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《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):76-79

Arctoa anderssonii Wich. is described as a species new to the British Isles with an account of its habitat on Ben Hope, a mountain in Sutherland, north-west Scotland. The differences between this species and Arctoa fulvella and A. hyperborea are specified.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(1):5-10

The moss Tortella bambergeri (Schimp.) Broth. is added to the described British bryophyte flora. It differs from fragile-leaved forms of T. tortuosa (Hedw.) Limpr. in having the apical quarter of the costa with quadrate, papillose abaxial cells and in having the peristome teeth twisted by a half turn instead of one and a half turns. Other identification features are discussed, and the habitat and distribution of T. bambergeri in Britain are described. Most records are from sandstone boulders in western Britain.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):275-326

The taxonomic status of Barbula montenegrina Breidl. &; Szyszyl., a putative synonym of Tortula lingulata Lindb., was re-evaluated, considering its morphological characters and the habitat conditions of the known localities. The taxon is typified here and synonymized with Tortula muralis subsp. obtusifolia (Schwägr.) Culm.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):240-242

A new species in the moss family Neckeraceae, Neckera enrothiana M.C. Ji is described and illustrated from the Sichuan Province, China. It is characterized by the combination of relatively small plants, entirely non-undulate and non-decurrent leaves, and by its lacking or very short costa. It is compared with the somewhat similar and widely distributed N. complanata (Hedw.) Hueb. and N. besseri (Lob.) Jur., as well as with the Asian N. goughiana Mitt.  相似文献   

The identification of bryophytes from the Arctic is often difficult due to deviating morphologies under the extreme environmental conditions. This is especially true for species-rich and taxonomically complex genera, such as the moss genus Dicranum. DNA barcoding is expected to improve the identification of Arctic bryophyte species, but the optimal combination of barcoding markers for mosses in general, especially for delimiting closely related, is still under discussion. In this paper, we test the discrimination capacity of six potential barcode markers (rps4-trnT UGU, trnL UAA-trnF GAA, trnH GUG-psbA, rps19-rpl2, rpoB, and nrITS1-5.8S-ITS2) based on phylogenetic reconstructions of 30 Dicranum samples from Spitsbergen (Svalbard, Norway), and reference samples from all ten Dicranum species confirmed for the Svalbard archipelago and six additional Arctic Dicranum species. All 16 species (possibly except D. fuscescens) were distinguishable with bootstrap support >70 % based on the combined sequence data, but none of the individual markers could delimit all included species. All Svalbard collections could be readily assigned to five species, D. acutifolium, D. elongatum, D. laevidens, D. majus, and D. spadiceum, respectively. It is concluded that DNA barcoding improves species identification of Arctic Dicranum plants, but that a combination of several markers is necessary in order to obtain reliable identification results, with the single loci ITS1, trnL-F and rps4-trnT being the most promising regions.  相似文献   

The geographic distribution of three closely related Hyalomma species, namely Hyalomma (Euhyalomma) truncatum Koch, 1844, Hyalomma (Euhyalomma) albiparmatum Schulze, 1919 and Hyalomma (Euhyalomma) nitidum Schulze, 1919 is confined to Africa. A detailed comparison of all stages of development of the three taxa reveals that they possess many more shared than distinguishing characters. In fact differentiation between these species is based on single or dual qualitative characters on their adults. These are a conspicuous, ivory-coloured parma on H. (E.) albiparmatum males, and the absence or reduction in clarity of ivory-coloured bands on the leg segments of H. (E.) nitidum adults, as well as the shape of the external cuticular preatrial fold of the genital operculum of females of the latter species. The adults of all three species and the larva of H. (E.) truncatum are redescribed. The nymph of H. truncatum and the larva and nymph of H. (E.) albiparmatum and H. (E.) nitidum are described for the first time. Data on their geographic distributions and hosts are provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):215-221

Fifty-three herbarium samples of the genus Dichodontium, originating from 15 countries in Europe and North America, were examined to critically assess new distinguishing characters between D. flavescens and D. pellucidum. The examination, including SEM, revealed some new characteristics in the gametophyte, notably leaf shape, leaf length: width ratio, and width of the nerve, permitting accurate determinations even on sterile material. D. flavescens is recognized here as a distinct species.  相似文献   

William R. Buck 《Brittonia》1979,31(3):379-394
Trachyphyllum is transferred from the Entodontaceae to the Thuidiaceae on the basis of correlated gametophytic and sporophytic characters. The genus is considered to consist of two subgenera: subg.Trachyphyllum forT. inflexum (with numerous new synonyms),T. gastrodes, T. dusenii andT. borgenii; and subg.Carinatum, subg. nov., forT. carinatum,T. jeyporense andT. touwianum, n. sp. All the species are keyed, described and illustrated.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):239-263

The genus Herbertus S.Gray in Africa and the East African islands is revised. The division of the genus into two broad species complexes centred on H. dicranus (Tayl.ex Gottsche et al.) Trev. and H. juniperoideus (Sw.) Grolle is confirmed. H. capensis (Steph.) Sim, H. capillaris (Steph.) H. doggeltianus (Steph.) Demaret, H. lobatus (Steph.) Demaret, H. mascarenicus (Steph.) S.Arn., H. mollis (Steph.) Dusén, H. stuhlmannii (Steph.) Demaret and Schisma kilimandjarense Steph. are synonymous with H. dicranus. H. grossevittatus (Steph.) S.Arn. ex Grolle is synonymous with H. juniperoideus. Three new species are described: H. spicatus N.G.Hodgetts sp. nov., which is related to H. juniperoideus and appears close to the neotropical H. pensilis, with long, narrow leaf lobe apices and a sheathing leaf base; H. mauritianus N.G.Hodgetts sp. nov., also related to H. juniperoideus, has fewer basal slime papillae and the vitta bifurcating lower down; and H. pocsii N.G.Hodgetts sp. nov., which is related to H. dicranus but has setaceous leaf lobe apices composed of long, narrow cells. The relationships of the taxa and patterns of distribution, taking account of recent molecular work, are discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):165-168

The genus Gottschelia Grolle is reported as new to mainland China, from Yunnan Province. Previously G. schizopleura (Spruce) Grolle was the only known Chinese species, reported from Taiwan. However, two further species have recently been found in the Gaoligong Shan range, Yunnan Province, G. patoniae Grolle, Schill & D.G. Long, previously known from the East Himalaya of Nepal and India (Sikkim) and G. grollei D.G. Long & Váňa, described here as a new species endemic to China, the fourth known species in the genus. The differences between the three Chinese species are enumerated with notes on distribution and ecology.  相似文献   

通过模拟高温和干旱处理,对喀斯特石漠化生境中南亚毛灰藓(Homomallium simlaense(Mitt.)Broth.Mitt)在胁迫条件下生理特征的变化进行了研究。结果表明,南亚毛灰藓在高温和干旱条件下,各项生理指标均与相对含水量呈显著正相关;丙二醛、渗透调节物质和叶绿素含量均随处理时间的增加和含水量的降低而减少,但植株仍保持较高的可溶性糖含量以维持渗透压的平衡。在极端干旱和高温的条件下,南亚毛灰藓可通过降低生理活性,保持一定的可溶性糖含量度过胁迫期,同时丙二醛含量保持最低状态。高温和干旱处理结束后,进行复水处理,植株的渗透调节物质和丙二醛含量显著升高,光合作用迅速恢复。研究结果表明,南亚毛灰藓适应干旱和高温的极端条件可能与丙二醛含量有关,但复水结束后丙二醛含量升高,胁迫反而增强,说明南亚毛灰藓对高温和干旱具有一定耐受性,原因可能与其长期生存于喀斯特的石生环境有关。  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):411-427

A taxonomic revision of the moss genus Gymnostomiella Fleisch. recognizes five species and one variety, viz. G. burmensis Bartr., G. erosulum (C. Müll. ex Dus.) Arts, G. longinervis Broth., G. monodii P. Yarde, G. vernicosa (Harv.) Fleisch. var. vernicosa and G. vernicosa var. tenerum (C. Müll. ex Dus.) Arts. Gymnostomiella tenerum (C. Müll. ex Dus.) Arts is reduced to a variety of G. vernicosa and G. tanganyikae De Sloover is reduced to synonomy with G. erosulum.  相似文献   

The Neodolichomitra robusta(Broth.)Nog.is a peculiar species in East Asia.Chromosome number of mitotic metaphase of stem tip cells in gametophyte is n=5.The karyotype,K(n)=5=4m十1sm,or K(n)=5=4v+1J,is 2A type.The result is reported for the first time.  相似文献   

The Hawaiian genus Brighamia (Lobeliaceae) was published in 1868 as monotypic, and it long remained so, even though it occurs on four islandS. It is a spectacular herb with a simple, thickened, fleshy, stem 1–5 m tall, with the leaves terminal and crowded, and subtended by them are the fragrant, salver-shaped flowers 12–15 cm in length. Further explorations have revealed new localities, mostly on the cliff faces of the windward sides of the islands. The present investigation has revealed significant differential characters in the calyx lobes, the flower colour, the hairiness of the filament tube and the anther connective, and the nature of the seed testa. Hence, the following new taxa are described: B.citrina var. napaliensis, B.rockii and B.rockii forma longiloba and B.remyi.  相似文献   

The ticks Hyalomma (Euhyalomma) impeltatum Schulze &; Schlottke, 1930 and H. (E.) somalicum Tonelli Rondelli, 1935 [a species resurrected for “Hyalomma ? species” of Hoogstraal (1956) and H. erythraeum of Kaiser &; Hoogstraal (1968)] are tentatively considered to belong to the H. (E.) asiaticum group of closely related species. Amongst other features that are fairly similar, males of H. impeltatum can be distinguished from those of H. somalicum by the oval posterior margin of the conscutum, a narrow, subtriangular parma, the lack of ventral sclerotised plaques on median, paramedian and 4th festoons, and an incomplete to complete ivory-coloured stripe on the dorsal aspect of the leg segments; whereas males of H. somalicum have a broad but only slightly convex posterior conscutal margin, in most cases no parma, well-developed sclerotised ventral plaques on all festoons, and only a small ivory-coloured spot on the dorsal aspect of the leg segments. Females of H. impeltatum can be distinguished from those of H. somalicum by the bulging rather than flat preatrial fold of the genital aperture. All parasitic stages of both ticks are illustrated and redescribed, and the characteristics that distinguish the adults from those of other closely related species are detailed. Larger domestic and wild ungulates are the principal hosts of the adults of both ticks. Nymphs and larvae of H. impeltatum parasitise rodents, leporids, birds and lizards, whereas the hosts of the immature stages of H. somalicum are unknown. H. impeltatum is widely distributed in Africa north of the equator, Arabia, the Near East and south-western part of Central Asia; in contrast, H. somalicum has a more limited distribution in East Africa and possibly the Arabian Peninsular. Data on their possible disease relationships are also provided.  相似文献   

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