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The major outer membrane lipoprotein (Lpp) of Escherichia coli possesses serine at position 2, which is thought to function as the outer membrane sorting signal, and lysine at the C terminus, through which Lpp covalently associates with peptidoglycan. Arginine (R) is present before the C-terminal lysine in the wild-type Lpp (LppSK). By replacing serine (S) at position 2 with aspartate (D), the putative inner membrane sorting signal, and by deleting lysine (K) at the C terminus, Lpp mutants with a different residue at either position 2 (LppDK) or the C terminus (LppSR) or both (LppDR) were constructed. Expression of LppSR and LppDR little affected the growth of E. coli. In contrast, the number of viable cells immediately decreased when LppDK was expressed. Prolonged expression of LppDK inhibited separation of the inner and outer membranes by sucrose density gradient centrifugation, whereas short-term expression did not. Pulse-labeled LppDK and LppDR were localized in the inner membrane, indicating that the amino acid residue at position 2 functions as a sorting signal for the membrane localization of Lpp. LppDK accumulated in the inner membrane covalently associated with the peptidoglycan and thus prevented the separation of the two membranes. Globomycin, an inhibitor of lipoprotein-specific signal peptidase II, was lethal for E. coli only when Lpp possessed the C-terminal lysine. Taken together, these results indicate that the inner membrane accumulation of Lpp per se is not lethal for E. coli. Instead, a covalent linkage between the inner membrane Lpp having the C-terminal lysine and the peptidoglycan is lethal for E. coli, presumably due to the disruption of the cell surface integrity.  相似文献   

The outer membrane phospholipase A (OMPLA) of Escherichia coli is present in a dormant state in the cell envelope. The enzyme is activated by various processes, which have in common that they perturb the outer membrane. Kinetic experiments, chemical cross-linking, and analytical ultracentrifugation were carried out with purified, detergent-solubilized OMPLA to understand the underlying mechanism that results in activation. Under conditions in which the enzyme displayed full activity, OMPLA was dimeric. High detergent concentrations or very dilute protein concentrations resulted in low specific activity of the enzyme, and under those conditions the enzyme was monomeric. The cofactor Ca2+ was required for dimerization. Covalent modification of the active site serine with hexadecylsulfonylfluoride resulted in stabilization of the dimeric form and a loss of the absolute calcium requirement for dimerization. The results of these experiments provide evidence for dimerization as the molecular mechanism by which the enzymatic activity of OMPLA is regulated. This dimerization probably plays a role in vivo as well. Data from chemical cross-linking on whole cells indicate that OMPLA is present in the outer membrane as a monomer and that activation of the enzyme induces dimerization concurrent with the appearance of enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

The toxicity on three human tumor cell lines (A431, HeLa and MCF7) of five phenanthroperylenequinones (hypericin and derivatives) and two perylenequinones (cercosporin and calphostin C) was investigated after photosensitization (4 J/cm2). Furthermore, the antiproliferative effect on HeLa cells was studied for the phenanthroperylenequinones. Hypericin, 2,5-dibromohypericin, 2,5,9,12-tetrabromohypericin and perylenequinones displayed a potent cytotoxic and antiproliferative effect in the nanomolar range. Hypericin dicarboxylic acid exhibited no photoactivity. In general, the antiproliferative activity correlated well with the photocytotoxicity. However, the nonphotocytotoxic compound hexamethylhypericin showed potent antiproliferative activity in the nanomolar range, probably exerting its action by protein kinase C inhibition. Without light irradiation, no cytotoxic and antiproliferative effect was observed for any photocytotoxic phenanthroperylenequinone compound. Furthermore, confocal laser microscopy revealed that the subcellular localization in A431 cells was similar for the photoactive compounds; the photosensitizers were mainly concentrated in the perinuclear region, probably corresponding with the Golgi apparatus and the endoplasmic reticulum. In addition, the accumulation of the photosensitizers in HeLa cells was investigated. All compounds except hypericin dicarboxylic acid were found to concentrate to a large extent in the cells. The compound 2,5,9,12-tetrabromohypericin seemed intrinsically more effective than hypericin since the intracellular concentration of the bromoderivative was a magnitude of order lower than that of hypericin although both compounds showed similar photobiological activity.  相似文献   

Many proteins require enzymatic assistance in order to achieve a functional conformation. One rate-limiting step in protein folding is the cis-trans isomerization of prolyl residues, a reaction catalyzed by prolyl isomerases. SurA, a periplasmic protein of Escherichia coli, has sequence similarity with the prolyl isomerase parvulin. We tested whether SurA was involved in folding periplasmic and outer membrane proteins by using trypsin sensitivity as an assay for protein conformation. We determined that the efficient folding of three outer membrane proteins (OmpA, OmpF, and LamB) requires SurA in vivo, while the folding of four periplasmic proteins was independent of SurA. We conclude that SurA assists in the folding of certain secreted proteins.  相似文献   

In the outer membrane phospholipase A (OMPLA) of Escherichia coli, Ser144 has previously been identified by chemical modification as the active site serine residue. In a specific OMPLA-negative mutant strain, the pldA gene coding for OMPLA was shown to differ from the wild-type gene by a single point mutation, resulting in the substitution of Ser152 by phenylalanine. The role in catalysis of these two serine residues in OMPLA was investigated by site-directed mutagenesis. Ser144 and Ser152 were replaced one at the time by either alanine, valine, phenylalanine, threonine, or cysteine. Ser152 was furthermore replaced by asparagine. Replacement of Ser144 by cysteine resulted in 1% residual activity, whereas the other substitutions at this position yielded virtually inactive enzymes. Substitution of Ser 152 by threonine or asparagine resulted in 40% and 2% residual activity respectively, whereas all other substitutions at this position resulted in the loss of enzymatic activity. We propose that Ser144 is the nucleophile in catalysis, and that Ser152 is involved in hydrogen bonding either to the catalytic triad or in the oxyanion hole.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin Ip (STIp) is an extracellular toxin consisting of 18 amino acid residues that is synthesized as a precursor of pre (amino acid residues 1 to 19), pro (amino acid residues 20 to 54), and mature (amino acid residues 55 to 72) regions. The precursor synthesized in the cytoplasm is translocated across the inner membrane by the general export pathway consisting of Sec proteins. The pre region functions as a leader peptide and is cleaved during translocation. However, it remains unknown how the resulting peptide (pro-mature peptide) translocates across the outer membrane. In this study, we investigated the structure of the STIp that passes through the outer membrane to determine how it translocates through the outer membrane. The results showed that the pro region is cleaved in the periplasmic space. The generated peptide becomes the mature form of STIp, which happens to have disulfide bonds, which then passes through the outer membrane. We also showed that STIp with a carboxy-terminal peptide consisting of 3 amino acid residues passes through the outer membrane, whereas STIp with a peptide composed of 37 residues does not. Amino acid analysis of mutant STIp purified from culture supernatant revealed that the peptide composed of 37 amino acid residues was cleaved into fragments of 5 amino acid residues. In addition, analyses of STIps with a mutation at the cysteine residue and the dsbA mutant strain revealed that the formation of an intramolecular disulfide bond within STIp is not absolutely required for the mature region of STIp to pass through the outer membrane.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli cells lacking the histone-like protein HU form filaments and have an abnormal number of anucleate cells. Furthermore, their phenotype resembles that of rfa mutants, the well-characterized deep-rough phenotype, as they show an enhanced permeability that renders them hypersensitive to chloramphenicol, novobiocin, and detergents. We show that, unlike rfa mutants, hupAB mutants do not have a truncated lipopolysaccharide but do have an abnormal abundance of OmpF porin in their outer membrane. While the complete absence of HU does not abolish the osmoregulation of OmpF protein synthesis, the steady-state level of micF RNA, the negative regulator of OmpF, decreases in bacteria lacking HU, increasing the basal level of this membrane protein. These findings demonstrate a novel link between a bacterial chromosomal protein and the outer membrane composition.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations were used to study the structure and dynamics of the Escherichia coli OmpF porin, which is composed of three identical 16-stranded beta-barrels. Simulations of the full trimer in the absence of water and the membrane led to significant contraction of the channel in the interior of each beta-barrel. With very weak harmonic constraints (0.005 kcal/mol A2/atom) applied to the main-chain C alpha atoms of the beta-barrel, the structure was stabilized without alteration of the average fluctuations. The resulting distribution of the fluctuations (small for beta-strands, large for loops and turns) is in good agreement with the x-ray B factors. Dynamic cross-correlation functions showed the importance of coupling between the loop motions and barrel flexibility. This was confirmed by the application of constraints corresponding to the observed temperature factors to the barrel C alpha atoms. With these constraints, the beta-barrel fluctuations were much smaller than the experimental values because of the intrinsic restrictions on the atomic motions, and the loop motions were reduced significantly. This result indicates that considerable care is required in introducing constraints to keep proteins close to the experimental structure during simulations, as has been done in several recent studies. Loop 3, which is thought to be important in gating the pore, undergoes a displacement that shifts it away from the x-ray structure. Analysis shows that this arises from the breakdown of a hydrogen bond network, which appears to result more from the absence of solvent that from the use of standard ionization states for the side chains of certain beta-barrel residues.  相似文献   

We have identified a new folding catalyst, PpiD, in the periplasm of Escherichia coli. The gene encoding PpiD was isolated as a multicopy suppressor of surA, a mutation which severely impairs the folding of outer membrane proteins (OMPs). The ppiD gene was also identified based on its ability to be transcribed by the two-component system CpxR-CpxA. PpiD was purified to homogeneity and shown to have peptidyl-prolyl isomerase (PPIase) activity in vitro. The protein is anchored to the inner membrane via a single transmembrane segment, and its catalytic domain faces the periplasm. In addition, we have identified by site-directed mutagenesis some of the residues essential for its PPIase activity. A null mutation in ppiD leads to an overall reduction in the level and folding of OMPs and to the induction of the periplasmic stress response. The combination of ppiD and surA null mutations is lethal. This is the first time two periplasmic folding catalysts have been shown to be essential. Another unique aspect of PpiD is that its gene is regulated by both the Cpx two-component system and the sigma32 heat shock factor, known to regulate the expression of cytoplasmic chaperones.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase in the endometrium during the menstrual cycle in endometriosis and adenomyosis. DESIGN: Immunohistochemical identification of endothelial nitric oxide in endometrial tissues using the monoclonal antibody. SETTING: Department of obstetrics and gynecology in a university hospital. PATIENT(S): The subjects were divided into three groups: 35 patients with endometriosis, 33 patients with adenomyosis proven histologically, and 46 fertile controls. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Semiquantitative immunostaining (evaluation nomogram) score in endometrial cells. RESULT(S): The analyses revealed phase-dependent changes in the expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase in the surface and glandular epithelia during the menstrual cycle in the fertile controls. The expression was weakest in the early proliferative phase, gradually increased, was most marked in the midsecretory phase, and decreased thereafter. In contrast, stromal cells did not change throughout the cycle. Contrary to expectations, the expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase in endometriosis and adenomyosis was persistently greater than the control levels throughout the menstrual cycle. CONCLUSION(S): This study has shown that endothelial nitric oxide synthase is changed in a phase-dependent manner during the menstrual cycle. The exaggerated expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase in the endometrium throughout the cycle suggests some pathologic role in endometriosis and adenomyosis.  相似文献   

The Skp protein of Escherichia coli has been proposed to be a periplasmic molecular chaperone involved in the biogenesis of outer membrane proteins. In this study, evidence is obtained that Skp exists in two different states characterized by their different sensitivity to proteases. The conversion between these states can be modulated in vitro by phospholipids, lipopolysaccharides and bivalent cations. Skp is able to associate with and insert into phospholipid membranes in vitro, indicating that it may associate with phospholipids in the inner and/or outer membrane in vivo. In addition, it interacts specifically with outer membrane proteins that are in their non-native state. We propose that Skp is required in vivo for the efficient targeting of unfolded outer membrane proteins to the membrane.  相似文献   

While the overall energy landscape of a foldable protein can be described by means of a few parameters characterizing its statistical topography, specific energetic terms subtly bias the representative structures giving rise to residue pair correlations as in a liquid. We use a free energy functional incorporating an inhomogeneous pair contact energy along with a contact formation entropy and a cooperativity contribution to determine residue-specific contact probabilities in the denatured state and the transition state ensemble. The predicted "hot residues" for the theoretical transition state ensemble reasonably agree with experiment for chymotrypsin inhibitor 2, and generally a strong correlation exists with the measured kinetic effects of mutating residues not involved in highly solvent-exposed regions.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC), like many bacterial pathogens, employ a type III secretion system to deliver effector proteins across the bacterial cell. In EPEC, four proteins are known to be exported by a type III secretion system_EspA, EspB and EspD required for subversion of host cell signal transduction pathways and a translocated intimin receptor (Tir) protein (formerly Hp90) which is tyrosine-phosphorylated following transfer to the host cell to become a receptor for intimin-mediated intimate attachment and 'attaching and effacing' (A/E) lesion formation. The structural basis for protein translocation has yet to be fully elucidated for any type III secretion system. Here, we describe a novel EspA-containing filamentous organelle that is present on the bacterial surface during the early stage of A/E lesion formation, forms a physical bridge between the bacterium and the infected eukaryotic cell surface and is required for the translocation of EspB into infected epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Inactivation of phage T5 by lysed cells after phage multiplication is prevented by a phage-encoded lipoprotein (Llp) that inactivates the FhuA outer membrane receptor protein (K. Decker, V. Krauel, A. Meesmann, and K. Heller, Mol. Microbiol. 12:321-332, 1994). Using FhuA derivatives carrying insertions of 4 and 16 amino acid residues and point mutations, we determined whether FhuA inactivation is caused by binding of Llp to FhuA and which regions of FhuA are important for inactivation by Llp. Cells expressing Llp were resistant not only to phage T5 but to all FhuA ligands tested, such as phage phi 80, colicin M, and albomycin, and they were strongly reduced in the uptake of ferrichrome. Most of the FhuA derivatives which were not affected by Llp were, according to a previously published FhuA transmembrane topology model, located in periplasmic turns and in the TonB box close to the periplasm. Since the ligands bind to the cell surface, interaction of FhuA with Llp in the periplasm may induce a FhuA conformation which impairs binding of the ligands. This conclusion was supported by the increase rather than decrease of colicin M sensitivity of two mutants in the presence of Llp. The only Llp-resistant FhuA derivatives with mutations at the cell surface contained insertions of 16 residues in the loop that determines the permeability of the FhuA channel and serves as the principal binding site for all FhuA ligands. This region may be inactivated by steric hindrance in that a portion of Llp penetrates into the channel. Outer membranes prepared with 0.25% Triton X-100 from cells expressing Llp contained inactivated FhuA, suggesting Llp to be an outer membrane protein whose interaction with FhuA was not abolished by Triton X-100. Llp solubilized in 1.1% octylglucoside prevented T5 inactivation by FhuA dissolved in octylglucoside.  相似文献   

When purified without the use of ionic detergents, both OmpA and OprF proteins contained nearly 20% alpha-helical structures, which disappeared completely upon the addition of sodium dodecyl sulfate. This result suggests that the proteins fold in a similar manner, with an N-terminal, membrane-spanning beta-barrel domain and a C-terminal, globular, periplasmic domain.  相似文献   

The Tol-Pal proteins of Escherichia coli are involved in maintaining outer membrane integrity. Transmembrane domains of TolQ, TolR and TolA interact in the cytoplasmic membrane, while TolB and Pal form a complex near the outer membrane. TolB and the central domain of TolA interact in vitro with the outer membrane porins. In this study, both genetic and biochemical analyses were carried out to analyse the links between TolB, Pal and other components of the cell envelope. It was shown that TolB could be cross-linked in vivo with Pal, OmpA and Lpp, while Pal was associated with TolB and OmpA. The isolation of pal and tolB mutants disrupting some interactions between these proteins represents at first approach to characterizing the residues contributing to the interactions. We propose that TolB and Pal are part of a multiprotein complex that links the peptidoglycan to the outer membrane. The Tol-Pal proteins might form transenvelope complexes that bring the two membranes into close proximity and help some outer membrane components to reach their final destination.  相似文献   

We assessed the effect of particular apolipoprotein (apo) E phenotypes, lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)], and other lipoproteins on the development of dyslipoproteinemia in 450 patients with type I diabetes, ages 13-14 years. The control group consisted of 450 healthy school children of both sexes, ages 13-14 years. Both groups were found to be normolipidemic, but the concentration of Lp(a) was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the diabetic children than in the control group. Apo E 3/2 and apo E 4/4 phenotypes were more frequent in the group of diabetics. Diabetics with the apo E 3/3 phenotype had higher concentrations of very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) and Lp(a), and lower concentrations of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) than the apo E 3/3 nondiabetics. For apo E 3/2 phenotypes, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, LDL, apo A-I, and Lp(a) concentrations were higher in the diabetic children than in the control group; for apo E 4/3 phenotypes, this was true for triglycerides and VLDL cholesterol. The distribution of Lp(a) lipoprotein concentrations between 0.01 and > 0.5 g/L indicated a more frequent occurrence of higher Lp(a) values in diabetic children than in the control group. Results of this study indicate that an increased concentration of Lp(a) lipoprotein and apo E 3/2 and apo E 4/3 phenotypes contribute to the expression of dyslipoproteinemia in type I diabetes in childhood.  相似文献   

The porins PhoE and OmpF form anion and cation-selective pores, respectively, in the outer membrane of Escherichia coli. Each monomer of these trimeric proteins consists of a 16-stranded beta-barrel, which contains a constriction at half the height of the channel. The functional significance of a transverse electrical field that is formed by charged amino acid residues within the constriction zone was investigated. For this purpose, the PhoE residues R37, R75, K18 and E110 were substituted by neutral amino acids. The mutant pores allowed an increased permeation of beta-lactam antibiotics across the outer membrane in vivo, although the single channel conductance, measured in planar lipid bilayers, was not increased or even slightly decreased. Replacement of the positively charged residues resulted in a decreased voltage sensitivity, whereas the substitution of a negatively charged residue resulted in an increased voltage sensitivity. Similar substitutions in OmpF caused the opposite effects, i.e. the substitution of positive and negative charges resulted in increased and decreased voltage sensitivity, respectively. Together, the results suggest that opposite charges, i.e. positive charges in anion-selective and negative charges in cation-selective porins, act as sensors for voltage gating.  相似文献   

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