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Metal matrix composites are considered as a possible material to replace the materials actually used in some automotive and railway industrial components. Two different ways of taking advantage of the properties of MMCs at low cost are presented: locally reinforced aluminium components and new castable aluminium MMCs developed by the London & Scandinavian Metallurgy Co. (LSM).  相似文献   

Carbon nanotubes were synthesized by thermal arc plasma process after optimization of the synthesis parameters. These samples were then analysed by scanning and transmission electron microscopes (SEM and TEM), in order to establish the morphology of the nanostructures. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and electron diffraction studies were also carried out before using the sample for the composite material preparation. Composites of epoxy resin with curing agent as well as a mixture of graphite and carbon nanotubes were prepared with varying proportions of the mixture. The electrical resistivity of the material was studied under varying pressure and voltage conditions. Preliminary results of these studies present interesting features which are reported here.  相似文献   

Aluminum metal matrix composites (AMMCs) used in different industries from automotive to aerospace for specific purposes. Many problems hinder the full-scale industrialization of AMMCs but the main problems include wettability, particle distribution, porosity, and chemical reaction. These problems have explicit effects on mechanical, wear, and corrosion resistance properties of the composite materials. Therefore, it is essential to cope up with these problems for better quality of AMMCs. This paper focuses on issues related to AMMCs fabrication, corrosion resistance, wear resistance, machining parameter optimization, and chip analysis of AMMCs. Literature provides a guideline to researchers about present scenario of AMMC fabrication using stir casting process. Moreover, paper presents properties and applications of AMMCs.  相似文献   


Metal matrix composites have been available in certain forms for at least two decades, e.g. boron fibre reinforced aluminium and various dispersed phase alloys and cermets. Recently, a range of alumina and silicon carbide fibres, whiskers, and particles with diameters <20 μm have become available. The possibilities of incorporating these materials into metals to improve stiffness, wear resistance, and elevated temperature strength without incurring weight penalties have attracted the attention of design engineers in the aerospace and automobile industries. The aim of the present paper is to outline the manufacturing processes for such composites, in particular those based upon liquid metal technology, e.g. squeeze casting and spray forming. Some of the mechanical and physical properties which have been determined for these materials are described. An analysis of how matrix alloy selection may influence tensile and fracture behaviour of short fibre and particle reinforced composites is attempted.

MST/770  相似文献   

The post-impact performance of different carbon-fabric-reinforced composite materials were studied experimentally and analytically. Three types of thermosetting matrix were considered: conventional epoxy, high-temperature curing epoxy and epoxy-isocyanate. Experimental testing consisted of impacting rectangular specimens at different energy levels by using a spring-driven impact apparatus that was able to impart velocities of up to 5 m s−1 to masses of 0.5, 1.0, 2.5 and 5.0 kg travelling horizontally. After impact, coupons were non-destructively inspected by means of opaque-enhanced dye-penetrant X-radiography and tested in static compression to correlate impact energy, damage extent and residual strength. Epoxy composites contain damage within a narrow region, while epoxy-isocyanate materials propagate the damage far away from impact point. Epoxy composites show an asymptotically decreasing failure strength with impact energy up to a lower threshold (0.3–0.4 times that of the undamaged material), while epoxy-isocyanate material shows a trend of ever decreasing residual strength. An analytical study was performed by means of the finite element code PAM-FISS, used to simulate the compression-after-impact (CAI) tests. Type, size and location of damage, as well as the mechanisms leading to final failure, were reproduced quite well by the finite element analysis (FEA), while some discrepancies between FEA and experimental CAI residual strength tests were found (7% for undamaged specimens and 10% for blister-delaminated specimens); higher errors were found in the case of completely delaminated specimens, mainly owing to the inability of the present software and hardware to conveniently model the complete state of damage.  相似文献   

《Composites Part B》2001,32(6):529-533
Cyclic thermal stresses induced in MMC component were reproduced through an innovative test apparatus. The modification induced and the residual properties of the specimens were then investigated through mechanical tests and fractographic analysis. The behaviour showed by this material seems to be interesting in some peculiar applications in the automotive industry, in order to obtain greatly lighter components with equal or better performance than traditional one.  相似文献   

A method is given for the prediction of the overall stress-strain response of elastoplastic solids containing a doubly periodic rectangular array of cracks. The behavior of the undamaged inelastic material is represented by constitutive laws for metal matrix composites based on a micromechanics analysis. The effect of cracking is incorporated by adopting a second order expansion of the displacement vector, in conjunction with the equations of equilibrium and displacement and traction continuity conditions. Due to the nonlinearity and path dependence of deformation, the stresses need to be represented by a higher order expansion than the second. The method is implemented to predict the overall stress-strain response of a cracked isotropic inelastic material, as well as cracked unidirectional and laminated metal matrix composites.  相似文献   

One unidirectional and two laminated 6061-0 A-B composite plates were tested under various cyclic loading conditions. Three types of material response to cyclic loading were identified; No evidence of damage at relatively low cyclic loads, damage accumulation caused primarily by growth of long matrix cracks parallel to the fibers in off-axis layers at higher loads, and sudden localized failure of the fibers. Quantitative analysis of the results shows that the extent of internal damage, demonstrated by a reduction in axial elastic modulus, depends on the applied stress range and is independent of mean stress. The stress range at which damage first starts to appear coincides with the shakedown range of the laminate.
Résumé On a testé sous des conditions de contrainte cyclique variable des plaques constituées d'une part par des alliages 6061-0 A-B unidirectionnels et d'autre part du même alliage composite bilaminé. On a identifié trois types de réponse du matériau aux contraintes cycliques, à savoir la non-évidence d'un dommage pour des cycles de charge à faible amplitude relative, une accumulation du dommage causé principalement par la croissance de longues fissures matricielles parallèles aux fibres dans les couches éloignées du plan médian à des contraintes plus élevées, et une fissure soudainement localisée des fibres. L'analyse quantitative des résultats montre que 1'extension du dommage interne telle qu'elle est dóntree par une réduction du module axial d'élasticité, dépend de l'amplitude des contraintes appliquées et est indéndante de la contrainte moyenne. L'amplitude de contrainte auquelle un dommage commence à apparaître coíncide avec l'amplitude de l'adaptation plastique du laminé telle qu'établie par le théorème de Melan.

The fabrication process and thermal properties of 50–71 vol% SiCp/Al metal matrix composites (MMCs) for electronic packaging applications have been investigated. The preforms consisted with 50–71 vol% SiC particles were fabricated by the ball milling and pressing method. The SiC particles were mixed with SiO2 as an inorganic binder, and cationic starch as a organic binder in distilled water. The mixtures were consolidated in a mold by pressing and dried in two step process, followed by calcination at 1100 °C. The SiCp/Al composites were fabricated by the infiltration of Al melt into SiC preforms using squeeze casting process. The thermal conductivity ranged 120–177 W/mK and coefficient of thermal expansion ranged 6–10 × 10–6/K were obtained in 50–71 vol% SiCp/Al MMCs. The thermal conductivity of SiCp/Al composite decreased with increasing volume fraction of SiCp and with increasing the amount of inorganic binder. The coefficient of thermal expansion of SiCp/Al composite decreased with increasing volume fraction of SiCp, while thermal conductivity was insensitive to the amount of inorganic binder. The experimental values of the coefficient of thermal expansion and thermal conductivity were in good agreement with the calculated coefficient of thermal expansion based on Turner's model and the calculated thermal conductivity based on Maxwell's model.  相似文献   


Applications for metal matrix composites (MMCs) have not emerged at the rate needed to justify the development costs. A reason for this may be that material developments have not been adequately linked to identified commercial needs. It is certainly true that some of the expectations raised about the potential offered by MMCs have been misguided. As the MMC business contracts, there is an ever greater need for a systematic method of linking material properties to the needs of engineering designers. This paper presents a methodology for evaluating materials in design, with the aim of linking MMCs to applications. The methodology has two main components: first, the use of performance indices and materials selection charts for specific design goals, to compare existing MMCs with competing materials; and secondly, the conceptual design of new MMC systems guided by those design goals. A selection of case studies illustrates that in mechanical applications the gains in using MMCs are frequently marginal, whereas in design for thermal management and vibration control, the materials can show very substantial improvements in performance. The methodology is general, and could be applied to other material systems.

MST/3094  相似文献   

In this work, near-net-shape powder metallurgy hot isostatic pressing (NNS PM HIP) of Ni-base metal matrix composite (Ni-MMC) was developed to improve the hardness and wear properties of turbopumps mechanical seals. Silicon carbide (SiC) and titanium diboride (TiB2) fine powders were used as reinforcements with different ratios to improve the hardness and consequently the tribological properties of the developed Ni-MMC material. Powder characterisation was performed on the blended powders to check the homogeneity of the mixed powders. The hot isostatically pressed (HIPed) Ni-MMC microstructures were analysed using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) techniques. The HIPed material showed a fully dense microstructure with a continuous network of ceramic reinforcement particles at the prior particle boundaries (PPBs). Furthermore, microhardness tests were performed on IN625, IN625-SiC and IN625-TiB2 to understand the impact of the reinforcement on the microhardness. It was demonstrated that the volume percentage of ceramic reinforcement in the IN625 matrix plays a crucial role in achieving higher hardness by increasing the fraction of hard phases appearing in the microstructure of the developed Ni-MMC material. The final part of the work focuses on the canister design and manufacture of a near-net-shape (NNS) mechanical gas seal using IN625 based MMC to demonstrate the feasibility of manufacturing mechanical seals through the NNS PM HIP technique. Overall, IN625 based MMCs resulted in a drastic improvement in tribological properties if compared to the base material. Furthermore, the employment of the PM HIP consolidation technique resulted in a fully dense and homogeneous microstructure, highlighting the potentials of PM HIP in the generation of novel composite materials.  相似文献   

形状记忆聚合物(SMP)是一种能够保持临时形状,并在外界刺激下自发回复到其初始形状的智能材料,具有高形状固定率、高形状回复率、转变温度可调、变形能力强、质量轻等优点,但其应用受到响应方式单一和承载能力差的限制,通过向聚合物中添加功能颗粒或增强纤维制成形状记忆聚合物复合材料(SMPC),可有效解决这一问题.首先介绍了SM...  相似文献   

针对复合材料涂层的相关问题, 综述了颗粒增强金属基复合材料涂层的制备技术及其特性的研究进展。重点描述了电热爆炸超高速喷涂技术及电刷镀技术制备颗粒增强金属基复合材料涂层的发展现状、涂层组织结构和力学性能研究进展, 概述了颗粒增强金属基复合材料涂层的工程应用领域及其未来发展方向。  相似文献   

The critical need for high strength, lightweight and high stiffness materials has, in recent years, resurrected much interest in discontinuously reinforced powder metallurgy metal matrix composites. These hybrid materials have combined both standard wrought alloys of aluminium and a wide variety of discontinuous reinforcements such as particulates and whiskers of ceramic materials. Renewed interest in these materials as attractive candidates for use in the aerospace and transportation industry has resulted from an attractive and unique combination of physical and mechanical properties, and an ability to offer near isotropic properties coupled with the low cost of these materials when compared with existing monolithic materials. In this paper, the primary processing categories for discontinuously-reinforced metal-matrix composites are highlighted and the salient features of the various techniques in each category are discussed. The variables involved in each processing technique are examined, and the influence of alloy chemistry highlighted. Novel processing techniques for these materials such as the variable co-deposition method is presented as a means to process these novel engineering materials in order to improve their overall mechanical performance.  相似文献   

Explicit constitutive equations are given for the prediction of the overall behavior of unidirectional fiber-reinforced composites whose constituents are elastoplastic materials. The closed form expressions in these constitutive relations solely involve the elastic and inelastic properties of the phases as well as the fibers volume ratio. In the elastic region the average stress-strain relations are expressed in terms of the effective elastic moduli of the composite, all of which are given by closed form expressions. The derived constitutive relations can be readily implemented for the analysis of metal matrix composites and inelastic composite structures.  相似文献   

In less than 20 years advanced composites have become established as highly efficient, high performance structural materials and their use is increasing rapidly. This paper presents a brief review of the current status of composite materials technology, in terms of materials available and properties, and an outline of some of the trends, obvious and speculative, with particular emphasis on aerospace applications.  相似文献   


Aluminium alloys have traditionally been used for the manufacture of missile structural parts. As the performance of missiles improves, kinetic heating will increase and the continued use of conventional monolithic aluminium alloys for the manufacture of structural parts for short to medium range missiles will be limited by their elevated temperature performance. Steel or titanium alloys could be used but these may add weight or be more expensive. The alternative is to exploit the potential benefits of the high specific properties of aluminium based metal matrix composites (MMCs) which may be substantially retained during short term exposure to elevated temperatures. The improvements in strength and stiffness could enable weight savings to be made by reductions in wall thickness of the missile structure or alternatively, the improved stiffness of components such as wings and fins may prove beneficial for improved missile accuracy. The aim of the present paper is to highlight the results of demonstrator programmes which have been designed to assess the potential benefits of both particulate and fibre reinforced aluminium based MMCs for missile applications.  相似文献   

金属基复合材料的发展及应用   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
本文主要论述了金属基复合材料 (MMCs)的类型、制备、发展、应用及其回收再生 ,目前 ,在MMCs发展和应用中 ,SiC和Al2 O3颗粒增强铝基复合材料仍占主要地位。本文着重介绍了颗粒增强铝基复合材料的性能及其成型加工特性。  相似文献   

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