的成功应用,表明该模型客观地反映后评价项目的成功度,提高了后评价结果的合理性.  相似文献   

This paper starts with a discussion on typical vehicles. The concepts and the usual practice for rail wagon design, both freight and passengers are presented. A discussion on rail and the environment comes next followed by Truck-Trains. Accident theories, metaphors and investigation methods are widely discussed; Hazard – Barrier – Target Model, Swiss Cheese Model, Bow-Tie Model, Fault Tree Analysis and Event Tree Analysis are explained. This paper concludes with a technical discussion on safety and security of rail vehicles, standards for safety and measures against terrorist attacks.  相似文献   

丁承卫  曹征宇 《船舶》2004,(1):41-43
本文通过对船舶铅酸蓄电池充放电端电压变化的监测,得到了充放电终止电压的重要参数.并简叙了环境温度对蓄电池的影响及相应改善措施.  相似文献   

The purpose of the article is to analyse the operation of shipping companies in Finland, Sweden and Norway cross-sectionwise in 1989-1991. These represent three different types of shipping operations in three neighbouring countries in Northern Europe. In the analysis, an apllication of the transaction cosr approach (TCA) is employed. It is shown that finnish shipping is usually very concentrated both in terms of geographical coverage, cargo composition and ownership. In cargo shipping, Finnish shipping firms mainly operate on the 'domestic' routes connecting Finland to the main European markets. Few Finnish firms are operating in highly competitive operations such as cruise shipping and liquid and dry bulk trades. Ownership in shipping is also often institutionalized rather than being in private, independent hands. In Sweden, the hierarchial governance of shipping is less than it is Finland. In certain worldwide trades, such as reefer and car carrier trades, the governance structure could be defined as hierarchial due to high asset specificity and high degree of specialization. In Norway, the shipping industry seems to be strongly market-oriented. The industry is composed of shipping companies, whose existence depends on their cost competitiveness on the shipping market, and is usually not backed up by exclusive hierarchial arrangements. Notable exceptions are the LNG/LPG and car carrier trades. The classification presented principle can easily be extended to other shipping countries, or companywise comparisions, as well.  相似文献   

This paper elaborates on the definitions of inter and multi-modal transport, as well as their differences in terms of performance. A survey of the barriers, both internal and external, to an efficient intermodal transport is included followed by an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of combining rail transport with the other transport modes. Transhipment technologies for efficient freight service and some examples of freight rail corridors between sea and inland terminals are presented. The integration between air and rail transport is discussed and the potential synergies between air and high-speed rail services are emphasised. The paper concludes with a discussion on energy use for sustainable rail performance.  相似文献   

建筑信息模型(BIM)技术及其应用体系已经开始给全球的土木建筑工程领域带来了革命性的转变。针对水运基础设施领域的BIM应用与建筑领域相比较为滞后的问题,对国内外的BIM应用现状、技术政策、技术标准等进行了全面梳理、总结,并进行了国内外BIM应用的对比分析,在此基础上从标准研究与编制、重点技术攻关方向、持续发展机制、鼓励政策措施、示范工程应用、推进路线图等方面提出建议,以全面促进行业的BIM应用。  相似文献   

This paper questions responsibilities for the financing of infrastructure for sea and air transport in France. It is stressed that the State accords differential treatment in aid and subsidies to these means of transport and distinguishes between types of infrastructures and superstructure. Some principles concerning charging practices are discussed. Finally, the power of decision in financing infrastructure is examined and, in conclusion it is found that, while some public financing is necessary, this should follow a strict policy.  相似文献   

在对传统码头检验检疫查验设施布置方式进行分析的基础上,对查验平台、留验病房、查验区围网等布置方式进行创新,并将该布置方案应用在洋山四期工程,其可行性及优越性得以检验。  相似文献   

本文介绍了DC 110V浮充电自动检测与自动调压装置的线路设计、工作原理,同时介绍了线路的调试方法及使用情况。  相似文献   

以7RT-Flex60C船用柴油机燃油共轨系统为仿真对象,设计系统各组成部件数学模型,采用矩阵实验室/动态仿真模块(Matlab/Simulink)搭建该系统仿真模型.通过对仿真数据与台架试验数据进行对比,验证模型准确、有效.在此基础上,利用所搭建的仿真模型分析燃油共轨压力、喷油量和共轨管容积对共轨管轨压力波动产生的影响,获得了令人满意的仿真效果.仿真结果可为船用电控柴油机燃油共轨系统的设计、优化以及柴油机的日常管理提供参考.  相似文献   

以某火车滚装船项目为例,从分区、泵组、智能遥控、喷头布置、分区总管布置等方面对火车舱水幕系统进行设计与布置优化。与基础设计和布置进行比较,优化设计具有消除相邻分区喷淋盲区、减少泵组数量、减少管材耗量和减少现场施工量等优势。经实船试验,设计与布置优化可为后续或类似船型火车舱水幕系统的建造提供有价值的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

近年来,随着码头使用年限的增加以及装卸能力的提高,重型钢轨陆续出现断裂现象,破坏位置主要位于轨道接头处,对码头作业造成严重的安全隐患,而且维修费时费力,影响正常作业,造成较大的经济损失。本文提出一种新型轨道接头设计,在目前码头重型钢轨传统轨道接头的基础上,进行了针对性的改进。并通过数值模型分析计算,对新型接头的主要尺寸进行了细化设计,主要包括:短轨长度,鱼尾板厚度,短轨与长轨之间连接的螺栓个数,胶垫板构造,为后续推广应用提供参考。  相似文献   

本文基于无线充电,通过基于有限元法的电磁仿真软件(HFSS)对线圈天线进行3D建模。在二端口网络分析法的基础上,建立谐振式无线充电的等效电路模型,求解出系统最大传输效率时的表达式。基于以上方法,研究本文设计的线圈天线传输特性,包括线圈天线的S参数、驻波比、充电效率和3D电磁场分布图,得出线圈天线在中心频率2.8 GHz处发生谐振,输入回波损耗最小,为–29.11 d B,且充电效率可达到84.15%。此外,线圈天线具有成本低、结构简单等优势,因此该设计对无线充电的研究有很好的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

从厦门、泉州、漳都市圈发展存在的问题出发,结合公交导向发展的理念,探讨以城际轨道交通为导向的厦、泉、漳都市圈发展策略。分析依托城际轨道形成的珠链式空间布局和带动以站点为中心的新城开发,提出厦、泉、漳城际轨道交通规划建设的建议。  相似文献   

An efficient, integrated transport system iskey to the Port of Vancouver s success. "There are many ways that we can optimizethe efficiency and carrying capacity of ourtransportation infrastructure in Canada: throughtechnology, by working together, by thinkingdifferently," said Captain Gordon Houston,President & CEO of the Vancouver Port Authority.  相似文献   

This paper explores the current state of ports and shipping in Mozambique, and reviews it in the context of a past history of civil war followed by radical macro-economic adjustment, and more recent concerns and debates around the deregulation and privatization of the transport industry. More specifically, it addresses the key issue of the relationship between shipping and both broader and local economic development, taking account of the needs of major industry and the need to sustain local livelihoods. It reveals that the situation in Mozambique is a product of both local and global pressures, moulded by economic and political forces. It further indicates that, while there are now positive opportunities for coastal shipping, the capacity for developing inland shipping appears to be very limited. Future growth consequently depends on local participation, training and skills development and the broader social, economic, and transport infrastructure.  相似文献   

轨道式场桥门腿刚性与啃轨问题的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 问题的提出轨道式集装箱门式起重机 (以下简称轨道式场桥)具有运行效率高、后期维修费用低、完好率高、使用寿命长、环保性能好、易实现自动化等优点,因此越来越受到人们的关注。但是,由于它的大车运行速度较高,轨距也大,所以门腿受力时在轨道宽度方向易产生变形,导致啃轨。  相似文献   


Despite significant changes in work tasks performed on board, towards more sedentary monitoring and administrative work, the incidence of occupational injuries and disorders remains high among seafarers. In order to improve safety standards, industry stakeholders increasingly require written documentation of numerous routines, procedures and tasks performed on board. These increased demands have however added to the administrative burden. Some say, to the extent that administrative work has become a safety risk in itself. This paper presents the result of a survey investigating how Swedish seafarers perceive their own level of fatigue, stress and over-exertion related to work. The material consists of 1309 respondents originating from a random selection procedure, of which 651 reported to be employed in short sea shipping. Multiple regression analysis (OLS regression), allowing adjusted effects, were applied in several steps of the analysis. The highest levels of exertion were reported by employees in the catering department, positions not generally associated with high administrative burden. Perceived high levels of administrative work do increase the level of exertion, but cannot explain the observed pattern. Future ship and trade-specific studies on physical and mental well-being and complementary studies on the catering department’s working conditions and work environment are necessary.  相似文献   

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